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Northern Khanty
Gloss (English)
Gloss (Russian)
A singing tale performed in Khanty. An old Nenets man has a herd of ten thousand. One day it gets stolen by a group of Tungus people, who also take his son and ill him.
Recording: The performance was recorded in Katrazvozh in 1990 by Irina Nikolaeva.
- OSTYAK_48.mp3 (10 MB)
- OSTYAK_48.ogg (6 MB)
- OSTYAK_48.xml (24 kB)
- ur ik-el | lŏχ-ij-enforest old:man-3SG wretched-DIM-2SGлес старик-3ЕД wretched-ДИМ-2ЕДOld Nenets man,
- ur ik-i|(γi-ji)j-enforest old:man-DIM-2SGлес старик-ДИМ-2ЕДOld Nenets man,
- juŋ śărəs | aj taś-ijeten thousand small herd-DIMдесять ттысяча маленький herd-ДИМA herd of ten thousand
- tăj-ə-l(ə) | tăj-ə-l.have-0-NONPST have-0-NONPSThave-0-NONPST have-0-NONPSTHe has, he has.
- jik-ə-l(ə) pela | law-ə-l(ə):boy-0-3SG towards say-0-NONPSTboy-0-3ЕД в:направлении сказать-0-NONPSTHe said to his son:
- “jăŋχ-a | taś-ij-enwalk-IMP herd-DIM-2SGидти-ИМП herd-ДИМ-2ЕД“Go out, drive
- jŏχi wɔst-i|-li-j-e”.homewards drive-0-IMPF-FREQ-IMPhomewards drive-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-ИМПThe herd home.”
- [jik-ə-l law-ə-l]:boy-0-3SG say-0-NONPSTboy-0-3ЕД сказать-0-NONPSTThe son said:
- “mŏla-ji | wɔst-ə-l|-lem | (i-je),what-TRANS drive-0-NONPST-PL.1SGчто-TRANS drive-0-NONPST-МН.1ЕД“Why should I drive it,
- juŋ śărəs(ə) | taś-ij-enten thousand herd-DIM-2SGдесять ттысяча herd-ДИМ-2ЕДThe herd of ten thousand,
- liw-man(ə) χŭn(ə) | χŏl-ə-l(ə),eat-CVB when be:exhausted-0-NONPSTесть-КОНВ когда be:exhausted-0-NONPSTIf we eat it, won’t it be finished,
- tăj-man(ə) χŭn(ə) | χŏləl”.have-CVB when be:exhausted-0-NONPSThave-КОНВ когда be:exhausted-0-NONPSTIf we keep it, won’t it be finished?”
- [law-ə-l]:say-0-NONPSTсказать-0-NONPSTHe said:
- “jik-ij-e | jik-ij-e,boy-DIM-VOC boy-DIM-VOCboy-ДИМ-ВОК boy-ДИМ-ВОК“Son, son
- ma lit-l-aj-ə-m |1SG want-NONPST-PAS-0-1SG1ЕД хотеть-NONPST-ПАС-0-1ЕДI want
- ur kălaŋ(ə) | wel-ti,forest reindeer kill-NMLZ.IMPFлес олень убить-НМЛЗ.ИМПФTo kill a forest reindeer,
- lit-l-aj-ə-m jăm|-ij-e”.want-NONPST-PAS-0-1SG good-DIM-VOCхотеть-NONPST-ПАС-0-1ЕД хороший-ДИМ-ВОКI want to.”
- [law-ə-l]:say-0-NONPSTсказать-0-NONPSTHe said:
- “ńar ur-ije | mɔs-l”.fresh blood-DIM must-NONPSTfresh blood-ДИМ must-NONPST“Fresh blood is needed.”
- jik-ə-l law-i|-li-j-ə-l:boy-0-3SG say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPSTboy-0-3ЕД сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPSTThe son said:
- “juŋ śărəs | taś-ije(ije),ten thousand herd-DIMдесять ттысяча herd-ДИМ“The herd of ten thousand,
- liw-man(ə) χŭn(ə) | χŏl-ə-l,eat-CVB when be:exhausted-0-NONPSTесть-КОНВ когда be:exhausted-0-NONPSTIf we eat it, won’t it be finished,
- tăj-man(ə) χŭn(ə) | χŏl-ə-l(i-je)”.have-CVB when be:exhausted-0-NONPSThave-КОНВ когда be:exhausted-0-NONPSTIf we keep it, won’t it be finished?”
