\_sh v3.0 400 Text \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_001 \ELANBegin 00:00:00.000 \ELANEnd 00:00:04.260 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \speaker Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin-Леонид Дмитриевич Болин \recorder Andrey Shluinsky-Андрей Шлуинский \translator Vitalij Nikolaevich Bolin-Виталий Николаевич Болин \annotator_preliminary Andrey Shluinsky-Андрей Шлуинский \annotator_toolbox Andrey Shluinsky-Андрей Шлуинский \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m the linguist asks in Enets to tell about the bird the speaker has seen today-лингвист просит по-энецки рассказать о птице, которую рассказчик видел сегодня \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_002 \ELANBegin 00:00:04.590 \ELANEnd 00:00:05.710 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox axa \mb aa \ge yeah \ps ptcl \ger ага \ft_r \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_003 \ELANBegin 00:00:07.319 \ELANEnd 00:00:08.801 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛke dʲerixon, ɛke dʲerixon \mb ɛke dʲeri-xon ɛke dʲeri-xon \ge this day-LOC.SG this day-LOC.SG \ps pronadj n-case-num pronadj n-case-num \ger этот день-LOC.SG этот день-LOC.SG \ft_r в этот день, в этот день \ft_e this day, this day \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ɛki dʲerixon \ft_r_during_transcription в этот день \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_004 \ELANBegin 00:00:08.860 \ELANEnd 00:00:09.780 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m the linguist repeats 'this day'-лингвист повторяет "сегодня" \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_005 \ELANBegin 00:00:10.140 \ELANEnd 00:00:11.635 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, ɛke dʲerixon \mb no ɛke dʲeri-xon \ge well this day-LOC.SG \ps ptcl pronadj n-case-num \ger ну этот день-LOC.SG \ft_r ну, в этот день \ft_e well, this day \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ɛki dʲerixon \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_006 \ELANBegin 00:00:12.948 \ELANEnd 00:00:16.042 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲxoa, modʲxoɔ bunʲisiu mɔdis anʲ \mb modʲ-xoɔ modʲ-xoɔ bunʲi-sa-a mɔdis-ʔ anʲ \ge I-FOC I-FOC NEG.EMPH-INTER-1SG.SG.OBJ see(pfv)-CONNEG and \ps pron-pers-nder pron-pers-nder v-mood-pers v-nfin ptcl \ger я-FOC я-FOC NEG.EMPH-INTER-1SG.SG.OBJ увидеть-CONNEG и \ft_r Я-то, я-то ее не видел. \ft_e As for me, I haven't seen it. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription modʲxɔɔ bunʲisiuʔ mɔdis anʲ \ft_r_during_transcription я-то не видел \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_007 \ELANBegin 00:00:16.400 \ELANEnd 00:00:19.820 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tʃike kasajʔ, buuse kasajʔ mɔdituuj ŋaʔ nʲiuʔ \mb tʃike kasa-jʔ buuse kasa-jʔ mɔdis-duuj ŋa-ʔ i-uʔ \ge this man-NOM.SG.1SG old:man man-NOM.SG.1SG see(pfv)-PTC.ANT.PAS exist(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ps pronadj n-poss-case n n-poss-case v-nfin v-nfin v-pers \ger этот мужчина-NOM.SG.1SG старик мужчина-NOM.SG.1SG увидеть-PTC.ANT.PAS существовать-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ft_r Это мой товарищ, мой старик товарищ видел ее. \ft_e That's my mate, it's seen by my mate old man. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription tʃiki kasaj, buusi kasaj mɔdis isizau anʲ \ft_r_during_transcription товарищ, старик товарищ увидел его \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_008 \ELANBegin 00:00:20.460 \ELANEnd 00:00:21.775 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox bu kazaduujza nʲiuʔ ŋaʔ \mb bu kaza-duuj-za i-uʔ ŋa-ʔ \ge s/he obtain(pfv)-PTC.ANT.PAS-NOM.SG.3SG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR exist(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps pron-pers v-nfin-poss-case v-pers v-nfin \ger он(а) добыть-PTC.ANT.PAS-NOM.SG.3SG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR существовать-CONNEG \ft_r Он ее убил. \ft_e It's killed by him. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription bu kazadujza nʲiuʔ ŋaʔ \ft_r_during_transcription он убил \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_009 \ELANBegin 00:00:21.775 \ELANEnd 00:00:24.596 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox dʲɔxaraʔ nʲezuʔ, ɔbu sama ɛbuneda tʃiker \mb dʲɔxara-ʔ i-zuʔ ɔbu sama ɛ-buʔ-da tʃike-r \ge not:know(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR what bird be(ipfv)-CVB.COND-OBL.SG.3SG this-NOM.SG.2SG \ps v-nfin v-pers pronn n v-nfin-poss-case pronadj-poss-case \ger не:знать-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR что птица быть-CVB.COND-OBL.SG.3SG этот-NOM.SG.2SG \ft_r Я не знаю, что это за птица. \ft_e I don't know what bird it were. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription dʲɔxaraʔ nʲiuʔ, ɔbu sama ɛbunida tʃilker \ft_r_during_transcription и не знает, что за зверь это \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_010 \ELANBegin 00:00:26.410 \ELANEnd 00:00:29.172 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox sɛnza ed lesneza, lesneza, manʔ nʲiuʔ \mb sɛn-za ed lesne-za lesne-za man-ʔ i-uʔ \ge how:much-NOM.SG.3SG so touch(ipfv)-3SG.SG.OBJ touch(ipfv)-3SG.SG.OBJ say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ps pronnum-poss-case ptcl v-pers v-pers v-nfin v-pers \ger сколько-NOM.SG.3SG вот щупать-3SG.SG.OBJ щупать-3SG.SG.OBJ сказать-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ft_r Так он ее щупает, мол. \ft_e So he touches it, well. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription sɛnza lasnieza, lasnieza, manʲiu \ft_r_during_transcription так пробует/смотрит/перебирает руками \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_011 \ELANBegin 00:00:29.484 \ELANEnd 00:00:31.720 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbuxuru sama dʲez nʲiØ ŋaʔ \mb ɔbu-xuru sama dʲez i-Ø ŋa-ʔ \ge what-EVEN bird in:the:direction NEG-3SG.S exist(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps pronn-nder n postp v-pers v-nfin \ger что-EVEN птица в:сторону NEG-3SG.S существовать-CONNEG \ft_r Она ни на какую птицу не похожа. \ft_e It's not like any other bird. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ɔbuzuru sama dʲez nʲi ŋaʔ \ft_r_during_transcription ни на какого зверя не похож \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_012 \ELANBegin 00:00:32.159 \ELANEnd 00:00:35.516 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, dʲɔxaraʔ nʲebamʔ, ŋobzaan bɛɛu, manʔ nʲiuʔ, tʃikeru dʲaxada \mb no dʲɔxara-ʔ i-bamʔ ŋobzaan bɛɛ-a man-ʔ i-uʔ tʃike-ru dʲa-d-da \ge well not:know(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-1PL.S/SG.OBJ.CONTR have:to throw(pfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR this-RESTR place-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.3SG \ps ptcl v-nfin v-pers ptcl v-pers v-nfin v-pers pronadj-nder n-case-num-poss-case \ger ну не:знать-CONNEG NEG-1PL.S/SG.OBJ.CONTR пришлось бросить-1SG.SG.OBJ сказать-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR этот-RESTR земля-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.3SG \ft_r Ну, не ведь ее знаем, он сказал, я ее и бросил на том же месте. \ft_e Well, we don't know it, after all, so I threw it at the same place. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription dʲɔxara nʲebam, ŋɔbzaan bʲɛu, manʲ, tʃikiru dʲaxada \ft_r_during_transcription не знаем (что за зверь), где убил, там и бросил, говорит \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_013 \ELANBegin 00:00:37.960 \ELANEnd 00:00:40.573 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox a menseza anʲ kunʲtʃe sɛjza kanʲeØ, ɔu \mb a mense-za anʲ kunʲtʃe sɛju-za kanʲe-Ø ɔu \ge and old:woman-NOM.SG.3SG and especially heart-NOM.SG.3SG leave(pfv)-3SG.S EXC1 \ps ptcl n-poss-case ptcl ptcl n-poss-case v-pers ptcl \ger а старуха-NOM.SG.3SG и сильнее сердце-NOM.SG.3SG уйти-3SG.S EXC1 \ft_r А его жена еще больше испугалась. \ft_e And his wife even more got afraid. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription mensiza anʲ kunʲtʃe sɛjza kanʲ \ft_r_during_transcription а жена еще хуже испугаласт \lit_trans \com_m ВН сказал mensir \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_014 \ELANBegin 00:00:40.586 \ELANEnd 00:00:42.952 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kebiza ɔburu sama kazabid \mb kebi-da ɔburu sama kaza-bi-d \ge be:sinful(ipfv)-PTC.SML thing bird obtain(pfv)-PRF-2SG.S \ps v-nder n n v-mood-pers \ger быть:грешным-PTC.SML вещь птица добыть-PRF-2SG.S \ft_r Ты убил какую-то греховодную птицу! \ft_e You have killed a sinful bird! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription kebiza ɔburu sama kazabid \ft_r_during_transcription греховодного какого-то зверя ты, мол, убил \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_015 \ELANBegin 00:00:44.187 \ELANEnd 00:00:46.085 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kebi, kebi, manʲ \mb kebi kebi manʲ \ge sin sin say \ps n n ptcl \ger грех грех мол \ft_r грех, грех, мол \ft_e a sin, a sin, say \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription kebi, kebi, manʲ \ft_r_during_transcription грех, грех \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_016 \ELANBegin 00:00:46.847 \ELANEnd 00:00:48.737 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲ manazʔ, nʲiØ kebiʔ, nʲiØ kebiʔ \mb modʲ man-zʔ i-Ø kebi-ʔ i-Ø kebi-ʔ \ge 1SG say(pfv)-1SG.S NEG-3SG.S be:sinful(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S be:sinful(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps pron-pers v-pers v-pers v-nfin v-pers v-nfin \ger я сказать-1SG.S NEG-3SG.S быть:грешным-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S быть:грешным-CONNEG \ft_r Я говорю, она не греховодная, не греховодная. \ft_e I said, it's not sinful, it's not sinful. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription modʲ manaz, nʲi kebi, nʲi kebi \ft_r_during_transcription я говорю, не грех, не грех \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_017 \ELANBegin 00:00:48.971 \ELANEnd 00:00:50.440 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɔrse samaʔ tɔneʔ \mb tɔrse sama-ʔ tɔne-ʔ \ge such bird-PL there:is(ipfv)-3PL.S \ps pronadj n-case-num v-pers \ger такой птица-PL иметься-3PL.S \ft_r Такие птицы бывают. \ft_e There are such birds. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription tɔrsi samaʔ tɔneʔ \ft_r_during_transcription такие звери есть \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_018 \ELANBegin 00:00:53.337 \ELANEnd 00:00:53.807 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no \mb no \ge well \ps ptcl \ger ну \ft_r ну \ft_e well \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_019 \ELANBegin 00:00:55.328 \ELANEnd 00:00:57.616 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɔʔ ŋaarezʔ tʃike buuseiʃ, axa \mb tɔʔ ŋaara-e-zʔ tʃike buuse-iʃ aa \ge here(dir) quiet:down(pfv)-M-3SG.M this old:man-TRANS yeah \ps pronadv v-mpers-pers pronadj n-quasicase ptcl \ger сюда утихнуть-M-3SG.M этот старик-TRANS ага \ft_r Тут успокоился этот старик, ага. \ft_e So that old man quieted dowm, yeah. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription tɔʔ ŋaʔariz tʃiki busiiʃ \ft_r_during_transcription тут успокоился/остановился этот старик \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_020 \ELANBegin 00:00:57.772 \ELANEnd 00:01:01.165 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox sɛjda lanudaza, sɛjda lanudaza \mb sɛju-da lanuu-da-za sɛju-da lanuu-da-za \ge heart-OBL.SG.3SG abate(pfv)-CAUS1-3SG.SG.OBJ heart-OBL.SG.3SG abate(pfv)-CAUS1-3SG.SG.OBJ \ps n-poss-case v-asp-act-pers n-poss-case v-asp-act-pers \ger сердце-OBL.SG.3SG успокоиться-CAUS1-3SG.SG.OBJ сердце-OBL.SG.3SG успокоиться-CAUS1-3SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r Он успокоил свое сердце, успокоил свое сердце. \ft_e He calmed his heart, he calmed his heart. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription sɛjda landaza, sɛjda landaza \ft_r_during_transcription свое сердце успокоил, свое сердце успокоил \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_021 \ELANBegin 00:01:01.204 \ELANEnd 00:01:02.504 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox lanuuɔ, axa \mb lanuu-a aa \ge abate(pfv)-NMLZ1 yeah \ps v-nfin ptcl \ger успокоиться-NMLZ1 ага \ft_r успокоение, ага \ft_e calming, yeah \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription lanoɔ \ft_r_during_transcription успокоился \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_022 \ELANBegin 00:01:02.582 \ELANEnd 00:01:04.532 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox menser ŋo ŋaarezʔ \mb mense-r ŋo ŋaara-e-zʔ \ge old:woman-NOM.SG.2SG even quiet:down(pfv)-M-3SG.M \ps n-poss-case ptcl v-mpers-pers \ger старуха-NOM.SG.2SG хоть утихнуть-M-3SG.M \ft_r И старуха успокоилась. \ft_e And the old woman quieted down. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription mensir nɔʔ ŋaʔarizʔ \ft_r_during_transcription и старуха закончила \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_023 \ELANBegin 00:01:05.390 \ELANEnd 00:01:06.352 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox muʃ \mb mo-ʃ \ge PLC-3SG.S.PST \ps plc-pers \ger PLC-3SG.S.PST \ft_r это самое \ft_e well \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription muʃ \ft_r_during_transcription это \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref LD080819_VIDPTI_024 \ELANBegin 00:01:06.470 \ELANEnd 00:01:11.980 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r греховодная птица, да что там \ft_e it's a sinful bird or something \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m in Russian-по-русски \add_ling \ELANMediaURL file:///D:/ENETS/Audio_texts/Baj/Analyzed/Sound/Elan/InToolbox/1208/ld080819_VidelPticu.WAV \ELANMediaMIME audio/x-wav