Northern Khanty

Brother and sister

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Brother and sister’s argument because of hunting.

Recorded in Katravozh in 1990 from Anna Seraskhova (born in 1930).



  • us-ŋəŋ ɔp-eŋən jew-eŋən. jaj-ə-l kăsəŋ χătl χŭl welti jăŋχ-ə-l, jŏχi jŏχət-l pa śikəńśa, ɔp-ij-el pela law-ə-l: “χŭl-en ewət-li-j-i, ŏχ-ə-l ma li-l-em, pŭs-el năŋ liw-i, kŭtp-eŋ sup-ə-l năŋ liw-i.” pa χătl-li ji-l pa măn-l. ur-na măn-l, ɔp-ij-el pa χŭl tu-l. ɔp-ij-el pela law-ə-l: “năŋ ătti kŭtp-eŋ sup-ə-l năŋ liw-i, ŏχ-ə-l ma li-l-em, pŭs-el ma li-l-em ătti, pŭs-el ma li-l-em. năŋ kŭtp-el liw-a.” ɔp-ij-el law-ə-l: “mŏla năŋ kŭtp-el śi iwenŋa măn-em lapət-l-en pa năŋ mŏla ătna. pa pŭs-el ma lil-em, ŏχ-ə-l năŋ lil-en, law-ə-l, ăntam.”
    be-PST-3DU elder:sister-DU subling-DU elder:brother-0-3SG each day fish kill-NMLZ.IMPF walk-0-NONPST homewards arrive-NONPST and DP elder:sister-DIM-0-3SG say-0-NONPST fish-2SG cut-IMPF-FREQ-IMP.SG head-0-3SG 1SG eat-NONPST-SG.1SG tail-3SG 2SG eat-IMP.SG middle-PROPR piece-0-3SG 2SG eat-IMP.SG and day-TRANS come-NONPST and go-NONPST forest-LOC go-NONPST elder:sister-DIM-3SG and fish bring-NONPST elder:sister-DIM-3SG towards say-0-NONPST 2SG DP middle-PROPR piece-0-3SG 2SG eat-IMP.SG head-0-3SG 1SG eat-NONPST-SG.1SG tail-3SG 1SG eat-NONPST-SG.1SG DP tail-3SG 1SG eat-NONPST-SG.1SG 2SG middle-3SG eat-IMP elder:sister-DIM-3SG say-0-NONPST what 2SG middle-3SG FOC always 1SG-ACC/DAT feed-NONPST-SG.2SG and 2SG what thing-LOC DP and tail-3SG 1SG eat-NONPST-SG.1SG head-0-3SG 2SG eat-NONPST-SG.2SG say-0-NONPST not:be
    быть-ПРОШ-3ДВ старшая:сестра-ДВ subling-ДВ старший:брат-0-3ЕД каждый день рыба убить-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ идти-0-NONPST homewards прибыть-NONPST and DP старшая:сестра-ДИМ-0-3ЕД сказать-0-NONPST рыба-2ЕД резать-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-ИМП.ЕД голова-0-3ЕД 1ЕД есть-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕД tail-3ЕД 2ЕД есть-ИМП.ЕД середина-ПРОПР piece-0-3ЕД 2ЕД есть-ИМП.ЕД and день-TRANS прийти-NONPST and идти-NONPST лес-ЛОК идти-NONPST старшая:сестра-ДИМ-3ЕД and рыба принести-NONPST старшая:сестра-ДИМ-3ЕД в:направлении сказать-0-NONPST 2ЕД DP середина-ПРОПР piece-0-3ЕД 2ЕД есть-ИМП.ЕД голова-0-3ЕД 1ЕД есть-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕД tail-3ЕД 1ЕД есть-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕД DP tail-3ЕД 1ЕД есть-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕД 2ЕД середина-3ЕД есть-ИМП старшая:сестра-ДИМ-3ЕД сказать-0-NONPST что 2ЕД середина-3ЕД ФОК всегда 1ЕД-АКК/ДАТ кормить-NONPST-ЕД.2ЕД and 2ЕД что вещь-ЛОК DP and tail-3ЕД 1ЕД есть-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕД голова-0-3ЕД 2ЕД есть-NONPST-ЕД.2ЕД сказать-0-NONPST not:be
    There lived a sister and brother. The brother went fishing every day. He came home and said to his sister: “Clean the fish. I’ll eat the head, you eat the tail, you eat the middle.” The next day he got up, went off again, went to the forest, brought his sister a fish again and said to his sister: “You eat the middle, I will eat the head, I will eat the tail, i will eat the tail, you eat the middle.” His sister said: “Why do you always feed me the middle? Why? The next time I will eat the tail, you eat the head, no.”
