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Northern Khanty
Gloss (English)
Gloss (Russian)
A song about a bird flying over the river Ob.
Recorded in Aksarka in 1993 from Anna Sibareva.
- OSTYAK_42.mp3 (6 MB)
- OSTYAK_42.ogg (4 MB)
- OSTYAK_42.xml (17 kB)
- tŏχl-ə-l-na | (γ)uni wɔj | uni wɔ(o)j,wing-0-3SG-LOC big animal big animalwing-0-3ЕД-ЛОК большой животное большой животноеBird large of wing, big bird,
- mărk-ə-l-na | (γ)uni wɔj | uni wɔj(i),wing-0-3SG big animal big animalwing-0-3ЕД большой животное большой животноеBird large of wing, big bird,
- ma pa (γ)iśi | măla (jo) | măla(ŋo-jo),1SG and like what what1ЕД and любить что чтоI, too,
- χŭwəlta ji-l-a ki(wa-wa) | mărk-ij-em | mărk-i(ji)j-em,from:far come-NONPST-PAS if wing-DIM-1SG wing-DIM-1SGfrom:far прийти-NONPST-ПАС if wing-ДИМ-1ЕД wing-ДИМ-1ЕДI have come from afar, my wings, my wings,
- wan χŭwa | juw-m-em (o) | juw-m-em(o).short long come-NMLZ.PF-1SG come-NMLZ.PF-1SGshort длинный прийти-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕД прийти-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕДOver long or short I have come, I have come.
- lɔr iki | un lɔr (o) | un lɔr(o-γo),lake old:man big lake big lakeозеро старик большой озеро большой озероI alit, I alit
- ma pa (jo) | lat-m-em (o) | lat-m-em(o).1SG and alight-NMLZ.PF-1SG alight-NMLZ.PF-1SG1ЕД and alight-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕД alight-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕДOn the lake, the big lake, the big lake.
- wan pa (jo) | (γ)u-s-ə-m pa | u-s-ə-m pashort and be-PST-0-1SG and be-PST-0-1SG andshort and быть-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД and быть-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД andFor long or short I lived, I lived
- imŏsaj-na | măla (joγ) | măla (jo-γo),one-LOC what whatодин-ЛОК что чтоOne day
- wɔs lŏwat | un teχəl | un teχəl(ə),town size big nest big nestгород size большой nest большой nestA nest as big as a town, a big nest
- ma wer-i|-li-m-em (o) | li-m-em(o),1SG make-0-IMPF-NMLZ.PF-1SG IMPF-NMLZ.PF-1SG1ЕД делать-0-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕД ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕДI made, I made.
- kur lŏwat | un teχəl | un teχəl(ə),village size big nest big nestvillage size большой nest большой nestA nest as big as a village, a big nest
- ma wer-i|-li-m-em (o) | li-m-em(o).1SG make-0-IMPF-NMLZ.PF-1SG IMPF-NMLZ.PF-1SG1ЕД делать-0-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕД ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕДI made, I made.
- wan u-s-ə-m | ma pa (jo) | măla (γ)iśishort be-PST-0-1SG 1SG and what sameshort быть-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД 1ЕД and что sameI lived long,
- kew-ə-ŋ ki | wet pŏsəχ | wet pŏsəχstone-0-PROPR if five cub five cubкамень-0-ПРОПР if five cub five cubFive eggs, five eggs
- ma pŏn-i|-li-m-em (o) | li-m-em(o).1SG put-0-IMPF-NMLZ.PF-1SG IMPF-NMLZ.PF-1SG1ЕД положить-0-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕД ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕДI laid, I laid.
- śi jŭpi-na(γ) | măla (joγ) | măla (jo-γo),DP behind-LOC what whatDP за-ЛОК что чтоAfter this
- mărk-em-na | uni wɔj | uni wɔj,wing-1SG-LOC big animal big animalwing-1ЕД-ЛОК большой животное большой животноеThe bird large of wing, the big bird,
- lɔr iki | wŭl lɔr (o) | wŭl lɔr(o-γo),lake old:man big lake big lakeозеро старик большой озеро большой озероOf the lake, of the big lake, of the big lake
- śŭŋ-ə-l ki | χŭw śŭŋ-ə-l|(la) jăχ-l-ə-m,corner-0-3SG if long corner-0-3SG walk-NONPST-0-1SGcorner-0-3ЕД if длинный corner-0-3ЕД идти-NONPST-0-1ЕДTo its end, to its long end I went.
