Northern Khanty

Lexical glosses for Northern Khanty (English)

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Fox (11)
niŋ-ə-l wŭ-s-li pa śikəńśa kat lɔw wɔχ-s-ə-ŋən, wɔχ-ə-s ɔχsar iki. “kŭr-na mŭŋ χŏl măn-l-uw? pa năŋ ătti lɔw mij-a, kat lɔw. ittam pa χɔr mŭs ik-en im-el pil-na i lɔw-na ul-l-ə-ŋən pa ma lŭw χŏśa ăn lel-l-ə-m, jănəs lɔw-na ul-ti pit-l-ə-m.” nu, kat lɔwna măn-l-ə-t. tu-l-a mŏsa tăχaj-na, ɔχsar iki uś-l-ə-lli tăm ătti ɔχ-ti wɔj. ɔχ-ti wɔj iki u-l i mŭw χɔr iki u-l. wɔs tăj-l-ə-ŋən śi wɔs-na măn-l-ə-ŋən, śi ɔχ-ti wɔj mŭw χɔr iki χŏśa. mɔjl-ə-ti-ji śi măn-l-ə-t, uś-l-ə-lli śiti wer-ə-m χɔt u-l, lin wer-ə-m χɔt χɔr mŭs pil-na χălśa tăj-l-ə-ŋən, χăr tăχaj-na ul-l-ə-ŋən. śi wɔs-na jŏχət-l-ə-ŋən, iki χɔt mŏśat-l-ə-ŋən. wan măn-s-ə-ŋən, χŭw măn-s-ə-ŋən, kălaŋ taś uś-l-ə-t.
woman-0-3SG take-PST-SG.3SG and DP two horse beg-PST-0-3DU beg-0-PST fox old:man leg-LOC 1PL where go-NONPST-1PL and 2SG DP horse give-IMP two horse DP and male cow old:man-2SG woman-3SG companion-LOC one horse-LOC be-NONPST-0-3DU and 1SG 3 to NEG sit-NONPST-0-1SG other horse-LOC be-NMLZ.IMPF start-NONPST-0-1SG INTJ two horse-LOC go-NONPST-0-PL bring-NONPST-PAS what place-LOC fox old:man find-NONPST-0-SG.3SG this DP croak-NMLZ.IMPF animal croak-NMLZ.IMPF animal old:man be-NONPST and land male old:man be-NONPST town have-NONPST-0-3DU DP town-LOC go-NONPST-0-3DU DP croak-NMLZ.IMPF animal land male old:man to feast-0-NMLZ.IMPF-TRANS FOC go-NONPST-0-3PL find-NONPST-0-SG.3SG so make-0-NMLZ.PF house be-NONPST 3DU make-0-NMLZ.PF house male cow companion-LOC from:where have-PST-0-3DU floor place-LOC be-NONPST-0-3DU DP town-LOC arrive-NONPST-0-3DU old:man house get-NONPST-0-3DU short go-PST-0-3DU long go-PST-0-3DU reindeer herd find-NONPST-0-3PL
женщина-0-3ЕД взять-ПРОШ-ЕД.3ЕД and DP два horse beg-ПРОШ-0-3ДВ beg-0-ПРОШ лиса старик нога-ЛОК 1МН где идти-NONPST-1МН and 2ЕД DP horse дать-ИМП два horse DP and male корова старик-2ЕД женщина-3ЕД товарищ-ЛОК один horse-ЛОК быть-NONPST-0-3ДВ and 1ЕД 3 к НЕГ сидеть-NONPST-0-1ЕД другой horse-ЛОК быть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-NONPST-0-1ЕД МЕЖД два horse-ЛОК идти-NONPST-0-МН принести-NONPST-ПАС что место-ЛОК лиса старик найти-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД этот DP croak-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ животное croak-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ животное старик быть-NONPST and земля male старик быть-NONPST город have-NONPST-0-3ДВ DP город-ЛОК идти-NONPST-0-3ДВ DP croak-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ животное земля male старик к feast-0-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-TRANS ФОК идти-NONPST-0-3МН найти-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД так делать-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ дом быть-NONPST 3ДВ делать-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ дом male корова товарищ-ЛОК from:where have-ПРОШ-0-3ДВ floor место-ЛОК быть-NONPST-0-3ДВ DP город-ЛОК прибыть-NONPST-0-3ДВ старик дом получить-NONPST-0-3ДВ short идти-ПРОШ-0-3ДВ длинный идти-ПРОШ-0-3ДВ олень herd найти-NONPST-0-3МН
They took the woman and old man fox asked for two horses. “Where should we go on foot? Give horses, two horses. On one horse will be old man bull with his wife, but I will not sit with them, I will be on the other horse.” So, they set off on two horses. The fox knew that there in the city a snake and old man mammoth were living. They had a city. They set off for this city, to the snake and old man mammoth. They went to visit, they knew that a house was made, how should he with old man bull get this house, they were living in a poor place. So they went off to the city and looked for the old man’s house. They went for a long or a short time and found a herd of wild reindeer.
Squirrel (8)
atul. śi măn-l-ə-ŋən, măn-l-ə-ŋən, śikəńśa ătti măn-l-ə-ŋən, tigər pil-na măn-l-ə-ŋən. jăχa măn-l-ə-ŋən, măn-l-ə-ŋən mŭw χŭwat. mŭw-ə-n śi χŏl-ə-l, nemŏsa ătti laŋki sij-ə-l ănta: “tɔmətta śi, itta wɔlək pela ătti pŏtər-l tigər, pa mŏla wŭr-na năŋ măn-em ńălmi-s-en. tɔmətta śi law-s-en tăta laŋki ar u-s. ar ńawrem tăj-t-al pa min li-ti lit-l-aj-mən. mŏlaj-emən li-l-mən. mŏla śirna min itta li-ti wer-emən ul. jăχa kŭtərm-ə-ti wer-ri ji-l. pridetsa kŭtərm-ə-ti. mŭnti năŋ ńălmi-s-en ved'.” ittam wɔj-ŋən jăχa śăk-l-ə-ŋən. wan χŭw śăk-l-ə-ŋən, śăk-l-ə-ŋən. itta laŋki imi śi ewəlt χɔt-l tăta numən ul. i ńawremət śita ul-l-ə-t. śi kem-na ɔm-el pela ńuχm-ə-nt-ə-l-ə-t ănti: “wɔlək-ŋən tɔ i tigər-ŋən ătti kŭtərm-ə-l-ŋən.” śi kem-na ɔm-el law-i-li-j-i: “aś-el tɔmətta śiti law-ə-s ătti ănti: wɔlək-ŋən tigər-ŋən mŭw χŭwat neŋχuj li-ti kŭssi ul-l-ə-ŋən. mŭŋ-ew li-ti-t lŭw. năŋ kim al et-m-a-ti, jŏχi lăŋ-em-a-ti.” aŋk-el śi măn-l.