- [law-ə-l]:say-0-NONPSTсказать-0-NONPSTHe spoke,
- jik-ə-l(ə) pela |boy-0-3SG towardsboy-0-3ЕД в:направленииTo the son
- (γ)ăn χul-ə-n|t-ij-ə-s pa(γije)NEG hear-0-FREQ-FREQ-0-PST andНЕГ слышать-0-ФРЕКВ-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШ andHe did not listen.
- wet χɔpt-i|(γ)ij-elfive reindeer-DIM-3SGfive олень-ДИМ-3ЕДFive male reindeer
- śi katl-i|-li-s-li.DP seize-0-IMPF-PST-SG.3SGDP seize-0-ИМПФ-ПРОШ-ЕД.3ЕДHe caught.
- [law-ə-l]:say-0-NONPSTсказать-0-NONPSTHe spoke,
- ɔlŋ-ə-l(ə) katl-i|-li-j-ə-s paend-0-3SG seize-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-PST andконец-0-3ЕД seize-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШ andHe caught the lead reindeer,
- pelək-l-al | śir-ə-l-na | ji-s-ə-t.half-PL-3SG way-0-3SG-LOC come-PST-0-3PLhalf-МН-3ЕД way-0-3ЕД-ЛОК прийти-ПРОШ-0-3МНThe side reindeer came by themselves.
- ur iki | lŏχ-ij-enforest old:man wretched-DIM-2SGлес старик wretched-ДИМ-2ЕДThe old Nenets man
- śi kir-ə|-s-ij-ə-s | (i-je),DP harness-0-INTR-FREQ-0-PSTDP harness-0-ИНТР-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШHarnessed them,
- wet χɔpti | jăm-ij-etfive reindeer good-DIM-PLfive олень хороший-ДИМ-МНFive male reindeer
- śi kir-i|-li-s-li | (γi-je).DP harness-0-IMPF-PST-SG.3SGDP harness-0-ИМПФ-ПРОШ-ЕД.3ЕДHe harnessed.
- jik-ə-l law-ə-l: |boy-0-3SG say-0-NONPSTboy-0-3ЕД сказать-0-NONPSTThe son said:
- “aś-ij-e |father-DIM-VOCотец-ДИМ-ВОК“Father,
- juŋ śărəs ta|ś-ij-en(ə)ten thousand herd-DIM-2SGдесять ттысяча herd-ДИМ-2ЕДA herd of ten thousand,
- liw-man(ə) |χŭnti | χŏll-ə-l”.eat-CVB when be:exhausted-0-NONPSTесть-КОНВ когда be:exhausted-0-NONPSTIf we eat them, won’t they be finished?
- [law-ə-l]:say-0-NONPSTсказать-0-NONPSTHe said:
- “jik-ij-e |boy-DIM-VOCboy-ДИМ-ВОК“Son,
- ńar(u) wŭ|r-ijefresh blood-DIMfresh blood-ДИМFresh blood,
- wŭr-ə-l(ə) mɔs-i|-li-j-l”.blood-0-3SG must-0-IMPF-FREQ-NONPSTblood-0-3ЕД must-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-NONPSTBlood is necessary.”
- itta (γ)iki|(γ)-ijethat old:man-DIMтот старик-ДИМThe old man,
- χɔt săs uχəl(ə) | jăm ewəlthouse back sled good fromдом назад sled хороший отFrom the sled behind the house
- săs-l(ə) χănsəŋ(ə) | pŏskan lŏχi(li)back-3SG decorated [gun] wretchedназад-3ЕД decorated [ружье] wretchedA gun with a patterned muzzle
- śi wŭj-i(ə)|-li-s-li(γo),DP take-0-IMPF-PST-SG.3SGDP взять-0-ИМПФ-ПРОШ-ЕД.3ЕДHe took.