  • χulmət χătl ji-s pa măn-ə-s. pa măn-ə-s śikəńśa pa χŭl wel-ə-s, jŏχt-ə-s pa ɔp-ij-el pela law-ə-l: “ɔp-ij-em, pa kawər-l-emən, kŭtp-el năŋ liw-i, ŏχ-ə-l ma li-l-em.” ɔp-ij-el l'ik-aś-ə-s. ɔp-ij-el l'ik-aś-ə-s. “śewi, śewi, śewi, śewi.” śiti śi măn-ə-s. măn-ə-s, śikəńśa ătna, purl-ə-s. l'ik-aś-ə-s, ur-na măn-ə-s. χuləm χătl śiti măn-ə-s, χuləm χătl śiti purl-ə-s, purl-ə-s, imŏsaj-na jŏχt-ə-s jŭχ χŏśa, mŏśa aj wŭs-iji ul-m-al pa tŏχi lăŋ-em-ə-s. tŏχi lăŋ-em-ə-s śikəńśa, śiti śi χɔll-ə-l. at-l χɔll-ə-l, χătl χɔll-ə-l, jaj-ə-l ăntam, χijś-ə-s. jaj-ə-l-na śi kăs-l-a, śi kăs-l-a: “ɔp-ij-em χŏlta tăχa măn-ə-s, ɔp-ij-em χăta jăŋχ-ə-l?”
    three.ORD day come-PST and go-0-PST and go-0-PST DP and fish kill-0-PST arrive-0-PST and elder:sister-DIM-3SG towards say-0-NONPST elder:sister-DIM-1SG and cook-SG.1DU middle-3SG 2SG eat-IMP.SG head-0-3SG 1SG eat-NONPST-SG.1SG elder:sister-DIM-3SG anger-V-0-PST elder:sister-DIM-3SG anger-V-0-PST INTJ INTJ INTJ INTJ so FOC go-0-PST go-0-PST DP DP fly-0-PST anger-V-0-PST forest-LOC go-0-PST three day so go-0-PST three day so fly-0-PST fly-0-PST one-LOC arrive-0-PST tree to what small hole-DIM be-NMLZ.PF-3SG and to:there enter-INCH-0-PST to:there enter-INCH-0-PST so FOC cry-0-NONPST night-3SG cry-0-NONPST day cry-0-NONPST elder:brother-0-NONPST not:be remain:behind-0-PST elder:brother-0-3SG-LOC FOC seek-NONPST-PAS FOC seek-NONPST-PAS elder:sister-DIM-1SG to:where place go-0-PST elder:sister-DIM-1SG where walk-0-NONPST
    три.ОРД день прийти-ПРОШ and идти-0-ПРОШ and идти-0-ПРОШ DP and рыба убить-0-ПРОШ прибыть-0-ПРОШ and старшая:сестра-ДИМ-3ЕД в:направлении сказать-0-NONPST старшая:сестра-ДИМ-1ЕД and варить-ЕД.1ДВ середина-3ЕД 2ЕД есть-ИМП.ЕД голова-0-3ЕД 1ЕД есть-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕД старшая:сестра-ДИМ-3ЕД anger-ГЛ-0-ПРОШ старшая:сестра-ДИМ-3ЕД anger-ГЛ-0-ПРОШ МЕЖД МЕЖД МЕЖД МЕЖД так ФОК идти-0-ПРОШ идти-0-ПРОШ DP DP летать-0-ПРОШ anger-ГЛ-0-ПРОШ лес-ЛОК идти-0-ПРОШ три день так идти-0-ПРОШ три день так летать-0-ПРОШ летать-0-ПРОШ один-ЛОК прибыть-0-ПРОШ дерево к что маленький дыра-ДИМ быть-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД and to:there войти-ИНХ-0-ПРОШ to:there войти-ИНХ-0-ПРОШ так ФОК плакать-0-NONPST ночь-3ЕД плакать-0-NONPST день плакать-0-NONPST старший:брат-0-NONPST not:be remain:behind-0-ПРОШ старший:брат-0-3ЕД-ЛОК ФОК искать-NONPST-ПАС ФОК искать-NONPST-ПАС старшая:сестра-ДИМ-1ЕД to:where место идти-0-ПРОШ старшая:сестра-ДИМ-1ЕД где идти-0-NONPST
    The third day he got up and went out again. He went out again, caught fish again, came back and said to his sister: “Sister, we will cook again. You will eat the middle, I will eat the head.” The sister became angry, the sister became angry. “Sewi, sewi, sewi.” And she went out. She went out and flew off. She was angry and went into the forest. She went for three days, she flew and flew for three days. Then she came to a tree, there was a sort of small hole, she went in. She went in and cried. She cried by night, she cried by day. There was no brother, he had stayed. Her brother looked for her, looked for her. “Where did my sister go? Where is she wandering?”
