\_sh v3.0 1539 Text \block 001 \id 01 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.01 \tx [missing 5 seconds] ńaːn ńọːbatị mergen ukčeːnmečeketnen gerbe. \mb * ńaːn ńọːbatị mergen ukčeːnmeček -E-tEn gerbe \ge * also white force conversation -ep-poss.3pl name \ft A Conversation between [...] and the White Force. \ru Разговор (черной силы) и белой силы. \ph \gr \ELANBegin 00:00:00.000 \ELANEnd 00:00:05.326 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 02 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.02 \tx [...] еще раз hakarịn mergen. \mb * ešče.R raz.R hakarịn mergen \ge * yet.R time.R black force \ft [...] one more time 'black force'. \ru [...] еще раз "черная сила". \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:00:06.262 \ELANEnd 00:00:08.509 \ELANParticipant KRP \id 03 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.03 \tx Hakarịn mergen ńaːn ńọːbatị mergen ukčeːnmečeketnen. \mb hakarịn mergen ńaːn ńọːbatị mergen ukčeːnmeček -E-tEn \ge black force and white force conversation -ep-poss.3pl \ft A Conversation between the Black Force and the White Force \ru Разговор черной силы и белой силы. \ph \gr \nt This is the title of a story \ELANBegin 00:00:08.637 \ELANEnd 00:00:13.727 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 04 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.04 \tx Aha. \mb aha \ge aff.intj \ft Mmh. \ELANBegin 00:00:15.714 \ELANEnd 00:00:16.339 \ELANParticipant KRP \id 05 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.05 \tx Разговор черной силы и белой силы. \ft A Conversation between the Black Force and the White Force \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:00:16.642 \ELANEnd 00:00:20.058 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 06 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.06 \tx Oːhireptu tar dʒeː [ha] hakarịn mergen: "Biː haːmaj eŋi bihem", goːnče. \mb oːsi -rEp -DU tar dʒe.Y hakarịn mergen biː samyj.R eŋi bi -R(E) -m goːn -čE \ge ancient -temp.nr -dat dist ptl.Y black force 1sg self.R strong be -nonfut -1sg say -pf.ptc \ft Once upon a time, the Black Force said: "I am the strongest". \ru В старину, черная сила говорит: \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:00:25.448 \ELANEnd 00:00:30.821 \ELANParticipant GNM \block 007 \id 07 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.07 \tx "Biː haːmaj eŋi bihem, hinu ńọːbatịw bagas meːŋečimi ịalụdʒịm" goːnče. \mb biː samyj.R eŋi bi -R(E) -m hin -W ńọːbatị -W baγas.Y meːn -G(E)čIn -J ịalụ -DʒI -m goːn -čE \ge 1sg self.R strong be -nonfut -1sg 2sg.obl -acc white -acc ptl.Y refl -sml -prfl.sg blacken -fut -1sg say -pf.ptc \ft "I am stronger", he said, "I am stronger (than you), I will make you black like myself, White (Force)", he said. \ru Я самый сильный, сказал он, я самый сильный и я запросто тебя, белого, черным как меня сделаю. \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:00:31.035 \ELANEnd 00:00:35.739 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 08 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.08 \tx Tarpač ńọːbatị mergen ikeːlče: \mb tarbač ńọːbatị mergen ikeː -L -čE \ge ptl white force sing -inch -pf.ptc \ft Then the White Force started to sing: \ru Тогда белая сила начала петь: \ph tarpač pronounced with a full palatal plosive [tarpac] \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:00:36.755 \ELANEnd 00:00:39.484 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 09 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.09 \tx2 "Biː-ken bimi etem-e-gu hindu-gu dabda-ịa-tta", goːnče. \tx "Biː bimi etem hindu dabdatta", goːnče. \mb biː bi -mI e -DʒI -m hin -DU dabda -Č -R(E) goːn -čE \ge 1sg =contr be -cond.cvb neg -fut -1sg 2sg.obl -dat loose -res -neg.cvb say -pf.ptc \ft 'I will not loose (the fight) against you', he said. \ru - Ты меня не победишь (я тебе не поддамся), - говорит. \ph etem is lengthened with an