ever DP go-NONPST-0-3DU go-NONPST-0-3DU DP DP go-NONPST-0-3DU [tiger] companion-LOC go-NONPST-0-3DU together go-NONPST-0-3DU go-NONPST-0-3DU land along land-0-2SG FOC be:exhausted-0-NONPST nothing DP squirrel noise-0-3SG not:be yesterday FOC that [wolf] towards DP speak-NONPST [tiger] and what way-LOC 2SG 1SG-ACC/DAT deceive-PST-SG.2SG yesterday FOC say-PST-SG.2SG here squirrel many be-PST many child have-NMLZ.IMPF-3SG and 1DU eat-NMLZ.IMPF what-NONPST-PAS-1DU what-1DU eat-NONPST-1DU what like 1DU DP eat-NMLZ.IMPF matter-1DU be together fight-0-NMLZ.IMPF matter-TRANS come-NONPST [must] fight-0-NMLZ.IMPF soon 2SG deceive-PST-SG.2SG [because] that animal-DU together throw:oneself-NONPST-0-3DU short long throw:oneself-NONPST-0-3DU throw:oneself-NONPST-0-3DU that squirrel woman FOC from house-3SG here above be [and] child-0-PL there be-NONPST-0-3PL DP after-LOC mum-3SG towards speak-0-FREQ-0-NONPST-0-3PL DP [wolf]-DU [that] [and] [tiger]-DU DP fight-0-NONPST-3DU DP after-LOC mum-3SG say-0-IMPF-FREQ-NONPST father-3SG yesterday so say-0-PST DP DP [wolf]-DU [tiger]-DU land along person eat-NMLZ.IMPF for be-NONPST-0-3DU 1PL-ACC/DAT eat-NMLZ.IMPF-N 3 2SG out NEG come:forth-INCH-IMP-PL homewards enter-INCH-IMP-PL mother-3SG FOC go-NONPST
ever DP идти-NONPST-0-3ДВ идти-NONPST-0-3ДВ DP DP идти-NONPST-0-3ДВ [tiger] товарищ-ЛОК идти-NONPST-0-3ДВ together идти-NONPST-0-3ДВ идти-NONPST-0-3ДВ земля вдоль земля-0-2ЕД ФОК be:exhausted-0-NONPST ничего DP squirrel noise-0-3ЕД not:be yesterday ФОК тот [волк] в:направлении DP говорить-NONPST [tiger] and что way-ЛОК 2ЕД 1ЕД-АКК/ДАТ deceive-ПРОШ-ЕД.2ЕД yesterday ФОК сказать-ПРОШ-ЕД.2ЕД здесь squirrel много быть-ПРОШ много ребенок have-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3ЕД and 1ДВ есть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ что-NONPST-ПАС-1ДВ что-1ДВ есть-NONPST-1ДВ что любить 1ДВ DP есть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ matter-1ДВ быть together fight-0-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ matter-TRANS прийти-NONPST [must] fight-0-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ soon 2ЕД deceive-ПРОШ-ЕД.2ЕД [потому:что] тот животное-ДВ together throw:oneself-NONPST-0-3ДВ short длинный throw:oneself-NONPST-0-3ДВ throw:oneself-NONPST-0-3ДВ тот squirrel женщина ФОК от дом-3ЕД здесь над быть [and] ребенок-0-МН там быть-NONPST-0-3МН DP после-ЛОК mum-3ЕД в:направлении говорить-0-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST-0-3МН DP [волк]-ДВ [тот] [and] [tiger]-ДВ DP fight-0-NONPST-3ДВ DP после-ЛОК mum-3ЕД сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-NONPST отец-3ЕД yesterday так сказать-0-ПРОШ DP DP [волк]-ДВ [tiger]-ДВ земля вдоль человек есть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ for быть-NONPST-0-3ДВ 1МН-АКК/ДАТ есть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-N 3 2ЕД из НЕГ come:forth-ИНХ-ИМП-МН homewards войти-ИНХ-ИМП-МН мать-3ЕД ФОК идти-NONPST
Well, fine. They went and went and went, together with the tiger. They moved and moved across the ground. The ground was already coming to an end and there was no squirrel. “Yesterday,” said the tiger to the wolf, “you deceived me. Yesterday you said there were a lot of squirrels here. She has a lot of children and we want to eat. What are we, poor things, going to eat? What shall we do not, we have to eat. We’ll have to fight. We’ll have to fight. You have deceived me.” The animals threw themselves at one another. For a long time, for a short time they threw themselves at one another. But the squirrel’s home was there on top. The children were there, too. Then they said to their mother: “The wolf and the tiger are fighting.” Then the mother said: “Father said yesterday that the wolf and the tiger live on the ground to eat people. They eat us. Don’t go outside, sit at home.” And the mother left.
