\_sh v3.0 400 Text \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_001 \ELANBegin 00:00:00.010 \ELANEnd 00:00:02.240 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \speaker Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin, Gennadij Afanas'evich Ivanov-Александр Спиридонович Болин, Николай Иванович Силкин, Геннадий Афанасьевич Иванов \recorder Andrey Shluinsky-Андрей Шлуинский \translator Vitalij Nikolaevich Bolin-Виталий Николаевич Болин \annotator_preliminary Andrey Shluinsky-Андрей Шлуинский \annotator_toolbox Andrey Shluinsky-Андрей Шлуинский \tx_lat_for_toolbox ʃedaz, tɔna nʲezuʔ ʃedad \mb ʃeda-z tɔna i-zuʔ ʃeda-d \ge make(pfv)-2SG.SG.OBJ.IMP still NEG-3PL.SG.OBJ make(pfv)-FUT.CONNEG \ps v-pers adv v-pers v-nfin \ger сделать-2SG.SG.OBJ.IMP еще NEG-3PL.SG.OBJ сделать-FUT.CONNEG \ft_r Разделай ее, они еще ее они не разделают. \ft_e Cut it, they will not cut it still. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ʃedaz, tɔna nʲezuʔ ʃedad \ft_r_during_transcription разделай, подожди, они не разделают \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_002 \ELANBegin 00:00:02.240 \ELANEnd 00:00:03.710 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tʃikeʔ dʲɔxaraʔ \mb tʃike-ʔ dʲɔxara-ʔ \ge this-PL not:know(ipfv)-3PL.S \ps pronadj-case-num v-pers \ger этот-PL не:знать-3PL.S \ft_r Они не умеют. \ft_e They cannot. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription tʃikiʔ dʲɔxɔraʔ \ft_r_during_transcription они не умеют \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_003 \ELANBegin 00:00:03.710 \ELANEnd 00:00:04.900 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox dʲɔxaraʔ, ʃedaz \mb dʲɔxara-ʔ ʃeda-z \ge not:know(ipfv)-3PL.S make(pfv)-2SG.SG.OBJ.IMP \ps v-pers v-pers \ger не:знать-3PL.S сделать-2SG.SG.OBJ.IMP \ft_r Они не умеют, разделай ее. \ft_e They cannot, cut it. \tx_lat ʃedat \tx_lat_during_transcription dʲɔxɔraʔ, ʃedaz \ft_r_during_transcription не умеют, разделай \lit_trans \com_m плохо слышно \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_004 \ELANBegin 00:00:06.910 \ELANEnd 00:00:08.350 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲ ʃedaxuu tɔɡda \mb modʲ ʃeda-xu-a tɔɡda \ge 1SG make(pfv)-HORT-1SG.SG.OBJ then \ps pron-pers v-mood-pers ptcl \ger я сделать-HORT-1SG.SG.OBJ тогда \ft_r Я тогда разделаю. \ft_e Then let me cut. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription modʲ ʃedaxuu tɔɡda \ft_r_during_transcription я тогда разделаю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_005 \ELANBegin 00:00:08.440 \ELANEnd 00:00:11.030 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m The linguist and the other speaker try to explain the speaker he's wrong-Лингвист и другой говорящий пытаются объяснить говорящему, что он неправ. \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_006 \ELANBegin 00:00:12.200 \ELANEnd 00:00:13.450 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m The linguist says in Enets: 'You have cut a fish for me'-Лингвист говорит по-энецки: "Ты разделал мне рыбу" \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_007 \ELANBegin 00:00:13.550 \ELANEnd 00:00:15.060 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nʲet, ɛke ʃedaxuu \mb nʲet ɛke ʃeda-xu-a \ge no this make(pfv)-HORT-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps ptcl pronadj v-mood-pers \ger нет этот сделать-HORT-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r Нет, я эту разделаю. \ft_e No, let me cut this one. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription nʲet, ɛki ʃedaxuu \ft_r_during_transcription нет, эту разделаю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_008 \ELANBegin 00:00:15.060 \ELANEnd 00:00:17.390 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox pɔna anʲ ana pɔrtitsa \mb pɔna anʲ \ge then and \ps pronadv ptcl \ger потом и \ft_r А потом она испортится. \ft_e And then it will spoil. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription pɔnaa anʲ ɔna ispɔrtitsa \ft_r_during_transcription а потом она испортится \lit_trans \com_m ana pɔrtitsa is in Russian-ana pɔrtitsa по-русски \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_009 \ELANBegin 00:00:20.610 \ELANEnd 00:00:22.190 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox aaa \mb aaa \ge ah \ps ptcl \ger а:а:а \ft_r А-а-а! \ft_e Ah! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription aaa \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_010 \ELANBegin 00:00:23.500 \ELANEnd 00:00:26.110 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox aa, mɛkod kadaad kɔmar \mb aa mɛzu-d-d kada-a-d kɔma-r \ge yeah chum-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.2SG take:away(pfv)-NMLZ1-DAT.SG want(ipfv)-2SG.SG.OBJ \ps ptcl n-case-num-poss-case v-nfin-case-num v-pers \ger ага чум-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.2SG унести-NMLZ1-DAT.SG хотеть-2SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r А, ты хочешь ее унести домой? \ft_e Ah, you want to take it home? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription aa, mɛkod kadaad kɔmar \ft_r_during_transcription а, домой хочешь унести? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_011 \ELANBegin 00:00:26.830 \ELANEnd 00:00:28.330 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no tɔɡda dʲɔxaraa \mb no tɔɡda dʲɔxara-a \ge well then not:know(ipfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps ptcl ptcl v-pers \ger ну тогда не:знать-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r Ну тогда я не знаю. \ft_e Well, then I don't know. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription nɔ tɔɡda dʲɔxɔraa \ft_r_during_transcription я еще сети не... / ну тогда не знаю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_012 \ELANBegin 00:00:30.460 \ELANEnd 00:00:31.500 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r Так бы сказал. \ft_e If you said so. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m in Russian-по-русски \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_013 \ELANBegin 00:00:32.350 \ELANEnd 00:00:33.770 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbuuʃ isid manʔ \mb ɔbu-iʃ i-sa-d man-ʔ \ge what-TRANS NEG-INTER-2SG.S say(pfv)-CONNEG \ps pronn-quasicase v-mood-pers v-nfin \ger что-TRANS NEG-INTER-2SG.S сказать-CONNEG \ft_r Почему не сказал? \ft_e Why didn't you tell? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ɔbuuʃ isid manʔ \ft_r_during_transcription почему не сказал? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_014 \ELANBegin 00:00:34.630 \ELANEnd 00:00:35.850 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox dʲurtabiu \mb dʲurta-bi-a \ge forget(pfv)-PRF-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps v-mood-pers \ger забыть-PRF-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r Я забыл. \ft_e I have forgotten. \tx_lat dʲurtaubiu \tx_lat_during_transcription dʲurtabiu \ft_r_during_transcription завтра сетку ... я забыл \lit_trans \com_m дальше АС его заглушает \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_015 \ELANBegin 00:00:43.400 \ELANEnd 00:00:44.320 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m The linguist says in Enets: "I will enter"-Лингвист говорит по-энецки: "Я зайду" \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_016 \ELANBegin 00:00:45.690 \ELANEnd 00:00:48.090 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m The linguist says in Enets: "Let you speak"-Лингвист говорит по-энецки: "Разговаривайте" \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_017 \ELANBegin 00:00:48.140 \ELANEnd 00:00:50.290 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox sɔɔko, kasad nɔʔ dʲɔrinʲiriʔ \mb sɔɔko kasa-d nɔʔ dʲɔrir-nʲi-riʔ \ge younger man-OBL.SG.2SG with talk(ipfv)-SBJV-2DU.S/SG.OBJ \ps n n-poss-case postp v-mood-pers \ger младший мужчина-OBL.SG.2SG с разговаривать-SBJV-2DU.S/SG.OBJ \ft_r Малыш, разговаривайте с товарищем! \ft_e My little, let you speak with your mate! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription sɔɔkɔ, kasad nɔʔ dʲorinʲiriʔ \ft_r_during_transcription товарищ, с товарищем будешь говорить \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_018 \ELANBegin 00:00:50.420 \ELANEnd 00:00:53.270 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m The linguist says in Enets: "Let you speak now"-Лингвист говорит по-энецки: "Разговаривайте сейчас" \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_019 \ELANBegin 00:00:56.890 \ELANEnd 00:00:58.010 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbu ɛɛd dʲɔb \mb ɔbu ɛɛ-d dʲɔbo \ge what mother-OBL.SG.2SG vagina \ps pronn n-poss-case n \ger что мать-OBL.SG.2SG вагина \ft_r Что за черт! \ft_e What a shit! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ɔu, ɛd dʲɔb \ft_r_during_transcription о, ё... \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_020 \ELANBegin 00:01:00.800 \ELANEnd 00:01:01.610 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbu ɛker \mb ɔbu ɛke-r \ge what this-NOM.SG.2SG \ps pronn pronadj-poss-case \ger что этот-NOM.SG.2SG \ft_r Что это? \ft_e What's this? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ɔbu \ft_r_during_transcription что это? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_021 \ELANBegin 00:01:02.880 \ELANEnd 00:01:03.820 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox a \mb a \ge and \ps ptcl \ger а \ft_r А! \ft_e Ah! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_022 \ELANBegin 00:01:07.050 \ELANEnd 00:01:10.760 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲ anʲ nɛ ɛdʲukud dʲɔrimad kɔmazʔ \mb modʲ anʲ nɛ ɛdʲuku-d dʲɔrir-a-d kɔma-zʔ \ge 1SG and woman child-DAT.SG talk(ipfv)-NMLZ1-DAT.SG want(ipfv)-1SG.S \ps pron-pers ptcl n n-case-num v-nfin-case-num v-pers \ger я и женщина ребенок-DAT.SG разговаривать-NMLZ1-DAT.SG хотеть-1SG.S \ft_r А я с девушкой разговаривать хочу. \ft_e And me I want to speak to the girl. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription modʲ anʲ nɛ ɛdʲdʲukoxon dʲorimad kɔmazʔ \ft_r_during_transcription а я с девушкой разговаривать хочу \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_023 \ELANBegin 00:01:11.190 \ELANEnd 00:01:13.700 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m The linguist says in Enets, 'Let you speak'-Лингвист говорит по-энецки: "Ну разговаривай" \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_AS_024 \ELANBegin 00:01:13.770 \ELANEnd 00:01:15.340 \ELANParticipant AS \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m unclear-неразборчиво \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_GA_001 \ELANBegin 00:01:15.560 \ELANEnd 00:01:17.230 \ELANParticipant GA \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Gennadij Afanas'evich Ivanov \tx_lat_for_toolbox sejd dʲez amturʔ \mb sej-d dʲez amutur-ʔ \ge eye-OBL.SG.2SG in:the:direction lounge(ipfv)-2SG.S.IMP \ps n-poss-case postp v-pers \ger глаз-OBL.SG.2SG в:сторону болтаться-2SG.S.IMP \ft_r Просто так болтай! \ft_e Chat with no reason! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription seid dʲez amturʔ \ft_r_during_transcription просто так болтай \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_GA_002 \ELANBegin 00:01:32.020 \ELANEnd 00:01:33.340 \ELANParticipant GA \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Gennadij Afanas'evich Ivanov \tx_lat_for_toolbox ʃeed nɔʔ \mb ʃee-d nɔʔ \ge who-OBL.SG.2SG with \ps pronn-poss-case postp \ger кто-OBL.SG.2SG с \ft_r с кем? \ft_e with whom? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ʃeed nɔʔ \ft_r_during_transcription с кем? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_GA_003 \ELANBegin 00:01:34.350 \ELANEnd 00:01:34.970 \ELANParticipant GA \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Gennadij Afanas'evich Ivanov \tx_lat_for_toolbox aa \mb aa \ge yeah \ps ptcl \ger ага \ft_r А! \ft_e Ah! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription aa \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_GA_004 \ELANBegin 00:01:36.420 \ELANEnd 00:01:37.270 \ELANParticipant GA \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Gennadij Afanas'evich Ivanov \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ \mb ɛɛ \ge yes \ps ptcl \ger да \ft_r да \ft_e yes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_GA_005 \ELANBegin 00:01:39.450 \ELANEnd 00:01:40.040 \ELANParticipant GA \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Gennadij Afanas'evich Ivanov \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbu kare \mb ɔbu kare \ge what fish \ps pronn n \ger что рыба \ft_r какую рыбу? \ft_e which fish? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ɔbu kari \ft_r_during_transcription какую рыбу? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_GA_006 \ELANBegin 00:01:40.320 \ELANEnd 00:01:40.930 \ELANParticipant GA \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Gennadij Afanas'evich Ivanov \tx_lat_for_toolbox nalzeda kare \mb nalzer-da kare \ge be:red(ipfv)-PTC.SML fish \ps v-nder n \ger быть:красным-PTC.SML рыба \ft_r красную рыбу? \ft_e red fish? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ŋalzid kari \ft_r_during_transcription красную рыбу? красную рыбу, ага \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_GA_007 \ELANBegin 00:01:41.910 \ELANEnd 00:01:43.550 \ELANParticipant GA \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Gennadij Afanas'evich Ivanov \tx_lat_for_toolbox kuxoz anʲ tariduujza ŋaʔ nʲiuʔ \mb ko-xoz anʲ tari-duuj-za ŋa-ʔ i-uʔ \ge where-ABL.SG and steal(pfv)-PTC.ANT.PAS-NOM.SG.3SG exist(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ps pronadv-case-num ptcl v-nfin-poss-case v-nfin v-pers \ger где-ABL.SG и украсть-PTC.ANT.PAS-NOM.SG.3SG существовать-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ft_r Он откуда-нибудь своровал, конечно. \ft_e He stole from somewhere, of course. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription kuxoz taridujza ŋaʔ nʲi \ft_r_during_transcription откуда-нибудь своровал, наверное \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_GA_008 \ELANBegin 00:01:45.520 \ELANEnd 00:01:46.160 \ELANParticipant GA \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Gennadij Afanas'evich Ivanov \tx_lat_for_toolbox buxoɔda \mb buxoɔda \ge s/he.FOC \ps pron-pers \ger он(а).FOC \ft_r он-то \ft_e as for him \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription buxoɔda... \ft_r_during_transcription он-то \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_GA_009 \ELANBegin 00:02:06.410 \ELANEnd 00:02:07.650 \ELANParticipant GA \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Gennadij Afanas'evich Ivanov \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription muka tɔ \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m unclear-неразборчиво \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_001 \ELANBegin 00:00:03.180 \ELANEnd 00:00:03.780 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox axa \mb aa \ge yeah \ps ptcl \ger ага \ft_r ага \ft_e yeah \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_002 \ELANBegin 00:00:04.890 \ELANEnd 00:00:06.920 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, no, modʲ kerenʲʔ ... \mb no no modʲ kere-nʲʔ *... \ge well well 1SG self-OBL.SG.1SG *** \ps ptcl ptcl pron-pers pronn-poss-case *** \ger ну ну я сам-OBL.SG.1SG *** \ft_r ну, ну, я сам ... \ft_e well, well, me myself \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ... modʲ kerinʲ \ft_r_during_transcription я тогда разделаю \lit_trans \com_m неслышно в конце-the end cannot be heard \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_003 \ELANBegin 00:00:11.270 \ELANEnd 00:00:12.880 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲ mɛkonʲʔ kadtau \mb modʲ mɛzu-d-nʲʔ kada-da-a \ge 1SG chum-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.1SG take:away(pfv)-FUT-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps pron-pers n-case-num-poss-case v-mood-pers \ger я чум-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.1SG унести-FUT-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r Я ее домой унесу. \ft_e I will take it home. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription modʲ mɛkonʲ kadtau \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_004 \ELANBegin 00:00:17.600 \ELANEnd 00:00:20.470 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲ mɛkonʲʔ kadaad kɔmau \mb modʲ mɛzu-d-nʲʔ kada-a-d kɔma-a \ge 1SG chum-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.1SG take:away(pfv)-NMLZ1-DAT.SG want(ipfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps pron-pers n-case-num-poss-case v-nfin-case-num v-pers \ger я чум-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.1SG унести-NMLZ1-DAT.SG хотеть-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r Я хочу ее забрать домой. \ft_e I want to take it home. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription modʲ mɛkonʲ kadaad kɔmau \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_005 \ELANBegin 00:00:22.080 \ELANEnd 00:00:23.490 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, tɔr ʃiʔ kamazaØ \mb no tɔr ʃiʔ kamiza-Ø \ge well so I.ACC understand(pfv)-3SG.S \ps ptcl ptcl pron-pers v-pers \ger ну так я.ACC понять-3SG.S \ft_r Ну, так он меня понял. \ft_e Well, so he understood me. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription nɔ, tɔr ʃi kamiza \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_006 \ELANBegin 00:00:25.940 \ELANEnd 00:00:29.180 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲ poɡad jeʃɔ nʲezutʃ, a \mb modʲ poɡa-d jeʃɔ i-zutʃ a \ge 1SG fishing:net-OBL.SG.2SG also NEG-1SG.S.PST and \ps pron-pers n-poss-case ptcl v-pers ptcl \ger я сеть-OBL.SG.2SG еще NEG-1SG.S.PST а \ft_r Я еще сети не, а \ft_e I have not yet the net, and \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription modʲ poɡud jeʃɔ nʲezutʃ... \ft_r_during_transcription я еще сети не... / ну тогда не знаю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_007 \ELANBegin 00:00:31.100 \ELANEnd 00:00:32.350 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m unclear-непонятно \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_008 \ELANBegin 00:00:33.140 \ELANEnd 00:00:35.030 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox axa, tʃetaʔ poɡa ... \mb aa tʃetaʔ poɡa *... \ge yeah tomorrow fishing:net *** \ps ptcl adv n *** \ger ага завтра сеть *** \ft_r ага, завтра сеть ... \ft_e yeah, tomorrow the net ... \tx_lat dʲurtaubiu \tx_lat_during_transcription tʃeta poɡa ... \ft_r_during_transcription завтра сетку ... \lit_trans \com_m unclear in the end-неразборчиво в конце \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_009 \ELANBegin 00:00:35.950 \ELANEnd 00:00:37.810 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, no, no, iŋir dʲurtaʔ \mb no no no iŋi-r dʲurta-ʔ \ge well well well certainly-2SG.SG.OBJ forget(pfv)-CONNEG \ps ptcl ptcl ptcl v-pers v-nfin \ger ну ну ну конечно-2SG.SG.OBJ забыть-CONNEG \ft_r Да, да, да, конечно, ты забудешь. \ft_e Yes, yes, you will forget, of course. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription nɔ, nɔ, nɔ, iŋir dʲurtaʔ \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_010 \ELANBegin 00:00:38.330 \ELANEnd 00:00:39.010 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ \mb ɛɛ \ge yes \ps ptcl \ger да \ft_r да \ft_e yes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ɛɛ \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_011 \ELANBegin 00:00:39.520 \ELANEnd 00:00:40.960 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛker tʃuriz, tʃuriz \mb ɛke-r tʃuri-z tʃuri-z \ge this-NOM.SG.2SG bring:in(pfv)-2SG.SG.OBJ.IMP bring:in(pfv)-2SG.SG.OBJ.IMP \ps pronadj-poss-case v-pers v-pers \ger этот-NOM.SG.2SG занести-2SG.SG.OBJ.IMP занести-2SG.SG.OBJ.IMP \ft_r Это занеси, занеси! \ft_e Bring this in, bring in! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ɛker tʃuriz, tʃuriz \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_012 \ELANBegin 00:00:42.920 \ELANEnd 00:00:43.850 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kanʲʔ, kanʲʔ maʔ \mb kanʲe-ʔ kanʲe-ʔ maʔ \ge leave(pfv)-2SG.S.IMP leave(pfv)-2SG.S.IMP indeed \ps v-pers v-pers ptcl \ger уйти-2SG.S.IMP уйти-2SG.S.IMP вот \ft_r Иди, иди! \ft_e Go, go! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription kanʲ, kanʲ \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_013 \ELANBegin 00:00:44.310 \ELANEnd 00:00:45.510 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox teza dʲɔridajʔ modʲinʲʔ \mb teza dʲɔrir-da-jʔ modʲinʲiʔ \ge now talk(ipfv)-FUT-1DU.S/SG.OBJ we(du) \ps adv v-mood-pers pron-pers \ger сейчас разговаривать-FUT-1DU.S/SG.OBJ мы(двое) \ft_r Сейчас мы будем говорить. \ft_e Now we will speak. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription tezaʔ dʲoridajʔ modʲinʲ \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_014 \ELANBegin 00:00:50.270 \ELANEnd 00:00:52.320 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no ... \mb no *... \ge well *** \ps ptcl *** \ger ну *** \ft_r ну ... \ft_e well ... \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m unclear-неразборчиво \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_015 \ELANBegin 00:00:53.190 \ELANEnd 00:00:53.820 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ \mb ɛɛ \ge yes \ps ptcl \ger да \ft_r да \ft_e yes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_016 \ELANBegin 00:00:58.190 \ELANEnd 00:01:00.660 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔu, tʃiker iz kɔtaɡoʔ, iz kɔtaɡoʔ \mb ɔu tʃike-r i-z kɔta-ɡo-ʔ i-z kɔta-ɡo-ʔ \ge EXC1 this-NOM.SG.2SG NEG-2SG.IMP put:out(pfv)-DUR-CONNEG NEG-2SG.IMP put:out(pfv)-DUR-CONNEG \ps ptcl pronadj-poss-case v-pers v-asp-act-nfin v-pers v-asp-act-nfin \ger EXC1 этот-NOM.SG.2SG NEG-2SG.IMP потушить-DUR-CONNEG NEG-2SG.IMP потушить-DUR-CONNEG \ft_r Ой, это не туши, не туши! \ft_e Oh, don't put this out, don't put this out! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ɔu, tʃikir iz kɔtaɡuʔ, iz kɔtaɡuʔ \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_017 \ELANBegin 00:01:01.300 \ELANEnd 00:01:02.670 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛke ʃuduza bu \mb ɛke ʃudu-za bu \ge this smoke-NOM.SG.3SG s/he \ps pronadj n-poss-case pron-pers \ger этот дым-NOM.SG.3SG он(а) \ft_r Это его дымокур. \ft_e That's his smoke. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ʃuduza buʔ \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_018 \ELANBegin 00:01:03.390 \ELANEnd 00:01:05.360 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nenaɡ dʲeɔn ʃuduza \mb nenaɡ dʲeɔn ʃudu-za \ge mosquito for smoke-NOM.SG.3SG \ps n postp n-poss-case \ger комар ради дым-NOM.SG.3SG \ft_r его дымокур от комаров \ft_e his smoke because of the mosquitos \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription nenaɡ dʲeɔn ʃuduza \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_019 \ELANBegin 00:01:19.340 \ELANEnd 00:01:22.920 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m unclear-неразборчиво \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_020 \ELANBegin 00:01:23.380 \ELANEnd 00:01:28.130 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox menseza tut priʃɔl, tak tɔʒe tɔz lɛurezʔ ... \mb mense-za tut *p-ru-iʃ-a-u-ru tak tɔʒe tɔz lɛu-ru-e-zʔ *... \ge old:woman-NOM.SG.3SG here ***-INCH-TRANS-NMLZ1-INC1-INCH so also so cry-INCH-M-3SG.M *** \ps n-poss-case adv ***-asp-act-quasicase-nfin-asp-act-asp-act ptcl ptcl ptcl n-asp-act-mpers-pers *** \ger старуха-NOM.SG.3SG тут ***-INCH-TRANS-NMLZ1-INC1-INCH так тоже так крик-INCH-M-3SG.M *** \ft_r Жена его тут пришла, так заорала ... \ft_e So his wife came, so she cried ... \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription mensiza priʃɔl tut, tɔz lɛurizʔ \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m priʃɔl is in Russian-priʃɔl по-русски \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_021 \ELANBegin 00:01:29.840 \ELANEnd 00:01:31.600 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ŋob tɔlaxaaʃ kanʲexiʔ \mb ŋoʔ tɔlaxa-iʃ kanʲe-xiʔ \ge one alike-TRANS leave(pfv)-3DU.S \ps num ptcl-quasicase v-pers \ger один как-TRANS уйти-3DU.S \ft_r Они стали одинаковые. \ft_e They became the same. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ŋob tɔlsuxuʃ kanʲixiʔ \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m в смысле АС с женой \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_022 \ELANBegin 00:01:33.510 \ELANEnd 00:01:34.870 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox menseza, no \mb mense-za no \ge old:woman-NOM.SG.3SG well \ps n-poss-case ptcl \ger старуха-NOM.SG.3SG ну \ft_r жена его, ну \ft_e his wife, well \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription mensiza \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_023 \ELANBegin 00:01:34.890 \ELANEnd 00:01:35.390 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox aa \mb aa \ge yeah \ps ptcl \ger ага \ft_r А! \ft_e Ah! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_024 \ELANBegin 00:01:35.400 \ELANEnd 00:01:37.160 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ŋob tɔlaxaaʃ kanʲexiʔ \mb ŋoʔ tɔlaxa-iʃ kanʲe-xiʔ \ge one alike-TRANS leave(pfv)-3DU.S \ps num ptcl-quasicase v-pers \ger один как-TRANS уйти-3DU.S \ft_r Они одинаковые стали. \ft_e They became the same. \tx_lat tɔlsuuʃ \tx_lat_during_transcription ŋob tɔlsuxuuʃ kanʲixiʔ \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_025 \ELANBegin 00:01:37.510 \ELANEnd 00:01:39.440 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox karekuzoda tɔzabiʃ ɛke \mb kare-ku-zo-da tɔza-bi-ʃ ɛke \ge fish-DIM1-DESIG.SG-OBL.SG.3SG bring(pfv)-PRF-3SG.S.PST this \ps n-nder-case-num-poss-case v-mood-pers pronadj \ger рыба-DIM1-DESIG.SG-OBL.SG.3SG принести-PRF-3SG.S.PST этот \ft_r Этот принес ему рыбку. \ft_e That one brought him the fish. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription karikuzda tɔzabiʃ ɛki \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_026 \ELANBegin 00:01:40.900 \ELANEnd 00:01:42.080 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nalzeda kareku, axa \mb nalzer-da kare-ku aa \ge be:red(ipfv)-PTC.SML fish-DIM1 yeah \ps v-nder n-nder ptcl \ger быть:красным-PTC.SML рыба-DIM1 ага \ft_r красную рыбу, ага \ft_e a red fish, yeah \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ŋalzid kariku, axa \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_027 \ELANBegin 00:01:43.570 \ELANEnd 00:01:45.430 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, ʃeexoɔd mitaraxabiØ \mb no ʃee-xoɔ-d mis-daraxa-bi-Ø \ge well who-FOC-DAT.SG give(pfv)-APPR-PRF-3SG.S \ps ptcl pronn-nder-case-num v-mood-mood-pers \ger ну кто-FOC-DAT.SG дать-APPR-PRF-3SG.S \ft_r Ну, кто-то отдал, видать. \ft_e Well, someone gave it, it seems. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ʃeexoɔd mitaraxabi \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_028 \ELANBegin 00:01:46.300 \ELANEnd 00:01:46.860 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox axa \mb aa \ge yeah \ps ptcl \ger ага \ft_r ага \ft_e yeah \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription axa \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_029 \ELANBegin 00:01:49.060 \ELANEnd 00:01:52.340 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m unclear in Russian-неразборчиво по-русски \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_030 \ELANBegin 00:01:56.100 \ELANEnd 00:01:57.950 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ku, lapkaxan dʲɔzudaraxabiØ \mb ko lapka-xon dʲazu-r-daraxa-bi-Ø \ge where shop-LOC.SG go(ipfv)-MULT-APPR-PRF-3SG.S \ps pronadv n-case-num v-asp-act-mood-mood-pers \ger где магазин-LOC.SG идти-MULT-APPR-PRF-3SG.S \ft_r Куда, она в магазин вроде ходила. \ft_e Where, it seems whe has visited the shop. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription lapkaxan dʲazudarxabi \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_031 \ELANBegin 00:01:58.580 \ELANEnd 00:02:00.640 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbuxoɔ sɔbus isiØ \mb ɔbu-xoɔ sɔbus-ʔ i-sa-Ø \ge what-FOC get(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-INTER-3SG.S \ps pronn-nder v-nfin v-mood-pers \ger что-FOC достать-CONNEG NEG-INTER-3SG.S \ft_r Она что-то купила, наверное. \ft_e It seems, she bought something. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ɔbuxoɔ sɔbus isi \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_032 \ELANBegin 00:02:01.230 \ELANEnd 00:02:02.710 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox dʲebe amok \mb dʲebe amoke \ge be:drunk(ipfv) evil \ps v n \ger быть:пьяным злой \ft_r Она совсем пьяная. \ft_e She's absolutely drunk. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription dʲebie amker \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_033 \ELANBegin 00:02:03.480 \ELANEnd 00:02:04.650 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m unclear-неразборчиво \add_ling \ref AS_NI_GA100713_RYB5_NI_034 \ELANBegin 00:02:15.920 \ELANEnd 00:02:18.730 \ELANParticipant NI \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r О как болтают они! \ft_e Oh, how they chat! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m in Russian-по-русски \add_ling \ELANMediaURL file:///D:/ENETS/Audio_texts/Baj/Analyzed/Sound/Elan/InToolbox/1206/as_ni_ga100713_Razgovory_RazdelkaRyby_5.WAV \ELANMediaMIME audio/x-wav