additional -e, dabdatta with an inserted -ja-, all for metrical reasons (since this is a song), and the same is true for -gu \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:00:40.283 \ELANEnd 00:00:48.420 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 10 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.10 \tx Hakarịn mergen goːnče: \mb hakarịn mergen goːn -čE \ge black force say -pf.ptc \ft The Black Force said: \ru Черная сила говорит: \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:00:48.948 \ELANEnd 00:00:50.408 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 11 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.11 \tx "Biː hinu huːnŋe ọːdịdʒị, hụgị ọːdịdʒị ajịč ịtịkịdʒịm". \mb biː hin -W hunŋe ọː -RIdʒI hụgị ọː -RIdʒI aj -E-Č ịtịkị -DʒI -m \ge 1sg 2sg.obl -acc snow.storm become -ant.cvb hurricane become -ant.cvb repair -ep-ins turn -fut -1sg \ft "I will turn into a storm, turn into a hurricane and swirl you all around." \ru - Превратившись в пургу, в югу, я тебя запружу. \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:00:50.750 \ELANEnd 00:00:56.397 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 12 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.12 \tx "Awahkị-da ŋenennej miekeh enni", goːnče. \mb aw -skI =dE ŋen -E-nnE -J mie -kE -s(I) e -R(E) -n(I) goːn -čE \ge which -all.adv =ptl go -ep-nec.ptc -prfl.sg wander -admon -poss.2sg neg -nonfut -3sg say -pf.ptc \ft You will not know where to go, he said. \ru Тогда ты заблудишься. \ph assimilation of nr >nd>nn in enni \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:00:57.033 \ELANEnd 00:01:00.045 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 13 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.13 \tx Tarbač ńọːbatị-tmar goːnče, ikeːhenče: \mb tarbač ńọːbatị =dmEr goːn -čE ikeː -s(E)n -čE \ge ptl white =emph say -pf.ptc sing -lim -pf.ptc \ft The white one said, he began to sing: \ru Тогда белая сила поет: \ph tarpač pronounced with a full palatal plosive [tarpac] \gr PRIMARY n-VERBS - why does ikeː- trigger the full form of hEn here (should be -hn- after vowel) - - check if this has anything to do with the n-verb itself or with the following č \ELANBegin 00:01:00.946 \ELANEnd 00:01:03.744 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 14 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.14 \tx2 Etendi-gu hiː-gu ette, biː-ken nọːdatmar entekuken binikeːn-e bidʒim-gu, goːndʒim-e, hunŋe, hunŋe hunŋeldeken hunŋe ọːdịdʒị-de, goːndʒim", - goːnče. \tx "Etendi hiː ette, biː nọːdatmar eːntekukeːn binikeːn bidʒim, goːndʒim-e, hunŋe, hunŋe \mb e -DʒI -nrI hiː et -R(E) biː nọːd -E-dmEr eːntekun -KEːn bi -nIkEːn bi -DʒI -m goːn -DʒI -m huːnŋe huːnŋe \ge neg -fut -2sg 2sg win -neg.cvb 1sg beautiful -ep-emph slight -dim be -sim.cvb be -fut -1sg say -fut -1sg snow.storm snow.storm \tx hunŋeldeken hunŋe ọːdịdʒị-de, goːndʒim", - goːnče. \mb hunŋe -L -REk -E-n(I) hunŋe ọː -RIdʒI =dE goːn -DʒI -m - goːn -čE \ge blow.snow.storm -pl -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg snow.storm become -ant.cvb =ptl say -fut -1sg - say -pf.ptc \ft "You will not win, I will say: I am and will be more beautiful (than you), even if the storm begins to rage, if you turn into a storm, I will say that." \ru - Конечно, ты меня не победишь, и в пургу превратившись, ты меня не победишь. \ph A lot of metrical lengthening of vowels, as well as additions of -gu, -ken and -e \gr CONVERBS - The translation and the meaning in general suggest that the subject of hụnŋeldeken and ọːdịdʒị is the black force, i.e. the subject of etendi; this means - especially concerning the SS-converb ọːdịdʒị - that the clauses 'biː ken ... bidʒim' and 'goːndʒim' are treated as epenthetic clauses here. goːndʒim is a formula the white force regularly uses in answer to the threats of the black force - if you do that, I will say: - and than he explains what he is