The wonderful son (4)
nu, tɔŋχa wan ul-l-ə-ŋən, χŭw ul-l-ə-ŋən. ńawrem-l wŭl-li ji-l, ńŏχəm-ti-t lŏwat ji-l. ńŏχəm-ti-t lŏwat ji-l pa śikəńśa ătti ɔm-el law-i-li-j-ə-l ănti: “ńawrem-emən, law-ə-l, śiti śi ur-na wŭrat-l ătti. wek kŭssi jelən ănt ul. ńawrem χŏti, law-ə-l, wɔs lipi-na măn-l pa ńawrem jɔχ-l-al pil-na at jănt-l.” śi kem-na aś-el law-i-l-ij-ə-l ănti: “al śiti ul-ti pit-l, law-ə-l, ul-m-emən ewəlt, law-ə-l, ma ănt uś-i-li-j-ə-m-ə-t-em, ma ăn want-i-li-j-ə-m-ə-t-em, mŏsa pa ńawrem-em-na want-l-a tɔŋχa.” śikəńśa itta imi śiti numəs-l: “ik-em mŏsa wek jina jăməs pŏtər-l. mŏsa pa jeləs ul-ti χătl śiti pit-l-ə-mən.” nu śikəńśa, itta ńawrem-iji mɔś χuj ar χuj ij eŋm-ə-l. ij eŋm-ə-l śikəńśa, śiti śi ur-na jăŋχ-ə-l. pa χătl-na măn-l pa i jŭχ kŭt ɔlŋ-ə-ś măn-l. pa χătl-na măn-l pa i jŭχ kŭt ɔlŋ-ə-ś măn-l. śiti χŭw-wi măn-ə-li-ti pit-ə-s. śikəńśa wɔj kalm-ə-t uś-ə-s. ur kălaŋ-ə-t jăχ-m-el.
INTJ DP short live-NONPST-0-3DU long live-NONPST-0-3DU child-3SG big-TRANS come-NONPST run-NMLZ.IMPF-N size come-NONPST run-NMLZ.IMPF-N size come-NONPST and DP DP mother-3SG say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST DP child-1DU say-0-3SG so DP forest-LOC struggle-NONPST DP forever for at:home NEG be child who say-0-NONPST town inside-LOC go-NONPST and child man-PL-3SG companion-LOC OPT play-NONPST DP after-LOC father-3SG say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST DP very:much so be-NMLZ.IMPF start-3SG be-NMLZ.PF-1DU from say-0-3SG 1SG NEG find-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NMLZ.PF-0-N-1SG 1SG NEG see-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NMLZ.PF-0-N-1SG what and child-1SG-LOC see-NONPST-PAS DP DP that woman think-NONPST old:man what forever indeed well speak-NONPST what and ahead be-NMLZ.IMPF day so fall-NONPST-0-1DU INTJ DP that child-DIM story man song man one grow-0-NONPST one grow-0-NONPST DP so FOC forest-LOC walk-0-NONPST and day-LOC go-NONPST and one tree through first-0-ADV go-NONPST and day-LOC go-NONPST and one tree through first-0-ADV go-NONPST so long-TRANS go-0-IMPF-NMLZ.IMPF start-0-PST DP animal footstep-0-PL find-0-PST wood reindeer-0-PL walk-NMLZ.PF-3PL
МЕЖД DP short жить-NONPST-0-3ДВ длинный жить-NONPST-0-3ДВ ребенок-3ЕД большой-TRANS прийти-NONPST бежать-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-N size прийти-NONPST бежать-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-N size прийти-NONPST and DP DP мать-3ЕД сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST DP ребенок-1ДВ сказать-0-3ЕД так DP лес-ЛОК struggle-NONPST DP forever for at:home НЕГ быть ребенок кто сказать-0-NONPST город inside-ЛОК идти-NONPST and ребенок мужчина-МН-3ЕД товарищ-ЛОК OPT play-NONPST DP после-ЛОК отец-3ЕД сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST DP very:much так быть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-3ЕД быть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ДВ от сказать-0-3ЕД 1ЕД НЕГ найти-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-0-N-1ЕД 1ЕД НЕГ видеть-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-0-N-1ЕД что and ребенок-1ЕД-ЛОК видеть-NONPST-ПАС DP DP тот женщина think-NONPST старик что forever indeed хорошо говорить-NONPST что and вперед быть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ день так fall-NONPST-0-1ДВ МЕЖД DP тот ребенок-ДИМ story мужчина песня мужчина один расти-0-NONPST один расти-0-NONPST DP так ФОК лес-ЛОК идти-0-NONPST and день-ЛОК идти-NONPST and один дерево через первый-0-ADV идти-NONPST and день-ЛОК идти-NONPST and один дерево через первый-0-ADV идти-NONPST так длинный-TRANS идти-0-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-0-ПРОШ DP животное footstep-0-МН найти-0-ПРОШ wood олень-0-МН идти-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3МН
They lived for a long time or a short time. Their child got big, started to run. He started to run, his mother said: “Our child always wants to go to the forest. He’s never at home. The child should go to town and play with little boys.” Then the father said: “Let him be. I didn’t know my own life. I didn’t see anything, maybe our child will see something” The wife thought: “My husband always tells the truth. We’ll keep on living the same way.” The little child grew like in a tale, like in a song. He grew and kept on going to the forest. He went the next day, went forward through the trees, the next day he went and again went forward through the trees. He started to go far. He found the tracks of wild animals. There were wild reindeer.
Maxim (11)
jaj-ə-l jŏχi măn-l pa śikəńśa śi jesa numəs-l, numəs-l: “pa jina lŭw wɔt śi mŏśat-m-al pa ma wan-l-em sa, law-ə-l, mɔsaŋ, ma pa mŏśat-l-ə-m. pa lɔw-l-am wel-s-em pa im-em păr-ə-s. i lɔw pil-na χŏl măn-l-ə-m?” śălta sumət-li-j-ə-s pa ŏmlep-na nik măn-ə-s. śălta ńŏχəm-man ŏmlep-na ɔlŋ-ə-l ŏχ-na il lăŋ-em-ə-s pa il mărt-ə-s. itta tɔŋχa χŏl-na śiti itta śi śŭń-ə-l χul-ə-l-na itta tɔŋχa jiŋk ilpi-na χŏl-na jăŋχ-ə-l, nŏχ etl-i-m-al ăntam. ŏmlep ewəlt nŏχ χălśa et-l?