- jɔχ-ə-t uχəl(ə) | părta pel(ə)|k-ij-el-naman-0-PL sled back half-DIM-3SG-LOCмужчина-0-МН sled назад half-ДИМ-3ЕД-ЛОКOn the men’s sleds in the back
- śi χus-i|-li-s-li.DP bind-0-IMPF-PST-SG.3SGDP bind-0-ИМПФ-ПРОШ-ЕД.3ЕДHe tied it there.
- jik-ə-l(ə) pela |boy-0-3SG towardsboy-0-3ЕД в:направленииTo the son
- (γ)ăn χul-ə-n|t-ij-ə-s | (i-je),NEG hear-0-FREQ-FREQ-0-PSTНЕГ слышать-0-ФРЕКВ-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШHe did not listen.
- itta ur iki | lŏχ-ij-en,that forest old:man wretched-DIM-2SGтот лес старик wretched-ДИМ-2ЕДThe old Nenets man
- śi lel-ə-m(ə)|t-ij-ə-s | (i-je).DP sit-0-INCH-FREQ-0-PSTDP сидеть-0-ИНХ-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШSeated himself on the sled.
- [law-ə-l]:say-0-NONPSTсказать-0-NONPSTHe spoke.
- śŭŋk-ə-ŋ(ə) mŭw-ə-t-na |knoll-0-PROPR land-0-PL-LOCknoll-0-ПРОПР земля-0-МН-ЛОКOn the rough earth
- (γ)uχəl(ə) pŭs-el |sled tail-3SGsled tail-3ЕДThe back of his sled
- jesa χăn-ə-m(ə)|t-ij-ə-l paa:little stick-0-INCH-FREQ-0-NONPSTa:little больной-0-ИНХ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPSTStuck a bit.
- śiti măn-i|-li-j-ə-l | (i-je),so go-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPSTтак идти-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPSTSo he went,
- lɔt-ə-ŋ(ə) mŭ|w-ij-et-naplace-0-PROPR land-DIM-PL-LOCместо-0-ПРОПР земля-ДИМ-МН-ЛОКOver the pitted earth
- (γ)uχəl(ə) |sledsledHis sled
- numəlta măn-i|-li-j-ə-l.from:above go-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPSTсверху идти-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPSTWent on top.
- wan măn-i|-li-j-ə-s pashort go-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-PST andshort идти-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШ andHe went for a short time,
- [law-ə-l]say-0-NONPSTсказать-0-NONPSTHe spoke,
- χuj-ə-t kińśa | păl χuj-naman-0-PL very high man-LOCмужчина-0-МН очень high мужчина-ЛОКUp to the tall man
- śi jŏχt-i|-li-j-ə-s pa | (γi-je)DP arrive-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-PST andDP прибыть-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШ andHe went.
- ur kălaŋ | sijuwforest reindeer calfлес олень теленокThe forest reindeer calf
- jel nawər(ə)|m-ij-ə-s,ahead jump-FREQ-0-PSTвперед прыгать-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШJumped forward.
- śiti law-i|-li-j-ə-l:so say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPSTтак сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPSTIt said so,
- [law-ə-l]:say-0-NONPSTсказать-0-NONPSTIt said:
- “măn-em(ə) kepa | wel-l-ə-n,1SG-ACC/DAT only kill-NONPST-0-2SG1ЕД-АКК/ДАТ only убить-NONPST-0-2ЕД“Even if you kill me,
- măn-em(ə) kepa | lil-l-ə-n,1SG-ACC/DAT only eat-NONPST-0-2SG1ЕД-АКК/ДАТ only есть-NONPST-0-2ЕДEven if you eat me,
- păl-li-t-en | ńŏχa (γ)ăn | tăj-l-ə-m,fear-IMPF-NMLZ.IMPF-2SG flesh NEG have-NONPST-0-1SGfear-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-2ЕД flesh НЕГ have-NONPST-0-1ЕДI have no flesh to be frightened,
- lŭŋ-li-t-en | ńŏχa χŭn | tăj-l-ə-m.?-IMPF-NMLZ.IMPF-2SG flesh when have-NONPST-0-1SG?-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-2ЕД flesh когда have-NONPST-0-1ЕДI have no meat,
- iki χul-ə-n|t-ij-a”.old:man hear-FREQ-FREQ-IMPстарик слышать-ФРЕКВ-ФРЕКВ-ИМПOld man, listen.”