going to do. \gr PERIPHRASIS - -nIkEn + bi > habitual, here in future (which is rare, commonly in evidential past, biniken biče, binikehel biče). \ELANBegin 00:01:04.446 \ELANEnd 00:01:26.744 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 15 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.15 \tx Dʒeː, tadụk hakarịkaːja hịːralča: \mb dʒeː.Y tar -DUk(U) hakarịn -kEːjE hịːr -E-L -čE \ge ptl.Y dist -abl black -aug rage -ep-inch -pf.ptc \ft Well, then the black one grew angry: \ru Тогда рассердилась черная сила: \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:01:27.974 \ELANEnd 00:01:30.327 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 16 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.16 \tx "Tiemi biː hinu ńọːbatịčaːm, uŋdʒim, egdʒem moːw moːdewkeːndʒim, hịːkụkaːndʒịm, hinu \mb tiemi biː hin -W ńọːbatị -KEːn -W uŋ -DʒI -m egdʒen -W moː -W moːde -WkEːn -DʒI -m hịːk -WkEːn -DʒI -m -m hin \ge therefore 1sg 2sg.obl -acc white -dim -acc hesit -fut -1sg big -acc water -acc poor.out -caus -fut -1sg tumble -caus -fut -1sg -fut -1sg \tx eːjehemkeːndʒim", goːnče. \mb eːje -s(E)n -WkEːn -DʒI -m goːn -čE \ge flow -lim -caus -fut -1sg say -pf.ptc \ft "Then, you little White Force, I will thingo you, I will raise a big flood (lit. make big water pour out), churn it (lit. make it tumble [you]), and drown you. (lit. make you flow/float)", he said. \ru - Тогда я утоплю тебя, белую силу, я сделаю так, что будет наводнение и утоплю тебя, - говорит. \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:01:30.739 \ELANEnd 00:01:41.891 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 17 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.17 \tx E, ńọːbatịčaːn mergen: \mb e ńọːbatị -KEːn mergen \ge ptl white -dim force \ft And the White Force (said): \ru А белая сила отвечает: \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:01:42.585 \ELANEnd 00:01:44.350 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 18 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.18 \tx "Biː-kkoː hineč ehem ŋeːlde, hiː-kke tar moːč ŋeːlukeːčendi." \mb biː =kkE -ː hin -E-Č e -R(E) -m ŋeːl -R(E) hiː =kkE tar moː -Č ŋeːl -WkEːn -Č -R(E) -nrI \ge 1sg =emph -ints 2sg.obl -ep-ins neg -nonfut -1sg fear -neg.cvb 2sg =emph dist water -ins fear -caus -res -nonfut -2sg \ft "I'm not afraid of you, and you are threatening me with water?". \ru - Я тебя не боюсь. Что ты меня водой пугаешь? \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:01:45.105 \ELANEnd 00:01:50.048 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 19 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.19 \tx Biː goːndʒim: \mb biː goːn -DʒI -m \ge 1sg say -fut -1sg \ft "I will say:" \ru - Я скажу: \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:01:50.304 \ELANEnd 00:01:51.265 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 20 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.20 \tx2 Egdʒen moː moː dereːken-e, čolho ọːdịdʒị eːjendʒim. Etem-gu hịːkụ-na-r hiː-ken goːnike-he-re-he-n, goːnče. \tx "Egdʒen moː moː deremken, čolho ọːdịdʒị eːjendʒim. Etem hịːkụr hiː goːnikeːn", goːnče. \mb egdʒen moː moː deremke -n(I) čolho ọː -RIdʒI eːje -n -DʒI -m e -DʒI -m hịːk -W -R(E) hiː goːn -nIkEːn goːn -čE \ge big water water rest -3sg wave become -ant.cvb flow -mult -fut -1sg neg -fut -1sg tumble -advrs -neg.c2sg say -sim.cvb b say -pf.ptc \ft "When big water subsides, I will turn into a wave and flow away. I (sc. as a wave) will not be churned up by you", - he said. \ru - Превратившись в большую волну, поплыву. \ph dereːmken receives an additional syllable -e for metrical reasons \gr \nt The translation is merely a paraphrase - here the syntax is clear, but I am not sure about the lexical items dereken and čolho (interpreted by a speaker who was herself not sure; I was not able to check them with the author herself, since she suddenly went to Khandyga). \ELANBegin 