elder:brother-0-3SG homewards go-NONPST and DP DP a:little think-NONPST think-NONPST and DP 3 [EMPH] FOC get-NMLZ.PF-3SG and 1SG see-NONPST-SG.1SG DP say-0-NONPST perhaps 1SG and get-NONPST-0-1SG and horse-PL-1SG kill-PST-SG.1SG and woman-1SG die-0-PST one horse companion-LOC where go-NONPST-0-1SG from:there dress-IMPF-FREQ-0-PST and ice:hole-LOC rivewards go-0-PST from:there run-CVB ice:hole-LOC end-0-3SG head-LOC down enter-INCH-0-PST and down dive-0-PST DP DP where-LOC so DP DP wealth-0-3SG prosperity-0-3SG-LOC DP DP water underneath-LOC where-LOC walk-0-NONPST up come:forth-FREQ-NMLZ.PF-3SG not:be ice:whole from up from:where come:forth-NONPST
старший:брат-0-3ЕД homewards идти-NONPST and DP DP a:little think-NONPST think-NONPST and DP 3 [ЭМФ] ФОК получить-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД and 1ЕД видеть-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕД DP сказать-0-NONPST perhaps 1ЕД and получить-NONPST-0-1ЕД and horse-МН-1ЕД убить-ПРОШ-ЕД.1ЕД and женщина-1ЕД умереть-0-ПРОШ один horse товарищ-ЛОК где идти-NONPST-0-1ЕД from:there платье-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШ and ice:hole-ЛОК rivewards идти-0-ПРОШ from:there бежать-КОНВ ice:hole-ЛОК конец-0-3ЕД голова-ЛОК down войти-ИНХ-0-ПРОШ and down dive-0-ПРОШ DP DP где-ЛОК так DP DP wealth-0-3ЕД prosperity-0-3ЕД-ЛОК DP DP вода underneath-ЛОК где-ЛОК идти-0-NONPST вверх come:forth-ФРЕКВ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД not:be ice:whole от вверх from:where come:forth-NONPST
The brother went home and thought: “He got them like that. I’ll take a look, maybe I’ll get some, too. I slaughtered the horses, my wife is dead. What can I do with one horse?” Then he got dressed and went down to the ice-hole, took a run up, jumped headfirst down into the ice-hole, dived in. Maybe he is still walking around happily under the water, he has not appeared above. How can anyone crawl up out of an ice-hole?
Sawas and the three Por women (3)
sawəs χuj u-s. pun wer-ə-s. pun wer-ti jăŋχ-ə-l śikəńśa, pun-l jetś-ə-l. a χuləm pŏr-niŋ u-s-ə-t. χŭləm pŏr-niŋ ătti sawəs χuj wan-m-al tăj-l-ə-lli, χŭnti χŭl wel-ə-l. itta sawəs χuj măn-l, pun aləŋ săχat want-l. pun-l wan-ti măn-l pa śikəńśa ătti kat pańńiŋ wel-ə-l. kat pańńiŋ wel-ə-l pa śikəńśa jŏχi tu-l-li, ewət-l-ə-lli, pŭt-na kawər-l-ə-lli. pŭt-na kawər-l-ə-lli śikəńśa itta, sawəs iki śikəńśa kim măn-ti pŏraj-ə-l jŏχət-l. nu, śi itta pŭt śikəńśa jets-ə-l. pŭt jets-ə-l itta, sawəs jɔχ ăsa jŏχət-l-ə-t. χuj itta śikəńśa ătti kim et-l pa śikəńśa ătti zakŏldujet-l-a, itta sawəs χuj śikəńśa mŭw-na il tuχərl-ə-l. itta sawəs χuj śikəńśa ătti kɔt'ɔl-ə-l śikəńśa ătti pŏr-niŋ-ə-t-na isŭkliji li-l-a.
Sawas man be-PST fish:trap make-0-PST fish:trap make-NMLZ.IMPF go-0-NONPST DP fish:trap-3SG finish-0-NONPST [but] three Por-woman be-PST-0-3PL three Por-woman DP Sawas man see-NMLZ.PF-3SG have-NONPST-0-SG.3SG when fish kill-0-3SG that Sawas man go-NONPST fish:trap morning time see-NONPST fish:trap-3SG see-NMLZ.IMPF go-NONPST and DP DP two burbot kill-0-NONPST two burbot kill-0-NONPST and DP homewards bring-NONPST-SG.3SG cut-NONPST-0-SG.3SG pot-LOC cook-NONPST-0-SG.3SG pot-LOC cook-NONPST-0-SG.3SG DP DP Sawas old:man out go-NMLZ.IMPF time-0-3SG arrive-NONPST INTJ DP that pot DP finish-0-NONPST pot finish DP Sawas man all arrive-NONPST-0-3PL man DP DP DP out come:forth-NONPST and DP DP [bewitch]-NONPST-PAS that Sawas man DP land-LOC down stick-0-NONPST that Sawas man DP DP [pot]-0-3SG DP DP Por-woman-0-PL-LOC everything eat-NONPST-PAS
Sawas мужчина быть-ПРОШ fish:trap делать-0-ПРОШ fish:trap делать-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ идти-0-NONPST DP fish:trap-3ЕД закончить-0-NONPST [но] три Por-женщина быть-ПРОШ-0-3МН три Por-женщина DP Sawas мужчина видеть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД have-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД когда рыба убить-0-3ЕД тот Sawas мужчина идти-NONPST fish:trap утро время видеть-NONPST fish:trap-3ЕД видеть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ идти-NONPST and DP DP два burbot убить-0-NONPST два burbot убить-0-NONPST and DP homewards принести-NONPST-ЕД.3ЕД резать-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД pot-ЛОК варить-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД pot-ЛОК варить-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД DP DP Sawas старик из идти-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ время-0-3ЕД прибыть-NONPST МЕЖД DP тот pot DP закончить-0-NONPST pot закончить DP Sawas мужчина весь прибыть-NONPST-0-3МН мужчина DP DP DP из come:forth-NONPST and DP DP [bewitch]-NONPST-ПАС тот Sawas мужчина DP земля-ЛОК down больной-0-NONPST тот Sawas мужчина DP DP [pot]-0-3ЕД DP DP Por-женщина-0-МН-ЛОК everything есть-NONPST-ПАС
Once upon a time there lived Sawas. He put in a fishtrap. He went to put in a fishtrap and got his fish trap ready. There were three Por women. The three Por women watched while Sawas was fishing. Old man Sawas went out in the morning to look at the fishtrap. He went out to look at his fishtrap and caught two burbots. He caught two burbots, took them home, cleaned them and cooked them in a pot. He cooked them in a pot and old man Sawas had to step outside. The pot was boiling. The pot was boiling, all of Sawas’ people came. Old man Sawas had stepped outside and was bewitched. He was stuck to the earth. The Por women ate up all of Sawas’ pot.
