\_sh v3.0 1550 Text \block 001 \id 001 \ref DonationWoman1.mpg.Session2-VNT_01 \tx Tuŋ karčiːnəγə el'in saːləŋ kurul'oːləl, aq oγoːń. \mb tu -ŋ kartina.R -γə el'i -n saːl -lə -ŋ kurul' -oːl -ə -l aq oγ -oːl -j \ge prox -attr picture.R -loc first -adv tree -pred -fc visible -stat -0 -sf only stand -stat -intr.3 \ft In this movie first a tree was to be seen, it was just standing there. \gr \nt \ph \nt \ELANBegin 00:00:33.270 \ELANEnd 00:00:37.710 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 002 \ref DonationWoman2.mpg.Session2-VNT_02 \tx Tadaːt maːrqən paipək kelul. \mb ta -Raː -t maːrqə -ND paipə -k kel(u) -l \ge dist -adv -adv.abl one -gen woman -mod.pred come -sf \ft Then a woman came. \gr \ph \nt \ELANBegin 00:00:37.710 \ELANEnd 00:00:40.690 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 003 \ref DonationWoman3.mpg.Session2-VNT_03 \tx Taːt kelullək tadaːt [öl'd] taŋ saːl wol'dəγə oγoːdəγə keipələ kelul, waːji [jau] jaulaːγərut. \mb taːt kel(u) -R(ə)lək ta -Raː -t ta -ŋ saːl wal' -də -γə oγ -oːl -dəγə keipə -lə kel(u) -l waːj jau -(laː)GVr -u -t \ge so come -ss.ant.cvb dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr tree near -3poss.obl -loc stand -stat -3ds.cvb man -pred come -sf also left -adv.loc -0 -adv.abl \ft She arrived and then, while she was standing near that tree, a man came, also from the left. \gr \ph \nt \ELANBegin 00:00:41.680 \ELANEnd 00:00:49.740 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 004 \ref DonationWoman4.mpg.Session2-VNT_04 \tx Köldələk tudeŋiń saːlə tadim, meńdələk aduŋ sukiń qudoːd'ə joːdəγənə. \mb kel(u) -R(ə)lək tude -ŋiń saːl -lə taND -jiː -m meŃD' -R(ə)lək adu -ŋ sukiń quda -oːl -j(ə) joːdəγənə \ge come -ss.ant.cvb 3sg -dat tree -acc give -tr -tr.3 take -ss.ant.cvb vis -attr for.no.reason lie -stat -s.ptcp apparently \ft He came there and gave her a stick, he probably picked it while it was just lying around. \gr \ph \nt sukiń quduod'e - which was lying around for no reason \qu nominalised participle qudoːd'ə \ELANBegin 00:00:49.740 \ELANEnd 00:00:54.290 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 005 \ref DonationWoman5.mpg.Session2-VNT_05 \tx Taŋ, taŋ paipə saːlə meńdələk tuŋ keipə lajadəγət ugurčədəγə ... еще не ударила, все. \mb ta -ŋ ta -ŋ paipə saːl -lə meŃD' -R(ə)lək tu -ŋ keipə laja -də -γət ugurčə -də -γə \ge dist -attr dist -attr woman tree -acc take -ss.ant.cvb prox -attr man back -3poss.obl -abl foot -3poss.obl -loc \ft That, that woman took a tree and (hit) that man from behind on the leg ... no, she didn't hit him yet, that's it. \gr \nt \qu \ph ə>i [uguščidəγə] \nt \ELANBegin 00:00:54.840 \ELANEnd 00:01:03.750 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 006 \ref task05_D1a.bmp-Session2-VNT_06 \tx Maːrqən keipə, l'e moirəŋ (у нас-то как комнатного растения нету же, ящик), əə, saːd-awurγə (saːd~awur ящик говорят), saːd- \mb maːrqə -ND keipə l'e moi -Rəŋ əə saːl -ND awur -γə saːl -ND \ge one -gen man hesit hold -ss.sim.cvb hesit tree -gen container -loc tree -gen \tx awurγə, tude saːd-awur duduruː [pul] pulgid'ilə, mə=neme [pul] pulgəčələ moirəŋ mə=miraːnui. \mb awur -γə tude saːl -ND awur tuduruː pulgid'ilə mə= neme pul -GAi -j(ə) -lə moi -Rəŋ mə= mira -nu -j \ge container -loc 3sg.gen tree -gen container inside plant aff= what come.out -intr.punct -s.ptcp -acc hold -ss.sim.cvb aff= walk -ipfv -intr.3 \ft A man was holding a thingo, uhm, in a box, in a box, holding within his box a plant, something growing, and walked.. \gr \nt \qu participle taking a case (pulgəčələ) is non-standard \ph \nt \ELANBegin 00:01:20.840 \ELANEnd 00:01:56.010 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 007 \ref task05_D1b.bmp-Session2-VNT_07 \tx Maːrqən [gö] köde ustuːlə moirəŋ mə=miraːnui. \mb maːrqə -ND köde stul.R -lə moi -Rəŋ mə= mira -nu -j \ge one -gen person chair.R -acc hold -ss.sim.cvb aff= walk -ipfv -intr.3 \ft A man walks holding a chair. \gr \ph \nt \ELANBegin 00:02:04.430 \ELANEnd 00:02:09.670 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 008 \ref task05_E2.bmp-Session2-VNT_08 \tx Paipəŋ kerewələ lajadəγət saːlək painum. \mb paipə -ŋ korova.R -lə laja -də -γət saːl -lək pai -nu -m \ge woman -fc cow.R -acc back -3poss.obl -abl tree -ins hit -ipfv -tr.3 \ft The woman is hitting the cow with a stick from behind. \gr \ph VNT often pronounces /a/ in first syllables as a kind of [ae] or open [e] - here [laejədaγat] \nt \ELANBegin 00:02:17.320 \ELANEnd 00:02:23.040 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 009 \ref task11_1.bmp-Session2-VNT_09 \tx Eleːn, teńi paipələŋ keipələ painum. \mb eleń tu -Raː paipə -lə -ŋ keipə -lə pai -nu -m \ge no prox -adv woman -pred -fc man -acc hit -ipfv -tr.3 \ft (Is it a man hitting this man?) - No, it is a woman hitting the man. \gr \ph \nt \qu weird combination of predicative -ləŋ and neutral agreement -m \ELANBegin 00:02:41.940 \ELANEnd 00:02:48.320 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 010 \ref task11_2.bmp-Session2-VNT_10 \tx Tuŋ, tuŋ paːd'əd-öː keipələ painum. \mb tu -ŋ tu -ŋ paːd'ə -ND öː keipə -lə pai -nu -m \ge prox -attr prox -attr female -gen child man -acc hit -ipfv -tr.3 \ft (Who is the girl hitting?) This girl is hitting a man. \gr \ph \nt \ELANBegin 00:03:02.280 \ELANEnd 00:03:07.360 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 011 \ref task11_3.bmp-Session2-VNT_11 \tx Eleːń, tuŋ keipə, əə, saγanəbulə pöril'əlnum. \mb eleń tu -ŋ keipə əə saγanə -bul -lə pöri -l'əl -nu -m \ge no prox -attr man hesit sit -n -acc kick -ev -ipfv -tr.3 \ft (Did that man kick the table?) No, that man was (apparently) kicking the chair. \gr \ph \nt \ELANBegin 00:03:15.950 \ELANEnd 00:03:24.310 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 012 \ref task11_4.bmp-Session2-VNT_12 \tx Masiːnələ keipəŋ ilditnu. \mb mašina.R -lə keipə -ŋ ile -Rič -nu \ge car.R -acc man -fc push -tr.pluract -ipfv(af) \ft (Who is pushing the car?) A man is pushing the car. \gr \ph \nt \ELANBegin 00:03:31.580 \ELANEnd 00:03:38.970 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 013 \ref task12_B1a.bmp-Session2-VNT_13 \tx Maːrqən keipəńəŋ maːrqən paipə mə=ńeːd'inuŋi. \mb maːrqə -ND keipə -ńə -ŋ maːrqə -ND paipə mə= ńeː -(uː)ji -nu -ŋi \ge one -gen man -s.com -fc one -gen woman aff= call -pluract -ipfv -intr.3pl \ft A man and a woman are talking \gr \ph \nt \ELANBegin 00:03:48.642 \ELANEnd 00:03:54.000 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 014 \ref task12_B1b.bmp-Session2-VNT_14 \tx Keipəńəŋ paipə mə=ńeːd'inuŋi, taŋ ńeːd'iŋudəγə keipələ lajaurət koːškəŋ puredəγə [quːsə quːsəi], ee, \mb keipə -ńə -ŋ paipə mə= ńeː -(uː)ji -nu -ŋi ta -ŋ ńeː -(uː)ji -ŋu -dəγə keipə -lə laja -wrə -t koška.R pure -dəγə ee \ge man -s.com -fc woman aff= call -pluract -ipfv -intr.3pl dist -attr call -pluract -3pl -3ds.cvb man -acc back -n.loc -adv.abl cat.R.fc above -3ds.cvb intj \tx l'eː lajadəγə quːsəd'inui, paipəγə lajadəγə laːmələŋ quːsəd'inul. \mb l'eː laja -də -γə quːsə -(uː)ji -nu -j paipə -γə laja -də -γə laːmə -lə -ŋ quːsə -(uː)ji -nu -l \ge dp back -3poss.obl -loc jump -pluract -ipfv -intr.3 woman -loc back -3poss.obl -loc dog -pred -fc jump -pluract -ipfv -sf \ft A man and a woman were talking, and while they were talking a cat jumped on the man from behind, above, erm, on the back, and the woman was attacked by a dog from behind. \ph \gr \nt \ELANBegin 00:04:03.260 \ELANEnd 00:04:20.500 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 015 \ref task12_C2.bmp-Session2-VNT_15 \tx Joqad-ilelək keipələŋ, joqad-ile buren keipələ saγanəl, vilasipeːt pure paipələ saγanəl. \mb joqol -ND ile -lək keipə -lə -ŋ joqol -ND ile pure -n keipə -lə saγanə -l velosiped.R pure paipə -lə saγanə -l \ge Yakut -gen domestic.reindeer -ins man -pred -fc Yakut -gen domestic.reindeer above -adv man -pred sit -sf bicycle.R above woman -pred sit -sf \ft A man with a horse, a man sits on a horse, and a woman sits on a bicycle. \ft \gr \ELANBegin 00:04:27.660 \ELANEnd 00:04:33.740 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 016 \ref task14_2.bmp-Session2-VNT_16 \tx Eleːń, laːməŋ keipən ugurčək nereinumlə. \mb eleń laːmə -ŋ keipə -ND ugurčə -k nere -(A)j -nu -m(ə)lə \ge no dog -fc man -gen foot -mod.pred bite -pfv -ipfv -of.3sg \ft (Is that dog biting the girl's leg?) No, the dog is biting the boy's leg. \gr \ph \nt \qu genitive in a clearly possessive NP \ELANBegin 00:04:43.400 \ELANEnd 00:04:48.910 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 017 \ref task14_4.bmp-Session2-VNT_17 \tx Eleːń, paːd'əd-öː joːdəγə saγanəi, tuŋ ujeńəi~rukun. \mb eleń paːd'ə -ND öː joː -də -γə saγanə -j tu -ŋ uje -ń(ə) -j(ə) ~sukun \ge no female -gen child head -3poss.obl -loc sit -intr.3 prox -attr wing -vblz.propr -s.ptcp ~nmlz \ft (Does that bird sit on the girl's leg?) - No, it sits on the girl's head, that bird. \gr \ph e>i [ujińəjrukun] \nt ujuńejrukun lexicalised as "bird". \ELANBegin 00:04:59.000 \ELANEnd 00:05:06.180 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 018 \ref task24_B5a.bmp-Session2-VNT_18 \tx Teńi ten kin paipək aγoːlŋul, tadaːt jugullaːγərun jaːn köːd'əd-öːk aγoːlŋul \mb tu -Raː tu -n ki -ND paipə -k oγ -oːl -ŋu -l ta -Raː -t jugul -(laː)GVr -u -n jaː -ND köːd'ə -ND öː -k oγ -oːl -ŋu -l \ge prox -adv prox -adv two -gen woman -mod.pred stand -stat -3pl -sf dist -adv -adv.abl right -adv.loc -0 -adv.prol three -gen male -gen child -mod.pred stand -stat -3pl -sf \ft Here two women stand, and to the right three boys stand. \gr \nt \ph \nt \ELANBegin 00:05:15.110 \ELANEnd 00:05:22.990 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 019 \ref task24_B5b.bmp-Session2-VNT_19 \tx Taŋ kin paipə toliːńərəŋ oγoːŋi, ten jaːn köːd'əd-öː [lau] laujəd-oːčəńərəŋ. \mb ta -ŋ ki -ND paipə tol -iː -ń(ə) -Rəŋ oγ -oːl -ŋi tu -n jaː -ND köːd'ə -ND öː laujə -ND oː -jə -ń(ə) -Rəŋ \ge dist -attr two -gen woman support -n -vblz.propr -ss.sim.cvb stand -stat -intr.3pl prox -adv three -gen male -gen child water -gen scoop -n -vblz.propr -ss.sim.cvb \ft Here two women are standing with poles, and three boys with laddles. \gr \nt \ph \nt \ELANBegin 00:05:26.170 \ELANEnd 00:05:39.810 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 020 \ref task26_A1a-b-c.bmp-Session2-VNT_20 \tx Maːrqən keipə [jawult] jawulγən ölkeːnui, maːrqən keipə laujəγə, laujəγə (плавать у нас, mm), laujəγə [lau] maːrqəd öː \mb maːrqə -ND keipə jawul -γən ölkə -nu -j maːrqə -ND keipə laujə -γə laujə -γə laujə -γə maːrqə -ND öː \ge one -gen man road -prol run -ipfv -intr.3 one -gen man water -loc water -loc water -loc one -gen child \tx joːraːnui, tadaːt teńi maːrqən paipə anaːn amdur jawul čičirkən ölkeːnui, ee, это, оказывается, tuŋ [kö] \mb joːrə -nu -j ta -Raː -t tu -Raː maːrqə -ND paipə anaːn amdu -r jawul čičirkə -n ölkə -nu -j ee tu -ŋ \ge play -ipfv -intr.3 dist -adv -adv.abl prox -adv one -gen woman very hurry -ss.circ.cvb road length -adv.prol run -ipfv -intr.3 intj prox -attr \tx köde, keipə jawul čičirkən mə=miraːnui, paipə mər=ölkeːnui. \mb köde keipə jawul čičirkə -n mə= mira -nu -j paipə mə= ölkə -nu -j \ge person man road length -adv.prol aff= walk -ipfv -intr.3 woman aff= run -ipfv -intr.3 \ft (There is walking, swimming and running; who's doing what?) A man is running on the road, a man in water, in water... a child is playing in the water, then, here, a woman is runing very quickly along the road, erm, apparently, this man, he is walking along the road, and the woman is running. \gr \ph \nt \qu note the variation in the use of mər= here \ELANBegin 00:06:00.870 \ELANEnd 00:06:44.610 \ELANParticipant VNT \id 021 \ref task26_A2a-b-c.bmp-Session2-VNT_21 \tx Teńi maːrqən köːd'əd-öː banaːnlə leumələ, keipəŋ nonγələ launumlə, ten paipəŋ [pu], mm, pureːn \mb tu -Raː maːrqə -ND köːd'ə -ND öː banana.R -lə leg -m(ə)lə keipə -ŋ nonγə -lə lau -nu -m(ə)lə tu -n paipə -ŋ mm pureː -ND \ge prox -adv one -gen male -gen child banana.R -pred eat -of.3sg man -fc tobacco -pred drink -ipfv -of.3sg prox -adv woman -fc intj berry -gen \tx laujək launumlə. \mb laujə -k lau -nu -m(ə)lə \ge water -mod.pred drink -ipfv -of.3sg \ft (What do you see here?) Here a boy is eating a banana, the man is smoking, and the woman is drinking a fruit juice. \gr \nt \ph \nt \ELANBegin 00:06:58.520 \ELANEnd 00:07:15.620 \ELANParticipant VNT \ELANMediaURL file:///F:/SIBERIA/2.YUKAGHIR/fieldwork10_YUKAGHIR/TY_1_STIS_elicitation_kit/TY_STIS_Session2_VNT.WAV \ELANMediaMIME audio/x-wav