Northern Khanty

Russian city man

1 matching line for search term day.

The Russian city man finds himself a Khanty wife.

Recorded in Katravozh in 1990.

The text was published in Nikolaeva (1999).



  • wɔs kuśa rŭś kur kuśa ul-li-j-ə-l, kur kuśa rŭś iki ul-li-j-ə-l śikəńśa lŭw eŋm-i-li-m-al χŭwat ewəlt ar ewi u-l pa wɔs-l χŭwat, ănti wŭ-l-a. śiti ar ŏχ tăj-ə-l, śiti ar mŏsa tăj-ə-l, numəs-ij-ə-l: “aχŏl tu-l-a?” śilta numəs-ij-ə-l ănti: “jina pa χănt-et χŏśa măn-l-ə-m ki, sɔrńi ŏχ-l-am, śel ŏχ-l-am tŏχi etl-ə-l-am, ănti ma χŏti mɔsəŋ niŋ-na wek mă-l-aj-ə-m.” nu śikəńśa, wan u-s, χŭw u-s pa măn-ə-s. ur mŭw χŭwat śi măn-ə-s, măn-ə-s, pa wŭl taś χɔt uś-ə-s. taś χɔt uś-ə-s, uś-ə-s pa nums-ə-l pa: tăm ătti ɔŋt-ə-ŋ wɔj-ə-t, tăm mŏlaj-ə-t χŏś ewt-i-li-l-aj-ə-t amŏla ul-m-el χŭwat et-ə-m ɔŋət-l-al. atul, numəs-l: “ma itta kuśaj-l-al χŏśa jăχ-l-ə-m.” śi jŏχi lăŋ-ə-l pa śi χɔrpi wɔj săχ-pi, ńŏχəs săχ-pi ewi ɔməs-l pa śikəńśa lŭw jŏχt-ə-m, mɔjl-ə-m jŏχt-ə-m χuj śikəńśa mŏla wer-l. śit wer-l, numəs-l: śi ătti wɔj săχ-pi ewi-na, lŭw law-ə-l, mŏsa śirna at wŭ-s-aj-ə-m.”
    town master Russian village master be-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST village master Russian old:man be-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST DP 3 grow-0-IMPF-NMLZ.PF-3SG along from many girl and town-3SG along NEG take-NONPST-PAS so many money have-0-3SG so many what have-0-3SG think-FREQ-0-NONPST to:where bring-NONPST-PAS from:there think-FREQ-0-NONPST DP indeed and Ostyak-PL to go-NONPST-0-1SG if gold money-PL-1SG silver money-PL-1SG to:there show-0-NONPST-PL.1SG DP 1SG how perhaps woman-LOC forever give-NONPST-PAS-0-1SG INTJ DP short be-PST long be-PST and go-0-PST forest land along FOC go-0-PST go-0-PST and big herd house find-0-PST herd house find-0-PST find-0-PST and think-0-NONPST and this DP horn-0-PROPR animal-0-PL this what-0-PL away cut-0-IMPF-NONPST-PAS-0-PL what be-NMLZ.PF-3PL along come:forth-0-NMLZ.PF horn-PL-3SG ever think-NONPST 1SG that master-PL-3SG to walk-NONPST-0-1SG DP homewards enter-0-NONPST and DP like animal hide-PROPR sable hide-PROPR girl sit-NONPST and DP 3 arrive-0-NMLZ.PF feast-0-NMLZ.PF arrive-0-NMLZ.PF man DP what make-NONPST so make-NONPST think-NONPST DP DP animal hide-PROPR girl-LOC 3 say-0-NONPST what like OPT take-PST-PAS-0-1SG