The man of tales and the squirrel (7)
jŏχi jŏχət-l pa śikəńśa itta mɔlśaŋ-ə-l χŏś eŋχ-l-ə-lli. χŏś eŋχ-t-al săχajət śi χɔrpi nɔχər pŭl-ə-t mil-li telna rij-ə-m-el pa śikəńśa pelək pŭs-ti ăn lit-l-ə-lli. wŭ-l-li pa śi χɔt śuŋ-l-na pŏn-l-ə-lli. lŭw ul-l-ə-t law-t-al: “tămi mɔsəŋ li-l-li pi-ti ar χătl-em-na, mɔsəŋ săr-na pi-ti ar χătl-em-na mɔsəŋ ur-em-na tɔŋχa ătti săm-ə-m atm-ij-ə-m-ə-t tɔŋχa.” nu śikəńśa, pa măn-l. pa măn-l pa jŏχi jŏχət-l. iśiti mɔlśaŋ-ə-l eŋχ-ti pit-l pa iśiti nɔχər pŭl-ə-t-na rij-ə-m pa mɔlśaŋ mil-ə-l teli-ji śikəńśa. śi śi pa ăkət-l-ə-lli pa śi pŭn-l-ə-lli. śikəńśa χulmət-ti măn-l.
homewards arrive-NONPST and DP that coat-0-NONPST away take:off-NONPST-0-SG.3SG away take:off-NMLZ.IMPF-3SG then DP like cone morsel-0-PL cap-TRANS with fall-0-NMLZ.PF-3PL and DP half open-NMLZ.IMPF NEG want-NONPST-0-SG.3SG take-NONPST-SG.3SG and DP house corner-3SG-LOC put-NONPST-0-SG.3SG 3 be-NONPST-0-3PL say-NMLZ.IMPF-3SG this perhaps eat-NONPST-SG.3SG fall-NMLZ.IMPF many day-1SG-LOC perhaps misfortune-LOC fall-NMLZ.IMPF many day-1SG-LOC perhaps forest-1SG-LOC DP DP heart-0-1SG be:bad-FREQ-0-NMLZ.PF-0-N DP INTJ DP and go-NONPST and go and homewards arrive-NONPST likewise coat-0-NONPST take:off-NMLZ.IMPF start-NONPST and likewise cone morsel-0-PL-LOC fall-0-NMLZ.PF and coat cap-0-3SG full-TRANS DP DP DP and gather-NONPST-0-SG.3SG and DP put-NONPST-0-SG.3SG DP three.ORD-TRANS go-NONPST
homewards прибыть-NONPST and DP тот верхняя:одежда-0-NONPST прочь take:off-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД прочь take:off-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3ЕД тогда DP любить cone morsel-0-МН cap-TRANS с fall-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3МН and DP half открыть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ НЕГ хотеть-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД взять-NONPST-ЕД.3ЕД and DP дом corner-3ЕД-ЛОК положить-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД 3 быть-NONPST-0-3МН сказать-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3ЕД этот perhaps есть-NONPST-ЕД.3ЕД fall-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ много день-1ЕД-ЛОК perhaps misfortune-ЛОК fall-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ много день-1ЕД-ЛОК perhaps лес-1ЕД-ЛОК DP DP сердце-0-1ЕД be:bad-ФРЕКВ-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-0-N DP МЕЖД DP and идти-NONPST and идти and homewards прибыть-NONPST likewise верхняя:одежда-0-NONPST take:off-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-NONPST and likewise cone morsel-0-МН-ЛОК fall-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ and верхняя:одежда cap-0-3ЕД full-TRANS DP DP DP and собиратть-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД and DP положить-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД DP три.ОРД-TRANS идти-NONPST
He came home, hung up his fur coat. He hung up his fur coat and a whole hat-full of cones fell out of it, he did not want to open them. He took them and put them in a corner of the house. They lay, he said “Let them lie, perhaps in the days when I will be very hungry, perhaps in grief when i will be in my woods, when my heart knows woe.” He went, he went again, and came home. He started to hang up his fur coat again, once again cones fell, a whole hat-full from his coat. He gathered them up again and put them down. He went for the third time. He went for the third time, it was a large forest, in the middle of this forest there was something, but he had not seen it his whole life. He had grown to be a big man, he had grown to be a stout man. But he had not seen it. Well, fine.
Elder brother and younger brother (19)
“atul, law-ə-l, ewij-e, litət liw-a, mŏla măn-l-ə-n pa χălewət χătl śi wɔχ-ə-m-ə-t-ə-n, law-ə-l, ul-ti pit-l-ə-t.” nu atul. wan mɔjl-ə-s, χŭw mɔjl-ə-s, jŏχi măn-ə-s, ik-el χŏśa jŏχt-ə-s pa χŏti ik-el-na iśm-ə-s-a: “mŏsa ul-ti pit-l?” “nu, χălewət χătl, law-ə-l, śiti, law-ə-l, aś-em ul-ti, law-ə-l, pit-l, χŏl-li lɔw pŭn, χŏl-li mŭs pŭn năŋ wɔχ-ə-m-ə-t-l-an, law-ə-l, jŏχət-l-ə-t, jŏχət-l-ə-t mătti.” nu i jăm, śitna χŏta. mɔś-l lin ewəlt-ə-n măn-l. ŏχ-ə-n, sem-ə-n tɔŋχa jɔwər-l-ə-ŋən pa il χuj-l-ə-ŋən pa χŏti ŋeri-l-ŋən, ul-l-ə-ŋən.
