Northern Khanty


1 matching line for search term pel.

A tale about a clever little man, influenced by the Russian and European motifs.

Recorded in Katravozh in 1990 from Dmitriy Tobolchin (born in 1933).



  • paŋiji u-s, lel χŏjat, it-ə-l amp păl. ɔ śikəńśa, wɔj păl-ə-l law-ə-l: “măn-l-uw ătti wɔj wel-ti.” wɔj păl śikəńśa amp păl-ə-l peli law-ə-l: “ma, law-ə-l, măn-t-em ăntam.” wɔj păl-ə-l law-i-li-j-ə-l: “ma, law-ə-l, iśi ăn pa măn-l-ə-m, ɔm-em kăsaŋ.” ittam paŋiji śi iśalt śi ɔms-ə-s, ɔms-ə-s pa śikəńśa ɔm-el law-i-li-j-ə-l: tŭŋən, law-i-li-j-ə-l, jăŋχ-a. χŏti săχat năŋ ăn măn-l-ə-n, ur-na śi arat wɔj u-l, i litit, law-ə-l, nemŏsa ńŏχa ăn tăj-l-uw.” ittam amp păl-iji măn-ə-s. amp păl ănta, paŋiji măn-l.
    Palchik be-PST short person friend-0-3SG dog ear DP DP animal ear-0-3SG say-0-NONPST go-NONPST-1PL DP animal kill-NMLZ.IMPF animal ear DP dog ear-0-3SG towards say-0-NONPST 1SG say-0-NONPST go-NMLZ.IMPF-1SG not:be animal ear-0-3SG say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST 1SG say-0-NONPST same NEG and go-NONPST-0-1SG mother-1SG ill that Palchik FOC in:front FOC sit-0-PST sit-0-PST and DP mother-3SG say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST IMP say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST walk-IMP how then 2SG NEG go-NONPST-0-2SG forest-LOC FOC much animal be [and] food say-0-NONPST nothing flesh NEG have-NONPST-1PL that dog ear-DIM go-0-PST dog ear not:be Palchik go-NONPST
    Palchik быть-ПРОШ short человек другой-0-3ЕД собака ear DP DP животное ear-0-3ЕД сказать-0-NONPST идти-NONPST-1МН DP животное убить-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ животное ear DP собака ear-0-3ЕД в:направлении сказать-0-NONPST 1ЕД сказать-0-NONPST идти-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-1ЕД not:be животное ear-0-3ЕД сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST 1ЕД сказать-0-NONPST same НЕГ and идти-NONPST-0-1ЕД мать-1ЕД больной тот Palchik ФОК in:front ФОК сидеть-0-ПРОШ сидеть-0-ПРОШ and DP мать-3ЕД сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST ИМП сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST идти-ИМП как тогда 2ЕД НЕГ идти-NONPST-0-2ЕД лес-ЛОК ФОК много животное быть [and] еда сказать-0-NONPST ничего flesh НЕГ have-NONPST-1МН тот собака ear-ДИМ идти-0-ПРОШ собака ear not:be Palchik идти-NONPST
    There lived a man named Palchik, a short man and his friend, Dog Ear. Dog Ear said: “Come on, let’s go hunting.” He said to Dog Ear: “I won’t go.” Dog Ear said: “I won’t go either, my mother is sick.” He was sitting in front of Palchik and the mother said: “Go, why shouldn’t you go, there are so many animals in the woods. There’s nothing to eat, there’s no meat.” Dog Ear set off. It was not Dog Ear who set off, but Palchik.