- mărk-em-na | wŭl(i) wɔj | jăχ-l-ə-m.wing-1SG-LOC big animal walk-NONPST-0-1SGwing-1ЕД-ЛОК большой животное идти-NONPST-0-1ЕДThe big bird, large of wing went.
- imŏsaj-na | măla (joγ) | măla (jo-γo),one-LOC what whatодин-ЛОК что чтоOne day
- ńăl-ə-ŋ χɔp | ńăl-ij-el | jŭw-i-li-t-al,nose-0-PROPR boat nose-DIM-3SG come-0-IMPF-NMLZ.IMPF-3SGnose-0-ПРОПР boat nose-ДИМ-3ЕД прийти-0-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3ЕДThe nose of the nose-boat came,
- ŏχ-ə-l śak-ə-l | wan iki | wan iki,head-0-3SG hammer-0-3SG short old:man short old:manголова-0-3ЕД hammer-0-3ЕД short старик short старикAn old man with a goose-head, an old man
- lŭw jŭw-i|-li-j-i-l (o) | li-j-ə-l.3 come-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST3 прийти-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPSTHe came, he came.
- śik-em-na | ma pa (joγ) | ma pa (jo)[?]-1SG-LOC 1SG and 1SG and[?]-1ЕД-ЛОК 1ЕД and 1ЕД andThen I
- kew-ə-ŋ ki | wet pŏsχ-em(ə) | wet pŏsχ-emstone-0-PROPR if five cub-1SG five cub-1SGкамень-0-ПРОПР if five cub-1ЕД five cub-1ЕДOn the five eggs, the five eggs,
- tŏχi lat-i|-li-s-ə-m (o) | li-s-ə-m(o),to:there alight-0-IMPF-PST-0-1SG IMPF-PST-0-1SGto:there alight-0-ИМПФ-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД ИМПФ-ПРОШ-0-1ЕДFlew off there, flew off there,
- tŏχi (γ)ɔms-i|li-s-ə-m (o) | li-s-ə-m pa.to:there sit-0-IMPF-PST-0-1SG IMPF-PST-0-1SG andto:there сидеть-0-ИМПФ-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД ИМПФ-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД andSat down there, sat down there.
- ńăl-ə-ŋ χɔp | ńăl-ij-el | ńăl-ij-el(o),nose-0-PROPR boat nose-DIM-3SG nose-DIM-3SGnose-0-ПРОПР boat nose-ДИМ-3ЕД nose-ДИМ-3ЕДThe nose of the nose-boat, the nose
- lŭw sus-i-li-m-al (o) | li-m-al (o) | li-m-al(o).3 step-0-IMPF-NMLZ.PF-3SG IMPF-NMLZ.PF-3SG IMPF-NMLZ.PF-3SG3 шаг-0-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕДIt was moving, it was moving.
- śi jŭpi-na | law-i-li-j-ə-l(ə) | law-i-li-j-ə-l:DP behind-LOC say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPST say-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NONPSTDP за-ЛОК сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPST сказать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-NONPSTThen he said, he said:
- “jijlap-ăslap | jeməŋ wɔj(i) | jeməŋ wɔj(i)INTJ-INTJ sacred animal sacred animalМЕЖД-МЕЖД sacred животное sacred животное“Accursed sacred bird, sacred bird,
- jijlap ăslap | amp wɔj | amp wɔj,REFR REFR dog animal dog animalREFR REFR собака животное собака животноеAccursed dog-bird, dog-bird,
- tăm śŭŋ-ə-ŋ | śŭŋ-ə-ŋ lɔr | sŭŋ-ij-en,this corner-0-PROPR corner-0-PROPR lake corner-DIM-2SGэтот corner-0-ПРОПР corner-0-ПРОПР озеро corner-ДИМ-2ЕДAt the end of this lake, at the end
- mŏla-ji-je | năŋ iśi | pŏn-m-en(o)?what-TRANS-[?] 2SG same put-NMLZ.PF-2SGчто-TRANS-[?] 2ЕД same положить-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-2ЕДWhy did you lay them?