    город хозяин русский village хозяин быть-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST village хозяин русский старик быть-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST DP 3 расти-0-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД вдоль от много girl and город-3ЕД вдоль НЕГ взять-NONPST-ПАС так много money have-0-3ЕД так много что have-0-3ЕД think-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST to:where принести-NONPST-ПАС from:there think-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST DP indeed and Ostyak-МН к идти-NONPST-0-1ЕД if gold money-МН-1ЕД серебро money-МН-1ЕД to:there show-0-NONPST-МН.1ЕД DP 1ЕД как perhaps женщина-ЛОК forever дать-NONPST-ПАС-0-1ЕД МЕЖД DP short быть-ПРОШ длинный быть-ПРОШ and идти-0-ПРОШ лес земля вдоль ФОК идти-0-ПРОШ идти-0-ПРОШ and большой herd дом найти-0-ПРОШ herd дом найти-0-ПРОШ найти-0-ПРОШ and think-0-NONPST and этот DP рог-0-ПРОПР животное-0-МН этот что-0-МН прочь резать-0-ИМПФ-NONPST-ПАС-0-МН что быть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3МН вдоль come:forth-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ рог-МН-3ЕД ever think-NONPST 1ЕД тот хозяин-МН-3ЕД к идти-NONPST-0-1ЕД DP homewards войти-0-NONPST and DP любить животное прятать-ПРОПР sable прятать-ПРОПР girl сидеть-NONPST and DP 3 прибыть-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ feast-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ прибыть-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ мужчина DP что делать-NONPST так делать-NONPST think-NONPST DP DP животное прятать-ПРОПР girl-ЛОК 3 сказать-0-NONPST что любить OPT взять-ПРОШ-ПАС-0-1ЕД
    There once lived a Russian city man, a Russian town man. When he grew up, there were lots of girls in the whole city, but none took him. He had much money, much of everything, he thought: “Where to put it?” Then he thought: “Right, if I travel to the Khantys and show my gold money, my silver money, maybe they’ll give me a wife for good.” After a long or a short time, he set off. He went by forest, he went by land, he went and found a big rich house. He found a rich house and found horned animals. He thought: “Do these horns get cut or do they grow all their life?” Fine, he thought: “I will go to the owners.” He entered the house, a girl was sitting in a fur coat, in a sable coat, but he, the newly-arrived man, the man arrived as a guest did what. He thought: “If only this girl in the fur coat would somehow take me.”
  • śi śi taś χŏśa i neŋχuj ul-l-i-m-al pa śikəńśa lŭw jasŋ-ə-l-na pa seŋk χɔs-m-al. śikəńśa ittam iki ińśəs-ti pit-l-ə-lli: “tăm ewi, law-ə-l, ma χŏśaj-ə-m kăsaś-l ki, law-ə-l, ma lulən wŭ-s-em, wŭ-s-em ma ittam. ar ŏχ χŏti tuw-m-em ănta. wet χir kem-l-al sɔrńi ŏχ, śel ŏχ tup tu-s-em.” nu śikəńśa, aś-el χŏj pa law-ə-l: “aś-el elti mij-a.” “aśi ăn tăj-ə-l, law-ə-l, wet χănam χuj tăj-ə-l.” śikəńśa itta wŭl χănam χuj-ə-l elti itta ŏχ-i χir-ə-t tŏχi tu-l-aj-ə-t. itta wŭl χănam χuj law-i-li-j-ə-l ănti: “tăməś ŏχ-i χir-na χŏti it-ew mă-l-ew kepa, răχ-ə-l.”