  • paŋiji măn-l pa śikəńśa ătti wan-m-al tăj-l-ə-lli pa ătti pŭti ur-na jŏχt-ə-s. pŭti ur-na pa wan-m-al tăj-l-ə-lli, wŭl wŭl kŭrəŋ wɔj măn-l. śilta śikəńśa juχl-ə-l pŏst-ə-s-li pa ńɔl-ə-l pilna es-l-ə-lli pa śikəńśa mŏχti χɔj-s-a itta śi kŭrəŋ wɔj śikəńśa. kŭrəŋ wɔj-ə-l χŏśa tŏχi măn-ə-s pa śikəńśa ătti kŭrəŋ wɔj-ə-l śikəńśa ŏχ-ə-l nŏχ alem-s-ə-lli pa law-ə-l: “mŏla-ji năŋ măn-em wel-s-en? law-ə-l. ma χălewət ătti năŋ-en, law-ə-l, śi χɔrpi ăj-na, law-ə-l, pŏn-s-em pa śi ăj-ə-l pilna wek lulən u-s-ə-n.” nu śikəńśa, itta ăt-ə-l ńɔl-ə-l nŏχ luk-ə-pt-ə-l-li pa śikəńśa sapl-ə-l ewəlt χuləm pŭs χuləm pŭs-na lapət pŭs-si ji-s χătl-li săχat itta kŭrəŋ wɔj-ə-l śikəńśa sijəm-ə-l-li. śikəńśa ittam kŭrəŋ wɔj-ə-l ătti nŏχ părta nŏχ lɔj-ə-l. nŏχ lɔj-ə-l pa śikəńśa tɔl'kɔ ătti kŭśit-l pa itta kŭrəŋ wɔj-ə-l tɔl'kɔ wan-m-al ătti wan-s-ə-lli tɔl'kɔ, χŏti măn-ə-s pa wan-m-al ănta.
    Palchik go-NONPST and DP DP see-NMLZ.PF-3SG have-NONPST-0-SG.3SG and DP black forest-LOC arrive-0-PST black forest-LOC and see-NMLZ.PF-3SG have-NONPST-0-SG.3SG big big elk animal go-NONPST then DP bow-0-3SG draw-0-PST-SG.3SG and arrow-0-3SG with release-NONPST-0-SG.3SG and DP soon catch-PST-PAS that FOC elk animal DP elk animal-0-3SG to to:there go-0-PST and DP DP elk animal-0-3SG DP head-0-3SG up lift-PST-0-SG.3SG and say-0-NONPST what-TRANS 2SG 1SG-ACC/DAT kill-PST-2SG say-0-NONPST 1SG tomorrow DP 2SG-ACC/DAT say-0-NONPST DP like luck-LOC say-0-NONPST put-PST-SG.1SG and DP luck-0-3SG with forever SBJV be-PST-0-2SG INTJ DP that thing-0-3SG arrow-0-3SG up prick-0-CAUS-0-NONPST-SG.3SG and DP neck-0-3SG from three time three time-LOC seven time-TRANS come-PST day-TRANS then that elk animal-0-3SG DP be:heard-0-NONPST-SG.3SG DP that elk animal-0-3SG DP up back stand-0-NONPST up stand-0-NONPST and DP [only] DP whistle-NONPST and that elk animal-0-3SG [only] see-NMLZ.PF-3SG DP see-PST-0-SG.3SG [only] how go-0-PST and see-NMLZ.PF-3SG not:be
    Palchik идти-NONPST and DP DP видеть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД have-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД and DP черный лес-ЛОК прибыть-0-ПРОШ черный лес-ЛОК and видеть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД have-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД большой большой elk животное идти-NONPST тогда DP лук-0-3ЕД draw-0-ПРОШ-ЕД.3ЕД and стрела-0-3ЕД с release-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД and DP soon catch-ПРОШ-ПАС тот ФОК