- [law-ə-l]:say-0-NONPSTсказать-0-NONPSTHe spoke,
- “jălən(ə) măla | (wi-je)at:home whatat:home что“At home
- juŋ śărəs | aj taś-ij-en,ten thousand small herd-DIM-2SGдесять ттысяча маленький herd-ДИМ-2ЕДThe herd of ten thousand,
- aj taś-iji |small herd-DIMмаленький herd-ДИМThe little herd.”
- [munti lɔj-m-al-na]soon stand-NMLZ.PF-3SG-LOCsoon стоять-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД-ЛОКAs he stood earlier,
- jŏχi śi want-i|-li-l-ə-l pahomewards FOC see-0-IMPF-INTR-0-NONPSThomewards ФОК видеть-0-ИМПФ-ИНТР-0-NONPSTHe looked back,
- juŋ śɔrś-ə-ŋ | (i-je-i-jel)ten reindeerдесять оленьTen reindeer
- ur puχər(ə) | jăm iti | ńi-l-aj-ə-t,forest island good as seem-NONPST-PAS-0-3PLлес остров хороший as seem-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МНWere seen like a forest island.
- juŋ śărəs | aj taś-ij-ə-l,ten thousand small herd-DIM-0-3SGдесять ттысяча маленький herd-ДИМ-0-3ЕДThe herd of ten thousand
- ur puχər(ə) | jăm iti | ńi-l-aj-ə-t,forest island good as seem-NONPST-PAS-0-3PLлес остров хороший as seem-NONPST-ПАС-0-3МНWas seen like a forest island.
- ur kălaŋ sijuw | law-ə-l:forest reindeer calf say-0-NONPSTлес олень теленок сказать-0-NONPSTThe forest reindeer calf said:
- “juŋ śărəs | aj taś-ij-en(ə),ten thousand small herd-DIM-2SGдесять ттысяча маленький herd-ДИМ-2ЕД“Your herd of ten thousand,
- liw-man(ə) χŭnti | χŏl-ə-l(ə),eat-CVB when be:exhausted-0-NONPSTесть-КОНВ когда be:exhausted-0-NONPSTIf you eat it, won’t it be finished,
- tăj-man χŭnti | χŏl-ə-l”.have-CVB when be:exhausted-0-NONPSThave-КОНВ когда be:exhausted-0-NONPSTIf you keep it, won’t it be finished?”
- [law-ə-l]:say-0-NONPSTсказать-0-NONPSTHe said:
- “ńar(u) wŭr|-ij-en urəŋna,fresh blood-DIM-2SG forfresh blood-ДИМ-2ЕД for“For your fresh blood
- wel-l-em(ə) wel-l-em |”.kill-NONPST-SG.1SG kill-NONPST-SG.1SGубить-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕД убить-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕДI will kill you, will kill you.”
- [law-ə-l]:say-0-NONPSTсказать-0-NONPSTIt said:
- “man-em(ə) χŭnti | wel-l-en”.1SG-ACC/DAT when kill-NONPST-ACC/DAT1ЕД-АКК/ДАТ когда убить-NONPST-АКК/ДАТ“How will you kill me?”
- ur kălaŋ sijuw |forest reindeer calfлес олень теленокThe forest reindeer calf
- jel nawər|m-ij-ə-s paahead jump-FREQ-0-PST andвперед прыгать-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШ andJumped forward,
- χŭw(i) măn-i|-li-j-ə-s.long go-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-PSTдлинный идти-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШIt went far off.
- [ur iki]forest old:manлес старикThe old Nenets man
- săm-ə-l(ə) măn-i|-li-j-ə-s.heart-0-3SG go-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-PSTсердце-0-3ЕД идти-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШWas frightened.
- [śi ur iki]DP forest old:manDP лес старикThe old Nenets man
- ur iki | lŏχ-ij-el,forest old:man wretched-DIM-3SGлес старик wretched-ДИМ-3ЕДThe poor old Nenets man
- jŏχəś ăŋkər|m-ij-ə-s pahomewards look-FREQ-0-PST andhomewards смотреть-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШ andGlanced backwards.