- kew-ə-ŋ ki | wet pŏsχ-en | wet pŏsχ-en,stone-0-PROPR if five cub-2SG five cup-2SGкамень-0-ПРОПР if five cub-2ЕД five cup-2ЕДFive eggs, five eggs,
- tăm lɔj-t-em(ə) | tăχaj-na | măla (γ)iśi,this stand-NMLZ.IMPF-1SG place-LOC what asэтот стоять-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-1ЕД место-ЛОК что asOn the place where I am standing
- sej nampər | seŋχ-l-ə-llam | seŋχ-l-ə-llam,[?] rubbish strike-NONPST-0-PL.1SG strike-NONPST-0-PL.1SG[?] мусор strike-NONPST-0-МН.1ЕД strike-NONPST-0-МН.1ЕДI’ll break them into the rubbish, I’ll break them,
- sej χis-si | wer-l-ə-llam | werl-ə-llam”.[?] [?]-TRANS make-NONPST-0-PL.1SG make-NONPST-0-PL.1SG[?] [?]-TRANS делать-NONPST-0-МН.1ЕД делать-NONPST-0-МН.1ЕДI’ll turn them into sand, I’ll turn them.”
- ńăl-ə-ŋ χɔp | ńăl-ij-el | ńăl-ij-el,nose-0-PROPR boat nose-DIM-3SG nose-DIM-3SGnose-0-ПРОПР boat nose-ДИМ-3ЕД nose-ДИМ-3ЕДThe nose of the nose-boat, the nose
- wŭ-ti śi χɔj-m-al (o) | χɔj-m-al(o-γo),take-NMLZ.IMPF FOC catch-NMLZ.PF-3SG catch-NMLZ.PF-3SGвзять-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ ФОК catch-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД catch-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕДPulled in to the shore, pulled in.
- śi kem-na χŏti (joγ) | măla (jo),DP after-LOC how whatDP после-ЛОК как чтоThen I,
- mărk-ə-ŋ wɔj | mărk-em-na | purl-i-m-em(ə),wing-0-PROPR animal wing-1SG-LOC fly-FREQ-NMLZ.PF-1SGwing-0-ПРОПР животное wing-1ЕД-ЛОК летать-ФРЕКВ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕДThe winged bird, flew on my wings
- tŏχl-ə-ŋ wɔj | tŏχl-em-na | purl-i-li-m-em.wing-0-PROPR animal wing-1SG-LOC fly-0-IMPF-NMLZ.PF-1SGwing-0-ПРОПР животное wing-1ЕД-ЛОК летать-0-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕДThe winged bird, I flew on my wings.
- imŏsaj-na | măla (joγ) | măla (jo),one-LOC what whatодин-ЛОК что чтоOne day
- śak-ə-l katl-ə-m(ə) | wan iki | wan iki,hammer-0-3SG seize-0-NMLZ.PF short old:man short old:manhammer-0-3ЕД seize-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФ short старик short старикThe old man, the old man holding the hammer
- lŭw pa măn-i|-li-j-ə-s pa | măla (jo),3 and go-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-PST and what3 and идти-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-ПРОШ and чтоHe also flew.
- kew-ə-ŋ ki | wet pŏsχ-em(ə) | wet pŏsχ-em(ə),stone-0-PROPR if five cub-1SG five cub-1SGкамень-0-ПРОПР if five cub-1ЕД five cub-1ЕДMy five eggs, five eggs
- χis nampər-ri | purən-m-al | seŋk-m-al(o).[?] rubbish-TRANS break:down-NMLZ.PF-3SG strike-NMLZ.PF-3SG[?] мусор-TRANS break:down-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД strike-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕДHe broke down to sand and rubbish.
- śi kem-na |χŭnti (jo) |χŭnti (jo),DP after-LOC when whenDP после-ЛОК когда когдаThen
- părta pelək | sem jiŋk-em | et-i-li-m-al(o),back half eye water-1SG come:forth-0-IMPF-NMLZ.PF-3SGназад half глаз вода-1ЕД come:forth-0-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕДA tear appeared on my left side,
- pŭwa (jo) | (γ)et-m-al (o) | (γ)et-m-al(o),[?] come:forth-NMLZ.PF-3SG come:forth-NMLZ.IMPF-3SG[?] come:forth-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-3ЕД come:forth-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-3ЕДIt appeared, it appeared.