elk животное DP elk животное-0-3ЕД к to:there идти-0-ПРОШ and DP DP elk животное-0-3ЕД DP голова-0-3ЕД вверх lift-ПРОШ-0-ЕД.3ЕД and сказать-0-NONPST что-TRANS 2ЕД 1ЕД-АКК/ДАТ убить-ПРОШ-2ЕД сказать-0-NONPST 1ЕД завтра DP 2ЕД-АКК/ДАТ сказать-0-NONPST DP любить luck-ЛОК сказать-0-NONPST положить-ПРОШ-ЕД.1ЕД and DP luck-0-3ЕД с forever СОСЛ быть-ПРОШ-0-2ЕД МЕЖД DP тот вещь-0-3ЕД стрела-0-3ЕД вверх prick-0-CAUS-0-NONPST-ЕД.3ЕД and DP neck-0-3ЕД от три время три время-ЛОК семь время-TRANS прийти-ПРОШ день-TRANS тогда тот elk животное-0-3ЕД DP be:heard-0-NONPST-ЕД.3ЕД DP тот elk животное-0-3ЕД DP вверх назад стоять-0-NONPST вверх стоять-0-NONPST and DP [only] DP whistle-NONPST and тот elk животное-0-3ЕД [only] видеть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД DP видеть-ПРОШ-0-ЕД.3ЕД [only] как идти-0-ПРОШ and видеть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД not:be
    Palchik went and looked. He had come to a black forest. He looked, a really big elk was going through the black forest. He drew his bow, shot off an arrow and it hit the elk straight away. He came up to the elk. He came to right away to the elk. He came to the elk and the elk lifted its head up and said: “Why did you kill me? Tomorrow I would have given you such good fortune, with this good you such good fortune, with this good you kill me? Tomorrow I would have given you such good fortune, with this fortune you would have lived long.” Well, fine. He pulled the arrow out of the neck, three times three, seven times he turned the elk to the sun. The elk stood up again. It stood up, gave a whistle and the elk was gone in a flash.
  • itta jŏχi măn-l pa śikəńśa ɔm-el imi law-i-li-j-ə-l: “χŏti jik-ij-el paŋij-el, mŏla wel-s-ə-n?” “nemŏsa, law-ə-l, wel-m-em ănta. i kŭrəŋ wɔj ma mŭsməl-s-ə-m, śiti măn-ə-s.” itta ij amp păl law-i-li-j-ə-l: “ănta, ma jăχ-l-ə-m.” itta amp păl-iji măn-l, śi măn-l, śi măn-l, śi măn-l. măn-t-al ewəlt ătti amŏla tăχaj-na jŏχət-l pa śikəńśa ătti aj χɔt-iji ul-m-al. χɔt-iji ul-m-al pa χɔt-ə-l ătti wan-m-al uw-ə-l pelək pŭs-l-ə-lli, wan-m-al tăj-l-ə-lli pa ătti, ij imi χuj-ə-l ut'śa śikəńśa imŏsaj-na χul-l-ə-lli pa ătti ăt-l ij iki χălśa śi ji-t-al śat-l. śi jŭχ-ə-t mŏlaj-ə-t ăsa ler wŏs-i telna ijulti măns-ə-t-al śat-l. imŏsaj-na ti et-l pa kŭl. ti et-l pa śikəńśa itta iki law-ə-l, iki pela law-i-li-j-ə-l ănti: “ar neŋχuj, ar-l-al wɔj-l-al wel-i-li-s-ə-m pa năŋ-en itta prɔχɔdimɔst' tăχa, law-ə-l, ănta ul-ti pit-l.”