- juŋ śărəs | aj taś-ij-elten thousand small herd-DIM-2SGдесять ттысяча маленький herd-ДИМ-2ЕДThe herd of ten thousand
- ăn ńi-l-a | (γ)ăn ńi-l-a,NEG seem-NONPST-PAS NEG seem-NONPST-PASНЕГ seem-NONPST-ПАС НЕГ seem-NONPST-ПАСCould not be seen, could not be seen,
- än ńi-l-a |NEG seem-NONPST-PASНЕГ seem-NONPST-ПАСCould not be seen.
- juŋ śŭrśə|ŋ-ij-el,ten reindeer-DIM-3SGдесять олень-ДИМ-3ЕДTen reindeer could not
- ńur än ńiw-i|-li-l-a.really NEG seem-0-IMPF-NONPST-PASreally НЕГ seem-0-ИМПФ-NONPST-ПАСBe seen at all.
- ŏkkul-ə-l(ə) | ńarem-ə-s parope-0-3SG grab-0-PST andверевка-0-3ЕД схватить-0-ПРОШ andHe took the reins and
- jŏχi lel-ə-m|t-ij-ə-s.homewards sit-0-INCH-FREQ-0-PSThomewards сидеть-0-ИНХ-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШSat back down on the sled.
- [munti]soonsoonEarlier
- ur kălaŋ(ə) sijuw | law-m-al(i-je-i-je),forest reindeer calf say-NMLZ.PF-3SGлес олень теленок сказать-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕДThe forest reindeer calf had said:
- juŋ śărəs | aj taś-ij-en(ə):ten thousand small herd-DIM-2SGдесять ттысяча маленький herd-ДИМ-2ЕД“Your herd of ten thousand
- “tŭŋkus-ə-t-na | tŭ-s-a,Tungus-0-PL-LOC bring-PST-PASTungus-0-МН-ЛОК принести-ПРОШ-ПАСWas taken away by the Tungus.
- jik-en(ə) tŭw-i|-li-s-a,boy-2SG bring-0-IMPF-PST-PASboy-2ЕД принести-0-ИМПФ-ПРОШ-ПАСThey took your son,
- (γ)im-en(ə) | lăsk-ə-s-a,woman-2SG throw-0-PST-PASженщина-2ЕД бросать-0-ПРОШ-ПАСThey threw your wife
- rat uŋχ wŭs-na | lăsk-ə-s-a”.fireplace opening opening-LOC throw-0-PST-PASочаг opening opening-ЛОК бросать-0-ПРОШ-ПАСInto the fireplace-opening.”
- [law-ə-l]:say-0-NONPSTсказать-0-NONPSTIt said:
- sem-ŋil-al |eye-DU-3SGглаз-ДВ-3ЕД“Her eyes
- kŭś-l-ə-ŋən | kawər-ti,smoulder-NONPST-0-3DU cook-NMLZ.IMPFsmoulder-NONPST-0-3ДВ варить-НМЛЗ.ИМПФAre hot
- lŭŋ-i sem(i) | jăm iti,summer-PROPR eye good asлето-ПРОПР глаз хороший asLike coals.
- (γ)ij im-en | năŋ jŏχət-t-en(ə) | pŏraj-naone woman-2SG 2SG arrive-NMLZ.IMPF-2SG time-LOCодин женщина-2ЕД 2ЕД прибыть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-2ЕД время-ЛОКWhen you arrive,
- sem-ŋil-al(ə) |eye-DU-3SGглаз-ДВ-3ЕДYour wive’s eyes will be
- kŭś-l-ə-ŋən | kawər-ti | lŭŋ-i”.smoulder-NONPST-0-3DU cook-NMLZ.IMPF summer-PROPRsmoulder-NONPST-0-3ДВ варить-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ лето-ПРОПРHot like blazing coal.”