00:01:52.105 \ELANEnd 00:02:07.278 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 21 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.21 \tx "Oo, dʒeː ịak tịkụńan erek", goːnče hakarịn mergen. \mb oo dʒe.Y ịa -k tịkụńa -n(I) er -k goːn -čE hakarịn mergen \ge intj ptl.Y what -nom annoying -poss.3sg prox -nom say -pf.ptc black force \ft "Oh, how annoying!", said the Black Force. \ru - О, как обидно. \gr ịak-POSSESSION - adjective after ịak with a possessive marking \nt \ELANBegin 00:02:07.932 \ELANEnd 00:02:11.335 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 22 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.22 \tx "Ịak, ehem biː hinu ọččọgọna, uŋdem, tọgụ ọːwkaːnịdʒị, durreken, hinu bụkaːtịn \mb ịa -k e -R(E) -m biː hin -W oččoγo.Y uŋ -R(E) -m tọg -W ọː -WkEːn -RIdʒI dur -REk -E-n(I) hin -W bukatïn.Y \ge what -nom neg -nonfut -1sg1sg 2sg.obl -acc then.Y hesit -nonfut -1sg fire -acc become -caus -ant.cvb burn -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg 2sg.obl -acc completely.Y \tx ịalda ọːwkaːndʒịm", goːnče hakarịn mergen. \mb ịalra ọː -WkEːn -DʒI -m goːn -čE hakarịn mergen \ge coal become -caus -fut -1sg say -pf.ptc black force \ft "Uhm, then I won't, thingoe, you, I will make fire, and when it burns, I will turn you into coal", said the Black Force. \ru - Я тебя тогда не утоплю. Я тебя сожгу, превращу в уголь, - говорит черная сила. \ph \gr PREDICATIVE - in the nominative \nt \ELANBegin 00:02:11.337 \ELANEnd 00:02:21.981 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 23 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.23 \tx E, ńọbatị goːnče: \mb e ńọbatị goːn -čE \ge ptl white say -pf.ptc \ft The White Force said: \ru И белая сила отвечает: \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:02:22.600 \ELANEnd 00:02:24.108 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 24 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.24 \tx "Etem ee, etem, etem; ịadaːj biː hindu dabdadʒịm?" \mb e -DʒI -m ee e -DʒI -m e -DʒI -m ịa -DEː -J biː hin -DU dabda -DʒI -m \ge neg -fut -1sg intj neg -fut -1sg neg -fut -1sg what -purp.cvb -prfl.sg 1sg 2sg.obl -dat loose -fut -1sg \ft "Oh no, I won't - why should I be defeated by you? \ru - Нет, нет, не буду, я не поддамся тебе (ты меня не победишь). \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:02:24.347 \ELANEnd 00:02:28.721 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 25 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.25 \tx "Biː ńọːbatị bimi dʒeː bokečen ajtaki mandụttam, tiemi dʒeː." \mb biː ńọːbatị bi -mI dʒe.Y bekeč -E-n(I) aj -t(E)kI manrụ -Č -R(E) -m tiemi dʒe.Y \ge 1sg white be -cond.cvb ptl.Y all -ep-poss.3sg good -all strive -res -nonfut -1sg therefore ptl.Y \ft I am white and therefore I strive (to do) all that is good. \ru - Я белая, и поэтому стремлюсь только хорошому. \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:02:28.896 \ELANEnd 00:02:34.981 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 26 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.26 \tx2 Egdʒen tọg-ọ tọgọldakan ńamhị bọdịdʒị degendʒim, tačịn goːnče. \tx "Egdʒen tọg tọgọldakan ńamhị bọdịːdʒị degendʒim", tačịn goːnče. \mb egdʒen tọg tọg -E-L -REk -E-n(I) ńamsị bọdịː -DʒI deg -E-n -DʒI -m tar -čIn goːn -čE \ge big fire burn -ep-inch -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg warm fire -inst.prfl.sg fly -ep-mult -fut -1sg dist -adv say -pf.ptc \ft "If the big fire begins to burn, I will fly away as a hot burning", - said he. \ru - Когда большой огонь случится, я превратившись в теплый пожар буду летать. \ph tọg lengthened with an -ọ for metrical reasons \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:02:35.613 \ELANEnd 00:02:44.041 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 27 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.27 \tx Aha \mb aha \ge aff.intj \ft Mmh. \ru \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:02:44.288 \ELANEnd 00:02:44.783 \ELANParticipant KRP \id 28 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.28 \tx Tar dʒeː tarpač hakarịn mergen hịːraldịn, hịːraldịdʒị barọsta ŋeːlemeč hunŋeldin \mb tar dʒeː.Y tarbač hakarịn mergen hịːr -E-L -RI -n(I) hịːr -E-L -RIdʒI prosto.R ŋeːlem -E-Č hunŋe -L -RI -n(I) \ge dist ptl.Y ptl black force rage -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sg rage -ep-inch -ant.cvb simply.R terrible -ep-ins blow.snow.storm -inch -pst -poss.3sg \tx ŋeːlemeč, bụkaːtịn čọχ ọːdịn. \mb ŋeːlem -E-Č bukatïn.Y čokh.Y ọː -RI -n(I) \ge terrible -ep-ins completely.Y coal.Y become -pst -poss.3sg \ft Then the Black Force grew angry, he grew so angry that he started to storm terribly, he practically turned into coal. \ru Тогда рассердилась черная сила, запружила, превратилась в уголь. \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:02:44.943 \ELANEnd 00:02:54.866 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 29 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.29 \tx Dʒeː tarpač goːnče: \mb dʒe.Y tarbač goːn -čE \ge ptl.Y ptl say -pf.ptc \ft And then he said: \ru Он говорит: \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:02:55.322 \ELANEnd 00:02:56.799 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 30 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.30 \tx Ọččọgọna biː hinu bụkaːtịn ụdan ụdamụkaːnịdʒị hinu ajịč munidʒim. \mb oččoγo.Y biː hin -W bukatïn.Y ụdan ụdan -WkEːn -RIdʒI hin -W aj -E-Č muni -DʒI -m \ge then.Y 1sg 2sg.obl -acc completely.Y rain rain -caus -ant.cvb 2sg.obl -acc good -ep-ins make.rot -fut -1sg \ft "Then I will make the rain fall and you will rot under that rain." \ru - О, тогда я вызову дождь и сделаю так, что ты сгниёшь под дождем. \ph \gr There is a nice anakolouthon here - I will make you(obj), having invoked rain, you(subj) fully I will make rot - where the second occurrence of you (hiː) is superfluous. \nt \ELANBegin 00:02:57.479 \ELANEnd 00:03:01.876 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 31 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.31 \tx Dʒeː tarpač ńọːbatịkaːn goːnče: \mb dʒeː.Y tarbač ńọːbatị -KEːn goːn -čE \ge ptl.Y ptl white -dim say -pf.ptc \ft Then the white one said: \ru Тогда белая говорит: \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:03:02.796 \ELANEnd 00:03:04.850 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 32 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.32 \tx "Ehem ŋeːlehende bihin tar minu ụdan ọːrịdʒị muninnedʒih", goːnče. \mb e -R(E) -m ŋeːl -E-s(E)n -R(E) bi -RI -n(I) tar min -W ụdan ọː -RIdʒI muni -nnE -Č -s(I) goːn -čE \ge neg -nonfut -1sg fear -ep-lim -neg.cvb be -pst -poss.3sg dist 1sg.obl -acc rain become -ant.cvb make.rot -nec.ptc -ins -poss.2sg say -pf.ptc \ft "I am not scared that I will rot (of your future making me rot) if you turn into rain", he said. \ru - Нет, не боюсь сгнить под дождем. \ph \gr POLARITY bihin seems to function as a kind of discourse particle here; or - less probable - it could be a complementiser \gr CONVERBS Converbs may be governed by nominalisations - the subject of ọːrịdʒị is the possessor of the participle \nt \ELANBegin 00:03:05.394 \ELANEnd 00:03:10.306 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 33 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.33 \tx "Biː kata ečin ọːdʒịm", goːnče \mb biː khata.Y ečin ọː -DʒI -m goːn -čE \ge 1sg ptl.Y so do -fut -1sg say -pf.ptc \ft "This is what I will do", he said: \ru - Тогда я вот так вот сделаю, - сказал: \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:03:11.193 \ELANEnd 00:03:13.324 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 34 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.34 \tx2 "Biː-ken egdʒen ụdan ụdaldakan ụdan moːn ọːdịdʒị tikčim." \tx "Biː egdʒen ụdan ụdaldakan ụdan moːn ọːdịdʒị tikčim." \mb biː egdʒen ụdan