    DP home go-NONPST and DP mother-3SG woman say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST how boy-DIM-3SG Palchik-3SG what kill-PST-0-2SG nothing say-0-NONPST kill-NMLZ.PF-1SG not:be one elk animal wound-PST-0-1SG so go-0-PST that one dog ear say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST not:be 1SG walk-NONPST-1SG that dog ear-DIM go-NONPST DP go-NONPST DP go-NONPST DP go-NONPST go-NMLZ.IMPF-3SG from DP what place-LOC arrive-NONPST and DP DP small house-DIM be-NMLZ.PF-3SG house-DIM be-NMLZ.PF-3SG and house-0-3SG DP see-NMLZ.PF-3SG door-0-3SG half open-NONPST-0-SG.3SG see-NMLZ.PF-3SG have-NONPST-0-SG.3SG and DP one woman man-0-3SG alone DP one-LOC hear-NONPST-0-SG.3SG and DP thing-3SG one old:man from:where FOC come-NMLZ.IMPF-3SG hear-NONPST DP tree-0-PL what-0-PL all root root-PROPR with everything tear-0-NMLZ.IMPF-3SG hear-NONPST one-LOC to:here come:forth-NONPST devil to:here come:forth-NONPST and DP that old:man say-0-NONPST old:man towards say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST DP many person many-PL-3SG animal-PL-3SG kill-0-IMPF-PST-0-1SG and 2SG-ACC/DAT DP [passage] place say-0-NONPST NEG be-NMLZ.IMPF start-NONPST
    DP home идти-NONPST and DP мать-3ЕД женщина сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST как boy-ДИМ-3ЕД Palchik-3ЕД что убить-ПРОШ-0-2ЕД ничего сказать-0-NONPST убить-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕД not:be один elk животное wound-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД так идти-0-ПРОШ тот один собака ear сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST not:be 1ЕД идти-NONPST-1ЕД тот собака ear-ДИМ идти-NONPST DP идти-NONPST DP идти-NONPST DP идти-NONPST идти-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3ЕД от DP что место-ЛОК прибыть-NONPST and DP DP маленький дом-ДИМ быть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД дом-ДИМ быть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД and дом-0-3ЕД DP видеть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД дверь-0-3ЕД half открыть-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД видеть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД have-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД and DP один женщина мужчина-0-3ЕД alone DP один-ЛОК слышать-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД and DP вещь-3ЕД один старик from:where ФОК прийти-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3ЕД слышать-NONPST DP дерево-0-МН что-0-МН весь root root-ПРОПР с everything рвать-0-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3ЕД слышать-NONPST один-ЛОК to:here come:forth-NONPST черт to:here come:forth-NONPST and DP тот старик сказать-0-NONPST старик в:направлении сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST DP много человек много-МН-3ЕД животное-МН-3ЕД убить-0-ИМПФ-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД and 2ЕД-АКК/ДАТ DP [passage] место сказать-0-NONPST НЕГ быть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-NONPST
    He came home and the mother said: “Son Palchik, what did you kill?” “I didn’t kill anything,” he said. “I wounded an elk, but it got away.” Then Dog Ear said: “No, I’ll go.” Dog Ear went, went, and went. He went along and then came to some sort of place, there was a little house. There was a little house, he opened the door and looked, an old woman was lying there. Suddenly he could hear an old man coming from somewhere. He could hear him tearing trees out by their roots. Suddenly a demon appeared. He appeared there and he said to the old man: “I have killed many animals and you will not get rid of me.”
  • itta pa śikəńśa kŭl iki law-i-li-j-ə-l: “davaj, law-ə-l ătti, kŭrəŋ wɔj wel-ti jăχ-l-ə-ŋən pa mă-ti-t-l-ə-mən ar li-l, śit-l-ə-mən săχat-ti wel-l-ə-ləmən.” itta kŭl iki śikəńśa law-ə-l: “davaj, ma sɔglaśen.” itta kŭl iki măn-l pa śikəńśa ătti kŭl iki pil-na ătti χuləm kŭrəŋ wɔj wel-l-ə-ŋən. χuləm kŭrəŋ wɔj wel-l-ə-ŋən pa śikəńśa ătti wŭl kińśa wŭl pŭt wŭl pa śikəńśa ewət-l-ə-lən pa śikəńśa ătti kawər-l-ə-lən nik. pŭt-ə-n jets-ə-l pa śikəńśa itta kŭl iki law-i-li-j-ə-l ătti: “davaj li-ti pit-l-ə-mən.” itta kŭl iki pil-na li-ti pit-l-ə-ŋən śikəńśa ătti, sem-l-al nŏχ ăt-i-li-j-ə-l pa tŭm-el iśi kŭrəŋ-na li-l, a tăm-el śikəńśa mŏla mɔś χuj nemŏsa ăn werit-l li-ti. sem-l-al lăp tuχr-ə-m-ə-t-ə-l kŭl iki lŏw-ə-t lŭw pel-el χir-l-ə-lli. a tăm-el śikəńśa law-i-li-j-ə-l: “pŭt-em jetś-ə-s.” śikəńśa imŏsaj-na wan-m-al tăj-l-ə-lli pa śikəńśa itta kŭl iki sem-l-al nŏχ pŏs-l-ə-lli pa kŭl iki law-i-li-j-ə-l: “ɔj, năŋ χŏti ar liw-m-en!”