    DP DP herd to one person be-IMPF-FREQ-NMLZ.PF-3SG and DP 3 speech-0-3SG-LOC and very know-NMLZ.PF-3SG DP that old:man ask-NMLZ.IMPF start-NONPST-0-SG.3SG this girl say-0-NONPST 1SG to-0-1SG agree-NONPST if say-0-NONPST 1SG SBJV take-PST-SG.1SG take-PST-SG.1SG 1SG DP many money how bring-NMLZ.PF-1SG not:be five bag after-PL-3SG gold money silver money only bring-PST-SG.1SG INTJ DP father-3SG who and say-0-NONPST father-3SG from give-IMP father NEG have-0-NONPST say-0-NONPST five sibling man have-0-NONPST DP that big sibling man-0-3SG from that money-PROPR bag-0-PL to:there bring-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL that big sibling man say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST DP like:this money-PROPR bag-LOC how sister-1PL give-NONPST-SG.1PL only cling-0-NONPST
    DP DP herd к один человек быть-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД and DP 3 speech-0-3ЕД-ЛОК and очень know-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД DP тот старик спросить-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД этот girl сказать-0-NONPST 1ЕД к-0-1ЕД agree-NONPST if сказать-0-NONPST 1ЕД СОСЛ взять-ПРОШ-ЕД.1ЕД взять-ПРОШ-ЕД.1ЕД 1ЕД DP много money как принести-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕД not:be five bag после-МН-3ЕД gold money серебро money only принести-ПРОШ-ЕД.1ЕД МЕЖД DP отец-3ЕД кто and сказать-0-NONPST отец-3ЕД от дать-ИМП отец НЕГ have-0-NONPST сказать-0-NONPST five sibling мужчина have-0-NONPST DP тот большой sibling мужчина-0-3ЕД от тот money-ПРОПР bag-0-МН to:there принести-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН тот большой sibling мужчина сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST DP like:this money-ПРОПР bag-ЛОК как сестра-1МН дать-NONPST-ЕД.1МН only cling-0-NONPST
    The rich man had someone who could speak her language well. This man started to ask her. “This girl,” he said, “if she agrees to me, I would take her, I would take her. I didn’t bring much money with me. I have brought only five sacks of gold money, of silver money. Who is her father? Give it to her father.” Then the people said: “She has no father, she has five brothers.” Then he carried the sacks with the money to her elder brother. The elder brother said: “For so much money we will give our younger sister, he must love her.”
  • nu śikəńśa, ăktəs-l-ə-t, mă-ti-ji pit-l-el. mă-ti-ji pit-l-el pa śikəńśa ittam niŋ-ə-l law-i-li-j-ə-l: “ma lapət χătl χɔll-ə-l-ə-m pa mă-l-lən ki weləś mij-alən. ma kepa, law-ə-l, ul-t-em χŭwat ma neŋχuj wer-ti wer-em ńur ăntam u-s.” nu śikəńśa, itta χănam jɔχ-l-al law-i-li-j-ə-l-ə-t: “mŭŋ mă-t-ew urəŋna jŏχi nemŏsa pŏraj-na, χŏti law-ə-l, jasəŋ al law-a. mŭŋ sapl-ew mŏsa ŏχ-na sɔsəm-s-aj-uw.” nu śikəńśa, wan mɔjl-ə-s-ə-t, χŭw mɔjl-ə-s-ə-t pa śikəńśa itta wɔs ŏχ kuśa ik-el elti, kurt ŏχ kuśa iki elti itta niŋ wɔj săχ, ńŏχəs wɔj săχ sumətt-ə-s pa śi lel-s-el. lel-s-el pa śikəńśa tum wɔs χŏśa lăŋ-ə-l-s-el, jŏχt-ə-pt-ə-s-el pa śikəńśa śiti śi χɔll-ə-l tŏŋχa. jɔs-l aləm-ti ăn werit-l, kur-l aləm-ti ăn werit-l. nu śikəńśa, itta niŋ itta tum wɔs kuśa rŭś iki-na, kur kuśa rŭś iki-na mŏla sɔrńi ŏχ, mŏla śel ŏχ tup telna sumətt-ə-l-a pa śikəńśa kŭr-l ńŏχ-t-al, χăχl-ə-t-al śat-l, nŏχəś ŭw-ə-l, jŏs-l ńŏχ-l-ə-l χăχl-ə-t-al śat-l, nŏχəś ŭw-ə-l. nu śikəńśa, śi χɔll-ə-l, śi χɔll-ə-l. mejəl χŭwat χăχl-ə-t-al-na sumətt-ə-l-a pa śikəńśa nemŏsa śirna jɔs-l aləm-ti ăn werit-l, kŭr-l aləm-ti ăn werit-l.