- mărk-ə-ŋ wɔj | mărk-ij-em | χɔll-i-li-j-ə-m,wing-0-PROPR animal wing-DIM-1SG cry-0-IMPF-FREQ-0-NMLZ.PFwing-0-ПРОПР животное wing-ДИМ-1ЕД плакать-0-ИМПФ-ФРЕКВ-0-НМЛЗ.ПРФThe winged bird, with my wings
- lɔr-ij-el | ńil śŭŋ (o) | sijəl-l-em.lake-DIM-3SG four corner turn-NONPST-SG.1SGозеро-ДИМ-3ЕД четыре corner turn-NONPST-ЕД.1ЕДI circle the four corners of the lake.
- śi kem-na | law-l-ə-m (o) | law-l-ə-m(o):DP after-LOC say-NONPST-0-1SG say-NONPST-0-1SGDP после-ЛОК сказать-NONPST-0-1ЕД сказать-NONPST-0-1ЕДThen I say, I say:
- “jijlap-ăslap | jem iki | jem iki,INTJ-INTJ sacred old:man sacred old:manМЕЖД-МЕЖД sacred старик sacred старик“Accursed, sacred old man, sacred old man,
- pa lɔj-t-em | pa jŏχi jŏχət-t-em | mŏsa (jo),and stand-NMLZ.IMPF-1SG and homewards arrive-NMLZ.IMPF-1SG whatand стоять-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-1ЕД and homewards прибыть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-1ЕД чтоBy the time I sit again, fly here again,
- χis nampər | năŋ-iji (γ)iśi (joγ) | măla (jo),[?] rubbish 2SG-DIM same what[?] мусор 2ЕД-ДИМ same чтоYou, too, are sand.
- aj amp-i | l'usəŋ tŭr | at tŭ-t-en,small dog-PROPR ringing throat carry-NMLZ.IMPF-2SGмаленький собака-ПРОПР ringing горло нести-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-2ЕДMay you carry off the ringing throat of a little dog,
- aj amp-i | lasəŋ tŭr | at tŭt-en,small dog-PROPR ringing throat carry-NMLZ.IMPF-2SGмаленький собака-ПРОПР ringing горло нести-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-2ЕДMay you carry off the ringing throat of a little dog,
- naj-li ul-l-a | naj-li χălaś | ɔlneŋ(o),sun-CAR be-NONPST-PAS sun-CAR dead cemetery(?)солнце-КАР быть-NONPST-ПАС солнце-КАР dead cemetery(?)To the end of the cemetery
- năŋ at tŭw-i|-li-l-aj-ə-n | li-l-aj-ə-n,2SG OPT bring-0-IMPF-NONPST-PAS-0-2SG2ЕД OPT принести-0-ИМПФ-NONPST-ПАС-0-2ЕДMay you be carried, be carried, without a spirit.
- [ma] kew-ə-ŋ ki | wet pŏsχ-em | wet pŏsχ-em1SG stone-0-PROPR if five cub-1SG five cub-1SG1ЕД камень-0-ПРОПР if five cub-1ЕД five cub-1ЕДMy five eggs, five eggs,
- χis nampər-ri | kepa (jo) | wel-m-en(o)”.[?] rubbish-TRANS only kill-NMLZ.PF-2SG[?] мусор-TRANS only убить-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-2ЕДYou turned them into sand and rubbish.”
- śi kem-na | χŏti (jo) | χŏti (jo)DP after-LOC how howDP после-ЛОК как какThen,
- mărk-ə-ŋ ki | (γ)uni wɔj | măn-i-li-m-em(ə),wing-0-PROPR if big animal go-0-IMPF-NMLZ.PF-1SGwing-0-ПРОПР if большой животное идти-0-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕДThe big bird, large of wing, I flew off
- lant-ə-ŋ tăj-i | tăj-ij-em | pela (jo)flower-0-PROPR end-DIM end-DIM-1SG towardsflower-0-ПРОПР конец-ДИМ конец-ДИМ-1ЕД в:направленииTowards the rich up-stream land
- ma măn-i|-li-m-em (o) | li-m-em(o).1SG go-0-IMPF-NMLZ.PF-1SG IMPF-NMLZ.PF-1SG1ЕД идти-0-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕД ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕДI flew off, flew off.