ever say-0-NONPST girl-VOC food eat-IMP what go-NONPST-0-2SG and tomorrow day FOC beg-0-NMLZ.PF-0-N-0-2DU say-0-NONPST be-NMLZ.IMPF start-NONPST-0-3PL INTJ ever short feast-0-PST long feast-0-PST homewards go-0-PST old:man-3SG to arrive-0-PST and how old:man-3SG-LOC ask-0-PST-PAS what be-NMLZ.IMPF start-NONPST INTJ tomorrow day say-0-NONPST so say-0-NONPST father-1SG be-NMLZ.IMPF say-0-NONPST start-NONPST be:exhausted-CAR horse hair be:exhausted-CAR cow hair 2SG beg-0-NMLZ.PF-0-N-PL-2SG say-0-NONPST arrive-NONPST-0-3PL arrive-NONPST-0-3PL which INTJ [and] good therefore how story-3SG 3DU from-0-3DU go-NONPST head-0-3DU eye-0-3DU DP wrap-NONPST-0-3DU and down lie-NONPST-0-3DU and how do-NONPST-3DU be-NONPST-0-3DU
ever сказать-0-NONPST girl-ВОК еда есть-ИМП что идти-NONPST-0-2ЕД and завтра день ФОК beg-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-0-N-0-2ДВ сказать-0-NONPST быть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-NONPST-0-3МН МЕЖД ever short feast-0-ПРОШ длинный feast-0-ПРОШ homewards идти-0-ПРОШ старик-3ЕД к прибыть-0-ПРОШ and как старик-3ЕД-ЛОК спросить-0-ПРОШ-ПАС что быть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-NONPST МЕЖД завтра день сказать-0-NONPST так сказать-0-NONPST отец-1ЕД быть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ сказать-0-NONPST начать-NONPST be:exhausted-КАР horse hair be:exhausted-КАР корова hair 2ЕД beg-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-0-N-МН-2ЕД сказать-0-NONPST прибыть-NONPST-0-3МН прибыть-NONPST-0-3МН который МЕЖД [and] хороший therefore как story-3ЕД 3ДВ от-0-3ДВ идти-NONPST голова-0-3ДВ глаз-0-3ДВ DP завернуть-NONPST-0-3ДВ and down лежать-NONPST-0-3ДВ and как делать-NONPST-3ДВ быть-NONPST-0-3ДВ
“Fine,” he said. “Daughter, have some food, go, and tomorrow you will have what you asked for. “ Fine. She visited for a short or a long time, she set off for home. She came to her husband and her husband asked her: “What will happen?” “Tomorrow,” she said, “father will be here. The endless horse hair, the endless cow hair that you asked for will arrive.” Fine, if that’s the way it is. This story about them comes to an end. They tied their heads and eyes, lay down to sleep, did something, lived on.
The seven knives (3)
ittam ăt-en lujət wŭ-l pa śikəńśa măn-l. wan χŭw măn-l, imŏsaj-na śikəńśa wŭl kińśa wŭl ur χɔt-na jŏχət-l. wŭl ur χɔt-na jŏχət-l pa śikəńśa ińśəsl-ə-l-a: : “χălśa mŭr ɔləŋ ewəlt, mătti jiŋk ɔləŋ ewəlt jŏχt-ə-m neŋχuj u-s-ə-n ătti, mŭŋ-ew pŏtərt-a.” ittam ătti śikəńśa lilaj-na lapət-l-ə-t, lil-l-a, jiś-t-ə-la, śikəńśa il χuj-ə-t-l-a. itta śikəńśa tŭm jɔχ-l-al śikəńśa tuma wer-l-ə-t, lapət meŋk: “jămsiji l'ŏχ-ə-t-l-ew pa jămsiji lapət-l-ew śikəńśa pejəl χɔt-na tu-t-i-l-ew, l'ŏχ-ə-t-l-ew mŏla pa weləś wel-l-ew, li-l-ew.” ittam ăt śikəńśa wan χŭw śiti χuj-ə-s śikəńśa jɔχ-l-al-na nŏχ kil-t-ə-s-a. pejəl χɔt ăll-ə-s-a. pejəl-ti măn-l-ə-t itta lapət meŋk pil-na lŭw ńijəl-mət.
that thing-2SG ring take-NONPST and DP go-NONPST short long go-NONPST one-LOC DP big very big forest house-LOC arrive-NONPST big forest house arrive-NONPST and DP ask-0-NONPST-PAS from:where people first from which water first from arrive-0-NMLZ.PF person be-PST-0-2SG 1PL-ACC/DAT speak-IMP that DP DP food-LOC feed-NONPST-0-3PL eat-NONPST-PAS drink-CAUS-0-NONPST-PAS DP down lie-CAUS-0-NONPST-PAS DP DP that man-PL-3SG DP there make-NONPST-0-3PL seven goblin well wash-0-CAUS-NONPST-SG.1PL and well feed-NONPST-SG.1PL DP bath house-LOC bring-TR-FREQ-NONPST-SG.1PL wash-0-CAUS-NONPST-SG.1PL what and right:away kill-NONPST-SG.1PL eat-NONPST-SG.1PL that thing DP short long so lie-0-PST DP man-PL-3SG-LOC up rise-CAUS-0-PST-PAS bath house light-0-PST-PAS bathe-NMLZ.IMPF go-NONPST-0-3PL that seven goblin companion-LOC 3 eight-ORD
тот вещь-2ЕД ring взять-NONPST and DP идти-NONPST short длинный идти-NONPST один-ЛОК DP большой очень большой лес дом-ЛОК прибыть-NONPST большой лес дом прибыть-NONPST and DP спросить-0-NONPST-ПАС from:where народ первый от который вода первый от прибыть-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ человек быть-ПРОШ-0-2ЕД 1МН-АКК/ДАТ говорить-ИМП тот DP DP еда-ЛОК кормить-NONPST-0-3МН есть-NONPST-ПАС drink-CAUS-0-NONPST-ПАС DP down лежать-CAUS-0-NONPST-ПАС DP DP тот мужчина-МН-3ЕД DP там делать-NONPST-0-3МН семь goblin хорошо wash-0-CAUS-NONPST-ЕД.1МН and хорошо кормить-NONPST-ЕД.1МН DP bath дом-ЛОК принести-TR-ФРЕКВ-NONPST-ЕД.1МН wash-0-CAUS-NONPST-ЕД.1МН что and right:away убить-NONPST-ЕД.1МН есть-NONPST-ЕД.1МН тот вещь DP short длинный так лежать-0-ПРОШ DP мужчина-МН-3ЕД-ЛОК вверх rise-CAUS-0-ПРОШ-ПАС bath дом свет-0-ПРОШ-ПАС bathe-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ идти-NONPST-0-3МН тот семь goblin товарищ-ЛОК 3 eight-ОРД
Then he took the ring and left. He went, he went for a long or a short time, suddenly he arrived at a big, at a very big house. He arrived at the big house and was asked: “Tell us from the end of which land, from the end of which water you have come.” He was given food, he was given drink, he was laid down to sleep. Then these people thought, the seven spirits: “We will wash him well, we will feed him well, we will take him to the bath-house and wash him and then we will kill him and eat him up.” He slept for a long or a short time, the people woke him up. They heated the bath. The seven spirits went to wash together, he was the eight one.