    INTJ DP gather-NONPST-0-3SG give-NMLZ.IMPF-TRANS start-NONPST-SG.3PL give-NMLZ.IMPF-TRANS start-NONPST-SG.3PL and DP that woman-0-NONPST say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST 1SG seven day cry-0-NONPST-0-1SG and give-NONPST-SG.2PL if straight:away give-IMP.SG.PL 1SG only say-0-NONPST be-NMLZ.IMPF-1SG along 1SG person make-NMLZ.IMPF thing-1SG really not:be be-PST INTJ DP that sibling man-PL-3SG say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST-0-3PL 1PL give-NMLZ.IMPF-1PL for homewards nothing time-LOC how say-0-NONPST speech NEG say-IMP 1PL neck-1PL what money-LOC pour-PST-PAS-1PL INTJ DP short feast-0-PST-0-3PL long feast-0-PST-0-3PL and DP that town money master old:man-3SG from village money master old:man from that woman animal hide sable animal hide wear-0-PST and DP sit-PST-SG.3PL sit-PST-SG.3PL and DP that town enter-0-TR-PST-SG.3PL arrive-0-TR-0-PST-SG.3PL and so FOC cry-0-NONPST DP arm-3SG lift-NMLZ.IMPF NEG can-NONPST leg-3SG lift-NMLZ.IMPF NEG can-NONPST INTJ DP that woman that town master Russian old:man-LOC village master Russian old:man-LOC what gold money what silver money only with wear-0-NONPST-PAS and DP leg-3SG rock-NMLZ.IMPF-3SG tinkle-0-NMLZ.IMPF-3SG hear-NONPST upwards scream-0-NONPST arm-3SG rock-IMPF-0-NONPST tinkle-0-NMLZ.IMPF-3SG heard-NONPST upwards scream-0-NONPST INTJ DP DP cry-0-NONPST DP cry-0-NONPST breast along tinkle-0-NMLZ.IMPF-3SG-LOC wear-0-NONPST-PAS and DP nothing like arm lift-NMLZ.IMPF NEG can-NONPST leg-NONPST lift-NMLZ.IMPF NEG can-NONPST
    МЕЖД DP собиратть-NONPST-0-3ЕД дать-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-TRANS начать-NONPST-ЕД.3МН дать-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-TRANS начать-NONPST-ЕД.3МН and DP тот женщина-0-NONPST сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST 1ЕД семь день плакать-0-NONPST-0-1ЕД and дать-NONPST-ЕД.2МН if straight:away дать-ИМП.ЕД.МН 1ЕД only сказать-0-NONPST быть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-1ЕД вдоль 1ЕД человек делать-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ вещь-1ЕД really not:be быть-ПРОШ МЕЖД DP тот sibling мужчина-МН-3ЕД сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST-0-3МН 1МН дать-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-1МН for homewards ничего время-ЛОК как сказать-0-NONPST speech НЕГ сказать-ИМП 1МН neck-1МН что money-ЛОК pour-ПРОШ-ПАС-1МН МЕЖД DP short feast-0-ПРОШ-0-3МН длинный feast-0-ПРОШ-0-3МН and DP тот город money хозяин старик-3ЕД от village money хозяин старик от тот женщина животное прятать sable животное прятать носить-0-ПРОШ and DP сидеть-ПРОШ-ЕД.3МН сидеть-ПРОШ-ЕД.3МН and DP тот город войти-0-TR-ПРОШ-ЕД.3МН прибыть-0-TR-0-ПРОШ-ЕД.3МН and так ФОК плакать-0-NONPST DP arm-3ЕД lift-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ НЕГ can-NONPST нога-3ЕД lift-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ НЕГ can-NONPST МЕЖД DP тот женщина тот город хозяин русский старик-ЛОК village хозяин русский старик-ЛОК что gold money что серебро money only с носить-0-NONPST-ПАС and DP нога-3ЕД камень-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3ЕД tinkle-0-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3ЕД слышать-NONPST upwards кричать-0-NONPST arm-3ЕД камень-ИМПФ-0-NONPST tinkle-0-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3ЕД heard-NONPST upwards кричать-0-NONPST МЕЖД DP DP плакать-0-NONPST DP плакать-0-NONPST breast вдоль tinkle-0-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3ЕД-ЛОК носить-0-NONPST-ПАС and DP ничего любить arm lift-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ НЕГ can-NONPST нога-NONPST lift-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ НЕГ can-NONPST
    They gathered to give her away. They gathered to give her away, but the girl said; “I will weep for seven days, if you give me away, give me away quickly. My whole life I didn’t have to marry and go away for good.” The elder brothers said: “Say no words ever on account of our giving you away. We’re up to our necks in money.” They feasted a long time, a short time and the girl was dressed in a fur coat, a sable coat for the old man with the city money, with the town money. They sat down on the sled. They sat down. They sat down and were brought to the city, but she did not stop weeping. She could not lift an arm, she could not lift a leg. Well, the Russian city man, the Russian town man dressed the woman only in gold and silver. If she stirred a foot, a tinkling was heard, she screamed. She kept on crying, crying. When it clinked, she was dressed. She could not lift a hand, she could not lift a foot.