  • śikəńśa śi jăŋχ-ə-s, jăŋχ-ə-s ja ɔp-ij-el uś-s-ə-lli, ńŏχ-el pit-m-al, lŏw-ə-l pit-m-al. ńŏχ-el pit-m-al, tăl lŏw-i-l-al χaś-m-el. ɔp-ij-el jŏχi wɔχ-l-ə-lli: “ɔp-iji, jŭw-a, jŭw-a, jŭw-a , kăt kit śewi, śewi. ma itta năŋ-en, law-ə-l ătti, jŏχi tu-l-em.” śi pɔjkaś-ə-s, śi pɔjkaś-ə-s. śi itta ɔp-ij-el śi purl-ə-s-ŋən, śi jŏχi śi măn-s-ə-ŋən. ja χŭl wel-ti jăŋχ-ə-s, law-i-li-j-ə-l: “itta tălta ɔlŋəś, law-ə-l, ɔp-ij-el, law-ə-l apś-iji, i χŭl ki wel-l-ə-mən, law-ə-l ătti, i sup-ə-l năŋ liw-i, i sup-ə-l ma li-l-em.” pɔjkaś-s-ə-ŋən śikəńśa, itta tăm χătl mŏsa jăχa ul-l-ə-ŋən.
    DP DP walk-0-PST walk-0-PST DP elder:sister-DIM-3SG find-PST-0-SG.3SG flesh-3SG fall-NMLZ.PF-3SG bone-0-3SG fall-NMLZ.PF-3SG flesh-3SG fall-NMLZ.PF-3SG bone-0-PL-3SG remain-NMLZ.PF-3PL elder:sister-DIM-3SG homewards beg-NONPST-0-SG.3SG elder:sister-DIM come-IMP come-IMP come-IMP INTJ INTJ INTJ INTJ 1SG DP 2SG-ACC/DAT say-0-NONPST DP homewards bring-NONPST-SG.1SG DP reconcile-0-PST DP reconcile-0-PST DP that sister-DIM-3SG FOC fly-0-PST-3DU DP homewards FOC go-PST-0-3DU DP fish kill-NMLZ.IMPF walk-0-PST say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST DP from:here ahead say-0-NONPST elder:sister-DIM-3SG say-0-NONPST younger:brother-DIM one fish if kill-NONPST-0-2DU say-0-NONPST one piece-0-3SG 2SG eat-IMP.SG one piece-0-3SG 1SG eat-NONPST-SG.1SG reconcile-PST-0-3DU DP DP this day what together be-NONPST-0-3DU
    DP DP идти-0-ПРОШ идти-0-ПРОШ DP старшая:сестра-ДИМ-3ЕД найти-ПРОШ-0-ЕД.3ЕД flesh-3ЕД fall-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД кость-0-3ЕД fall-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД flesh-3ЕД fall-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД кость-0-МН-3ЕД остаться-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3МН старшая:сестра-ДИМ-3ЕД homewards beg-NONPST-0-ЕД.3ЕД старшая:сестра-ДИМ прийти-ИМП прийти-ИМП прийти-ИМП МЕЖД МЕЖД МЕЖД МЕЖД 1ЕД DP 2ЕД-АКК/ДАТ сказать-0-NONPST DP homewards принести-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕД DP reconcile-0-ПРОШ DP reconcile-0-ПРОШ DP тот сестра-ДИМ-3ЕД ФОК летать-0-ПРОШ-3ДВ DP homewards ФОК идти-ПРОШ-0-3ДВ DP рыба убить-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ идти-0-ПРОШ сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST DP from:here вперед сказать-0-NONPST старшая:сестра-ДИМ-3ЕД сказать-0-NONPST younger:brother-ДИМ один рыба if убить-NONPST-0-2ДВ сказать-0-NONPST один piece-0-3ЕД 2ЕД есть-ИМП.ЕД один piece-0-3ЕД 1ЕД есть-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕД reconcile-ПРОШ-0-3ДВ DP DP этот день что together быть-NONPST-0-3ДВ
    He went and went and found his sister. Skin and bones remained. Skin and bones remained. He called his sister to come home: “Sister, come, come, chirp-chirp-chirp. I will take you home now,” he said. He made up to her, made up to her, together with the sister they flew off and came home. Again he went fishing and said: “Now,” said the brother, “if we catch a fish, you eat one half and I will eat one half.” They made up and still live like that.