ụdan -L -REk -E-n(I) ụdan moː -n(I) ọː -RIdʒI tik -DʒI -m \ge 1sg big rain rain -inch -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg rain water -poss.3sg become -ant.cvb fall -fut -1sg \ft "When the strong rain begins to fall, I will turn into rain drops and fall (from heaven)." \ru - Я превратившись в капли дождя буду лить. \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:03:13.394 \ELANEnd 00:03:21.092 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 35 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.35 \tx "Hiːwidʒim tar, hinu, tọgụh-ta, ịaŋụh-karịa, duriŋuh-te ịaŋụh-da." \mb hiːw -I -DʒI -m tar hin -W tọg -W -s(I) =dE ịa -ŋ -W -s(I) =kErIE duri -ŋ -W -s(I) =dE ịa -ŋ -W -s(I) =dE \ge be.extinguished -tr -fut -1sg dist 2sg.obl -acc fire -acc -poss.2sg =ptl what -aln -acc -poss.2sg =contr fire -aln -acc -poss.2sg =ptl what -aln -acc -poss.2sg =ptl \ft "I will extinguish you, your fire and, uhm, your burning and all." \ru - Тогда я погашу твой огонь и твой пожар. \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:03:21.904 \ELANEnd 00:03:28.036 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 36 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.36 \tx "Tiek, mandụdʒịm biː ńọːbatịkaːn bejeldu-de aj bideːn, erek biː bụgụ-da aj bideːn." \mb tiek manrụ -DʒI -m biː ńọːbatị -KEːn bej -E-L -DU =dE aj bi -DEː -n(I) er -k biː bụg -W =dE aj bi -DEː -n(I) \ge now strive -fut -1sg 1sg white -dim man -ep-pl -dat =ptl good be -purp.cvb -poss.3sg prox -nom 1sg homeland -poss.1sg =ptl good be -purp.cvb -poss.3sg \ft "So, I, the White Force, will strive to improve the life of the people, to improve my country." \ru - Вот я буду стараться, чтоб людям было хорошо, чтоб земле моей было хорошо. \ph The epenthetic vowel in bojeldu is unequivocally bej-E-l-du, not -I- as usually. \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:03:28.435 \ELANEnd 00:03:35.832 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 37 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.37 \tx "Hakarịm [ńọːbatị], hakarịm mergem bụkaːtịn aːtčaltadʒịm", goːnče. \mb hakarịn -W ńọːbatị hakarịn -W mergen -W bukatïn.Y aːtča -ltE -DʒI -m goːn -čE \ge black -acc white black -acc force -acc completely.Y neg.ex -vr -fut -1sg say -pf.ptc \ft "I will completely destroy the Black [White], Black Force", he said. \ru - Сделаю так, чтоб черная сила изчезла. \ph \gr A perfect modifier-head agreement in hakarịm mergem (otherwise rare in the Tompo dialect). \nt \ELANBegin 00:03:36.440 \ELANEnd 00:03:41.443 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 38 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.38 \tx Dʒeː, tarpač ikeːče: \mb dʒeː tarbač ikeː -čE \ge ptl ptl sing -pf.ptc \ft Then he sang: \ru И начала она петь: \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:03:42.848 \ELANEnd 00:03:44.371 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 39 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.39 \tx "Egdʒen bụgụ mụraːčaŋụ, mụraːndʒị minu belli." \mb egdʒen bụg -W mụraːč -E-ŋ -W mụraːn -DʒI min -W bel -LI \ge big homeland -poss.1sg spiritual.power -ep-aln -poss.1sg spirit -inst.prfl.sg 1sg.obl -acc help -imp.2sg \ft "Soul of my large homeland, help me with your invisible spirits." \ru - Дух большой земли, помоги мне. \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:03:45.711 \ELANEnd 00:03:52.688 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 40 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.40 \tx2 Tarpač goːndʒim, ńolte-he-ŋu, \tx "Tarpač goːndʒim, ńolteŋu, \mb tarbač goːn -DʒI -m ńolten -ŋ -W \ge ptl say -fut -1sg sun -aln -poss.1sg \ft "I say: my sun," \ru - Мое солнце, \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:03:52.688 \ELANEnd 00:03:56.114 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 41 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.41 \tx2 hiː-ken minu beletčindi, \tx "hiː minu beletčindi," \mb hiː min -W bel -E-Č -DʒI -nrI \ge 2sg 1sg.obl -acc stroke -ep-res -fut -2sg \ft "only you can help me," \ru Ты только можешь мне помочь, \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:03:56.120 \ELANEnd 00:03:59.500 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 42 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.42 \tx2 egdʒen toghe, toghe-he-ŋu, \tx "egdʒen toghe, togheŋu," \mb egdʒen togse togse -ŋ -W \ge big cloud cloud -aln -poss.1sg \ft "big cloud, my cloud," \ru большое облако, \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:03:59.550 \ELANEnd 00:04:03.260 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 43 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.43 \tx2 eregerken čụːlbargakan, \tx "ereger čụːlbargakan," \mb ereger čụːlbarga -kEn \ge always get.green.blue -sim.cvb2 \ft "always green," \ru ты всегда зеленый, \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:04:03.261 \ELANEnd 00:04:06.740 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 44 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.44 \tx2 ereger-ken hịawịtnịkaːn, \tx "ereger hịawịtnịkaːn," \mb ereger hịawịt -nIkEːn \ge always illuminate -sim.cvb \ft "always shining," \ru и свети, \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:04:06.750 \ELANEnd 00:04:10.170 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 45 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.45 \tx2 bụgụ mụraːman etutli! \tx "bụgụ mụraːman etutli!" \mb bụg -W mụraːn -W -E-n(I) etu -Č -LI \ge homeland -poss.1sg spirit -acc -ep-poss.3sg care -res -imp.2sg \ft "take care of the spirit of my country!" \ru моей земли дух оберегай. \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:04:10.180 \ELANEnd 00:04:13.551 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 46 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.46 \tx Dʒeː, tar manụča. \mb dʒeː tar man -U -čE \ge ptl dist spend -intr -pf.ptc \ft So, he disappeared. \ru \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:04:14.105 \ELANEnd 00:04:15.391 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 47 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.47 \tx Ńọːbatị mergen tar kịlaːkịt etče hakarịm. \mb ńọːbatị mergen tar kïlaːkkaj.Y -Č et -čE hakarịn -W \ge white force dist smooth.Y -ins win -pf.ptc black -acc \ft The White Forces thus easily defeated the Black Force. \ru Вот так вот победила белая сила черную силу. \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:04:15.585 \ELANEnd 00:04:19.402 \ELANParticipant GNM \id 48 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.48 \tx Ee. \mb ee \ge intj \ft Ee. \ru \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:04:16.167 \ELANEnd 00:04:16.399 \ELANParticipant KRP \id 49 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.49 \tx Aha. \mb aha \ge aff.intj \ft Mmh. \ru \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:04:16.673 \ELANEnd 00:04:17.096 \ELANParticipant KRP \id 50 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.50 \tx Ee. \mb ee \ge intj \ft Ee. \ru \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:04:19.867 \ELANEnd 00:04:20.972 \ELANParticipant KRP \id 51 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.51 \tx Mm. \mb mm \ge intj \ft Mmh. \ru \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:04:20.948 \ELANEnd 00:04:21.438 \ELANParticipant DM \id 52 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.52 \tx [...] \mb \ge \ft [...] \ru \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:04:21.427 \ELANEnd 00:04:21.992 \ELANParticipant KRP \id 53 \ref Top07_GNM_3_Black&White.53 \tx Mm. \mb mm \ge intj \ft Mmh. \ru \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:04:22.071 \ELANEnd 00:04:22.386 \ELANParticipant GNM \ELANMediaURL file:///C:/Users/julda/Desktop/Dejan_ELAN/c.Golikova.rasskaz3.12.7.WAV \ELANMediaMIME audio/x-wav