    DP and DP devil old:man say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST [let’s] say-0-NONPST DP elk animal kill-NMLZ.IMPF walk-NONPST-0-3DU and which-PL-0-1DU much eat-NONPST that-PL-0-1DU then-TRANS kill-NONPST-0-PL.1DU that devil old:man DP say-0-NONPST [let’s] 1SG [agree] that devil old:man go-NONPST and DP DP devil old:man companion-LOC DP three elk animal kill-NONPST-0-3DU three elk animal kill-NONPST-0-3DU and DP DP big very big pot big and DP cut-NONPST-0-3DU.PL and DP DP cook-NONPST-0-3DU.PL riverwards pot-0-2DU finish-0-NONPST and DP that devil old:man say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST DP [let’s] eat-NMLZ.IMPF start-NONPST-0-1DU that devil old:man companion-LOC eat-NMLZ.IMPF start-NONPST-0-3DU DP DP eye-PL-3SG up dummy:verb-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST and that-3SG same elk-LOC eat-NONPST [but] this-3SG DP what story man nothing NEG can-NONPST eat-NMLZ.IMPF eye-PL-3SG closed close-0-NMLZ.PF-0-N-0-3SG devil old:man bone-0-PL 3 towards-3SG tie-NONPST-0-SG.3SG [but] this-3SG DP say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST pot-1SG finish-0-PST DP one-LOC see-NMLZ.PF-3SG have-NONPST-0-SG.3SG and DP that devil old:man eye-PL-3SG up open-NONPST-0-SG.3SG and devil old:man say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST INTJ 2SG how much eat-NMLZ.PF-2SG
    DP and DP черт старик сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST [let’s] сказать-0-NONPST DP elk животное убить-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ идти-NONPST-0-3ДВ and который-МН-0-1ДВ много есть-NONPST тот-МН-0-1ДВ тогда-TRANS убить-NONPST-0-МН.1ДВ тот черт старик DP сказать-0-NONPST [let’s] 1ЕД [agree] тот черт старик идти-NONPST and DP DP черт старик товарищ-ЛОК DP три elk животное убить-NONPST-0-3ДВ три elk животное убить-NONPST-0-3ДВ and DP DP большой очень большой pot большой and DP резать-NONPST-0-3ДВ.МН and DP DP варить-NONPST-0-3ДВ.МН riverwards pot-0-2ДВ закончить-0-NONPST and DP тот черт старик сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST DP [let’s] есть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-NONPST-0-1ДВ тот черт старик товарищ-ЛОК есть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ начать-NONPST-0-3ДВ DP DP глаз-МН-3ЕД вверх dummy:verb-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST and тот-3ЕД same elk-ЛОК есть-NONPST [но] этот-3ЕД DP что story мужчина ничего НЕГ can-NONPST есть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ глаз-МН-3ЕД closed close-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-0-N-0-3ЕД черт старик кость-0-МН 3 в:направлении-3ЕД связать-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД [но] этот-3ЕД DP сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST pot-1ЕД закончить-0-ПРОШ DP один-ЛОК видеть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД have-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД and DP тот черт старик глаз-МН-3ЕД вверх открыть-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД and черт старик сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST МЕЖД 2ЕД как много есть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-2ЕД
    The demon said: “Let’s go hunt elk. Whichever of us eats the most, that’s the one we’ll kill.” He said: “Fine, I agree.” The demon set off, together with the demon he killed three elk. They killed three elk, they took a big, very big cauldron, carved them up and cooked them. The cauldron boiled and the demon said: “Come on, we’ll eat.” He started to eat together with the demon and turned his eyes up, the demon ate quickly, but the man of tales could eat nothing at all. He gathered up the bones from the demon who had closed his eyes. The demon said: “There’s nothing left.” He looked suddenly, the demon turned his eyes up and said: “Oh, it looks like you ate a lot.”