  • śi ul-l-i-m-al ewəlt śikəńśa tɔŋχa alt wan-na kalt wŭj-l-i-l-a tɔŋχa. imŏsa pŏraj-na mɔś χŏti mɔś mŏla χŭw ul-l-i-l-a. wan u-l pa χŭw u-l pa nemŏsa χŏl ănt es-l-a. jaj-l-al jŏχt-ə-l-i-l-ə-t pa jaj-l-al tŭta ătti sɔrńeŋ χɔmtep ewəlt il jăχ-l-ə-t, nŏχ jăχ-l-ə-t, lŭw pelaj-ə-l ănti wan-l-ə-t. itta wɔs kuśa rŭś-na tŭta lel-l-aj-ə-t pa niŋ-ə-l wan-na ănt es-l-aj-ə-t. “niŋ-em năŋ pil-en-na jŏχi χŏn-l.” nu śikəńśa, jaj-l-al tŏχi jina pa ewəl-l-ə-t ătti, niŋ-ə-l wan-na pa tŏχi śi ăn măn-l-ə-t ătti. “śiti lŭw jɔχ-ə-l jăməs tăj-l-a. mŭŋ lŭw-el jăm sŏχ-na, jăm mŏsaj-na tăl-l-ew pa śit-l-al tăj-man ul.”
    DP be-IMPF-FREQ-NMLZ.PF-3SG from DP DP only short-LOC spirit take-IMPF-FREQ-NONPST PAS DP once time-LOC story how what long live-IMPF-FREQ-NONPST-PAS short be-NONPST and long be-NONPST and nothing where NEG release-NONPST-PAS elder:brother-PL-3SG arrive-0-IMPF-FREQ-NONPST-0-3PL and elder:brother-PL-3SG there DP golden stairway from down walk-NONPST-0-3PL up walk-NONPST-0-3PL 3 towards-0-3SG NEG see-NONPST-0-3PL that town master Russian-LOC there sit-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL and woman-0-3SG short-LOC NEG release-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL woman-1SG 2SG companion-2SG-LOC homewards flee-NONPST INTJ DP elder:brother-PL-3SG to:there indeed and believe-NONPST-0-3PL DP woman-0-3SG short-LOC and to:there FOC NEG go-NONPST-0-3PL DP so 3 man-0-NONPST well have-NONPST-PAS 1PL 3-ACC/DAT good hide-LOC good what-LOC pull-NONPST-SG.1PL and so-PL-3SG have-CVB be
    DP быть-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД от DP DP only short-ЛОК spirit взять-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-NONPST ПАС DP однажды время-ЛОК story как что длинный жить-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-NONPST-ПАС short быть-NONPST and длинный быть-NONPST and ничего где НЕГ release-NONPST-ПАС старший:брат-МН-3ЕД прибыть-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-NONPST-0-3МН and старший:брат-МН-3ЕД там DP golden stairway от down идти-NONPST-0-3МН вверх идти-NONPST-0-3МН 3 в:направлении-0-3ЕД НЕГ видеть-NONPST-0-3МН тот город хозяин русский-ЛОК там сидеть-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН and женщина-0-3ЕД short-ЛОК НЕГ release-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН женщина-1ЕД 2ЕД товарищ-2ЕД-ЛОК homewards flee-NONPST МЕЖД DP старший:брат-МН-3ЕД to:there indeed and believe-NONPST-0-3МН DP женщина-0-3ЕД short-ЛОК and to:there ФОК НЕГ идти-NONPST-0-3МН DP так 3 мужчина-0-NONPST хорошо have-NONPST-ПАС 1МН 3-АКК/ДАТ хороший прятать-ЛОК хороший что-ЛОК тянуть-NONPST-ЕД.1МН and так-МН-3ЕД have-КОНВ быть
    While they were living, he took her in the night. The tale goes on for a short or a long time. They lived long or short, she was not allowed to go anywhere. Her brothers arrived, the brothers went up the golden stairway there, went down, they came to see after her. The Russian city man had them sit there, but he did not let them near to his wife. “My wife will run away home with you.” The brothers believed this really and did not go to his wife. “The husband takes good care of her. We will bring him good hides, good clothes, and he will wear them.”