- itta (γ)iki | lŏχithat old:man wretchedтот старик wretchedThe poor old man
- săm-ə-l(ə) măn-i|-li-j-ə-l paheart-0-3SG go-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST andсердце-0-3ЕД идти-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST andWas frightened,
- jŏχi lel-ə-m(ə)|t-ij-ə-l pa.homewards sit-0-INCH-FREQ-0-NONPST andhomewards сидеть-0-ИНХ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST andHe sat back on the sled.
- [aj lɔr munti want-l-ə-l]li pasmall lake soon see-NONPST-0-SG.3SG andмаленький озеро soon видеть-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД andEarlier he had seen a small lake,
- (γ)aj lɔr(ə) lŏwat | χɔt-ij-el | lɔj-ə-l,small lake size house-DIM-3SG stand-0-NONPSTмаленький озеро size дом-ДИМ-3ЕД стоять-0-NONPSTHis house was standing as big as a small lake,
- aj as lŏwat | χɔt-ij-el,small river size house-DIM-3SGмаленький river size дом-ДИМ-3ЕДHis house as big as the small Ob.
- [itta law-ə-l]DP say-0-NONPSTDP сказать-0-NONPSTNow he spoke,
- χɔt ăntam | ul-m-al | (i-je).house not:be be-NMLZ.PF-3SGдом not:be быть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕДHis house was gone.
- jŏχt-ə-s pa | (γ)ij im-el | law-ə-l:arrive-0-PST and one woman-3SG say-0-NONPSTприбыть-0-ПРОШ and один женщина-3ЕД сказать-0-NONPSTHe came and his wife said:
- “tŭŋkus-ə-t-na | jik-ij-en(ə) | tu-s-a,Tungus-0-PL-LOC boy-DIM-2SG bring-PST-PASTungus-0-МН-ЛОК boy-ДИМ-2ЕД принести-ПРОШ-ПАС“The Tungus took away your son,
- taś-l pil-na | tŭ-s-a,herd-3SG companion-LOC bring-PST-PASherd-3ЕД товарищ-ЛОК принести-ПРОШ-ПАСThey took him away together with the herd,
- (γ)ŏχ-ə-l pil-na | tŭ-s-a.money-0-3SG companion-LOC bring-PST-PASmoney-0-3ЕД товарищ-ЛОК принести-ПРОШ-ПАСThey took him together with the money.
- ma lăsk-i|-li-s-aj-ə-m(ə),1SG throw-0-IMPF-PST-PAS-0-1SG1ЕД бросать-0-ИМПФ-ПРОШ-ПАС-0-1ЕДThey threw me,
- rat ɔw wŭs-na | lăsk-ə-s-aj-ə-m | (i-je).fireplace opening opening-LOC throw-0-PST-PAS-0-1SGочаг opening opening-ЛОК бросать-0-ПРОШ-ПАС-0-1ЕДThey threw me into the fireplace-opening.
- man-em(ə) wŭj-e | măn-l-ə-mən(ə).1SG-ACC/DAT take-IMP go-NONPST-0-1DU1ЕД-АКК/ДАТ взять-ИМП идти-NONPST-0-1ДВTake me, let us go.
- χuləm(ə) pŭti | (γ)ul-ti | măn-l-ə-mən pa,three black be-NMLZ.IMPF go-NONPST-0-1DU andтри черный быть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ идти-NONPST-0-1ДВ andLet us go across three forest paths.
- jik-ij-en(ə) | śita lăsk-i|-li-j-ə-m,boy-DIM-2SG there throw-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NMLZ.PFboy-ДИМ-2ЕД там бросать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФThey threw your son there,
- wŭ-l-emən | wŭ-l-emən”.take-NONPST-SG.1DU take-NONPST-SG.1DUвзять-NONPST-ЕД.1ДВ взять-NONPST-ЕД.1ДВWe will take him, will take him.”
- iki law-ə-l: | “imi lel-i|-l-i(ju-o),old:man say-0-NONPST woman sit-0-NONPST-IMP.SGстарик сказать-0-NONPST женщина сидеть-0-NONPST-ИМП.ЕДThe old man said: “Wife, sit on the sled,
- măn-l-ə-mən | (i-je)”.go-NONPST-0-1DUидти-NONPST-0-1ДВWe’re off.”