  • a tăm mɔś χuj-iji law-i-li-j-ə-l: “davaj, law-ə-l, itta śikəńśa, ma năŋ-en il jir-l-em. śikəńśa ătti lălpi ăt-l-ə-m, ătti lăl-l-ə-mən, sem-l-al atm-ə-t ul-m-el, pa ma sem-l-an ătti ăt-l-lam, leśat-l-ə-lam.” a tăm-el law-i-li-j-ə-l: “śiti ki śiti.” itta mɔś χuj-ə-l jăŋχ-ə-mt-ij-ə-l, ătti wŭl kew ătti mŭnti pŭt-na kawərt-ə-m ătti, ăt-l kew pŭt-l wŭl pa śikəńśa kat ewəl nŏχ ăt-l-ə-lən, nŏχ ăt-l-ə-lən pa śikəńśa imŏsaj-na wan-man tăj-l-ə-lli: wŭl lălpi pŏtali. wŭ-l-li pa tŏχi sɔsəm-l-ə-lli kew pŭt-na lipi-na. itta śikəńśa iki śikəńśa ătti părl-ə-l-a χŏnsa χuj-ti. χŏnsa χuj-ə-l pa śikəńśa itta: “ɔdin ătti năŋ sem-l-al nŏχ pŏns-ə-l-a, ma śi itta năŋ-ən lălpi-na sɔsəm-l-ə-m.”
    [but] this story man-DIM say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST [let’s] say-0-NONPST DP DP 1SG 2SG-ACC/DAT down tie-NONPST-SG.1SG DP DP lead dummy:verb-NONPST-1SG DP melt-NONPST-0-1DU eye-PL-3SG bad-0-PL be-NMLZ.IMPF-3PL and 1SG eye-PL-2SG DP dummy:verb-NONPST-SG.1SG prepare-NONPST-0-SG.1SG [but] this-3SG say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST so if so that story man-0-3SG walk-0-INCH-FREQ-0-NONPST DP big stone DP soon pot-LOC cook-0-NMLZ.PF DP thing-3SG stone pot-3SG big and DP two pole dummy:verb-NONPST-0-SG.3DU up dummy:verb-NONPST-0-SG.3DU and DP one-LOC see-CVB have-NONPST-0-SG.3SG big lead lump take-NONPST-SG.3SG and to:there pour-NONPST-0-SG.3SG stone pot-LOC inside-LOC DP DP old:man DP DP order-0-NONPST-PAS face:down lie-NMLZ.IMPF face:down lie-0-NONPST and DP DP [one] DP 1SG eye-PL-3SG up open-0-IMPF-IMP 1SG FOC DP 2SG-ACC/DAT lead-LOC pour-NONPST-0-1SG
    [но] этот story мужчина-ДИМ сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST [let’s] сказать-0-NONPST DP DP 1ЕД 2ЕД-АКК/ДАТ down связать-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕД DP DP lead dummy:verb-NONPST-1ЕД DP melt-NONPST-0-1ДВ глаз-МН-3ЕД плохой-0-МН быть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3МН and 1ЕД глаз-МН-2ЕД DP dummy:verb-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕД приготовить-NONPST-0-ЕД.1ЕД [но] этот-3ЕД сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST так if так тот story мужчина-0-3ЕД идти-0-ИНХ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST DP большой камень DP soon pot-ЛОК варить-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ DP вещь-3ЕД камень pot-3ЕД большой and DP два полюс dummy:verb-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ДВ вверх dummy:verb-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ДВ and DP один-ЛОК видеть-КОНВ have-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД большой lead lump взять-NONPST-ЕД.3ЕД and to:there pour-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД камень pot-ЛОК inside-ЛОК DP DP старик DP DP приказать-0-NONPST-ПАС face:down лежать-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ face:down лежать-0-NONPST and DP DP [один] DP 1ЕД глаз-МН-3ЕД вверх открыть-0-ИМПФ-ИМП 1ЕД ФОК DP 2ЕД-АКК/ДАТ lead-ЛОК pour-NONPST-0-1ЕД
    But the man of tales said: “Come on, I’ll tie you up, we’ll melt lead, his eyes were bad, I’ll heal your eyes.” The demon said: “Fine, if that’s the way it is, that’s the way it is.” The man of tales went off and took and he said to the old man: “I have killed many people, I have killed many animals and you will not get rid of me.” The man of tales went off and took a large stone cauldron in which cooking was done, a stone cauldron, hung it on two posts and looked: [there was] a large lump of lead. He took it and poured it there, into the stone cauldron. He ordered the demon to lie on his back. He lay down on his back. “So, open one eye, now I’ll do your eye with lead.”