Russian city man (3)
wɔs kuśa rŭś kur kuśa ul-li-j-ə-l, kur kuśa rŭś iki ul-li-j-ə-l śikəńśa lŭw eŋm-i-li-m-al χŭwat ewəlt ar ewi u-l pa wɔs-l χŭwat, ănti wŭ-l-a. śiti ar ŏχ tăj-ə-l, śiti ar mŏsa tăj-ə-l, numəs-ij-ə-l: “aχŏl tu-l-a?” śilta numəs-ij-ə-l ănti: “jina pa χănt-et χŏśa măn-l-ə-m ki, sɔrńi ŏχ-l-am, śel ŏχ-l-am tŏχi etl-ə-l-am, ănti ma χŏti mɔsəŋ niŋ-na wek mă-l-aj-ə-m.” nu śikəńśa, wan u-s, χŭw u-s pa măn-ə-s. ur mŭw χŭwat śi măn-ə-s, măn-ə-s, pa wŭl taś χɔt uś-ə-s. taś χɔt uś-ə-s, uś-ə-s pa nums-ə-l pa: tăm ătti ɔŋt-ə-ŋ wɔj-ə-t, tăm mŏlaj-ə-t χŏś ewt-i-li-l-aj-ə-t amŏla ul-m-el χŭwat et-ə-m ɔŋət-l-al. atul, numəs-l: “ma itta kuśaj-l-al χŏśa jăχ-l-ə-m.” śi jŏχi lăŋ-ə-l pa śi χɔrpi wɔj săχ-pi, ńŏχəs săχ-pi ewi ɔməs-l pa śikəńśa lŭw jŏχt-ə-m, mɔjl-ə-m jŏχt-ə-m χuj śikəńśa mŏla wer-l. śit wer-l, numəs-l: śi ătti wɔj săχ-pi ewi-na, lŭw law-ə-l, mŏsa śirna at wŭ-s-aj-ə-m.”
town master Russian village master be-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST village master Russian old:man be-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST DP 3 grow-0-IMPF-NMLZ.PF-3SG along from many girl and town-3SG along NEG take-NONPST-PAS so many money have-0-3SG so many what have-0-3SG think-FREQ-0-NONPST to:where bring-NONPST-PAS from:there think-FREQ-0-NONPST DP indeed and Ostyak-PL to go-NONPST-0-1SG if gold money-PL-1SG silver money-PL-1SG to:there show-0-NONPST-PL.1SG DP 1SG how perhaps woman-LOC forever give-NONPST-PAS-0-1SG INTJ DP short be-PST long be-PST and go-0-PST forest land along FOC go-0-PST go-0-PST and big herd house find-0-PST herd house find-0-PST find-0-PST and think-0-NONPST and this DP horn-0-PROPR animal-0-PL this what-0-PL away cut-0-IMPF-NONPST-PAS-0-PL what be-NMLZ.PF-3PL along come:forth-0-NMLZ.PF horn-PL-3SG ever think-NONPST 1SG that master-PL-3SG to walk-NONPST-0-1SG DP homewards enter-0-NONPST and DP like animal hide-PROPR sable hide-PROPR girl sit-NONPST and DP 3 arrive-0-NMLZ.PF feast-0-NMLZ.PF arrive-0-NMLZ.PF man DP what make-NONPST so make-NONPST think-NONPST DP DP animal hide-PROPR girl-LOC 3 say-0-NONPST what like OPT take-PST-PAS-0-1SG
город хозяин русский village хозяин быть-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST village хозяин русский старик быть-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST DP 3 расти-0-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД вдоль от много girl and город-3ЕД вдоль НЕГ взять-NONPST-ПАС так много money have-0-3ЕД так много что have-0-3ЕД think-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST to:where принести-NONPST-ПАС from:there think-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST DP indeed and Ostyak-МН к идти-NONPST-0-1ЕД if gold money-МН-1ЕД серебро money-МН-1ЕД to:there show-0-NONPST-МН.1ЕД DP 1ЕД как perhaps женщина-ЛОК forever дать-NONPST-ПАС-0-1ЕД МЕЖД DP short быть-ПРОШ длинный быть-ПРОШ and идти-0-ПРОШ лес земля вдоль ФОК идти-0-ПРОШ идти-0-ПРОШ and большой herd дом найти-0-ПРОШ herd дом найти-0-ПРОШ найти-0-ПРОШ and think-0-NONPST and этот DP рог-0-ПРОПР животное-0-МН этот что-0-МН прочь резать-0-ИМПФ-NONPST-ПАС-0-МН что быть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3МН вдоль come:forth-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ рог-МН-3ЕД ever think-NONPST 1ЕД тот хозяин-МН-3ЕД к идти-NONPST-0-1ЕД DP homewards войти-0-NONPST and DP любить животное прятать-ПРОПР sable прятать-ПРОПР girl сидеть-NONPST and DP 3 прибыть-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ feast-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ прибыть-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ мужчина DP что делать-NONPST так делать-NONPST think-NONPST DP DP животное прятать-ПРОПР girl-ЛОК 3 сказать-0-NONPST что любить OPT взять-ПРОШ-ПАС-0-1ЕД
There once lived a Russian city man, a Russian town man. When he grew up, there were lots of girls in the whole city, but none took him. He had much money, much of everything, he thought: “Where to put it?” Then he thought: “Right, if I travel to the Khantys and show my gold money, my silver money, maybe they’ll give me a wife for good.” After a long or a short time, he set off. He went by forest, he went by land, he went and found a big rich house. He found a rich house and found horned animals. He thought: “Do these horns get cut or do they grow all their life?” Fine, he thought: “I will go to the owners.” He entered the house, a girl was sitting in a fur coat, in a sable coat, but he, the newly-arrived man, the man arrived as a guest did what. He thought: “If only this girl in the fur coat would somehow take me.”