- wan jăŋχ-s-ə-m (o) | χŭw jăŋχ-s-ə-m (o) | χŭw jăŋχ-s-ə-m,short walk-PST-0-1SG long walk-PST-0-1SG long walk-PST-0-1SGshort идти-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД длинный идти-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД длинный идти-ПРОШ-0-1ЕДFor long or short I went,
- iśi (joγ) | măla (joγ) | măla (jo),as what whatas что чтоIn the same way
- wɔs lŏwat | un lɔr-em | pa lɔj-m-em(ə),animal size big lake-1SG and stand-NMLZ.PF-1SGживотное size большой озеро-1ЕД and стоять-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕДI sat down again on a lake, as large as a town,
- pa lɔj-i|-li-m-em (o) | li-m-em(o),and stand-0-IMPF-NMLZ.PF-1SG IMPF-NMLZ.PF-1SGand стоять-0-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕД ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕДI sat again, I sat.
- wɔs lŏwat | un teχəl | pŏn-i-li-m-em,town size big nest put-0-IMPF-NMLZ.PF-1SGгород size большой nest положить-0-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕДI laid a nest as large as a town,
- ma wer-i|-li-m-em (o) | li-m-em(o).1SG make-0-IMPF-NMLZ.PF-1SG IMPF-NMLZ.PF-1SG1ЕД делать-0-ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕД ИМПФ-НМЛЗ.ПРФ-1ЕДI made it, I made it.
- ŏχ-ə-l śak-ə-l | un ik-em | sij-ə-l ăntam.head-0-3SG hammer-0-3SG big old:man-1SG noise-0-3SG not:beголова-0-3ЕД hammer-0-3ЕД большой старик-1ЕД noise-0-3ЕД not:beThe big man with a goose-head was not to be heard.
- śi kem-na | χŏti (jo) | χŏti (jo)DP after-LOC how howDP после-ЛОК как какThen
- wɔpi-ti | măn-s-ə-m (o) | măn-s-ə-m(o),look-NMLZ.IMPF go-PST-0-1SG go-PST-0-1SGсмотреть-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ идти-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД идти-ПРОШ-0-1ЕДI flew off to look, I flew off.
- ittam (o) | pŏχ-ij-a (o) | pŏχ-ij-aDP son-DIM-VOC son-DIM-VOCDP сын-ДИМ-ВОК сын-ДИМ-ВОКNow, little son, little son,
- naj-li ul-l-a | naj-li χălaś ɔlŋ-ə-l(o),sun-CAR be-NONPST-PAS sun-CAR dead end-0-3SGсолнце-КАР быть-NONPST-ПАС солнце-КАР dead конец-0-3ЕДTo the end of the cemetery without a spirit
- lŭw iśi | tu-l-a (jo) | tu-l-a (jo),3 same bring-NONPST-PAS bring-NONPST-PAS3 same принести-NONPST-ПАС принести-NONPST-ПАСHe is being carried, is being carried.
- aj χɔll-ə-p | l'usəŋ tŭr | tal-l-a (jo),small cry-0-N ringing throat pull-NONPST-PASмаленький плакать-0-N ringing горло тянуть-NONPST-ПАСThe ringing voice of small weeping is being carried,
- aj χɔll-ə-p | pŏl'śəŋ tŭr | tu-l-a (jo).small cry-0-N ringing throat bring-NONPST-PASмаленький плакать-0-N ringing горло принести-NONPST-ПАСThe ringing voice of small weeping is being carried.
- śi kem-na | ma χŏti | (uji-ju)DP after-LOC 1SG howDP после-ЛОК 1ЕД какThen, as before,
- mŏttaj-na | law-s-ə-m (o) | law-s-ə-m(o):earlier-LOC say-PST-0-1SG say-PST-0-1SGearlier-ЛОК сказать-ПРОШ-0-1ЕД сказать-ПРОШ-0-1ЕДI said, I said:
- “pa lɔj-t-em | pa mŏsa | χŏti (jo)and stand-NMLZ.IMPF-1SG and what howand стоять-НМЛЗ.ИМПФ-1ЕД and что как“By the time I alight,
- năŋ-iji | (γ)ănt ul-l-ə-n | ănt ul-l-ə-n”.2SG-DIM NEG be-NONPST-0-2SG NEG be-NONPST-0-2SG2ЕД-ДИМ НЕГ быть-NONPST-0-2ЕД НЕГ быть-NONPST-0-2ЕДYou will no longer be alive, no longer be alive.”