  • nu śikəńśa, wan ul-l-ə-ŋən, χŭw ul-l-ə-ŋən pa śikəńśa itta wɔs kuśa rŭś iki ewəlt śi χɔrpi jik tăj-ə-l pa śikəńśa itta niŋ-en, ittam niŋ śiti law-i-li-j-ə-l ătti: “tălta χŏl-ə-m măn-ti jis-na tɔŋχa, law-ə-l, ătti ătti. mil-ə-ŋ jɔχ-l-al, mil-ə-ŋ jɔχ-l-al ewəlt tɔŋχa, law-ə-l, rut-l χuj, ser-ə-l χuj, law-ə-l, śiti tɔŋχa jăχa ul-ti pit-l-ə-t, law-ə-l. ma tăj-ə-m pŏsχ-ə-m, śitna law-ə-l ătti, al ătti pa rut ewəlt ki tăj-s-em, law-ə-l, śitna ki, law-ə-l, jŏχi χis-ti pŏraj-na, law-ə-l, χănti χuj jis-na, χănti niŋ jis-na śitna rut-l χuj, ser-ə-l χuj śita at ulti pit-l-ə-t” nu, ittam mŏsa itta śi ul-l-ə-t. śi.
    INTJ DP short be-NONPST-0-3DU long be-NONPST-3DU and DP that town master Russian old:man from DP like boy have-0-NONPST and DP that woman-2SG that woman so say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST DP from:here where-0-1SG go-NMLZ.IMPF time-LOC DP say-0-NONPST DP DP hat-0-PROPR man-PL-3SG hat-0-PROPR man-PL-3SG from DP say-0-NONPST clan-3SG man relative-3SG man say-0-NONPST so DP together be-NMLZ.IMPF start-NONPST-0-3PL say-0-NONPST 1SG have-0-NMLZ.PF cub-0-1SG therefore say-0-NONPST DP NEG DP and clan from if have-PST-SG.1SG say-0-NONPST therefore if say-0-NONPST homewards fall:behind-NMLZ.IMPF time-LOC say-0-NONPST Ostyak man time-LOC Ostyak woman time-LOC therefore clan-3SG man relative-0-3SG man there OPT be-NMLZ.IMPF start-NONPST-0-3PL INTJ that what DP DP be-NONPST-0-3PL DP
    МЕЖД DP short быть-NONPST-0-3ДВ длинный быть-NONPST-3ДВ and DP тот город хозяин русский старик от DP любить boy have-0-NONPST and DP тот женщина-2ЕД тот женщина так сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST DP from:here где-0-1ЕД идти-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ время-ЛОК DP сказать-0-NONPST DP DP hat-0-ПРОПР мужчина-МН-3ЕД hat-0-ПРОПР мужчина-МН-3ЕД от DP сказать-0-NONPST clan-3ЕД мужчина relative-3ЕД мужчина сказать-0-NONPST так DP together быть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-NONPST-0-3МН сказать-0-NONPST 1ЕД have-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ cub-0-1ЕД therefore сказать-0-NONPST DP НЕГ DP and clan от if have-ПРОШ-ЕД.1ЕД сказать-0-NONPST therefore if сказать-0-NONPST homewards fall:behind-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ время-ЛОК сказать-0-NONPST Ostyak мужчина время-ЛОК Ostyak женщина время-ЛОК therefore clan-3ЕД мужчина relative-0-3ЕД мужчина там OPT быть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-NONPST-0-3МН МЕЖД тот что DP DP быть-NONPST-0-3МН DP
    They lived for a long or a short time, the woman bore a son to the Russian city man. The woman spoke: “It is time to leave here. Away from people in hats, relatives, and kinfolk will live together. If I bore my child from a different folk, if that is so, when I remained home, in the time of Khanty men, in the time of Khanty women, his relatives, his kinfolk, let them live there.” To this time they live like that.