- χuləm(ə) pŭti | măn-s-ə-ŋən pathree black go-PST-0-3DU andтри черный идти-ПРОШ-0-3ДВ andThey drove down three forest paths,
- χulχ-ə-t saw-ə-t | jesaś-l-ə-t(ə),crow-0-PL magpie-0-PL play-NONPST-0-3PLcrow-0-МН magpie-0-МН play-NONPST-0-3МНCrows, magpies were busy there,
- li-l-ə-t | (i-je-i-je),eat-NONPST-0-3PLесть-NONPST-0-3МНThey were feeding
- jik-ə-n śi (ŋ)ewəl|boy-0-3DU FOC fromboy-0-3ДВ ФОК отOn his son,
- śi tawəl|-li-j-ə-m | (i-je).DP feed-IMPF-FREQ-0-NMLZ.PFDP кормить-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФThey were eating him.
- [ik-iji] χuləχ | tŏχl-ə-l ewəlt,old:man-DIM crow wing-0-3SG fromстарик-ДИМ crow wing-0-3ЕД отThe old man one crow by its feathers
- [il] ńăre|m-i-s-li pa | law-ə-l(ə):down grab-FREQ-PST-SG.3SG and say-0-NONPSTdown схватить-ФРЕКВ-ПРОШ-ЕД.3ЕД and сказать-0-NONPSTGrabbed and said:
- [“măn-a] liləŋ(i) pɔm(i) | jăm elti | jăŋχ-a”.go-IMP life grass good from walk-IMPидти-ИМП жизнь grass хороший от идти-ИМП“Go, go off for life grass.”
- (γ)itta χulχ-ij-el | liləŋ pɔm(i) | tŭw-m-al pa,that crow-DIM-3SG life grass bring-NMLZ.PF-3SGтот crow-ДИМ-3ЕД жизнь grass принести-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕДThe crow brought life grass.
- [jik-ə-l law-ə-l],boy-0-3SG say-0-3SGboy-0-3ЕД сказать-0-3ЕДThe son, he said,
- liləŋ(ə) pɔm-na | ner-s-ə-lli palife grass-LOC rub-PST-0-SG.3SGжизнь grass-ЛОК rub-ПРОШ-0-ЕД.3ЕДHe rubbed the son with life grass,
- wŭr-ə-ŋ(ə) pŏlśəŋ | l'aks-ə-man,blood-0-PROPR saliva spit-0-CVBblood-0-ПРОПР saliva spit-0-КОНВAfter spitting out bloody saliva,
- jik-ij-el | nŏχ ɔms-i|-li-m-al paboy-DIM-3SG up sit-0-IMPF-NMLZ.PF-3SG andboy-ДИМ-3ЕД вверх сидеть-0-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД andHis son sat up and
- [law-ə-l]:say-0-NONPSTсказать-0-NONPSTSaid:
- “aś-ij-e | law-l-ə-m,father-DIM-VOC say-NONPST-0-1SGотец-ДИМ-ВОК сказать-NONPST-0-1ЕД“Father, I said,
- munt telna | law-l-ə-m(i),soon with say-NONPST-0-1SGsoon с сказать-NONPST-0-1ЕДI said earlier,
- mŏlaj-na | kăs-ti | măn-l-ə-m(i-je),what-LOC seek-NMLZ.IMPF go-NONPST-0-1SGчто-ЛОК искать-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ идти-NONPST-0-1ЕДWhy go off to search?”
- (γ)aś-ij-el law-ə-l |father-DIM-3SG say-0-NONPSTотец-ДИМ-3ЕД сказать-0-NONPSTThe father spoke,
- [juŋ śă]rəs | aj taś-ij-el,ten thousand small herd-DIM-3SGдесять ттысяча маленький herd-ДИМ-3ЕДThe herd of ten thousand
- śiti ti tŭw[-ə-m].so to:here bring-0-NMLZ.PFтак to:here принести-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФWas taken like that.
- [śilta jik-ə-n wŭ-l-ŋən, śi. vśɔ.]from:there boy-0-3DU take-NONPST-3DU DP [all]from:there boy-0-3ДВ взять-NONPST-3ДВ DP [весь]Then they took their son. End.