The cuckoo (3)
ńŏχəm-l-ə-t ńǟwrem-l-al am-el jupi-na, waχl-ə-l luw-el, ompi al-li-l-ə-t. śiti śi ńŏχəm-l-ə-t am-el jupi-na. ǟj jik-ə-l lǟw-ə-l: “am-e, am-e, juw-a jŏχi. na, jiŋk-en jińś-i” am-el lǟw-ə-l änti: “kukuk, kukuk. mǟ män-s-ə-m, män-s-ə-m”. śi jik: “mǟ jŏχi än ji-l-ə-m”. śiti ńŏχəm-s-ə-t ńǟwrem-l-al am-el jupi-na ǟr χătl, ǟr ǟt, kew-ə-t χuwat-na taŋχa, juχ-ə-t χuwat-na, wăj-l-al χăś ari-s-ə-t, kur-l-al χăś wur-ri ji-s-ə-t pǟ χäta ńŏχəm-l-ə-t, śita wur suk-ə-t χiś-l-ə-t. wek kussi kukuk imi ńǟwrem-l-al läsk-ə-s-li. iśi ewəlt teχəl än wer-ə-l, ńǟwrem-l-al sam änt eŋm-ə-l-l-ə-lli. a tuŋ ǟr χuwat-na śi ewəlt wurti ńar sem eŋəm-ta pit-ə-s. lǟw-l-ə-t, śi ńar sem-ə-t iti kukuk ńǟwrem wurət ol-t-el.
run-NONPST-0-3PL child-PL-3SG mother-3SG behind-LOC beg-TR-0-NONPST 3-ACC/DAT dipper lift-IMPF-NONPST-0-3PL so FOC run-NONPST-0-3PL mother-3SG behind-LOC small boy-0-3SG say-0-NONPST mother-VOC mother-VOC come-IMP homewards INTJ water-2SG drink-IMP.SG mother-3SG say-0-NONPST DP kukuk kukuk 1SG go-PST-0-1SG go-PST-0-1SG DP boy 1SG homewards NEG go-NONPST-0-1SG so run-PST-0-3PL child-PL-3SG mother-3SG behind-LOC many day many night stone-0-PL along-LOC DP tree-0-PL along-LOC boot-PL-3SG away tear-PST-0-3PL leg-PL-3SG away blood-TRANS come-PST-0-3PL and where run-NONPST-0-3PL there blood piece-0-PL remain:behind-NONPST-0-3PL forever for cuckoo woman child-PL-3SG throw-0-PST-SG.3SG as from nest NEG make-0-NONPST child-PL-3SG self NEG grow-0-TR-NONPST-0-SG.3SG [but] that many along-LOC DP from red fresh eye grow-NMLZ.IMPF start-0-PST say-NONPST-0-3PL DP fresh eye-0-PL as cuckoo child blood be-NMLZ.IMPF-3PL
бежать-NONPST-0-3МН ребенок-МН-3ЕД мать-3ЕД за-ЛОК beg-TR-0-NONPST 3-АКК/ДАТ dipper lift-ИМПФ-NONPST-0-3МН так ФОК бежать-NONPST-0-3МН мать-3ЕД за-ЛОК маленький boy-0-3ЕД сказать-0-NONPST мать-ВОК мать-ВОК прийти-ИМП homewards МЕЖД вода-2ЕД drink-ИМП.ЕД мать-3ЕД сказать-0-NONPST DP kukuk kukuk 1ЕД идти-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД идти-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД DP boy 1ЕД homewards НЕГ идти-NONPST-0-1ЕД так бежать-ПРОШ-0-3МН ребенок-МН-3ЕД мать-3ЕД за-ЛОК много день много ночь камень-0-МН вдоль-ЛОК DP дерево-0-МН вдоль-ЛОК сапог-МН-3ЕД прочь рвать-ПРОШ-0-3МН нога-МН-3ЕД прочь blood-TRANS прийти-ПРОШ-0-3МН and где бежать-NONPST-0-3МН там blood piece-0-МН remain:behind-NONPST-0-3МН forever for cuckoo женщина ребенок-МН-3ЕД бросать-0-ПРОШ-ЕД.3ЕД as от nest НЕГ делать-0-NONPST ребенок-МН-3ЕД сам НЕГ расти-0-TR-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД [но] тот много вдоль-ЛОК DP от красный fresh глаз расти-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-0-ПРОШ сказать-NONPST-0-3МН DP fresh глаз-0-МН as cuckoo ребенок blood быть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3МН
The children ran after their mother, called to her, held out dippers. That is how they ran after their mother. The youngest son said: “Mama, mama, come home, drink water.” But the mother said: “Coo-coo, coo-coo, I’ve left, I’ve left.” And the son: “I won’t go home.” So the children ran after their mother many days and nights, over rocks, over trees, their shoes tore completely, their legs were stained with blood. Where they ran, red traces remained. The cuckoo rejected her children for good. From this time on she does not build a nest, nor does she raise her children herself. And on that path red eyes started to appear. They say it is as if the red eyes were the blood of the cuckoo’s children.