  • śikəńśa ittam śikəńśa kŭl iki il χuj-ə-l śikəńśa ătti, sem-l-al nŏχ pŏs-l-ə-lli pa itta mɔś χuj-na wŭ-l-a pa śikəńśa ittam lălpi-na sem-ŋil-al śikəńśa lăp sɔsəm-l-aj-ə-t. itta kŭl śikəńśa kawrəm-na li-ti săχat nŏχ nawərm-l pa śikəńśa χŏl ŭw-ə-l, śi ŭw-ə-l. ŭw-ə-l ătti, jŏχəś tăχa măn-t-al-na śikəńśa ătti naŋki wŏs-i telna ijulti tal-ə-s-l-ə-t. ŭw-ə-l: “mŏtta χătl li-s-aj-ə-m, mŏtta χătl li-s-aj-ə-m.” a χŭnti li-s-a, čɔrt jegɔ znajet.
    DP that DP devil old:man down lie-0-NONPST DP DP eye-PL-3SG up open-NONPST-0-SG.3SG and that story man-LOC wake-NONPST-PAS and DP that lead-LOC eye-DU-3SG DP opened pour-NONPST-PAS-0-3PL that devil DP heat-LOC eat-NMLZ.IMPF then up jump-NONPST and DP where shout-0-NONPST DP shout-0-NONPST shout-0-NONPST DP homewards place go-NMLZ.IMPF-3SG-LOC DP DP larch root-PROPR with everything pull-0-INTR-NONPST-0-3PL shout-0-NONPST earlier day eat-PST-PAS-0-1SG earlier day eat-PST-PAS-0-1SG [but] when eat-PST-PAS [devil] [it] [knows]
    DP тот DP черт старик down лежать-0-NONPST DP DP глаз-МН-3ЕД вверх открыть-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД and тот story мужчина-ЛОК проснуться-NONPST-ПАС and DP тот lead-ЛОК глаз-ДВ-3ЕД DP opened pour-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МН тот черт DP heat-ЛОК есть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ тогда вверх прыгать-NONPST and DP где кричать-0-NONPST DP кричать-0-NONPST кричать-0-NONPST DP homewards место идти-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3ЕД-ЛОК DP DP larch root-ПРОПР с everything тянуть-0-ИНТР-NONPST-0-3МН кричать-0-NONPST earlier день есть-ПРОШ-ПАС-0-1ЕД earlier день есть-ПРОШ-ПАС-0-1ЕД [но] когда есть-ПРОШ-ПАС [черт] [этот] [knows]
    The demon lay there, opened his eye, the man of tales took and poured lead into his eye. The demon was burned by fire, he sprang up and screamed and screamed. He screamed, burst out, and dragged along all the larches by their roots. He screamed: “I’ve been burned at some time, I’ve been burned.” But the devil knows when he got burnt.