\_sh v3.0 400 Text \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_001 \ELANBegin 00:00:05.910 \ELANEnd 00:00:07.690 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \speaker Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin-Александр Спиридонович Болин, Николай Иванович Силкин \recorder Andrey Shluinsky-Андрей Шлуинский \translator Vitalij Nikolaevich Bolin-Виталий Николаевич Болин \annotator_preliminary Andrey Shluinsky-Андрей Шлуинский \annotator_toolbox Andrey Shluinsky-Андрей Шлуинский \tx_lat_for_toolbox manʔ, kare ʃedaɡoɔØ \mb man-ʔ kare ʃeda-ɡo-Ø \ge say(pfv)-2SG.S.IMP fish make(pfv)-DUR-3SG.S \ps v-pers n v-asp-act-pers \ger сказать-2SG.S.IMP рыба сделать-DUR-3SG.S \ft_r Скажи: он рыбу разделывает. \ft_e Say: he is cutting the fish. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS manʔ, kare ʃedaɡoɔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription скажи, рыбу разделывает \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_002 \ELANBegin 00:00:07.690 \ELANEnd 00:00:09.150 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kareda ʃedaɡoɔØ \mb kare-da ʃeda-ɡo-Ø \ge fish-OBL.SG.3SG make(pfv)-DUR-3SG.S \ps n-poss-case v-asp-act-pers \ger рыба-OBL.SG.3SG сделать-DUR-3SG.S \ft_r Он свою рыбу разделывает. \ft_e He is cutting his fish. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI kareda ʃedaɡoɔ \ft_r_during_transcription рыбу свою разделывает \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_003 \ELANBegin 00:00:13.850 \ELANEnd 00:00:18.300 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox sɔɔko, nenda dʲɔrirʔ, modʲ teza \mb sɔɔko nɔnida dʲɔrir-ʔ modʲ teza \ge younger s/he.LOC talk(ipfv)-2SG.S.IMP 1SG now \ps n pron-pers v-pers pron-pers adv \ger младший он(а).LOC разговаривать-2SG.S.IMP я сейчас \ft_r Товарищ, с ним разговаривай, я сейчас \ft_e My dear, speak to him, now I \tx_lat nenda \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS sɔɔkɔː nɔnida dʲorirʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription товарищ, с ним разговаривай \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_004 \ELANBegin 00:00:18.400 \ELANEnd 00:00:20.350 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nʲeØ, modʲ ixutudazʔ \mb i-Ø modʲ ixutur-da-zʔ \ge NEG-3SG.S 1SG smoke(ipfv)-FUT-1SG.S \ps v-pers pron-pers v-mood-pers \ger NEG-3SG.S я курить-FUT-1SG.S \ft_r Нет, я курить буду. \ft_e No, I will smoke. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI modʲ ixutudazʔ tezaʔ \ft_r_during_transcription я курить буду щас \lit_trans \com_m передразнивает \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_005 \ELANBegin 00:00:20.350 \ELANEnd 00:00:22.020 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ixutudazʔ \mb ixutur-da-zʔ \ge smoke(ipfv)-FUT-1SG.S \ps v-mood-pers \ger курить-FUT-1SG.S \ft_r "Я буду курить" \ft_e "I will smoke" \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ixutudazʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m А.С. передразнивает Н.И. \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_006 \ELANBegin 00:00:30.230 \ELANEnd 00:00:32.540 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox buxoɔda nʲiØ ixuturʔ, modʲ ixutumubizʔ \mb bu-xoɔ-da i-Ø ixutur-ʔ modʲ ixutur-ubi-zʔ \ge s/he-FOC-OBL.SG.3SG NEG-3SG.S smoke(ipfv)-CONNEG 1SG smoke(ipfv)-HAB-1SG.S \ps pron-pers-nder-poss-case v-pers v-nfin pron-pers v-mood-pers \ger он(а)-FOC-OBL.SG.3SG NEG-3SG.S курить-CONNEG я курить-HAB-1SG.S \ft_r Он-то не курит, а я курю. \ft_e As for him, he does not smoke, but I smoke. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI buxoɔda nʲi ixuturʔ, modʲ ixutumbizʔ \ft_r_during_transcription он-то не курит, это я курю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_007 \ELANBegin 00:00:36.190 \ELANEnd 00:00:39.350 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔ, nenaɡ oka, manʲ nʲezuʔ, amke, amke, manʔ nʲezuʔ \mb ɔ nenaɡ oka manʲ i-zuʔ amoke amoke man-ʔ i-zuʔ \ge oh mosquito many say NEG-1SG.S.CONTR evil evil say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR \ps ptcl n pronnum ptcl v-pers n n v-nfin v-pers \ger ой комар много мол NEG-1SG.S.CONTR злой злой сказать-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR \ft_r Ой, комаров много, говорю, просто беда, говорю. \ft_e Oh there are a lot of mosquitos, a disaster, I say. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nenaɡ oka, amki, manʲ nʲezuʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription комаров много, бедовые прямо \lit_trans \com_m в смысле суровые \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_008 \ELANBegin 00:00:40.110 \ELANEnd 00:00:42.610 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tezaxoɔ nenaɡ ɔbu ɛsaØ \mb teza-xoɔ nenaɡ ɔbu ɛ-sa-Ø \ge now-FOC mosquito what be(ipfv)-INTER-3SG.S \ps adv-nder n pronn v-mood-pers \ger сейчас-FOC комар что быть-INTER-3SG.S \ft_r Сейчас-то комары-это что. \ft_e But now the mosquitos-what is this. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tezaxoɔʔ nenaɡ ɔbu ɛsa \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription сейчас-то комары что это были \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_009 \ELANBegin 00:00:42.630 \ELANEnd 00:00:44.810 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nɛlʲuk kantaØ, manʔ nʲezuʔ \mb nɛlʲuku kanʲe-da-Ø man-ʔ i-zuʔ \ge midge leave(pfv)-FUT-3SG.S say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR \ps n v-mood-pers v-nfin v-pers \ger мошка уйти-FUT-3SG.S сказать-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR \ft_r Мошка пойдет, я говорю. \ft_e The midges will appear, I say. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nɛlʲuk kanta, manʔ nʲezoʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription мошка пойдет, я говорю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_010 \ELANBegin 00:00:44.810 \ELANEnd 00:00:48.450 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nɛlʲukuxoɔ, tʃike amke, amke ɔburu \mb nɛlʲuku-xoɔ tʃike amoke amoke ɔburu \ge midge-FOC this evil evil thing \ps n-nder pronadj n n n \ger мошка-FOC этот злой злой вещь \ft_r Мошка-то-это страшная, страшная вещь. \ft_e The midges are a terrible, terrible thing. \tx_lat ɔbuːru \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nelʲukuxoɔ, tʃike amki ɔburu \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription мошка-то-это страшная штука \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_011 \ELANBegin 00:00:51.520 \ELANEnd 00:00:55.280 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox vɔn tɔju kasaxanʲʔ manʔ, nɛlʲuk, manʔ nʲiuʔ, ʃit ɔdaØ \mb vɔn tɔ-ju kasa-d-nʲʔ man-ʔ nɛlʲuku man-ʔ i-uʔ ʃit ɔ-da-Ø \ge there that-RESTR.ADJ man-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.1SG say(pfv)-CONNEG midge say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR you(sg).ACC eat(pfv)-FUT-3SG.S \ps ptcl ptcl-nder n-case-num-poss-case v-nfin n v-nfin v-pers pron-pers v-mood-pers \ger вон тот-RESTR.ADJ мужчина-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.1SG сказать-CONNEG мошка сказать-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR ты.ACC съесть-FUT-3SG.S \ft_r Вон товарищу моему скажи: мошка, мол, тебя съест. \ft_e Say to my mate: the midges, say, will eat you. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS vɔn tɔju kasaxanʲ manʔ, nɛlʲuk ʃit ɔda \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription вон товарищу моему скажи: мошка тебя съест \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_012 \ELANBegin 00:00:55.280 \ELANEnd 00:00:58.580 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no vɔt, xaraʃɔ jeʃɔ nɛlʲukʔ dʲaɡoʔ, dʲaɡoʔ nʲimʔ \mb no vɔt xɔrɔʃɔ jeʃɔ nɛlʲuku-ʔ dʲaɡo-ʔ dʲaɡo-ʔ i-mʔ \ge well here well also midge-PL there:is:no-CONNEG there:is:no-CONNEG NEG-3PL.S.CONTR \ps ptcl ptcl adv ptcl n-case-num v-nfin v-nfin v-pers \ger ну вот хорошо еще мошка-PL не:иметься-CONNEG не:иметься-CONNEG NEG-3PL.S.CONTR \ft_r Ну вот, хорошо еще, мошки ведь нет. \ft_e Well, that's good that there are no midges. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI xɔrɔʃɔ jeʃɔ nɛlʲuk dʲaɡu nʲimʔ \ft_r_during_transcription хорошо еще, что мошки еще нет \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_013 \ELANBegin 00:01:01.040 \ELANEnd 00:01:05.130 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox teza vɔt nenaɡ tʃi, tʃike mɔdeer sɛu, tʃuktʃi nenaɡuxiz ɔladedʲ \mb teza vɔt nenaɡ tʃi tʃike mɔdee-r sɛu tʃuktʃi nenaɡ-xiz ɔ-ra-da-e-dʲ \ge now here mosquito here this see(ipfv)-2SG.SG.OBJ seven all mosquito-DAT.PL eat(pfv)-CAUS2-FUT-M-2SG.M \ps adv ptcl n ptcl pronadj v-pers num pronn n-case-num v-asp-act-mood-mpers-pers \ger сейчас вот комар вот этот видеть-2SG.SG.OBJ семь весь комар-DAT.PL съесть-CAUS2-FUT-M-2SG.M \ft_r Сейчас вот комары, видишь сколько, тебя всего комары съедят. \ft_e Now there are mosquitos, you see, you will be all eaten by mosquitos. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI teza tʃike mɔdeer, nenaɡ sɛuk tʃuktʃii nenaɡuxiz ɔladitʃ \ft_r_during_transcription сейчас вот видишь сколько комаров, совсем тебя комары съедят \lit_trans sEuk-сколько вот \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_014 \ELANBegin 00:01:09.180 \ELANEnd 00:01:13.490 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no vɔt tʃi, bujzod piridad \mb no vɔt tʃi buj-zo-d piri-da-d \ge well here here soup-DESIG.SG-OBL.SG.2SG cook(pfv)-FUT-2SG.S \ps ptcl ptcl ptcl n-case-num-poss-case v-mood-pers \ger ну вот вот суп-DESIG.SG-OBL.SG.2SG сварить-FUT-2SG.S \ft_r Ну вот, суп себе сваришь. \ft_e So, you will make a soup for yourself. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nu vɔt tʃi, bujzud piridad \ft_r_during_transcription ну вот, суп себе сваришь \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_015 \ELANBegin 00:01:13.540 \ELANEnd 00:01:15.820 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox teza mudaza, tʃistʲidaza anʲ \mb teza mo-da-za tʃistʲir-da-za anʲ \ge now PLC-FUT-3SG.SG.OBJ clean(ipfv)-FUT-3SG.SG.OBJ and \ps adv plc-mood-pers v-mood-pers ptcl \ger сейчас PLC-FUT-3SG.SG.OBJ чистить-FUT-3SG.SG.OBJ и \ft_r Сейчас он его это, почистит. \ft_e Now he will well, scale it. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI teza mudaza, tʃistʲidaza anʲ \ft_r_during_transcription сейчас он его это, почистит \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_016 \ELANBegin 00:01:18.990 \ELANEnd 00:01:20.530 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox oodʲ taraʔ nʲiuʔ \mb oor-ʃ tara-ʔ i-uʔ \ge eat(ipfv)-CVB necessary(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ps v-nfin v-nfin v-pers \ger есть-CVB надо-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ft_r Есть-то надо. \ft_e One should eat, after all. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI oodʲ tara nʲiuʔ \ft_r_during_transcription кушать-то надо \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_017 \ELANBegin 00:01:25.340 \ELANEnd 00:01:27.770 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nenaɡ, nenaɡ poɡaza dʲaɡoʔ nʲiuʔ, dʲaɡoØ \mb nenaɡ nenaɡ poɡa-za dʲaɡo-ʔ i-uʔ dʲaɡo-Ø \ge mosquito mosquito fishing:net-NOM.SG.3SG there:is:no-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR there:is:no-3SG.S \ps n n n-poss-case v-nfin v-pers v-pers \ger комар комар сеть-NOM.SG.3SG не:иметься-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR не:иметься-3SG.S \ft_r Накомарника, накомарника нет у него ведь нет, нет. \ft_e He has no mosquito net, after all. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ... dʲaɡ nʲiu, dʲaɡ \ft_r_during_transcription нет у него, нет \lit_trans \com_m начало непонятно \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_018 \ELANBegin 00:01:27.860 \ELANEnd 00:01:29.550 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox sɔvsem ɔladezʔ \mb sɔvsem ɔ-ra-da-e-zʔ \ge at:all eat(pfv)-CAUS2-FUT-M-3SG.M \ps ptcl v-asp-act-mood-mpers-pers \ger совсем съесть-CAUS2-FUT-M-3SG.M \ft_r Совсем его съедят. \ft_e He will be completely eaten. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI sɔvsem ɔladiz \ft_r_during_transcription совсем его сейчас съедят \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_019 \ELANBegin 00:01:31.410 \ELANEnd 00:01:33.750 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛd dʲɔboxoɔ, manʔ nʲezuʔ, ɔlejʔ \mb ɛɛ-d dʲɔbo-xoɔ man-ʔ i-zuʔ ɔ-ra-e-jʔ \ge mother-OBL.SG.2SG vagina-FOC say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR eat(pfv)-CAUS2-M-1SG.M \ps n-poss-case n-nder v-nfin v-pers v-asp-act-mpers-pers \ger мать-OBL.SG.2SG вагина-FOC сказать-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR съесть-CAUS2-M-1SG.M \ft_r Елки-палки, говорю, меня съели. \ft_e Fuck off, I say, I am eaten. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɛd dʲɔboxoɔ, manʔ nʲezoʔ, malʲe ɔlizʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription ё..., говорю, его уже съели \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_020 \ELANBegin 00:01:33.770 \ELANEnd 00:01:34.430 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔlejʔ \mb ɔ-ra-e-jʔ \ge eat(pfv)-CAUS2-M-1SG.M \ps v-asp-act-mpers-pers \ger съесть-CAUS2-M-1SG.M \ft_r Меня съели. \ft_e I am eaten. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔlijʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription меня съели \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_021 \ELANBegin 00:01:34.570 \ELANEnd 00:01:36.110 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛkon ʃedaxuu, a \mb ɛke-xon ʃeda-xu-a a \ge this-LOC.SG make(pfv)-HORT-1SG.SG.OBJ and \ps pronadj-case-num v-mood-pers ptcl \ger этот-LOC.SG сделать-HORT-1SG.SG.OBJ а \ft_r Давай я ее здесь разделаю, а? \ft_e Let me cut it here, well? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɛkun ʃedaɡuː \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription здесь давай разделаю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling *Sedaxuu \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_022 \ELANBegin 00:01:36.110 \ELANEnd 00:01:36.840 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛu, ɛu \mb ɛu ɛu \ge here(dir) here(dir) \ps pronadv pronadv \ger сюда сюда \ft_r сюда, сюда \ft_e here, here \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛu, ɛu \ft_r_during_transcription сюда, сюда \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_023 \ELANBegin 00:01:36.920 \ELANEnd 00:01:40.120 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ʃijʔ, ʃijʔ majzadaʔ \mb ʃiʔ ʃiʔ majza-da-ʔ \ge I.ACC I.ACC torment(pfv)-FUT-3PL.S \ps pron-pers pron-pers v-mood-pers \ger я.ACC я.ACC замучить-FUT-3PL.S \ft_r Они меня замучают. \ft_e They will torment me. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ʃij majzadaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription они меня съедят/замучают \lit_trans \com_m в смысле комары \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_024 \ELANBegin 00:01:43.560 \ELANEnd 00:01:46.140 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛu teza ɔbu, ʃudzod tʃunixuzʔ \mb ɛu teza ɔbu ʃudu-zo-d tʃunʲi-xu-zʔ \ge here(dir) now what smoke-DESIG.SG-OBL.SG.2SG light(pfv)-HORT-1SG.S \ps pronadv adv pronn n-case-num-poss-case v-mood-pers \ger сюда сейчас что дым-DESIG.SG-OBL.SG.2SG зажечь-HORT-1SG.S \ft_r Здесь сейчас что, дымокурчик тебе я растоплю. \ft_e Now here, well, I will light a smoke for you. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ʃudzu tʃunixuzʔ \ft_r_during_transcription дымокурчик тебе растоплю \lit_trans \com_m слышно по-другому-мб, растопи \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_025 \ELANBegin 00:01:47.550 \ELANEnd 00:01:49.310 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, aduzʔ \mb no adu-zʔ \ge well sit:down(pfv)-2SG.M.IMP \ps ptcl v-pers \ger ну сесть-2SG.M.IMP \ft_r Ну, садись. \ft_e Well, sit down. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI aduz \ft_r_during_transcription садись \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_026 \ELANBegin 00:01:50.900 \ELANEnd 00:01:54.960 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kɔlʲa, ʃud, manʔ nʲezuʔ, tʃuniʔ, tʃuniʔ \mb kɔlʲa ʃudu man-ʔ i-zuʔ tʃunʲi-ʔ tʃunʲi-ʔ \ge Kolja smoke say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR light(pfv)-2SG.S.IMP light(pfv)-2SG.S.IMP \ps n n v-nfin v-pers v-pers v-pers \ger Коля дым сказать-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR зажечь-2SG.S.IMP зажечь-2SG.S.IMP \ft_r Коля, дымокур, я говорю, растопи, растопи! \ft_e Kolja, I say, light, light the smoke! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kɔlʲa, ʃud man nʲizoʔ, tʃuniʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription Коля, дымокурчик растопи \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_027 \ELANBegin 00:01:57.780 \ELANEnd 00:01:59.280 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ʃudzod tʃunidaØ \mb ʃudu-zo-d tʃunʲi-da-Ø \ge smoke-DESIG.SG-OBL.SG.2SG light(pfv)-FUT-3SG.S \ps n-case-num-poss-case v-mood-pers \ger дым-DESIG.SG-OBL.SG.2SG зажечь-FUT-3SG.S \ft_r Дымокур тебе он растопит. \ft_e He will light a smoke for you. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ʃudzu tʃunida \ft_r_during_transcription дымокурчик тебе растопит \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_028 \ELANBegin 00:02:01.080 \ELANEnd 00:02:03.540 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox u anʲ ɛtɔ pexon tʃunidad muzod \mb u anʲ ɛtɔ pe-xon tʃunʲi-da-d mo-zo-d \ge you(sg) and so outdoors-LOC.SG light(pfv)-FUT-2SG.S PLC-DESIG.SG-OBL.SG.2SG \ps pron-pers ptcl ptcl n-case-num v-mood-pers plc-case-num-poss-case \ger ты и это улица-LOC.SG зажечь-FUT-2SG.S PLC-DESIG.SG-OBL.SG.2SG \ft_r А ты на улице себе это растопишь. \ft_e And you will light this for you ourdoors. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI u anʲ ..., pexon tʃuniz muzud \ft_r_during_transcription на улице растопи себе это \lit_trans \com_m в начале непонятно \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_029 \ELANBegin 00:02:03.540 \ELANEnd 00:02:05.340 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tʃuktʃi nenaɡuxiz ɔladedʲ \mb tʃuktʃi nenaɡ-xiz ɔ-ra-da-e-dʲ \ge all mosquito-DAT.PL eat(pfv)-CAUS2-FUT-M-2SG.M \ps pronn n-case-num v-asp-act-mood-mpers-pers \ger весь комар-DAT.PL съесть-CAUS2-FUT-M-2SG.M \ft_r Тебя всего комары съедят. \ft_e You will be completely eaten by mosquitos. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI tʃuktʃi nenaɡuxiz ɔladidʲ \ft_r_during_transcription совсем тебя комары съедят \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_030 \ELANBegin 00:02:07.370 \ELANEnd 00:02:08.860 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox mɛziza, man, lanumaØ \mb mɛziza man lanuu-Ø \ge be:on:visit(ipfv) say(pfv) abate(pfv)-3SG.S \ps v v v-pers \ger гостить сказать успокоиться-3SG.S \ft_r Ветер-то утих. \ft_e The wild, say, abated. \tx_lat man \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI mɛziza, maz, lanuma \ft_r_during_transcription ветер утих \lit_trans maz-"связка слов" \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_031 \ELANBegin 00:02:08.880 \ELANEnd 00:02:09.970 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox lanumaØ, manʔ nʲezuʔ \mb lanuu-Ø man-ʔ i-zuʔ \ge abate(pfv)-3SG.S say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR \ps v-pers v-nfin v-pers \ger успокоиться-3SG.S сказать-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR \ft_r Утих, я говорю. \ft_e It has abated, I say. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS lanuma, manʔ nʲezoʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription утих, я говорю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_032 \ELANBegin 00:02:10.560 \ELANEnd 00:02:11.290 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox lanumaØ \mb lanuu-Ø \ge abate(pfv)-3SG.S \ps v-pers \ger успокоиться-3SG.S \ft_r утих \ft_e it has abated \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS lanuma \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription утих \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_033 \ELANBegin 00:02:11.290 \ELANEnd 00:02:12.820 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔre mɛziza sɔjzaʃ \mb ɔron mɛse-za sɔjza-ʃ \ge before wind-NOM.SG.3SG good-3SG.S.PST \ps postp n-poss-case adj-pers \ger перед ветер-NOM.SG.3SG хороший-3SG.S.PST \ft_r До того ветер был хороший. \ft_e Earlier there was a good wind. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɔri mɛziza sɔjzaʃ \ft_r_during_transcription давеча ветер был хороший \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_034 \ELANBegin 00:02:13.550 \ELANEnd 00:02:14.650 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox mɛziʃ iblʲɛjɡuɔn \mb mɛse-ʃ iblʲɛjɡu-ɔn \ge wind-3SG.S.PST small-PROL.SG \ps n-pers adj-case-num \ger ветер-3SG.S.PST маленький-PROL.SG \ft_r Ветер был немного. \ft_e There was wind a bit. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI mɛziʃ iblʲɛjɡuɔn \ft_r_during_transcription ветер был маленько \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_035 \ELANBegin 00:02:14.650 \ELANEnd 00:02:15.790 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox lanumaØ, lanumaØ \mb lanuu-Ø lanuu-Ø \ge abate(pfv)-3SG.S abate(pfv)-3SG.S \ps v-pers v-pers \ger успокоиться-3SG.S успокоиться-3SG.S \ft_r утих, утих \ft_e it has abated, it has abated \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS lanuma, lanuma \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription утих, утих \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_036 \ELANBegin 00:02:17.810 \ELANEnd 00:02:21.970 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲnaʔ kare ibunaʔ mis, tɔɡan ʃee mitkodaØ kare \mb modʲinaʔ kare i-buʔ-naʔ mis-ʔ tɔɡan ʃee mis-dkoda-Ø kare \ge we fish NEG-CVB.COND-OBL.SG.1PL give(pfv)-CONNEG surely who give(pfv)-HYP-3SG.S fish \ps pron-pers n v-nfin-poss-case v-nfin ptcl pronn v-mood-pers n \ger мы рыба NEG-CVB.COND-OBL.SG.1PL дать-CONNEG а:то кто дать-HYP-3SG.S рыба \ft_r Если мы рыбу не дадим, кто еще рыбу даст. \ft_e If we don't give fish, who will give fish. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI modʲnaʔ kare ibunaʔ mis, tɔɡan ʃee mitkoda kare \ft_r_during_transcription если мы рыбу не дадим, больше кто рыбу даст \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_037 \ELANBegin 00:02:29.270 \ELANEnd 00:02:30.630 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kunʲ ʃedadau \mb kunʲi ʃeda-da-a \ge how make(pfv)-FUT-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps pronadv v-mood-pers \ger как сделать-FUT-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r Как мне ее разделать? \ft_e How should I cut it? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kunʲ ʃeddau \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription как разделаю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_038 \ELANBegin 00:02:31.470 \ELANEnd 00:02:34.620 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox jeslʲi kared oomad kɔmabuta, sirtaj kare \mb jeslʲi kare-d oor-a-d kɔma-buʔ-da siru-ta-j kare \ge if fish-OBL.SG.2SG eat(ipfv)-NMLZ1-DAT.SG want(ipfv)-CVB.COND-OBL.SG.3SG salt-CAUS4-PTC.ANT fish \ps ptcl n-poss-case v-nfin-case-num v-nfin-poss-case n-asp-act-nfin n \ger если рыба-OBL.SG.2SG есть-NMLZ1-DAT.SG хотеть-CVB.COND-OBL.SG.3SG соль-CAUS4-PTC.ANT рыба \ft_r Если рыбу хочет есть, соленую рыбу \ft_e If he wants to eat fish, salted fish \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS jeslʲi kared oomad kɔmabuta, sirtaj kare \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription если рыбу хочет есть, соленую рыбу \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_039 \ELANBegin 00:02:34.620 \ELANEnd 00:02:36.850 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛkexoɔ nʲeu kaʔarad \mb ɛke-xoɔ i-a kaʔa-ra-d \ge this-FOC NEG-1SG.SG.OBJ come:down(pfv)-CAUS2-FUT.CONNEG \ps pronadj-nder v-pers v-asp-act-nfin \ger этот-FOC NEG-1SG.SG.OBJ спуститься-CAUS2-FUT.CONNEG \ft_r это-то я не сниму \ft_e I will not take this off \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɛkexoɔ nʲeu kaarad \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription это-то я не уроню \lit_trans \com_m т.е. не буду убирать \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_040 \ELANBegin 00:02:37.140 \ELANEnd 00:02:38.040 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbuda \mb ɔbu-da \ge what-OBL.SG.3SG \ps pronn-poss-case \ger что-OBL.SG.3SG \ft_r что? \ft_e what? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɔbuda \ft_r_during_transcription что? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_041 \ELANBegin 00:02:39.860 \ELANEnd 00:02:41.180 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kunʲ ɔdazuʔ \mb kunʲi ɔ-da-zuʔ \ge how eat(pfv)-CAUS1-3PL.SG.OBJ \ps pronadv v-asp-act-pers \ger как съесть-CAUS1-3PL.SG.OBJ \ft_r Как они его съедят? \ft_e How will they eat it? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kunʲ ɔdazuʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription как они его съедят \lit_trans \com_m переслушать-не oodazuq ли \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_042 \ELANBegin 00:02:41.450 \ELANEnd 00:02:42.310 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox pirij, pirij \mb piri-j piri-j \ge cook(pfv)-PTC.ANT cook(pfv)-PTC.ANT \ps v-nfin v-nfin \ger сварить-PTC.ANT сварить-PTC.ANT \ft_r вареную, вареную \ft_e boiled, boiled \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI pirij, pirij \ft_r_during_transcription сваренный, сваренный \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_043 \ELANBegin 00:02:42.310 \ELANEnd 00:02:43.700 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kunʲ ɔdazuʔ, manʔ \mb kunʲi ɔ-da-zuʔ man-ʔ \ge how eat(pfv)-CAUS1-3PL.SG.OBJ say(pfv)-2SG.S.IMP \ps pronadv v-asp-act-pers v-pers \ger как съесть-CAUS1-3PL.SG.OBJ сказать-2SG.S.IMP \ft_r как они ее съедят, скажи \ft_e how will they eat it, say \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kunʲ ɔdazuʔ, manʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription как съедят, скажи \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_044 \ELANBegin 00:02:43.700 \ELANEnd 00:02:45.410 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox pirinʲijʔ, pirinʲijʔ \mb piri-nʲi-jʔ piri-nʲi-jʔ \ge cook(pfv)-SBJV-1DU.S/SG.OBJ cook(pfv)-SBJV-1DU.S/SG.OBJ \ps v-mood-pers v-mood-pers \ger сварить-SBJV-1DU.S/SG.OBJ сварить-SBJV-1DU.S/SG.OBJ \ft_r Мы ее сварим, сварим. \ft_e We would boil it. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI pirinʲijʔ, pirinʲijʔ \ft_r_during_transcription сварим, сварим \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_045 \ELANBegin 00:02:45.410 \ELANEnd 00:02:46.690 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox rosa bazaan neda, neda manʔ \mb rosa baza-ɔn nɔda nɔda man-ʔ \ge Russian language-PROL.SG s/he.DAT s/he.DAT say(pfv)-2SG.S.IMP \ps n n-case-num pron-pers pron-pers v-pers \ger русский язык-PROL.SG он(а).DAT он(а).DAT сказать-2SG.S.IMP \ft_r по-русски ему скажи \ft_e say to him in Russian \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS rosa bazaan neda manʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription по-русски ему скажи \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_046 \ELANBegin 00:02:48.380 \ELANEnd 00:02:49.470 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox bujiʃ piridau \mb buj-iʃ piri-da-a \ge soup-TRANS cook(pfv)-FUT-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps n-quasicase v-mood-pers \ger суп-TRANS сварить-FUT-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r я на суп ее сварю \ft_e I will cook it as a soup \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI bujiʃ piridazʔ \ft_r_during_transcription на суп сварю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_047 \ELANBegin 00:02:49.470 \ELANEnd 00:02:51.550 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɔɡda kaʔaradau \mb tɔɡda kaʔa-ra-da-a \ge then come:down(pfv)-CAUS2-FUT-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps ptcl v-asp-act-mood-pers \ger тогда спуститься-CAUS2-FUT-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r Тогда я это сниму. \ft_e Then I will take this off. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS bujiʃ piridau, tɔɡda kaaradau \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription на суп сварю-тогда я сниму \lit_trans \com_m в смысле шкуру \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_048 \ELANBegin 00:02:52.710 \ELANEnd 00:02:53.940 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox liziza kaʔaranʔ anʲ \mb lizi-za kaʔa-ra-nʔ anʲ \ge bone-NOM.PL.3SG come:down(pfv)-CAUS2-2SG.NON.SG.OBJ.IMP and \ps n-poss-case v-asp-act-pers ptcl \ger кость-NOM.PL.3SG спуститься-CAUS2-2SG.NON.SG.OBJ.IMP и \ft_r Кости тоже сними! \ft_e Also take the bones off! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI liziza kaʔaranʔ anʲ \ft_r_during_transcription кости сними \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_049 \ELANBegin 00:02:53.940 \ELANEnd 00:02:54.790 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kaʔaradau \mb kaʔa-ra-da-a \ge die(pfv)-CAUS2-FUT-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps v-asp-act-mood-pers \ger умереть-CAUS2-FUT-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r я сниму \ft_e I will take this off \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kaaradau \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription сниму \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_050 \ELANBegin 00:02:54.790 \ELANEnd 00:02:56.160 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox dʲukuuʃ mɔtud \mb dʲuk-iʃ mɔta-r-z \ge piece-TRANS cut(pfv)-MULT-2SG.SG.OBJ.IMP \ps n-quasicase v-asp-act-pers \ger кусок-TRANS отрезать-MULT-2SG.SG.OBJ.IMP \ft_r На куски ее нарежь! \ft_e Cut it into pieces! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI dʲukuuʃ mɔtud \ft_r_during_transcription на куски нарежь \lit_trans \com_m It is not clear, why MULT-derivate is perfective here. \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_051 \ELANBegin 00:02:56.160 \ELANEnd 00:02:57.930 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɔ, kamizau \mb tɔ kamiza-a \ge that understand(pfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps ptcl v-pers \ger тот понять-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r Ну, я понял. \ft_e Well, I've understood. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tɔʔ, kamizau \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription ну, понял \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_052 \ELANBegin 00:02:59.590 \ELANEnd 00:03:00.880 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kertuʔ piritʃuzuʔ \mb kere-duʔ piri-tʃu-zuʔ \ge self-OBL.SG.3PL cook(pfv)-DEB-3PL.SG.OBJ \ps pronn-poss-case v-mood-pers \ger сам-OBL.SG.3PL сварить-DEB-3PL.SG.OBJ \ft_r Они сами ее сварят. \ft_e They will cook it themselves. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI kertuʔ piritʃuzuʔ \ft_r_during_transcription сами сварят \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_053 \ELANBegin 00:03:02.990 \ELANEnd 00:03:03.690 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kamikuɔu \mb kamiku-a \ge understand(ipfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps v-pers \ger понимать-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r Я понимаю. \ft_e In understand. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kamikoɔu \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription понял \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_054 \ELANBegin 00:03:08.460 \ELANEnd 00:03:13.230 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox andrʲuʃka, ɛke sɔjzaan dʲɔriŋaØ ɔnɛj bazaan \mb andrʲuʃka ɛke sɔjza-ɔn dʲɔrir-Ø ɔnɛj baza-ɔn \ge Andrjushka this good-PROL.SG talk(ipfv)-3SG.S Enets language-PROL.SG \ps n pronadj adj-case-num v-pers adj n-case-num \ger Андрюшка этот хороший-PROL.SG разговаривать-3SG.S энецкий язык-PROL.SG \ft_r Андрюшка, он хорошо говорит по-энецки. \ft_e Andrjushka, this one speaks Enets well. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS andrʲuʃka, ɛkez sɔjzaan dʲoriŋa ɔnɛj bazaan \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription они хорошо говорят по-энецки \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_055 \ELANBegin 00:03:15.640 \ELANEnd 00:03:16.620 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲinʲʔ pɔmɔnenʲʔ \mb modʲinʲiʔ pɔu-ɔn-nʲʔ \ge we(du) middle-PROL.SG-OBL.SG.1DU \ps pron-pers n-case-num-poss-case \ger мы(двое) среди-PROL.SG-OBL.SG.1DU \ft_r мы между собой... \ft_e we among ourselves \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI modʲinʲ pɔmninʲ \ft_r_during_transcription мы между собой... \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_056 \ELANBegin 00:03:16.640 \ELANEnd 00:03:18.040 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tʃike kasajʔ nʲiuʔ ŋaʔ \mb tʃike kasa-jʔ i-uʔ ŋa-ʔ \ge this man-NOM.SG.1SG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR exist(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps pronadj n-poss-case v-pers v-nfin \ger этот мужчина-NOM.SG.1SG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR существовать-CONNEG \ft_r Он же мой товарищ. \ft_e He is my mate, after all. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tʃiker kasaj nʲiu ŋaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription он же мой товарищ \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_057 \ELANBegin 00:03:18.980 \ELANEnd 00:03:19.680 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɛneza, tɛneza \mb tɛne-za tɛne-za \ge know(ipfv)-3SG.SG.OBJ know(ipfv)-3SG.SG.OBJ \ps v-pers v-pers \ger знать-3SG.SG.OBJ знать-3SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r Он знает, знает. \ft_e He knows, knows. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI tɛneza, tɛneza \ft_r_during_transcription знает, знает \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_058 \ELANBegin 00:03:19.680 \ELANEnd 00:03:20.760 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox amke kasajʔ \mb amoke kasa-jʔ \ge evil man-NOM.SG.1SG \ps n n-poss-case \ger злой мужчина-NOM.SG.1SG \ft_r Мой большой товарищ. \ft_e My great mate. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS amki kasajʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription бедовый товарищ \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_059 \ELANBegin 00:03:20.760 \ELANEnd 00:03:21.900 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox amke kasajʔ \mb amoke kasa-jʔ \ge evil man-NOM.SG.1SG \ps n n-poss-case \ger злой мужчина-NOM.SG.1SG \ft_r "мой большой товарищ" \ft_e "my great mate" \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI amki kasajʔ \ft_r_during_transcription бедовый товраищ \lit_trans \com_m передразнивает \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_060 \ELANBegin 00:03:23.990 \ELANEnd 00:03:26.300 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox amok kasajʔ, manʔ nʲezuʔ \mb amoke kasa-jʔ man-ʔ i-zuʔ \ge evil man-NOM.SG.1SG say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR \ps n n-poss-case v-nfin v-pers \ger злой мужчина-NOM.SG.1SG сказать-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR \ft_r Мой большой товарищ, я говорю. \ft_e My great mate, I say. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS amik kasajʔ, manʔ nʲezoʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription бедовый товарищ, я говорю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_061 \ELANBegin 00:03:29.100 \ELANEnd 00:03:30.260 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox aɡa kasajʔ \mb aɡa kasa-jʔ \ge big man-NOM.SG.1SG \ps adj n-poss-case \ger большой мужчина-NOM.SG.1SG \ft_r мой старший товарищ \ft_e my elder mate \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS aɡa kasaj \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription старший товраищ \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling aɡa kasajʔ \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_062 \ELANBegin 00:03:30.260 \ELANEnd 00:03:31.920 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox aɡa kasaza, no \mb aɡa kasa-za no \ge big man-NOM.SG.3SG well \ps adj n-poss-case ptcl \ger большой мужчина-NOM.SG.3SG ну \ft_r его старший товарищ, ну \ft_e his elder mate, well \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI aɡa kasaza \ft_r_during_transcription старший его товарищ \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_063 \ELANBegin 00:03:39.940 \ELANEnd 00:03:42.740 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲxoɔ anʲ mɛkoda tobunenʲʔ anʲ \mb modʲ-xoɔ anʲ mɛzu-d-da to-buʔ-nʲʔ anʲ \ge I-FOC and chum-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.3SG come(pfv)-CVB.COND-OBL.SG.1SG and \ps pron-pers-nder ptcl n-case-num-poss-case v-nfin-poss-case ptcl \ger я-FOC и чум-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.3SG прийти-CVB.COND-OBL.SG.1SG и \ft_r Я-то когда к нему домой прихожу \ft_e As for me, when I come to him \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS modʲxoɔnʲ mɛkoda tobninʲ anʲ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription мы-то когда к нему домой приходим \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_064 \ELANBegin 00:03:42.740 \ELANEnd 00:03:45.390 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox peri ɔnɛj bazaan dʲɔriŋajʔ \mb peri ɔnɛj baza-ɔn dʲɔrir-jʔ \ge always Enets language-PROL.SG talk(ipfv)-1DU.S/SG.OBJ \ps adv adj n-case-num v-pers \ger всегда энецкий язык-PROL.SG разговаривать-1DU.S/SG.OBJ \ft_r Мы все время по-энецки разговариваем. \ft_e We always speak Enets. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS peri ɔnɛj bazaan dʲoriŋajʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription все время на своем языке разговариваем \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_065 \ELANBegin 00:03:45.390 \ELANEnd 00:03:45.890 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nenda \mb nɔnida \ge s/he.LOC \ps pron-pers \ger он(а).LOC \ft_r с ним \ft_e with him \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nenda \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription с ним \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_066 \ELANBegin 00:03:45.940 \ELANEnd 00:03:46.650 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔnɛj bazaan \mb ɔnɛj baza-ɔn \ge Enets language-PROL.SG \ps adj n-case-num \ger энецкий язык-PROL.SG \ft_r по-энецки \ft_e in Enets \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɔnɛj bazaan \ft_r_during_transcription на своем языке \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_067 \ELANBegin 00:03:47.210 \ELANEnd 00:03:49.820 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔnɛj bazaan peri dʲɔrimubijʔ \mb ɔnɛj baza-ɔn peri dʲɔrir-ubi-jʔ \ge Enets language-PROL.SG always talk(ipfv)-HAB-1DU.S/SG.OBJ \ps adj n-case-num adv v-mood-pers \ger энецкий язык-PROL.SG всегда разговаривать-HAB-1DU.S/SG.OBJ \ft_r Мы всегда по-энецки разговариваем. \ft_e We always speak Enets. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɔnɛj bazaan peri dʲorimubijʔ \ft_r_during_transcription на своем языке все время разговариваем \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_068 \ELANBegin 00:03:49.820 \ELANEnd 00:03:52.340 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔnɛj bazaan nenda dʲɔriŋajʔ peri \mb ɔnɛj baza-ɔn nɔnida dʲɔrir-jʔ peri \ge Enets language-PROL.SG s/he.LOC talk(ipfv)-1DU.S/SG.OBJ always \ps adj n-case-num pron-pers v-pers adv \ger энецкий язык-PROL.SG он(а).LOC разговаривать-1DU.S/SG.OBJ всегда \ft_r По-энецки мы всегда с ним разговариваем. \ft_e We always speak Enets with him. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔnɛj bazaan nenda dʲoriŋajʔ peri \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription на своем языке все время разговариваем \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_069 \ELANBegin 00:03:53.270 \ELANEnd 00:03:55.350 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox teza anʲ ʃeexuru nʲiØ kajiʔ, manʔ nʲezuʔ \mb teza anʲ ʃee-xuru i-Ø kaji-ʔ man-ʔ i-zuʔ \ge now and who-EVEN NEG-3SG.S stay:behind(pfv)-CONNEG say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR \ps adv ptcl pronn-nder v-pers v-nfin v-nfin v-pers \ger сейчас и кто-EVEN NEG-3SG.S остаться-CONNEG сказать-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR \ft_r А сейчас никого не осталось, я говорю. \ft_e And now nobody left, I say. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tezaxoɔ ʃeexuru nʲi kajiʔ, manʔ nʲezoʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription сейчас-то никого не осталось, я говорю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_070 \ELANBegin 00:03:55.420 \ELANEnd 00:03:56.070 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, ŋaʔ nʲiuʔ \mb no ŋa-ʔ i-uʔ \ge well exist(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ps ptcl v-nfin v-pers \ger ну существовать-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ft_r ну да \ft_e well, so it is \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nɔ, ŋaʔ nʲiu \ft_r_during_transcription ну да \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_071 \ELANBegin 00:03:56.070 \ELANEnd 00:03:59.410 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ʃee kajiØ, lʲɔnʲka kajiØ ɔnɛj bazaan dʲɔrida \mb ʃee kaji-Ø lʲɔnʲka kaji-Ø ɔnɛj baza-ɔn dʲɔrir-da \ge who stay:behind(pfv)-3SG.S Ljon'ka stay:behind(pfv)-3SG.S Enets language-PROL.SG talk(ipfv)-PTC.SML \ps pronn v-pers n v-pers adj n-case-num v-nfin \ger кто остаться-3SG.S Ленька остаться-3SG.S энецкий язык-PROL.SG разговаривать-PTC.SML \ft_r Кто остался, Ленька остался из говорящих по-энецки. \ft_e Who left, Ljon'ka left among those who speak Enets. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ʃee kaji, lʲɔnʲka kaji ɔnɛj bazaan dʲorida \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription кто остался, Ленька остался по-своему разговаривает \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_072 \ELANBegin 00:03:59.430 \ELANEnd 00:04:00.750 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nadʲka kajiØ \mb nadʲka kaji-Ø \ge Nad'ka stay:behind(pfv)-3SG.S \ps n v-pers \ger Надька остаться-3SG.S \ft_r Надька осталась. \ft_e Nad'ka left. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nadʲka kaji \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription Надя осталасьс \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_073 \ELANBegin 00:04:00.750 \ELANEnd 00:04:01.520 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ʃee anʲ \mb ʃee anʲ \ge who and \ps pronn ptcl \ger кто и \ft_r кто еще? \ft_e who else? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ʃee anʲ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription кто еще? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_074 \ELANBegin 00:04:01.520 \ELANEnd 00:04:02.790 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nʲinaʔ dʲɔriŋaʔ \mb nʲe-naʔ dʲɔrir-ʔ \ge child-PL.1PL talk(ipfv)-3PL.S \ps n-poss-case v-pers \ger ребенок-PL.1PL разговаривать-3PL.S \ft_r Наши дети разве разговаривают? \ft_e Do our children speak? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nʲinaʔ dʲoriŋaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription наши дети разве разговаривают? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_075 \ELANBegin 00:04:03.300 \ELANEnd 00:04:06.080 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbuxuru, ɔbuxuru, saɡod ɛbar, dʲɔxaraʔ \mb ɔbu-xuru ɔbu-xuru saɡo-d ɛba-r dʲɔxara-ʔ \ge what-EVEN what-EVEN penis-OBL.SG.2SG head-NOM.SG.2SG not:know(ipfv)-3PL.S \ps pronn-nder pronn-nder n-poss-case n-poss-case v-pers \ger что-EVEN что-EVEN пенис-OBL.SG.2SG голова-NOM.SG.2SG не:знать-3PL.S \ft_r Ничего, ничего, елки-палки, не знают. \ft_e They don't know, fuck off, anything, anything. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔbuxuru, saɡod ɛbar, dʲɔxɔraʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription ничего, ё..., не знают \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_076 \ELANBegin 00:04:06.080 \ELANEnd 00:04:07.940 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbuxuru bazaʔ dʲɔxaraʔ \mb ɔbu-xuru baza-ʔ dʲɔxara-ʔ \ge what-EVEN language-PL not:know(ipfv)-3PL.S \ps pronn-nder n-case-num v-pers \ger что-EVEN язык-PL не:знать-3PL.S \ft_r Никаких слов они не знают. \ft_e They don't know any words. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɔbuxuru baza dʲɔxɔraʔ \ft_r_during_transcription никакие слова не знают \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_077 \ELANBegin 00:04:08.190 \ELANEnd 00:04:10.220 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox rosazaʃ tɔlʲkɔ dʲɔriŋaʔ \mb rosa-za-ʃ tɔlʲkɔ dʲɔrir-ʔ \ge Russian-CAUS3-CVB only talk(ipfv)-3PL.S \ps n-asp-act-nfin adv v-pers \ger русский-CAUS3-CVB только разговаривать-3PL.S \ft_r Они по-русски только разговаривают. \ft_e They speak only Russian. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI rɔsazaʃ tɔlʲkɔ dʲoriŋaʔ \ft_r_during_transcription по-русски только разговаривают \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_078 \ELANBegin 00:04:10.220 \ELANEnd 00:04:12.030 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox rosa bazaan dʲɔriŋaʔ \mb rosa baza-ɔn dʲɔrir-ʔ \ge Russian language-PROL.SG talk(ipfv)-3PL.S \ps n n-case-num v-pers \ger русский язык-PROL.SG разговаривать-3PL.S \ft_r Они по-русски разговаривают. \ft_e They speak Russian. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS rosa bazaan dʲoriŋaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription по-русски разговаривают \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling rosa bazaan dʲɔriŋaʔ \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_079 \ELANBegin 00:04:12.680 \ELANEnd 00:04:16.310 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔnɛj bazaan dʲɔridʲ anʲ kutujzuʔ, kɔnʲeʃnɔ, kamikuʔ nʲezumʔ \mb ɔnɛj baza-ɔn dʲɔrir-ʃ anʲ kutuj-zuʔ kɔnʲeʃnɔ kamiku-ʔ i-zumʔ \ge Enets language-PROL.SG talk(ipfv)-CVB and some-NOM.PL.3PL of:course understand(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-3PL.SG.OBJ.CONTR \ps adj n-case-num v-nfin ptcl pronadj-poss-case ptcl v-nfin v-pers \ger энецкий язык-PROL.SG разговаривать-CVB и некоторый-NOM.PL.3PL конечно понимать-CONNEG NEG-3PL.SG.OBJ.CONTR \ft_r А по-энецки разговаривать некоторые из них, конечно, понимают. \ft_e And as for speaking Enets, some of them , of course, understand. \tx_lat dʲoridʲ \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɔnɛj bazaan dʲorimodʲ kutujzuʔ anʲ kamikuʔ nʲizumʔ \ft_r_during_transcription а по-своему разговаривать некоторые понимают \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_080 \ELANBegin 00:04:16.390 \ELANEnd 00:04:18.420 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kamikuxoɔʃ kamikuɔzuʔ \mb kamiku-xoɔ-ʃ kamiku-zuʔ \ge understand(ipfv)-FOC-CVB understand(ipfv)-3PL.SG.OBJ \ps v-nder-nfin v-pers \ger понимать-FOC-CVB понимать-3PL.SG.OBJ \ft_r понимать-то понимают \ft_e as for understanding, they understand \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kamikoxoɔʃ kamikoɔzuʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription понимать-то понимают \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_081 \ELANBegin 00:04:39.500 \ELANEnd 00:04:41.750 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲ kaʃinʲʔ dʲazuŋaʔ \mb modʲ kasa-nʲʔ dʲazu-r-ʔ \ge 1SG man-OBL.SG.1SG go(ipfv)-MULT-3PL.S \ps pron-pers n-poss-case v-asp-act-pers \ger я мужчина-OBL.SG.1SG идти-MULT-3PL.S \ft_r Мои товарищи ходят. \ft_e My mates go. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS modʲ kaʃinʲ dʲɔzuŋaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription товарищи мои ходят \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_082 \ELANBegin 00:04:41.880 \ELANEnd 00:04:44.270 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ, kaʃiza mituuj, kaʃiza \mb ɛɛ kasa-za mis-duuj kasa-za \ge yes man-NOM.PL.3SG give(pfv)-PTC.ANT.PAS man-NOM.PL.3SG \ps ptcl n-poss-case v-nfin n-poss-case \ger да мужчина-NOM.PL.3SG дать-PTC.ANT.PAS мужчина-NOM.PL.3SG \ft_r Да, это его товарищи отдали, его товарищи. \ft_e Yes, this is given by his mates, by his mates. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI kaʃiza mituuj \ft_r_during_transcription товарищи отдают ему \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_083 \ELANBegin 00:04:44.270 \ELANEnd 00:04:45.660 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nʲinʲʔ dʲazuŋaʔ \mb nʲe-nʲʔ dʲazu-r-ʔ \ge child-PL.1SG go(ipfv)-MULT-3PL.S \ps n-poss-case v-asp-act-pers \ger ребенок-PL.1SG идти-MULT-3PL.S \ft_r мои дети ходят \ft_e my children go \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nʲinʲ dʲazuŋaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription дети ходят \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_084 \ELANBegin 00:04:45.660 \ELANEnd 00:04:46.510 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox aa, nʲiza \mb aa nʲe-za \ge yeah child-NOM.PL.3SG \ps ptcl n-poss-case \ger ага ребенок-NOM.PL.3SG \ft_r ага, его дети \ft_e yeah, his children \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nʲiza \ft_r_during_transcription его дети \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_085 \ELANBegin 00:04:47.610 \ELANEnd 00:04:50.290 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲxoɔ ku kantazʔ, buuʃimazʔ modʲ \mb modʲ-xoɔ ko kanʲe-da-zʔ buuse-u-zʔ modʲ \ge I-FOC where leave(pfv)-FUT-1SG.S old:man-INC1-1SG.S I \ps pron-pers-nder pronadv v-mood-pers n-asp-act-pers pron-pers \ger я-FOC где уйти-FUT-1SG.S старик-INC1-1SG.S я \ft_r Я-то куда пойду, я постарел. \ft_e Where can I go, as for me, I became an old man. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS modʲxoɔ ku kantazʔ, buʃimazʔ modʲ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription я-то куда пойду, я постарел \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_086 \ELANBegin 00:04:50.340 \ELANEnd 00:04:51.810 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, ŋaʔ nʲiuʔ \mb no ŋa-ʔ i-uʔ \ge well exist(ipfv)-3PL.S NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ps ptcl v-pers v-pers \ger ну существовать-3PL.S NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ft_r ну да \ft_e well, so it is \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nɔ, ŋaʔ nʲiuʔ \ft_r_during_transcription да \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_087 \ELANBegin 00:04:51.810 \ELANEnd 00:04:52.800 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ku kantazʔ modʲ \mb ko kanʲe-da-zʔ modʲ \ge where leave(pfv)-FUT-1SG.S I \ps pronadv v-mood-pers pron-pers \ger где уйти-FUT-1SG.S я \ft_r куда я пойду? \ft_e where will I go? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ku kantazʔ modʲ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription куда я пойду? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_088 \ELANBegin 00:04:52.800 \ELANEnd 00:04:53.610 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ku kantaØ, no \mb ko kanʲe-da-Ø no \ge where leave(pfv)-FUT-3SG.S well \ps pronadv v-mood-pers ptcl \ger где уйти-FUT-3SG.S ну \ft_r Куда я пойдет, ну? \ft_e Where will he go, well? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ku kanta, no \ft_r_during_transcription куда я пойду? \lit_trans \com_m повторяет \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_089 \ELANBegin 00:04:59.210 \ELANEnd 00:05:00.760 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ʃit anʲ nɔʔɔdaʔ anʲ \mb ʃit anʲ nɔʔɔ-da-ʔ anʲ \ge you(sg).ACC and grasp(pfv)-FUT-3PL.S and \ps pron-pers ptcl v-mood-pers ptcl \ger ты.ACC и схватить-FUT-3PL.S и \ft_r А тебя поймают. \ft_e And you will be caught. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ʃid anʲ nɔɔdaʔ anʲ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription а тебе поймают \lit_trans \com_m видимо, про рыбнадзор \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_090 \ELANBegin 00:05:01.660 \ELANEnd 00:05:05.860 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox amke, maʔ, adtadaʔ ʃit \mb amoke maʔ adu-ta-da-ʔ ʃit \ge evil indeed sit:down(pfv)-CAUS4-FUT-3PL.S you(sg).ACC \ps n ptcl v-asp-act-mood-pers pron-pers \ger злой вот сесть-CAUS4-FUT-3PL.S ты.ACC \ft_r Беда просто, посадят тебя. \ft_e That's a disaster, you will be arrested. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS amki, maz, adtadaʔ ʃit \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ... \ft_r_during_transcription бедовый, посадят тебя \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_091 \ELANBegin 00:05:07.090 \ELANEnd 00:05:08.200 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛke kare dʲeɔn \mb ɛke kare dʲeɔn \ge this fish for \ps pronadj n postp \ger этот рыба ради \ft_r за эту рыбу \ft_e because of this fish \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɛke kare dʲeɔn \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription за эту рыбу \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_092 \ELANBegin 00:05:08.200 \ELANEnd 00:05:09.610 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ, no, ŋaʔ nʲiuʔ \mb ɛɛ no ŋa-ʔ i-uʔ \ge yes well exist(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ps ptcl ptcl v-nfin v-pers \ger да ну существовать-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ft_r ну, да, так \ft_e yes, well, so it is \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nɔ, ŋaʔ nʲiu \ft_r_during_transcription да \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_093 \ELANBegin 00:05:10.290 \ELANEnd 00:05:16.390 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛke kare dʲeɔn entʃeuʔ mu, adʲiʔ nʲimʔ \mb ɛke kare dʲeɔn entʃeu-ʔ mo adʲi-ʔ i-mʔ \ge this fish for person-PL PLC sit(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-3PL.S.CONTR \ps pronadj n postp n-case-num plc v-nfin v-pers \ger этот рыба ради человек-PL PLC сидеть-CONNEG NEG-3PL.S.CONTR \ft_r За эту рыбу люди это самое, сидят. \ft_e Because of this fish people are, well, imprisoned. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛke kare dʲeɔn entʃeuʔ mu... adʲiʔ nʲimʔ \ft_r_during_transcription за эту рыбу люди сидят \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_094 \ELANBegin 00:05:16.390 \ELANEnd 00:05:18.530 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox entʃeuʔ okaan adʲiʔ ɛke kare dʲeɔn \mb entʃeu-ʔ oka-ɔn adʲi-ʔ ɛke kare dʲeɔn \ge person-PL many-PROL.SG sit(ipfv)-3PL.S this fish for \ps n-case-num pronnum-case-num v-pers pronadj n postp \ger человек-PL много-PROL.SG сидеть-3PL.S этот рыба ради \ft_r Люди много сидят за эту рыбу. \ft_e People are imprisoned for a lot because of this fish. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS entʃeuʔ okaan adʲiʔ ɛke kare dʲeɔn \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription люди много сидят за эту рыбу \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_095 \ELANBegin 00:05:18.530 \ELANEnd 00:05:20.040 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛke kare dʲeɔn tʃi \mb ɛke kare dʲeɔn tʃi \ge this fish for here \ps pronadj n postp ptcl \ger этот рыба ради вот \ft_r вот за эту рыбу \ft_e exactly because of this fish \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛke kare dʲeɔn tʃi \ft_r_during_transcription за эту рыбу \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_096 \ELANBegin 00:05:20.630 \ELANEnd 00:05:22.300 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox entʃeuʔ okaan adʲiʔ nʲimʔ \mb entʃeu-ʔ oka-ɔn adʲi-ʔ i-mʔ \ge person-PL many-PROL.SG sit(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-3PL.S.CONTR \ps n-case-num pronnum-case-num v-nfin v-pers \ger человек-PL много-PROL.SG сидеть-CONNEG NEG-3PL.S.CONTR \ft_r Люди много сидят. \ft_e People are imprisoned for a lot. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI entʃeuʔ okaan adʲiʔ nʲim \ft_r_during_transcription люди много сидят \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_097 \ELANBegin 00:05:23.690 \ELANEnd 00:05:27.420 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, muxon, laɡerxon adʲiʔ nʲimʔ tʃi \mb no mo-xon laɡer-xon adʲi-ʔ i-mʔ tʃi \ge well PLC-LOC.SG camp-LOC.SG sit(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-3PL.S.CONTR here \ps ptcl plc-case-num n-case-num v-nfin v-pers ptcl \ger ну PLC-LOC.SG лагерь-LOC.SG сидеть-CONNEG NEG-3PL.S.CONTR вот \ft_r Ну в этом, в лагере сидят вот. \ft_e Well, there, in a prisoner camp people stay imprisoned. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nu muxon, laɡerxon adʲiʔ nʲimʔ \ft_r_during_transcription ну в этом, в лагере сидят \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_098 \ELANBegin 00:05:27.700 \ELANEnd 00:05:29.210 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛke kare dʲeɔn \mb ɛke kare dʲeɔn \ge this fish for \ps pronadj n postp \ger этот рыба ради \ft_r за эту рыбу \ft_e because of this fish \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛke kare dʲeɔn \ft_r_during_transcription за эту рыбу \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_099 \ELANBegin 00:05:30.350 \ELANEnd 00:05:31.790 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nɔ, oomad nʲeduʔ kɔmaʔ \mb nɔ oor-a-d i-duʔ kɔma-ʔ \ge but eat(ipfv)-NMLZ1-DAT.SG NEG-2SG.S.CONTR want(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps ptcl v-nfin-case-num v-pers v-nfin \ger но есть-NMLZ1-DAT.SG NEG-2SG.S.CONTR хотеть-CONNEG \ft_r ну, кушать-то хочешь \ft_e well, you are hungry, after all \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nɔ, oomad nʲeduʔ kɔmaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription ну, кушать-то хочешь \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_100 \ELANBegin 00:05:31.790 \ELANEnd 00:05:33.170 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox oomad kɔmaØ entʃeʔ \mb oor-a-d kɔma-Ø entʃeu \ge eat(ipfv)-NMLZ1-DAT.SG want(ipfv)-3SG.S person \ps v-nfin-case-num v-pers n \ger есть-NMLZ1-DAT.SG хотеть-3SG.S человек \ft_r Человек есть хочет. \ft_e A man is hungry. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI oomad kɔma entʃeʔ \ft_r_during_transcription человек кушать хочет \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_101 \ELANBegin 00:05:33.170 \ELANEnd 00:05:34.300 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, ɔbu oodaaʔ \mb no ɔbu oor-da-aʔ \ge well what eat(ipfv)-FUT-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ps ptcl pronn v-mood-pers \ger ну что есть-FUT-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ft_r Ну, что мы будем есть? \ft_e Well, what will we eat? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nɔ, ɔbu oodaaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription ну, что будем кушать? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_102 \ELANBegin 00:05:34.300 \ELANEnd 00:05:35.560 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbu oodaaʔ \mb ɔbu oor-da-aʔ \ge what eat(ipfv)-FUT-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ps pronn v-mood-pers \ger что есть-FUT-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ft_r Что мы будем есть? \ft_e What will we eat? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɔbu oodaaʔ \ft_r_during_transcription что будем кушать? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_103 \ELANBegin 00:05:35.580 \ELANEnd 00:05:37.950 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲ ɔnɛj entʃebaʔ nʲebaʔ ŋaʔ \mb modʲ ɔnɛj entʃeu-aʔ i-aʔ ŋa-ʔ \ge 1SG Enets person-1PL.S/SG.OBJ NEG-1PL.S/SG.OBJ exist(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps pron-pers adj n-pers v-pers v-nfin \ger я энецкий человек-1PL.S/SG.OBJ NEG-1PL.S/SG.OBJ существовать-CONNEG \ft_r Ну, мы же энцы. \ft_e Well, we are Enets, after all. \tx_lat nʲeba \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS modʲ ɔnɛj entʃebaʔ nʲebam ŋaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription ну мы же националы \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_104 \ELANBegin 00:05:37.960 \ELANEnd 00:05:38.590 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, ŋaʔ nʲiuʔ \mb no ŋa-ʔ i-uʔ \ge well exist(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ps ptcl v-nfin v-pers \ger ну существовать-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ft_r ну да \ft_e well, so it is \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ŋaʔ nʲiuʔ \ft_r_during_transcription ну да \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_105 \ELANBegin 00:05:38.590 \ELANEnd 00:05:43.120 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲnaʔ kared, kared nʲebaʔ, peri kɔmabaʔ kared \mb modʲinaʔ kare-d kare-d i-aʔ peri kɔma-aʔ kare-d \ge we fish-DAT.SG fish-DAT.SG NEG-1PL.S/SG.OBJ always want(ipfv)-1PL.S/SG.OBJ fish-DAT.SG \ps pron-pers n-case-num n-case-num v-pers adv v-pers n-case-num \ger мы рыба-DAT.SG рыба-DAT.SG NEG-1PL.S/SG.OBJ всегда хотеть-1PL.S/SG.OBJ рыба-DAT.SG \ft_r Мы рыбы, рыбы, мы всегда хотим рыбы. \ft_e Fish, fish, we always want fish. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS modʲnaʔ peri kɔmabaʔ kared \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription мы все время хотим \lit_trans \com_m с запинками \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_106 \ELANBegin 00:05:44.590 \ELANEnd 00:05:45.640 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔnse, ɔnse \mb ɔnse ɔnse \ge true true \ps adj adj \ger правдивый правдивый \ft_r правда, правда \ft_e that's true, that's true \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɔnse, ɔnse \ft_r_during_transcription правда, правда \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_107 \ELANBegin 00:05:47.080 \ELANEnd 00:05:49.900 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox uxoɔd ɔbuxoɔ ɔsa ɔdad \mb u-xoɔ-d ɔbu-xoɔ ɔsa ɔ-da-d \ge you(sg)-FOC-OBL.SG.2SG what-FOC meat eat(pfv)-FUT-2SG.S \ps pron-pers-nder-poss-case pronn-nder n v-mood-pers \ger ты-FOC-OBL.SG.2SG что-FOC мясо съесть-FUT-2SG.S \ft_r Ты-то какое-то мясо съешь. \ft_e As for you, you will eat some meat. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS uxoɔd ɔbuxoɔ ɔsa ɔdad \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription ты-то что-то мясо съешь \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_108 \ELANBegin 00:05:49.940 \ELANEnd 00:05:51.860 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kɔlbasa ɔdad, ɔbuxoɔ ɔdad \mb kɔlbasa ɔ-da-d ɔbu-xoɔ ɔ-da-d \ge wurst eat(pfv)-FUT-2SG.S what-FOC eat(pfv)-FUT-2SG.S \ps n v-mood-pers pronn-nder v-mood-pers \ger колбаса съесть-FUT-2SG.S что-FOC съесть-FUT-2SG.S \ft_r Ты колбасу съешь, что-нибудь съешь. \ft_e You will eat wurst, you will eat something. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kɔlbasa ɔdad, ɔbuxoɔ ɔdad \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription колбасу съешь, что-нибудь съешь \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_109 \ELANBegin 00:05:51.860 \ELANEnd 00:05:52.780 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲnaʔ anʲ \mb modʲinaʔ anʲ \ge we and \ps pron-pers ptcl \ger мы и \ft_r а мы \ft_e and us \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS modʲnaʔ anʲ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription а мы-то \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_110 \ELANBegin 00:05:52.780 \ELANEnd 00:05:53.820 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kareʃuz nʲeeʔ piris \mb kare-ʃuz i-aʔ piris-ʔ \ge fish-CAR1 NEG-1PL.S/SG.OBJ can(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps n-adjs v-pers v-nfin \ger рыба-CAR1 NEG-1PL.S/SG.OBJ мочь-CONNEG \ft_r мы без рыбы не можем \ft_e we cannot do without fish \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI kareʃuz nʲeeʔ piris \ft_r_during_transcription без рыбы не можем \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_111 \ELANBegin 00:05:53.820 \ELANEnd 00:05:57.370 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kareʃuz, kareʃuz modʲnaʔ nʲebaʔ piris \mb kare-ʃuz kare-ʃuz modʲinaʔ i-aʔ piris-ʔ \ge fish-CAR1 fish-CAR1 we NEG-1PL.S/SG.OBJ can(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps n-adjs n-adjs pron-pers v-pers v-nfin \ger рыба-CAR1 рыба-CAR1 мы NEG-1PL.S/SG.OBJ мочь-CONNEG \ft_r Без рыбы, без рыбы мы не можем. \ft_e We cannot do, we cannot do without fish. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kareʃuz modʲna nʲebaʔ piris \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription а мы без рыбы не можем \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_112 \ELANBegin 00:05:57.400 \ELANEnd 00:05:59.140 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nʲebaʔ piris, ɔnse, ɔnse \mb i-aʔ piris-ʔ ɔnse ɔnse \ge NEG-1PL.S/SG.OBJ can(ipfv)-CONNEG true true \ps v-pers v-nfin adj adj \ger NEG-1PL.S/SG.OBJ мочь-CONNEG правдивый правдивый \ft_r Мы не можем, правда, правда. \ft_e We cannot do, that's true, that's true. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nʲebaʔ piris, ɔnse, ɔnse \ft_r_during_transcription не можем, правда, правда \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_113 \ELANBegin 00:06:00.410 \ELANEnd 00:06:04.400 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛsekujinaʔ, dʲisikujinaʔ kare ooŋatʃ \mb ɛse-kuji-naʔ dʲisi-kuji-naʔ kare oor-atʃ \ge father-POOR-PL.1PL grandfather-POOR-PL.1PL fish eat(ipfv)-1PL.S/SG.OBJ.PST \ps n-nder-poss-case n-nder-poss-case n v-pers \ger отец-POOR-PL.1PL дед-POOR-PL.1PL рыба есть-1PL.S/SG.OBJ.PST \ft_r Наши отцы, наши деды рыбу ели. \ft_e Our fathers, our grandfathers ate fish. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɛsekujinaʔ, dʲisikujinaʔ kare ooŋatʃ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription отцы, деды наши рыбу ели \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_114 \ELANBegin 00:06:04.570 \ELANEnd 00:06:05.110 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ \mb ɛɛ \ge yes \ps ptcl \ger да \ft_r да \ft_e yes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛɛ \ft_r_during_transcription да \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_115 \ELANBegin 00:06:05.340 \ELANEnd 00:06:07.280 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛsekujinaʔ kare ooŋatʃ \mb ɛse-kuji-naʔ kare oor-atʃ \ge father-POOR-PL.1PL fish eat(ipfv)-1PL.S/SG.OBJ.PST \ps n-nder-poss-case n v-pers \ger отец-POOR-PL.1PL рыба есть-1PL.S/SG.OBJ.PST \ft_r Отцы наши рыбу ели. \ft_e Our fathers ate fish. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɛsekujinaʔ kare ooŋatʃ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription отцы наши рыбу ели \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_116 \ELANBegin 00:06:07.280 \ELANEnd 00:06:08.760 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲnaʔ anʲ kare ooŋaaʔ \mb modʲinaʔ anʲ kare oor-aʔ \ge we and fish eat(ipfv)-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ps pron-pers ptcl n v-pers \ger мы и рыба есть-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ft_r Мы тоже рыбу едим. \ft_e We also eat fish. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS modʲnaʔ anʲ kare ooŋaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription мы тоже рыбу едим \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_117 \ELANBegin 00:06:08.760 \ELANEnd 00:06:10.700 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox karexon ʃiznaʔ bazezaʔ isimʔ \mb kare-xon ʃiznaʔ baze-za-ʔ i-sa-mʔ \ge fish-LOC.SG we.ACC grow(pfv)-CAUS3-CONNEG NEG-INTER-3PL.S.CONTR \ps n-case-num pron-pers v-asp-act-nfin v-mood-pers \ger рыба-LOC.SG мы.ACC вырасти-CAUS3-CONNEG NEG-INTER-3PL.S.CONTR \ft_r На рыбе ведь нас вырастили. \ft_e We were grown up with fish. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI karexon ʃiznaʔ bazaʔ isimʔ \ft_r_during_transcription на рыбе нас вырастили \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_118 \ELANBegin 00:06:10.700 \ELANEnd 00:06:14.840 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox karexon isimʔ ʃiznaʔ bazezaʔ \mb kare-xon i-sa-mʔ ʃiznaʔ baze-za-ʔ \ge fish-LOC.SG NEG-INTER-3PL.S.CONTR we.ACC grow(pfv)-CAUS3-CONNEG \ps n-case-num v-mood-pers pron-pers v-asp-act-nfin \ger рыба-LOC.SG NEG-INTER-3PL.S.CONTR мы.ACC вырасти-CAUS3-CONNEG \ft_r Нас ведь на рыбе вырастили. \ft_e We were grown up with fish, after all. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS karexon ʃiznaʔ isim baz \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription нас на рыбе вырастили \lit_trans \com_m какой-то лишний слог \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_119 \ELANBegin 00:06:14.860 \ELANEnd 00:06:17.940 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ, ʃiznaʔ mu, bazeeʔ \mb ɛɛ ʃiznaʔ mo baze-aʔ \ge yes we.ACC PLC grow(pfv)-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ps ptcl pron-pers plc v-pers \ger да мы.ACC PLC вырасти-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ft_r да, нас это, мы выросли \ft_e yes, us well, we grew up \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ʃiznaʔ bazieʔ \ft_r_during_transcription нас вырастили \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_120 \ELANBegin 00:06:17.940 \ELANEnd 00:06:19.070 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛsenʲinaʔ \mb ɛse-naʔ \ge father-PL.1PL \ps n-poss-case \ger отец-PL.1PL \ft_r наши отцы \ft_e our fathers \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛsenʲinaʔ \ft_r_during_transcription наши отцы \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_121 \ELANBegin 00:06:19.260 \ELANEnd 00:06:20.940 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛsenʲinaʔ, ɛɛnʲinaʔ \mb ɛse-naʔ ɛɛ-naʔ \ge father-PL.1PL mother-PL.1PL \ps n-poss-case n-poss-case \ger отец-PL.1PL мать-PL.1PL \ft_r наши отцы, наши матери \ft_e our fathers, our mothers \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɛsenʲinaʔ, ɛɛnʲinaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription наши отцы, наши матери \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_122 \ELANBegin 00:06:20.940 \ELANEnd 00:06:22.710 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛnʲinaʔ, dʲisinʲinaʔ \mb ɛɛ-naʔ dʲisi-naʔ \ge mother-PL.1PL grandfather-PL.1PL \ps n-poss-case n-poss-case \ger мать-PL.1PL дед-PL.1PL \ft_r наши матери, наши деды \ft_e our mothers, our grandfathers \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛɛnʲinaʔ, dʲisinʲinaʔ \ft_r_during_transcription матеря, деды \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_123 \ELANBegin 00:06:26.120 \ELANEnd 00:06:27.110 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɔr nʲiuʔ ŋaʔ \mb tɔr i-uʔ ŋa-ʔ \ge so NEG-3SG.S.CONTR exist(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps ptcl v-pers v-nfin \ger так NEG-3SG.S.CONTR существовать-CONNEG \ft_r так ведь \ft_e so it is \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tɔr nʲiu ŋaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription так ведь \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_124 \ELANBegin 00:06:27.230 \ELANEnd 00:06:28.060 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɔr, tɔr \mb tɔr tɔr \ge so so \ps ptcl ptcl \ger так так \ft_r так, так \ft_e so it is, so it is \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI tɔr, tɔr \ft_r_during_transcription так, так \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_125 \ELANBegin 00:06:29.680 \ELANEnd 00:06:30.560 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbuuʃ anʲ \mb ɔbu-iʃ anʲ \ge what-TRANS and \ps pronn-quasicase ptcl \ger что-TRANS и \ft_r а почему \ft_e and why \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔbuʃ anʲ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription а почему \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_126 \ELANBegin 00:06:31.600 \ELANEnd 00:06:33.290 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbuxoɔ rosa tozaØ, madaØ \mb ɔbu-xoɔ rosa to-da-Ø man-da-Ø \ge what-FOC Russian come(pfv)-FUT-3SG.S say(pfv)-FUT-3SG.S \ps pronn-nder n v-mood-pers v-mood-pers \ger что-FOC русский прийти-FUT-3SG.S сказать-FUT-3SG.S \ft_r какой-нибудь русский придет и скажет \ft_e any Russian will come and say \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔbuxoɔ rosa toza, mada \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription какой-нибудь русский придет и скажет \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_127 \ELANBegin 00:06:33.730 \ELANEnd 00:06:35.360 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɔrse kare iz nɔʔɔʔ \mb tɔrse kare i-z nɔʔɔ-ʔ \ge such fish NEG-2SG.IMP grasp(pfv)-CONNEG \ps pronadj n v-pers v-nfin \ger такой рыба NEG-2SG.IMP схватить-CONNEG \ft_r такую рыбу не лови \ft_e don't get this kind of fish \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tɔrse kare iz nɔɔʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription такую рыбу не лови \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_128 \ELANBegin 00:06:35.390 \ELANEnd 00:06:37.300 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox iz nɔʔɔʔ ɔbuxoɔ, ɔnse, ɔnse \mb i-z nɔʔɔ-ʔ ɔbu-xoɔ ɔnse ɔnse \ge NEG-2SG.IMP grasp(pfv)-CONNEG what-FOC true true \ps v-pers v-nfin pronn-nder adj adj \ger NEG-2SG.IMP схватить-CONNEG что-FOC правдивый правдивый \ft_r не лови что-нибудь, правда, правда \ft_e don't get anything, that's true, that's true \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI iz nɔɔʔ, ɔnse, ɔnse \ft_r_during_transcription не лови, правда, правда \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_129 \ELANBegin 00:06:37.300 \ELANEnd 00:06:40.250 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tʃiker tʃi, tʃiker ʃit ʃtrafud mudaØ \mb tʃike-r tʃi tʃike-r ʃit ʃtraf-d mo-da-Ø \ge this-NOM.SG.2SG here this-NOM.SG.2SG you(sg).ACC fine-DAT.SG PLC-FUT-3SG.S \ps pronadj-poss-case ptcl pronadj-poss-case pron-pers n-case-num plc-mood-pers \ger этот-NOM.SG.2SG вот этот-NOM.SG.2SG ты.ACC штраф-DAT.SG PLC-FUT-3SG.S \ft_r Он вот, он тебя на штраф это самое \ft_e So he, he will make a fine for you \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tʃiker tʃi ʃtrafud ʃit muda \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription ну, он тебя оштрафует \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_130 \ELANBegin 00:06:40.250 \ELANEnd 00:06:42.330 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ, ʃtrafɔvajdaØ jeʃɔ \mb ɛɛ ʃtrafɔvajr-da-Ø jeʃɔ \ge yes fine(pfv)-FUT-3SG.S also \ps ptcl v-mood-pers ptcl \ger да оштрафовать-FUT-3SG.S еще \ft_r Да, оштрафует еще. \ft_e Yes, he will even fine. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛɛ, ʃtrafɔvajda \ft_r_during_transcription да, оштрафует \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_131 \ELANBegin 00:06:42.330 \ELANEnd 00:06:43.220 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox a modʲ \mb a modʲ \ge and I \ps ptcl pron-pers \ger а я \ft_r а я \ft_e and me \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS a modʲ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription а я \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_132 \ELANBegin 00:06:43.280 \ELANEnd 00:06:43.790 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox adtadaØ ʃit \mb adu-ta-da-Ø ʃit \ge sit:down(pfv)-CAUS4-FUT-3SG.S you(sg).ACC \ps v-asp-act-mood-pers pron-pers \ger сесть-CAUS4-FUT-3SG.S ты.ACC \ft_r посадит тебя \ft_e he will imprison you \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI adtada ʃit \ft_r_during_transcription посадит тебя \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_133 \ELANBegin 00:06:43.790 \ELANEnd 00:06:45.100 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲ anʲ kared kɔmazʔ \mb modʲ anʲ kare-d kɔma-zʔ \ge 1SG and fish-DAT.SG want(ipfv)-1SG.S \ps pron-pers ptcl n-case-num v-pers \ger я и рыба-DAT.SG хотеть-1SG.S \ft_r А я рыбы хочу. \ft_e And me, I want fish. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS modʲ anʲ kared kɔmazʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription а я рыбу хочу \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_134 \ELANBegin 00:06:45.100 \ELANEnd 00:06:46.170 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kunʲ modʲ mudazʔ \mb kunʲi modʲ mo-da-zʔ \ge how 1SG PLC-FUT-1SG.S \ps pronadv pron-pers plc-mood-pers \ger как я PLC-FUT-1SG.S \ft_r Как я сделаю? \ft_e How will I do? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kunʲ modʲ mudazʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription что я сделаю? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_135 \ELANBegin 00:06:46.170 \ELANEnd 00:06:47.400 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kunʲ mudazʔ, no \mb kunʲi mo-da-zʔ no \ge how PLC-FUT-1SG.S well \ps pronadv plc-mood-pers ptcl \ger как PLC-FUT-1SG.S ну \ft_r Ну, как я сделаю? \ft_e Well, how will I do? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI kunʲ mudazʔ, nɔɔ \ft_r_during_transcription ну, что я сделаю? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_136 \ELANBegin 00:06:48.660 \ELANEnd 00:06:53.100 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox a tɔɔnoju anʲ mu, silʲejɡ kare dʲaɡoØ \mb a tɔɔ-no-ju anʲ mo silʲejɡu kare dʲaɡo-Ø \ge and summer-ADV-RESTR.ADJ and PLC white fish there:is:no-3SG.S \ps ptcl n-advs-nder ptcl plc adj n v-pers \ger а лето-ADV-RESTR.ADJ и PLC белый рыба не:иметься-3SG.S \ft_r А летом это самое, белой рыбы нет. \ft_e And in summer, well, there is no white fish. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS a tɔɔnoju anʲ silʲeuɡ kare dʲaɡu \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription а летом белой рыбы нету \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_137 \ELANBegin 00:06:53.100 \ELANEnd 00:06:54.820 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛke kareru dʲazaØ \mb ɛke kare-ru dʲazu-Ø \ge this fish-RESTR go(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps pronadj n-nder v-pers \ger этот рыба-RESTR идти-3SG.S \ft_r Только эта рыба идет. \ft_e Only this fish goes. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɛke kareru dʲaza \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription эта рыба только идет \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_138 \ELANBegin 00:06:54.820 \ELANEnd 00:06:57.180 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛke kare dʲazaØ, da, da, da \mb ɛke kare dʲazu-Ø da da da \ge this fish go(ipfv)-3SG.S so so so \ps pronadj n v-pers ptcl ptcl ptcl \ger этот рыба идти-3SG.S да да да \ft_r Эта рыба идет, да-да-да. \ft_e This fish goes, yes, yes. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛke kare dʲaza, dadada \ft_r_during_transcription эта рыба идет, да-да-да \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_139 \ELANBegin 00:06:57.290 \ELANEnd 00:06:57.620 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox avɡustaxan ɔzidaØ \mb avɡust-xon ɔzi-u-da-Ø \ge August-LOC.SG be:visible(ipfv)-INC1-FUT-3SG.S \ps n-case-num v-asp-act-mood-pers \ger август-LOC.SG быть:видимым-INC1-FUT-3SG.S \ft_r Летом она выйдет. \ft_e It will appear in summer. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription летом выйдет \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_140 \ELANBegin 00:06:57.620 \ELANEnd 00:07:00.120 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɔɔnoju, avɡustaxan kantaØ \mb tɔɔ-no-ju avɡust-xon kanʲe-da-Ø \ge summer-ADV-RESTR.ADJ August-LOC.SG leave(pfv)-FUT-3SG.S \ps n-advs-nder n-case-num v-mood-pers \ger лето-ADV-RESTR.ADJ август-LOC.SG уйти-FUT-3SG.S \ft_r Летом, в августе пойдет. \ft_e It will go in summer, in August. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tɔɔnoju. avɡustaxan kanta \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI avɡustaxan ɔzida \ft_r_during_transcription летом. в августе пойдет \lit_trans \com_m про белую рыбу \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_141 \ELANBegin 00:07:00.550 \ELANEnd 00:07:02.300 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛker sɔjzaan manaØ \mb ɛke-r sɔjza-ɔn man-Ø \ge this-NOM.SG.2SG good-PROL.SG say(pfv)-3SG.S \ps pronadj-poss-case adj-case-num v-pers \ger этот-NOM.SG.2SG хороший-PROL.SG сказать-3SG.S \ft_r Этот хорошо сказал. \ft_e This one said well. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɛker sɔjzaan mana \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription этот хорошо говорит \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_142 \ELANBegin 00:07:02.300 \ELANEnd 00:07:04.620 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ, avɡustaxan ɔzidaØ silʲejɡ kare \mb ɛɛ avɡust-xon ɔzi-u-da-Ø silʲejɡu kare \ge yes August-LOC.SG be:visible(ipfv)-INC1-FUT-3SG.S white fish \ps ptcl n-case-num v-asp-act-mood-pers adj n \ger да август-LOC.SG быть:видимым-INC1-FUT-3SG.S белый рыба \ft_r Да, в августе выйдет белая рыба. \ft_e Yes, white fish will appear in August. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI avɡustaxan ɔzida sileuɡ kare \ft_r_during_transcription в августе выйдет белая рыба \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_143 \ELANBegin 00:07:04.620 \ELANEnd 00:07:05.620 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox silʲejɡ kare \mb silʲejɡu kare \ge white fish \ps adj n \ger белый рыба \ft_r белая рыба \ft_e white fish \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS silʲeuɡ kare \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription белая рыба \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_144 \ELANBegin 00:07:05.620 \ELANEnd 00:07:06.920 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔnse, ɔnse \mb ɔnse ɔnse \ge true true \ps adj adj \ger правдивый правдивый \ft_r правда, правда \ft_e that's true, that's true \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɔnse, ɔnse \ft_r_during_transcription правда, правда \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_145 \ELANBegin 00:07:08.860 \ELANEnd 00:07:10.940 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox teza vɔt nenaɡ dʲirixon ɛke kareru dʲazaØ \mb teza vɔt nenaɡ dʲiri-xon ɛke kare-ru dʲazu-Ø \ge now here mosquito month/moon-LOC.SG this fish-RESTR go(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps adv ptcl n n-case-num pronadj n-nder v-pers \ger сейчас вот комар месяц-LOC.SG этот рыба-RESTR идти-3SG.S \ft_r Сейчас в июле эта рыба только идет. \ft_e Now in July only this fish goes. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI tezaʔ vɔt nenaɡ dʲirixon ɛke kareru dʲaza \ft_r_during_transcription сейчас в комарный месяц эта рыба только идет \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_146 \ELANBegin 00:07:10.940 \ELANEnd 00:07:13.510 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nenaɡ dʲirixon ɛke kare dʲazaØ \mb nenaɡ dʲiri-xon ɛke kare dʲazu-Ø \ge mosquito month/moon-LOC.SG this fish go(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps n n-case-num pronadj n v-pers \ger комар месяц-LOC.SG этот рыба идти-3SG.S \ft_r В июле эта рыба идет. \ft_e This fish goes in July. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nenaɡ dʲirixon ɛke kare dʲaza \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription в комарный месяц эта рыба идет \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_147 \ELANBegin 00:07:13.550 \ELANEnd 00:07:14.560 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ, ɛɛ \mb ɛɛ ɛɛ \ge yes yes \ps ptcl ptcl \ger да да \ft_r да, да \ft_e yes, yes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛɛ \ft_r_during_transcription да \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_148 \ELANBegin 00:07:14.750 \ELANEnd 00:07:17.070 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛke nenaɡ dʲirixon vɔt teza \mb ɛke nenaɡ dʲiri-xon vɔt teza \ge this mosquito month/moon-LOC.SG here now \ps pronadj n n-case-num ptcl adv \ger этот комар месяц-LOC.SG вот сейчас \ft_r в июле сейчас \ft_e now in July \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛke nenaɡ dʲirixon tezaʔ \ft_r_during_transcription в комарный месяц сейчас \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_149 \ELANBegin 00:07:17.470 \ELANEnd 00:07:19.540 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nɛlʲukur jeʃɔ bunʲisiuʔ ɔziuʔ \mb nɛlʲuku-r jeʃɔ bunʲi-sa-uʔ ɔzi-u-ʔ \ge midge-NOM.SG.2SG also NEG.EMPH-INTER-3SG.S.CONTR be:visible(ipfv)-INC1-CONNEG \ps n-poss-case ptcl v-mood-pers v-asp-act-nfin \ger мошка-NOM.SG.2SG еще NEG.EMPH-INTER-3SG.S.CONTR быть:видимым-INC1-CONNEG \ft_r Мошка еще ведь не появилась. \ft_e The midges did not appear. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nɛlʲikur jeʃɔ bunʲisiuʔ ɔziuʔ \ft_r_during_transcription мошка еще не вышла ведь \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_150 \ELANBegin 00:07:19.540 \ELANEnd 00:07:22.150 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox teza anʲ nɛlʲuk jeʃɔ ɔzidaØ, amke tʃike \mb teza anʲ nɛlʲuku jeʃɔ ɔzi-u-da-Ø amoke tʃike \ge now and midge also be:visible(ipfv)-INC1-FUT-3SG.S evil this \ps adv ptcl n ptcl v-asp-act-mood-pers n pronadj \ger сейчас и мошка еще быть:видимым-INC1-FUT-3SG.S злой этот \ft_r Сейчас еще мошка выйдет, страшная она. \ft_e Now midges will appear, it is horrible. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tezaʔ nɛlʲuk jeʃɔ ɔzida, amki tʃikez \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription сейчас еще мошка выйдет, бедовые они \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_151 \ELANBegin 00:07:22.150 \ELANEnd 00:07:23.540 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, tʃikexoɔr amok \mb no tʃike-xoɔ-r amoke \ge well this-FOC-NOM.SG.2SG evil \ps ptcl pronadj-nder-poss-case n \ger ну этот-FOC-NOM.SG.2SG злой \ft_r Ну, эти-то страшные. \ft_e Well, these are horrible. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nɔɔ, tʃikexoɔr amik \ft_r_during_transcription ну, эти-таки бедовые \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_152 \ELANBegin 00:07:26.870 \ELANEnd 00:07:30.140 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox seɡimid asuk ʃesaj ʃit ɔdaʔ \mb seɡimid asuku ʃe-saj ʃit ɔ-da-ʔ \ge every excrement hole-COM you(sg).ACC eat(pfv)-FUT-3PL.S \ps pronadj n n-adjs pron-pers v-mood-pers \ger каждый кал дыра-COM ты.ACC съесть-FUT-3PL.S \ft_r Вместе с задницей они тебя съедят. \ft_e They will eat you with you ass. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI asuk ʃesaj ʃit ɔdaʔ \ft_r_during_transcription вместе с задницей тебя съедят \lit_trans \com_m такое выражение есть \add_ling OK mod' Eki kare asuk Sesaj Odazq-я эту рыбу целиком съем \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_153 \ELANBegin 00:07:30.140 \ELANEnd 00:07:32.250 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox asuk ʃesaj ʃit ɔdaʔ \mb asuku ʃe-saj ʃit ɔ-da-ʔ \ge excrement hole-COM you(sg).ACC eat(pfv)-FUT-3PL.S \ps n n-adjs pron-pers v-mood-pers \ger кал дыра-COM ты.ACC съесть-FUT-3PL.S \ft_r Вместе с задницей тебя съедят. \ft_e They will eat you with your ass. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS asuk ʃesaj ʃit ɔdaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription вместе с задницей съедят \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_154 \ELANBegin 00:07:32.250 \ELANEnd 00:07:33.270 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔnse, ɔnse, no \mb ɔnse ɔnse no \ge true true well \ps adj adj ptcl \ger правдивый правдивый ну \ft_r ну, правда, правда \ft_e well, that's true, that's true \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɔdizuʔ ɔdizuʔ nɔ \ft_r_during_transcription съедят, съедят \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_155 \ELANBegin 00:07:34.790 \ELANEnd 00:07:37.490 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox seɡimid ʃed meɔn pɔkurudezʔ \mb seɡimid ʃe-d me-ɔn pɔkuru-da-e-zʔ \ge every hole-OBL.SG.2SG inner:part-PROL.SG climb:into(pfv)-FUT-M-3SG.M \ps pronadj n-poss-case loc-case-num v-mood-mpers-pers \ger каждый дыра-OBL.SG.2SG внутренняя:часть-PROL.SG залезть-FUT-M-3SG.M \ft_r Они во все дырки полезут. \ft_e They will pass to all the holes. \tx_lat pɔkurudez \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI seɡimid ʃed meɔn pɔkurudizʔ \ft_r_during_transcription во все дырки полезут \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_156 \ELANBegin 00:07:45.800 \ELANEnd 00:07:46.990 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɔr ŋaØ \mb tɔr ŋa-Ø \ge so exist(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps ptcl v-pers \ger так существовать-3SG.S \ft_r так \ft_e so it is \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tɔr ŋa \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription так \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_157 \ELANBegin 00:07:48.020 \ELANEnd 00:07:49.990 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɔr ŋaØ, ɔnɛj bazaan dʲɔriŋaaʔ \mb tɔr ŋa-Ø ɔnɛj baza-ɔn dʲɔrir-aʔ \ge so exist(ipfv)-3SG.S Enets language-PROL.SG talk(ipfv)-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ps ptcl v-pers adj n-case-num v-pers \ger так существовать-3SG.S энецкий язык-PROL.SG разговаривать-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ft_r так, мы по-энецки разговариваем \ft_e so it is, we speak Enets \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tɔr ŋa, ɔnɛj bazaan dʲoriŋaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription так, по-своему разговариваем \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_158 \ELANBegin 00:07:50.240 \ELANEnd 00:07:51.190 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no \mb no \ge well \ps ptcl \ger ну \ft_r ну \ft_e well \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nɔ \ft_r_during_transcription ну \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_159 \ELANBegin 00:07:51.530 \ELANEnd 00:07:53.420 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kunʲ, kunʲ sɛn dʲɔridad \mb kunʲi kunʲi sɛn dʲɔrir-da-d \ge how how how:much talk(ipfv)-FUT-2SG.S \ps pronadv pronadv pronnum v-mood-pers \ger как как сколько разговаривать-FUT-2SG.S \ft_r Как, как ты больше будешь разговаривать? \ft_e How, how will you speak more? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kunʲ sɛn dʲoridad \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription как больше будешь разговаривать? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_160 \ELANBegin 00:07:53.480 \ELANEnd 00:07:54.190 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no \mb no \ge well \ps ptcl \ger ну \ft_r ну \ft_e well \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nɔ \ft_r_during_transcription ну \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_161 \ELANBegin 00:07:57.960 \ELANEnd 00:08:00.490 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox a oomad kɔmaaʔ, oomad kɔmabaʔ \mb a oor-a-d kɔma-aʔ oor-a-d kɔma-aʔ \ge and eat(ipfv)-NMLZ1-DAT.SG want(ipfv)-1PL.S/SG.OBJ eat(ipfv)-NMLZ1-DAT.SG want(ipfv)-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ps ptcl v-nfin-case-num v-pers v-nfin-case-num v-pers \ger а есть-NMLZ1-DAT.SG хотеть-1PL.S/SG.OBJ есть-NMLZ1-DAT.SG хотеть-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ft_r а есть мы хотим, есть мы хотим \ft_e and we want to eat, we want to eat \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS oomad kɔmaaʔ, oomad kɔmabaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription а кушать хотим \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_162 \ELANBegin 00:08:00.490 \ELANEnd 00:08:01.690 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox oomad kɔmaaʔ \mb oor-a-d kɔma-aʔ \ge eat(ipfv)-NMLZ1-DAT.SG want(ipfv)-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ps v-nfin-case-num v-pers \ger есть-NMLZ1-DAT.SG хотеть-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ft_r мы есть хотим \ft_e we want to eat \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_163 \ELANBegin 00:08:03.120 \ELANEnd 00:08:04.730 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kunʲ anʲ tɔr dʲiridaaʔ \mb kunʲi anʲ tɔr dʲiri-da-aʔ \ge how and so live(ipfv)-FUT-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ps pronadv ptcl ptcl v-mood-pers \ger как и так жить-FUT-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ft_r А как мы так будем жить? \ft_e And how will we live so? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kunʲ anʲ tɔr dʲiridaaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription а как так будем жить? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_164 \ELANBegin 00:08:05.460 \ELANEnd 00:08:06.590 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox rosa manʔ nʲiuʔ anʲ \mb rosa man-ʔ i-uʔ anʲ \ge Russian say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR and \ps n v-nfin v-pers ptcl \ger русский сказать-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR и \ft_r а русский сказал \ft_e and a Russian said \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS rosa manʔ nʲiu anʲ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription а русские говорят \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_165 \ELANBegin 00:08:06.630 \ELANEnd 00:08:09.610 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɔɔj kare iz ... anʲ nɔʔɔʔ \mb tɔɔ-j kare i-z *... anʲ nɔʔɔ-ʔ \ge summer-ADJ fish NEG-2SG.IMP *** and grasp(pfv)-CONNEG \ps n-adjs n v-pers *** ptcl v-nfin \ger лето-ADJ рыба NEG-2SG.IMP *** и схватить-CONNEG \ft_r А летнюю рыбу не лови. \ft_e And don't get the summer fish. \tx_lat tɔɔj kare izzaʔ anʲ nɔɔʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tɔɔj kare izzaʔ anʲ nɔirʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription а летнюю рыбу не ловите \lit_trans \com_m в середине неразборчиво \add_ling izzaq-нормлаьно \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_166 \ELANBegin 00:08:10.870 \ELANEnd 00:08:12.820 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ʃit, manʔ nʲiuʔ, ʃtrafanujdajʔ \mb ʃit man-ʔ i-uʔ ʃtrafanujr-da-jʔ \ge you(sg).ACC say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR fine(pfv)-FUT-1DU.S/SG.OBJ \ps pron-pers v-nfin v-pers v-mood-pers \ger ты.ACC сказать-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR штрафануть-FUT-1DU.S/SG.OBJ \ft_r Тебя, он сказал, мы штрафанем. \ft_e We will, he said, fine you. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ʃit, manʔ nʲiuʔ, ʃtrafanujdajʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription тебя штрафанем \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_167 \ELANBegin 00:08:13.000 \ELANEnd 00:08:13.870 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, kunʲ anʲ \mb no kunʲi anʲ \ge well how and \ps ptcl pronadv ptcl \ger ну как и \ft_r ну а как? \ft_e well, and how? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kunʲ anʲ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription а как? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_168 \ELANBegin 00:08:14.140 \ELANEnd 00:08:17.880 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲnaʔ anʲ dʲisinaʔ anʲ tɔrse kare peri ooŋatʃ \mb modʲinaʔ anʲ dʲisi-naʔ anʲ tɔrse kare peri oor-tʃ \ge we and grandfather-PL.1PL and such fish always eat(ipfv)-3PL.S.PST \ps pron-pers ptcl n-poss-case ptcl pronadj n adv v-pers \ger мы и дед-PL.1PL и такой рыба всегда есть-3PL.S.PST \ft_r А наши деды такую рыбу всегда ели. \ft_e And our grandfathers always ate such fish. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS modʲnaʔ anʲ dʲisinaʔ anʲ tɔrse kare peri ooŋatʃ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription а наши деды такую рыбу все время ели \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_169 \ELANBegin 00:08:25.430 \ELANEnd 00:08:26.140 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbu tʃike \mb ɔbu tʃike \ge what this \ps pronn pronadj \ger что этот \ft_r что это? \ft_e what's this? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔbu tʃike \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription что это? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_170 \ELANBegin 00:08:27.020 \ELANEnd 00:08:28.020 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox mu, ʃubuza \mb mo ʃubu-za \ge PLC spine-NOM.SG.3SG \ps plc n-poss-case \ger PLC хребет-NOM.SG.3SG \ft_r это самое, хребет его \ft_e well, its spine \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI mu, ʃuduza \ft_r_during_transcription хребет его \lit_trans \com_m ? \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_171 \ELANBegin 00:08:28.710 \ELANEnd 00:08:29.930 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox dʲɔxarau modʲ \mb dʲɔxara-a modʲ \ge not:know(ipfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ I \ps v-pers pron-pers \ger не:знать-1SG.SG.OBJ я \ft_r не знаю я \ft_e I don't know \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS dʲɔxɔrau modʲ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription не знаю я \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_172 \ELANBegin 00:08:30.200 \ELANEnd 00:08:31.070 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbu ɛbuneda \mb ɔbu ɛ-buʔ-da \ge what be(ipfv)-CVB.COND-OBL.SG.3SG \ps pronn v-nfin-poss-case \ger что быть-CVB.COND-OBL.SG.3SG \ft_r что это такое \ft_e what is this \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔbu ɛbuneda \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription что это такое \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_173 \ELANBegin 00:08:34.740 \ELANEnd 00:08:35.450 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbu tʃike \mb ɔbu tʃike \ge what this \ps pronn pronadj \ger что этот \ft_r что это? \ft_e what's this? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔbu tʃike \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription что это \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_174 \ELANBegin 00:08:37.290 \ELANEnd 00:08:41.080 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲ anʲ kasa nʲejʔ tʃenoju poɡa sɔjeeʔ tʃieʃ \mb modʲ anʲ kasa nʲe-jʔ tʃe-no-ju poɡa sɔjeeʔ tʃi-ʃ \ge 1SG and man child-NOM.SG.1SG yesterday-ADV-RESTR.ADJ fishing:net just:now install(pfv)-3SG.S.PST \ps pron-pers ptcl n n-poss-case adv-advs-nder n adv v-pers \ger я и мужчина ребенок-NOM.SG.1SG вчера-ADV-RESTR.ADJ сеть только:что поставить-3SG.S.PST \ft_r А мой сын вчера уже сеть поставил. \ft_e And my son yesterday already installed a net. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI modʲ anʲ kasa nʲej anʲ tʃenoju poɡa tʃieʃ \ft_r_during_transcription а мой сын вчера сети поставил \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_175 \ELANBegin 00:08:41.920 \ELANEnd 00:08:42.690 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tʃenoju \mb tʃe-no-ju \ge yesterday-ADV-RESTR.ADJ \ps adv-advs-nder \ger вчера-ADV-RESTR.ADJ \ft_r вчера \ft_e yesterday \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI tʃenoju \ft_r_during_transcription вчера \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_176 \ELANBegin 00:08:42.990 \ELANEnd 00:08:44.690 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kaʃixinta \mb kasa-xin-ta \ge man-LOC.PL-OBL.PL.3SG \ps n-case-num-poss-case \ger мужчина-LOC.PL-OBL.PL.3SG \ft_r с товарищами \ft_e with his mates \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI kaʃixinta \ft_r_during_transcription с товарищами \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_177 \ELANBegin 00:08:45.360 \ELANEnd 00:08:47.190 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nɔɔjraʔ iblʲɛjɡuɔn kare \mb nɔɔjru-ʔ iblʲɛjɡu-ɔn kare \ge catch(ipfv)-3PL.S small-PROL.SG fish \ps v-pers adj-case-num n \ger ловить-3PL.S маленький-PROL.SG рыба \ft_r Они ловят понемногу рыбу? \ft_e They get a bit fish? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nɔɔjraʔ iblʲɛjɡɔɔn kare \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription ловят маленько рыбу? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_178 \ELANBegin 00:08:47.270 \ELANEnd 00:08:47.780 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nʲeØ \mb i-Ø \ge NEG-3SG.S \ps v-pers \ger NEG-3SG.S \ft_r не... \ft_e no... \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nʲe.. \ft_r_during_transcription не... \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_179 \ELANBegin 00:08:47.780 \ELANEnd 00:08:48.960 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔnɛj bazaan dʲɔrirʔ \mb ɔnɛj baza-ɔn dʲɔrir-ʔ \ge Enets language-PROL.SG talk(ipfv)-2SG.S.IMP \ps adj n-case-num v-pers \ger энецкий язык-PROL.SG разговаривать-2SG.S.IMP \ft_r По-энецки говори! \ft_e Speak Enets! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔnɛj bazaan dʲorirʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription на своем языке говори \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_180 \ELANBegin 00:08:48.980 \ELANEnd 00:08:50.160 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nɔɔjraʔ \mb nɔɔjru-ʔ \ge catch(ipfv)-3PL.S \ps v-pers \ger ловить-3PL.S \ft_r ловят? \ft_e they get (fish)? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nɔɔjraʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription ловят? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_181 \ELANBegin 00:08:50.470 \ELANEnd 00:08:53.050 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tʃenoju sɔjeeʔ tʃieʃ poɡazoda \mb tʃe-no-ju sɔjeeʔ tʃi-ʃ poɡa-zo-da \ge yesterday-ADV-RESTR.ADJ just:now fly(pfv)-3SG.S.PST fishing:net-DESIG.SG-OBL.SG.3SG \ps adv-advs-nder adv v-pers n-case-num-poss-case \ger вчера-ADV-RESTR.ADJ только:что улететь-3SG.S.PST сеть-DESIG.SG-OBL.SG.3SG \ft_r Он вчера только поставил сеть. \ft_e He installed a net only yesterday. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI tʃenoju sɔje tʃieʃ poɡazuda \ft_r_during_transcription вчера только поставил сетку \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_182 \ELANBegin 00:08:53.050 \ELANEnd 00:08:53.820 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox poɡazoda \mb poɡa-zo-da \ge fishing:net-DESIG.SG-OBL.SG.3SG \ps n-case-num-poss-case \ger сеть-DESIG.SG-OBL.SG.3SG \ft_r сетку? \ft_e a net? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS poɡazuda \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription сетку? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_183 \ELANBegin 00:08:53.920 \ELANEnd 00:08:54.370 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ \mb ɛɛ \ge yes \ps ptcl \ger да \ft_r да \ft_e yes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛɛ \ft_r_during_transcription да \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_184 \ELANBegin 00:08:55.210 \ELANEnd 00:08:56.200 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox sejza ɔbu \mb sej-za ɔbu \ge eye-NOM.SG.3SG what \ps n-poss-case pronn \ger глаз-NOM.SG.3SG что \ft_r Ячея у нее какая? \ft_e What mesh does it have? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS seiza ɔbu \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription ячея у нее какая? \lit_trans \com_m то же слово, что глаз \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_185 \ELANBegin 00:08:57.770 \ELANEnd 00:08:58.640 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox mɔtujza \mb mɔtuj-za \ge sixty-NOM.SG.3SG \ps num-poss-case \ger шестьдесят-NOM.SG.3SG \ft_r шестидесятка \ft_e sixty \tx_lat mɔtuuza \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI mɔtuuza \ft_r_during_transcription шестидесятка \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_186 \ELANBegin 00:08:58.640 \ELANEnd 00:09:00.600 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox mɔtuʔ tʃubaj \mb mɔtuʔ tʃubaj \ge six finger \ps num n \ger шесть палец \ft_r шестидесятка \ft_e sixty \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɛɛ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI mɔtu tʃubaj \ft_r_during_transcription шестидесятка \lit_trans шесть пальцев \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_187 \ELANBegin 00:09:00.790 \ELANEnd 00:09:01.760 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kamikuɔu \mb kamiku-a \ge understand(ipfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps v-pers \ger понимать-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r я понимаю \ft_e I understand \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kamikoɔu \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription понимаю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_188 \ELANBegin 00:09:01.760 \ELANEnd 00:09:03.670 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ, mɔtuʔ tʃubaj \mb ɛɛ mɔtuʔ tʃubaj \ge yes six finger \ps ptcl num n \ger да шесть палец \ft_r да, шестидесятка \ft_e yes, sixty \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛɛ, mɔtu tʃubaj \ft_r_during_transcription да, шестидесятка \lit_trans \com_m видимо, 60мм \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_189 \ELANBegin 00:09:04.510 \ELANEnd 00:09:05.430 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox mɔtuʔ tʃubaj \mb mɔtuʔ tʃubaj \ge six finger \ps num n \ger шесть палец \ft_r шестидесятка \ft_e sixty \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS mɔtu tʃubaj \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription шестидесятка \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_190 \ELANBegin 00:09:06.030 \ELANEnd 00:09:06.670 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kamikuɔu \mb kamiku-a \ge understand(ipfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps v-pers \ger понимать-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r понимаю \ft_e I understand \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kamikoɔu \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription понимаю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_191 \ELANBegin 00:09:07.980 \ELANEnd 00:09:10.160 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛke tɔlaxa tʃi tɔr poɡa \mb ɛke tɔlaxa tʃi tɔr poɡa \ge this alike here so fishing:net \ps pronadj ptcl ptcl ptcl n \ger этот как вот так сеть \ft_r как вот эта сеть \ft_e like this net \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛke tɔlaxa tɔrse poɡa \ft_r_during_transcription как вот эта сеть \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_192 \ELANBegin 00:09:10.160 \ELANEnd 00:09:12.400 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛke tɔlaxɔu kɔnʲeʃnɔ poɡadezʔ \mb ɛke tɔlaxa-ɔu kɔnʲeʃnɔ poɡa-da-e-zʔ \ge this alike-EXC1 of:course fall:into:fishing:net(pfv)-FUT-M-3SG.M \ps pronadj ptcl-postf ptcl v-mood-mpers-pers \ger этот как-EXC1 конечно попасть:в:сеть-FUT-M-3SG.M \ft_r Если вот такая, то, конечно, попадется. \ft_e If such, it will fall into the net, of course. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɛke tɔlxɔu kanʲeʃna poɡadizʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription (если) вот такая-конечно попадется \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling ɛke tɔlxɔu kanʲeʃna poɡadizʔ \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_193 \ELANBegin 00:09:12.400 \ELANEnd 00:09:12.990 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, no \mb no no \ge well well \ps ptcl ptcl \ger ну ну \ft_r да, да \ft_e yes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_194 \ELANBegin 00:09:15.210 \ELANEnd 00:09:17.110 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox sabie maʔ, bɛxana dʲaɡoØ \mb sabie maʔ bɛxana dʲaɡo-Ø \ge insufficiently indeed sturgeon there:is:no-3SG.S \ps adv ptcl n v-pers \ger недостаточно вот осетр не:иметься-3SG.S \ft_r Так разобраться, осетра нет. \ft_e Actually there is no sturgeon. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI sɛbɛ maz, bɛxana dʲaɡu \ft_r_during_transcription так разобраться, осетра нету \lit_trans \com_m про Васю Иванова \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_195 \ELANBegin 00:09:17.110 \ELANEnd 00:09:18.760 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox vasʲaaʃ kudaxaan tʃieʃ \mb vasʲa-iʃ kudaxaa-xon tʃi-ʃ \ge Vasja-TRANS for:a:long:time-LOC.SG install(pfv)-3SG.S.PST \ps n-quasicase adv-case-num v-pers \ger Вася-TRANS долго-LOC.SG поставить-3SG.S.PST \ft_r Вася давно поставил. \ft_e Vasja installed long ago. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI vasʲaaʃ kudaxan tʃieʃ \ft_r_during_transcription Вася давно поставил \lit_trans \com_m The use of the translative affix is not clear. \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_196 \ELANBegin 00:09:18.760 \ELANEnd 00:09:21.210 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox bɛxanaxaa sɔjza poɡa nʲiuʔ taraʔ \mb bɛxana-xoɔ sɔjza poɡa i-uʔ tara-ʔ \ge sturgeon-FOC good fishing:net NEG-3SG.S.CONTR necessary(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps n-nder adj n v-pers v-nfin \ger осетр-FOC хороший сеть NEG-3SG.S.CONTR надо-CONNEG \ft_r Для осетра-то хорошая сеть нужна. \ft_e As for the sturgeon, a good net is necessary. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS bɛxanaxaa sɔjza poɡa nʲiuʔ taraʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription красной рыбы/осетра-то хорошую сеть надо \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_197 \ELANBegin 00:09:21.210 \ELANEnd 00:09:22.150 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ... aɡa sej \mb *... aɡa sej \ge *** big eye \ps *** adj n \ger *** большой глаз \ft_r с большой ячеей \ft_e with a big mesh \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI aɡa sej \ft_r_during_transcription большую ячею \lit_trans \com_m в начале неразборчиво \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_198 \ELANBegin 00:09:22.180 \ELANEnd 00:09:24.080 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox aɡa sej poɡa taraØ \mb aɡa sej poɡa tara-Ø \ge big eye fishing:net necessary(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps adj n n v-pers \ger большой глаз сеть надо-3SG.S \ft_r С большой ячеей сеть нужна. \ft_e A net with a big mesh is necessary. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS aɡa sej poɡa tara \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription с большой ячеей сеть надо \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_199 \ELANBegin 00:09:24.080 \ELANEnd 00:09:25.600 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox aɡa sej poɡa taraØ, ɔnse \mb aɡa sej poɡa tara-Ø ɔnse \ge big eye fishing:net necessary(ipfv)-3SG.S true \ps adj n n v-pers adj \ger большой глаз сеть надо-3SG.S правдивый \ft_r С большой ячеей сеть нужна, правда. \ft_e A net with a big mesh is necessary, that's true. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI aɡa sej poɡa tara, ɔnse \ft_r_during_transcription с большой ячеей сеть надо, правда \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_200 \ELANBegin 00:09:25.600 \ELANEnd 00:09:26.030 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ \mb ɛɛ \ge yes \ps ptcl \ger да \ft_r да \ft_e yes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɛɛ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription да \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_201 \ELANBegin 00:09:26.930 \ELANEnd 00:09:28.750 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tʃike poɡaxan ɔbu nɔʔɔdad \mb tʃike poɡa-xon ɔbu nɔʔɔ-da-d \ge this fishing:net-LOC.SG what grasp(pfv)-FUT-2SG.S \ps pronadj n-case-num pronn v-mood-pers \ger этот сеть-LOC.SG что схватить-FUT-2SG.S \ft_r Этой сетью что поймаешь? \ft_e What will you get with this net? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tʃike poɡaxan ɔbu nɔɔdad \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription этой сеткой чего поймаешь? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_202 \ELANBegin 00:09:28.750 \ELANEnd 00:09:29.760 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, no \mb no no \ge well well \ps ptcl ptcl \ger ну ну \ft_r ну, ну \ft_e well, well \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nɔɔ, nɔɔ \ft_r_during_transcription ну, ну \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_203 \ELANBegin 00:09:29.800 \ELANEnd 00:09:31.100 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbuxuru nʲed nɔʔɔd \mb ɔbu-xuru i-d nɔʔɔ-d \ge what-EVEN NEG-2SG.S grasp(pfv)-FUT.CONNEG \ps pronn-nder v-pers v-nfin \ger что-EVEN NEG-2SG.S схватить-FUT.CONNEG \ft_r ничего не поймаешь \ft_e you will not get anything \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔbuxuru nʲed nɔd \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription ничего не поймаешь \lit_trans \com_m непонятно \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_204 \ELANBegin 00:09:31.200 \ELANEnd 00:09:34.160 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ... no, tʃenoju dʲazuŋaʃ \mb *... no tʃe-no-ju dʲazu-r-ʃ \ge *** well yesterday-ADV-RESTR.ADJ go(ipfv)-MULT-3SG.S.PST \ps *** ptcl adv-advs-nder v-asp-act-pers \ger *** ну вчера-ADV-RESTR.ADJ идти-MULT-3SG.S.PST \ft_r ну, вчера он ходил \ft_e well, he went yesterday \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ... no, tʃenoju dʲɔzuŋaʃ \ft_r_during_transcription ну, вчера он ходил \lit_trans \com_m в начале неразборчиво \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_205 \ELANBegin 00:09:34.190 \ELANEnd 00:09:37.070 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ŋob ida aɡa poɡabizutʃ muxoda \mb ŋoʔ i-da aɡa poɡa-bi-zutʃ mo-d-da \ge one NEG-PTC.SML big fall:into:fishing:net(pfv)-PRF-3SG.M.PST PLC-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.3SG \ps num v-nfin adj v-mood-pers plc-case-num-poss-case \ger один NEG-PTC.SML большой попасть:в:сеть-PRF-3SG.M.PST PLC-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.3SG \ft_r Один небольшой попался в эту его. \ft_e One, not a big one, fell into his this one. \tx_lat ŋob \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ŋolʲu ida aɡa poɡabizutʃ muxoda \ft_r_during_transcription один небольшой попался \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_206 \ELANBegin 00:09:37.070 \ELANEnd 00:09:38.650 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox aɡa sejxoda \mb aɡa sej-d-da \ge big scales-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.3SG \ps adj n-case-num-poss-case \ger большой чешуя-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.3SG \ft_r на большую ячею \ft_e to the big mesh \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI aɡa sejxoda \ft_r_during_transcription на большую ячею \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_207 \ELANBegin 00:09:38.650 \ELANEnd 00:09:39.370 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox aɡa sejxon \mb aɡa sej-xon \ge big eye-LOC.SG \ps adj n-case-num \ger большой глаз-LOC.SG \ft_r с большой ячеей? \ft_e with a big mesh? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS aɡa sejxon \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription на большую ячею? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_208 \ELANBegin 00:09:39.370 \ELANEnd 00:09:40.000 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ \mb ɛɛ \ge yes \ps ptcl \ger да \ft_r да \ft_e yes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛɛ \ft_r_during_transcription да \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_209 \ELANBegin 00:09:42.110 \ELANEnd 00:09:45.500 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox dʲerinoju poɡudʲ dʲazudʲ, ʃize dʲeri \mb dʲeri-no-ju poɡa-r-ʃ dʲazu-r-ʃ ʃize dʲeri \ge day-ADV-RESTR.ADJ fishing:net-MULT-CVB go(ipfv)-MULT-CVB two day \ps n-advs-nder n-asp-act-nfin v-asp-act-nfin num n \ger день-ADV-RESTR.ADJ сеть-MULT-CVB идти-MULT-CVB два день \ft_r А днем ходить сети проверять, два дня \ft_e And to go to check the nets in the day, two days \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI dʲernoju poɡudʲ dʲazudʲ, ʃizi dʲeri \ft_r_during_transcription а днем ходить проверять два дня \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_210 \ELANBegin 00:09:45.820 \ELANEnd 00:09:47.860 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tʃibiʃ anʲ, ɔbuxuru dʲaɡoØ, dʲaɡoØ \mb tʃi-bi-ʃ anʲ ɔbu-xuru dʲaɡo-Ø dʲaɡo-Ø \ge be:installed(ipfv)-PRF-3SG.S.PST and what-EVEN there:is:no-3SG.S there:is:no-3SG.S \ps v-mood-pers ptcl pronn-nder v-pers v-pers \ger быть:поставленным-PRF-3SG.S.PST и что-EVEN не:иметься-3SG.S не:иметься-3SG.S \ft_r стояли, и ничего не было, не было \ft_e were installed, and there was nothing, nothing \tx_lat dʲaɡuʃ \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI tʃibiʃ anʲ, ɔbuxuru dʲaɡubi \ft_r_during_transcription стояли и ничего не было \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_211 \ELANBegin 00:09:47.900 \ELANEnd 00:09:51.200 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲ anʲ, manʔ nʲezuʔ, poɡajʔ nʲebuʃ tʃiʔ \mb modʲ anʲ man-ʔ i-zuʔ poɡa-jʔ i-buʃ tʃi-ʔ \ge 1SG and say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR fishing:net-NOM.SG.1SG NEG-1SG.SG.OBJ.PST install(pfv)-CONNEG \ps pron-pers ptcl v-nfin v-pers n-poss-case v-pers v-nfin \ger я и сказать-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR сеть-NOM.SG.1SG NEG-1SG.SG.OBJ.PST поставить-CONNEG \ft_r А я, говорю, сеть не поставил. \ft_e And me, I say, I did not install a net. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS modʲxoɔ, manʔ nʲezoʔ, poɡajʔ nʲebuʃ tʃiʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription я-то сеть не поставил \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_212 \ELANBegin 00:09:51.210 \ELANEnd 00:09:52.980 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox teza kanʲeed kɔmazʔ \mb teza kanʲe-a-d kɔma-zʔ \ge now leave(pfv)-NMLZ1-DAT.SG want(ipfv)-1SG.S \ps adv v-nfin-case-num v-pers \ger сейчас уйти-NMLZ1-DAT.SG хотеть-1SG.S \ft_r Сейчас хочу пойти. \ft_e I want to go now. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tezaʔ kanʲed kɔmazʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription сейчас хочу идти \lit_trans \com_m в смысле ставить \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_213 \ELANBegin 00:09:53.760 \ELANEnd 00:09:55.500 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox valʲerka muɔd kɔmazʔ \mb valʲerka mu-a-d kɔma-zʔ \ge Valerka take(pfv)-NMLZ1-DAT.SG want(ipfv)-1SG.S \ps n v-nfin-case-num v-pers \ger Валерка взять-NMLZ1-DAT.SG хотеть-1SG.S \ft_r Валерку хочу взять. \ft_e I want to take Valerka. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS valʲerka muɔd kɔmazʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription Валерку хочу забрать \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_214 \ELANBegin 00:09:55.690 \ELANEnd 00:09:58.840 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nenda kanʲeed kɔmazʔ, tʃikeje amkeje \mb nɔnida kanʲe-a-d kɔma-zʔ tʃike-je amoke-je \ge s/he.LOC leave(pfv)-NMLZ1-DAT.SG want(ipfv)-1SG.S this-PEJ evil-PEJ \ps pron-pers v-nfin-case-num v-pers pronadj-nder n-nder \ger он(а).LOC уйти-NMLZ1-DAT.SG хотеть-1SG.S этот-PEJ злой-PEJ \ft_r Я с ним пойти хочу, такой он сякой. \ft_e I want to go with him, he is so-and-so. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nenda kanʲed kɔmazʔ, tʃikeje amkije \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription с ним пойти хочу, такой он сякой \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_215 \ELANBegin 00:09:59.030 \ELANEnd 00:09:59.890 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbu valʲerka \mb ɔbu valʲerka \ge what Valerka \ps pronn n \ger что Валерка \ft_r Какой Валерка? \ft_e Which Valerka? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɔbu valʲerka \ft_r_during_transcription какой Валерка: \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_216 \ELANBegin 00:09:59.890 \ELANEnd 00:10:00.690 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox u kasar \mb u kasa-r \ge you(sg) man-NOM.SG.2SG \ps pron-pers n-poss-case \ger ты мужчина-NOM.SG.2SG \ft_r Твой товарищ. \ft_e Your mate. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS u kasar \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription твой товарищ \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_217 \ELANBegin 00:10:01.120 \ELANEnd 00:10:01.560 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbu valʲerka \mb ɔbu valʲerka \ge what Valerka \ps pronn n \ger что Валерка \ft_r Какой Валерка? \ft_e Which Valerka? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɔbu valʲerka \ft_r_during_transcription какой Валерка? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_218 \ELANBegin 00:10:01.560 \ELANEnd 00:10:03.000 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox peri mɛkoned ɛubiØ \mb peri mɛzu-xon-d ɛ-ubi-Ø \ge always chum-LOC.SG-OBL.SG.2SG be(ipfv)-HAB-3SG.S \ps adv n-case-num-poss-case v-mood-pers \ger всегда чум-LOC.SG-OBL.SG.2SG быть-HAB-3SG.S \ft_r Он у тебя дома все время бывает. \ft_e He is always at your home. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS peri mɛkoned ɛubi \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription у тебя дома все время бывает \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_219 \ELANBegin 00:10:04.270 \ELANEnd 00:10:05.320 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox valʲerkaje \mb valʲerka-je \ge Valerka-PEJ \ps n-nder \ger Валерка-PEJ \ft_r Валерка \ft_e Valerka \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS valʲerkaje \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription Валерка \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_220 \ELANBegin 00:10:05.320 \ELANEnd 00:10:06.390 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox a, mu \mb a mo \ge and PLC \ps ptcl plc \ger а PLC \ft_r а, этот \ft_e ah, this \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI a, mu \ft_r_during_transcription а этот \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_221 \ELANBegin 00:10:06.390 \ELANEnd 00:10:07.130 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɛner \mb tɛne-r \ge know(ipfv)-2SG.SG.OBJ \ps v-pers \ger знать-2SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r знаешь? \ft_e you know him? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tɛner \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription знаешь? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_222 \ELANBegin 00:10:07.180 \ELANEnd 00:10:08.080 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kɔmpɔʃlʲaj \mb kɔmpɔʃlʲaj \ge Komposhljaj \ps n \ger Компошляй \ft_r Компошляй? \ft_e Komposhljaj? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI kɔmpɔʃlʲaj \ft_r_during_transcription Компошляй? \lit_trans \com_m это кличка, Валера Куропатов \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_223 \ELANBegin 00:10:08.090 \ELANEnd 00:10:08.890 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kɔmpɔʃlʲaj \mb kɔmpɔʃlʲaj \ge Komposhljaj \ps n \ger Компошляй \ft_r Компошляй \ft_e Komposhljaj \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kɔmpɔʃlʲaj \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription Компошляй \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_224 \ELANBegin 00:10:08.890 \ELANEnd 00:10:09.670 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ \mb ɛɛ \ge yes \ps ptcl \ger да \ft_r да \ft_e yes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛɛ \ft_r_during_transcription да \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_225 \ELANBegin 00:10:10.770 \ELANEnd 00:10:12.530 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, no, ɛɛ, ɛɛ \mb no no ɛɛ ɛɛ \ge well well yes yes \ps ptcl ptcl ptcl ptcl \ger ну ну да да \ft_r ну, ну, да, да \ft_e well, yes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nɔ, nɔ, ɛɛ, ɛɛ \ft_r_during_transcription ну, ну, да, да \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_226 \ELANBegin 00:10:13.200 \ELANEnd 00:10:14.040 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, no \mb no no \ge well well \ps ptcl ptcl \ger ну ну \ft_r ну, ну \ft_e well \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nɔ, nɔ \ft_r_during_transcription ну, ну \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_227 \ELANBegin 00:10:15.440 \ELANEnd 00:10:18.220 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔduxoɔr nʲiuʔ tɔneʔ \mb ɔdu-xoɔ-r i-uʔ tɔne-ʔ \ge boat-FOC-NOM.SG.2SG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR there:is(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps n-nder-poss-case v-pers v-nfin \ger лодка-FOC-NOM.SG.2SG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR иметься-CONNEG \ft_r Лодка-то у тебя ведь есть. \ft_e You have a boat. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɔduxoɔr nʲiuʔ tɔneːʔ \ft_r_during_transcription лодка-то у тебя есть \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_228 \ELANBegin 00:10:18.230 \ELANEnd 00:10:19.130 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔdujʔ tɔneØ \mb ɔdu-jʔ tɔne-Ø \ge boat-NOM.SG.1SG there:is(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps n-poss-case v-pers \ger лодка-NOM.SG.1SG иметься-3SG.S \ft_r Лодка у меня есть. \ft_e I have a boat. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔduj tɔneː \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription лодка есть \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_229 \ELANBegin 00:10:19.140 \ELANEnd 00:10:21.090 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no vɔt, ɔbu taraØ anʲ \mb no vɔt ɔbu tara-Ø anʲ \ge well here what necessary(ipfv)-3SG.S and \ps ptcl ptcl pronn v-pers ptcl \ger ну вот что надо-3SG.S и \ft_r Ну вот, что еще нужно? \ft_e So, what more is necessary? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nu vɔt, ɔbu tara anʲ \ft_r_during_transcription ну вот, что нужно (еще) \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_230 \ELANBegin 00:10:21.180 \ELANEnd 00:10:22.480 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox mɔtɔrkajʔ dʲaɡoØ \mb mɔtɔrka-jʔ dʲaɡo-Ø \ge motorboat-NOM.SG.1SG there:is:no-3SG.S \ps n-poss-case v-pers \ger моторная:лодка-NOM.SG.1SG не:иметься-3SG.S \ft_r Моторки у меня нет. \ft_e I have no motorboat. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS mɔtɔrkaj dʲaɡu \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription мотора нет \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_231 \ELANBegin 00:10:22.540 \ELANEnd 00:10:25.280 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, mɔtɔrka ɔbujtar taktɔ \mb no mɔtɔrka ɔbujta-r taktɔ \ge well motorboat what:for-2SG.SG.OBJ basically \ps ptcl n v-pers adv \ger ну моторная:лодка зачем-2SG.SG.OBJ так:то \ft_r Ну, а моторка тебе зачем так-то? \ft_e Well, what for do you need a motorboat? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI mɔtɔrka ɔbujtar taktɔ \ft_r_during_transcription мотор тебе зачем так-то? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_232 \ELANBegin 00:10:25.580 \ELANEnd 00:10:27.390 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox lʲɔnʲkaje tʃuktʃi isiuʔ \mb lʲɔnʲka-je tʃuktʃi i-sa-uʔ \ge Ljon'ka-PEJ all NEG-INTER-3SG.S.CONTR \ps n-nder pronn v-mood-pers \ger Ленька-PEJ весь NEG-INTER-3SG.S.CONTR \ft_r Лёнька всё вообще \ft_e Ljon'ka everything \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS lʲɔnʲkaje tʃuktʃi isiu \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription Лёнька-то весь вообще \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_233 \ELANBegin 00:10:27.620 \ELANEnd 00:10:29.860 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox mɔtɔrkada tʃuktʃi miŋazaʃ \mb mɔtɔrka-da tʃuktʃi mis-ŋa-zaʃ \ge motorboat-OBL.SG.3SG all give(pfv)-***-3SG.SG.OBJ.PST \ps n-poss-case pronn v-***-pers \ger моторная:лодка-OBL.SG.3SG весь дать-***-3SG.SG.OBJ.PST \ft_r свою моторку всю отдал \ft_e he gave away all his motorboat \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS mɔtɔrkada tʃuktʃi miŋazaʃ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription мотор весь отдал \lit_trans \com_m The structure of miŋazaʃ is unclear, maybe a mistake. \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_234 \ELANBegin 00:10:29.860 \ELANEnd 00:10:30.470 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ŋaʔ nʲiuʔ \mb ŋa-ʔ i-uʔ \ge exist(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ps v-nfin v-pers \ger существовать-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ft_r да \ft_e so it is \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ŋaʔ nʲiu \ft_r_during_transcription да \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_235 \ELANBegin 00:10:30.510 \ELANEnd 00:10:31.090 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, no \mb no no \ge well well \ps ptcl ptcl \ger ну ну \ft_r ну, ну \ft_e well \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nɔ, nɔ \ft_r_during_transcription ну, ну \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_236 \ELANBegin 00:10:31.090 \ELANEnd 00:10:32.570 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbuxuruʃuz kajizʔ modʲ \mb ɔbu-xuru-ʃuz kaji-zʔ modʲ \ge what-EVEN-CAR1 stay:behind(pfv)-1SG.S I \ps pronn-nder-adjs v-pers pron-pers \ger что-EVEN-CAR1 остаться-1SG.S я \ft_r Я без ничего остался. \ft_e I staid without anything. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔbuxuruʃuz kajezʔ modʲ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription я без ничего остался \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_237 \ELANBegin 00:10:32.600 \ELANEnd 00:10:33.320 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox aa, no, no \mb aa no no \ge yeah well well \ps ptcl ptcl ptcl \ger ага ну ну \ft_r ага, ну, ну \ft_e yeah, well \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nɔ, nɔ \ft_r_during_transcription ну, ну \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_238 \ELANBegin 00:10:33.320 \ELANEnd 00:10:35.820 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbu, mɔtɔrkajʔ dʲaɡoØ, ɔbuxurujʔ dʲaɡoØ \mb ɔbu mɔtɔrka-jʔ dʲaɡo-Ø ɔbu-xuru-jʔ dʲaɡo-Ø \ge what motorboat-NOM.SG.1SG there:is:no-3SG.S what-EVEN-NOM.SG.1SG there:is:no-3SG.S \ps pronn n-poss-case v-pers pronn-nder-poss-case v-pers \ger что моторная:лодка-NOM.SG.1SG не:иметься-3SG.S что-EVEN-NOM.SG.1SG не:иметься-3SG.S \ft_r Что, ни моторки у меня нет, ничего у меня нет. \ft_e What, I have no motorboat, I have nothing. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔbu mɔtɔrkuj dʲaɡu, ɔbuxurub dʲaɡu \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription ни моторки нет, ничего нет \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_239 \ELANBegin 00:10:35.890 \ELANEnd 00:10:36.870 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox buraniza ŋajʔ \mb buran-za ŋa-jʔ \ge snowmobile-NOM.PL.3SG exist(ipfv)-3PL.S.IMP \ps n-poss-case v-pers \ger снегоход-NOM.PL.3SG существовать-3PL.S.IMP \ft_r Бураны его тоже. \ft_e Also his snowmobiles. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI buraniza ŋaj \ft_r_during_transcription бураны тоже \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_240 \ELANBegin 00:10:36.870 \ELANEnd 00:10:39.070 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox teza anʲ adʲiØ, bɛuza tozaØ, manʔ nʲezuʔ \mb teza anʲ adʲi-Ø bɛuza to-da-Ø man-ʔ i-zuʔ \ge now and sit(ipfv)-3SG.S soon come(pfv)-FUT-3SG.S say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR \ps adv ptcl v-pers adv v-mood-pers v-nfin v-pers \ger сейчас и сидеть-3SG.S скоро прийти-FUT-3SG.S сказать-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR \ft_r А сейчас он сидит, скоро придет, говорю. \ft_e And now he is imprisoned, he will come soon, I say. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tezaʔ anʲ adʲi, bɛuza toza, manʔ nʲezoʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription сейчас он сидит, скоро приедет \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_241 \ELANBegin 00:10:39.070 \ELANEnd 00:10:40.390 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox avɡustaxan tozaØ ɛu \mb avɡust-xon to-da-Ø ɛu \ge August-LOC.SG come(pfv)-FUT-3SG.S here(dir) \ps n-case-num v-mood-pers pronadv \ger август-LOC.SG прийти-FUT-3SG.S сюда \ft_r В августе он приедет сюда. \ft_e He will come here in August. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS avɡustaxan tɔza ɛu \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription в августе приедет \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_242 \ELANBegin 00:10:40.450 \ELANEnd 00:10:42.160 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ, manʔ, manʔ isiduʔ \mb ɛɛ man-ʔ man-ʔ i-sa-duʔ \ge yes say(pfv)-CONNEG say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-INTER-2SG.S.CONTR \ps ptcl v-nfin v-nfin v-mood-pers \ger да сказать-CONNEG сказать-CONNEG NEG-INTER-2SG.S.CONTR \ft_r Да, ты же сказал. \ft_e Yes, you have said. \tx_lat ɛɛ, man isiduʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛɛ, manid isiduʔ \ft_r_during_transcription ну, ты же сказал \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_243 \ELANBegin 00:10:43.350 \ELANEnd 00:10:45.720 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nʲekutʃaza uʒe arumaØ \mb nʲe-kutʃa-za uʒe aruu-Ø \ge child-DIM2-NOM.SG.3SG already grow:up(pfv)-3SG.S \ps n-nder-poss-case ptcl v-pers \ger ребенок-DIM2-NOM.SG.3SG уже вырасти-3SG.S \ft_r Его ребеночек уже вырос. \ft_e His child has already grown up. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nʲekutʃaza uʒe aruma \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription ребеночек его уже вырос \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_244 \ELANBegin 00:10:45.720 \ELANEnd 00:10:46.780 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, iŋiØ aruuʔ \mb no iŋi-Ø aruu-ʔ \ge well certainly-3SG.S grow:up(pfv)-CONNEG \ps ptcl v-pers v-nfin \ger ну конечно-3SG.S вырасти-CONNEG \ft_r Ну, конечно, вырос. \ft_e Well, of cours she has grown up. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nɔ, iŋi aruuʔ \ft_r_during_transcription ну, конечно, вырастет \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_245 \ELANBegin 00:10:46.780 \ELANEnd 00:10:48.500 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox daʃka, manʔ nʲezuʔ, arumaØ \mb daʃka man-ʔ i-zuʔ aruu-Ø \ge Dashka say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR grow:up(pfv)-3SG.S \ps n v-nfin v-pers v-pers \ger Дашка сказать-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR вырасти-3SG.S \ft_r Дашка, говорю, уже выросла. \ft_e Dashka, I say, has grown up. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS daʃka, man nʲezoʔ, aruma \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription Даша уже выросла \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_246 \ELANBegin 00:10:48.540 \ELANEnd 00:10:49.470 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, iŋiØ aruuʔ \mb no iŋi-Ø aruu-ʔ \ge well certainly-3SG.S grow:up(pfv)-CONNEG \ps ptcl v-pers v-nfin \ger ну конечно-3SG.S вырасти-CONNEG \ft_r Ну, конечно, выросла. \ft_e Well, of course, she has grown up. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nɔ, iŋi aruuʔ \ft_r_during_transcription ну конечно вырастет \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_247 \ELANBegin 00:10:49.470 \ELANEnd 00:10:50.460 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox aɡaaʃ kanʲeØ \mb aɡa-iʃ kanʲe-Ø \ge big-TRANS leave(pfv)-3SG.S \ps adj-quasicase v-pers \ger большой-TRANS уйти-3SG.S \ft_r Она большая стала. \ft_e She became big. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS aɡaaʃ kanʲe \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription большая стала \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_248 \ELANBegin 00:10:50.470 \ELANEnd 00:10:51.890 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox aɡa nɛ ɛdʲukuuʃ kanʲeØ \mb aɡa nɛ ɛdʲuku-iʃ kanʲe-Ø \ge big woman child-TRANS leave(pfv)-3SG.S \ps adj n n-quasicase v-pers \ger большой женщина ребенок-TRANS уйти-3SG.S \ft_r Большая девочка стала. \ft_e She became a big girl. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS aɡa nɛ ɛdʲdʲukuuʃ kanʲe \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription большая девочка стала \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_249 \ELANBegin 00:10:51.990 \ELANEnd 00:10:54.020 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox i iblʲɛjɡ nɛ ɛdʲukuza arumaØ \mb i iblʲɛjɡu nɛ ɛdʲuku-za aruu-Ø \ge and small woman child-NOM.SG.3SG grow:up(pfv)-3SG.S \ps ptcl adj n n-poss-case v-pers \ger и маленький женщина ребенок-NOM.SG.3SG вырасти-3SG.S \ft_r И его маленькая дочка уже выросла. \ft_e And his little girl already has grown up. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS i iblʲɛjɡu nɛ ɛdʲdʲukuza ɔruma \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription и маленькая девочка выросла уже \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_250 \ELANBegin 00:10:54.060 \ELANEnd 00:10:57.190 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, no, mɔdiʔɛbuʃ, mɔdiʔɛbuʃ \mb no no mɔdis-buʃ mɔdis-buʃ \ge well well see(pfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ.PST see(pfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ.PST \ps ptcl ptcl v-pers v-pers \ger ну ну увидеть-1SG.SG.OBJ.PST увидеть-1SG.SG.OBJ.PST \ft_r Ну, я видел ее, видел ее. \ft_e Well, I saw her, I saw her. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nɔ, mɔdeebuʃ, mɔdeebuʃ \ft_r_during_transcription ну, видел, видел \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_251 \ELANBegin 00:10:57.970 \ELANEnd 00:10:58.530 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox mɔdiʔɛbuʃ \mb mɔdis-buʃ \ge see(pfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ.PST \ps v-pers \ger увидеть-1SG.SG.OBJ.PST \ft_r Я видел ее. \ft_e I saw her. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI mɔdeebuʃ \ft_r_during_transcription я видел \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_252 \ELANBegin 00:10:58.530 \ELANEnd 00:11:00.660 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox mɔdeesar iblʲɛjɡ nɛ ɛdʲukuza \mb mɔdee-sa-r iblʲɛjɡu nɛ ɛdʲuku-za \ge see(ipfv)-INTER-2SG.SG.OBJ small woman child-NOM.SG.3SG \ps v-mood-pers adj n n-poss-case \ger видеть-INTER-2SG.SG.OBJ маленький женщина ребенок-NOM.SG.3SG \ft_r Ты видел его маленькую девочку? \ft_e You have seen his little girl? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS mɔdeesar iblʲɛuɡ nɛ ɛdʲdʲukuza \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription видел маленькую девочку? \lit_trans \com_m unexpected Nominative object \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_253 \ELANBegin 00:11:00.660 \ELANEnd 00:11:03.050 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox sejkuza, sejkuza, sejkuza \mb sej-ku-za sej-ku-za sej-ku-za \ge eye-DIM1-NOM.PL.3SG eye-DIM1-NOM.PL.3SG eye-DIM1-NOM.PL.3SG \ps n-nder-poss-case n-nder-poss-case n-nder-poss-case \ger глаз-DIM1-NOM.PL.3SG глаз-DIM1-NOM.PL.3SG глаз-DIM1-NOM.PL.3SG \ft_r Глазки-то, глазки-то, глазки у нее \ft_e Her eyes, her eyes, her eyes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS sejkuza, sejkuza \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription глазки-то, глазки-то \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_254 \ELANBegin 00:11:03.050 \ELANEnd 00:11:04.990 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox amke nʲiuʔ ŋaʔ \mb amoke i-uʔ ŋa-ʔ \ge evil NEG-3SG.S.CONTR exist(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps n v-pers v-nfin \ger злой NEG-3SG.S.CONTR существовать-CONNEG \ft_r такая она сякая \ft_e she is so-and-so \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS amki nʲiu ŋaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription бедовая \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_255 \ELANBegin 00:11:05.100 \ELANEnd 00:11:06.830 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛseda sejraxa \mb ɛse-da sej-raxa \ge father-OBL.SG.3SG eye-COMP2 \ps n-poss-case n-adjs \ger отец-OBL.SG.3SG глаз-COMP2 \ft_r как глаза ее отца \ft_e like eyes of her father \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛsedu sejraxa \ft_r_during_transcription как отцовские глаза \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_256 \ELANBegin 00:11:07.830 \ELANEnd 00:11:09.580 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox pɔlzeda sejkuʔ \mb pɔlzer-da sej-ku-ʔ \ge be:black(ipfv)-PTC.SML eye-DIM1-PL \ps v-nder n-nder-case-num \ger быть:черным-PTC.SML глаз-DIM1-PL \ft_r черные глазки \ft_e black eyes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS pɔlzida sejku \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription черные глазки \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_257 \ELANBegin 00:11:10.840 \ELANEnd 00:11:11.960 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox te askuraxa \mb te asuku-raxa \ge reindeer excrement-COMP2 \ps n n-adjs \ger олень кал-COMP2 \ft_r как оленьи катушки \ft_e like reindeer excrement \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI te askuraxa \ft_r_during_transcription как оленьи катушки \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_258 \ELANBegin 00:11:11.960 \ELANEnd 00:11:13.690 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox te askuraxa, ɛɛ \mb te asuku-raxa ɛɛ \ge reindeer excrement-COMP2 yes \ps n n-adjs ptcl \ger олень кал-COMP2 да \ft_r как оленьи катушки, да \ft_e ike reindeer excrement, yes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS te askuraxa, ɛɛ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription как оленьи катушки \lit_trans \com_m так говорят \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_259 \ELANBegin 00:11:15.700 \ELANEnd 00:11:17.600 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɔr, tɔr, tɔr, tɔr, tɔr \mb tɔr tɔr tɔr tɔr tɔr \ge so so so so so \ps ptcl ptcl ptcl ptcl ptcl \ger так так так так так \ft_r так, так, так, так, так \ft_e so, so, so, so, so \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tɔr, tɔr, tɔr, tɔr, tɔr \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription так, так, так \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_260 \ELANBegin 00:11:23.870 \ELANEnd 00:11:26.800 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox vɔt, kasajʔ anʲ ɔnɛj bazaan dʲɔriŋaØ \mb vɔt kasa-jʔ anʲ ɔnɛj baza-ɔn dʲɔrir-Ø \ge here man-NOM.SG.1SG and Enets language-PROL.SG talk(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps ptcl n-poss-case ptcl adj n-case-num v-pers \ger вот мужчина-NOM.SG.1SG и энецкий язык-PROL.SG разговаривать-3SG.S \ft_r Вот, мой товарищ тоже на энецком языке говорит. \ft_e So, my mate also speaks Enets. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kasaj anʲ ɔnɛj bazaan dʲoriŋa \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription товарищ тоже на энецком языке говорит \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_261 \ELANBegin 00:11:26.800 \ELANEnd 00:11:27.440 \ELANParticipant unknown \info \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, ... \mb no *... \ge well *** \ps ptcl *** \ger ну *** \ft_r ну ... \ft_e well ... \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m НИ, непонятно \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_262 \ELANBegin 00:11:27.440 \ELANEnd 00:11:30.870 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox man nʲezuʔ neniza tɛneØ ɔnɛj baza \mb man i-zuʔ nɔn-za tɛne-Ø ɔnɛj baza \ge say(pfv) NEG-1SG.S.CONTR PRON.OBL.LOC-NOM.SG.3SG know(ipfv)-3SG.S Enets language \ps v v-pers pron-pers-poss-case v-pers adj n \ger сказать NEG-1SG.S.CONTR PRON.OBL.LOC-NOM.SG.3SG знать-3SG.S энецкий язык \ft_r Я говорю, он знает энецкий язык. \ft_e I say, he knows Enets. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS man nʲezoʔ nenda tɛne ɔnɛj baza \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription я говорю, он знает наш язык \lit_trans \com_m neniza is completely unclear \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_263 \ELANBegin 00:11:30.870 \ELANEnd 00:11:31.990 \ELANParticipant unknown \info \tx_lat_for_toolbox \ft_r \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m НИ, неразборчиво \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_264 \ELANBegin 00:11:32.050 \ELANEnd 00:11:35.830 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tʃiker kɔjbiØ, manʔ nʲiuʔ, nʲezʔ dʲɔrirʔ \mb tʃike-r kɔjbi-Ø man-ʔ i-uʔ i-zʔ dʲɔrir-ʔ \ge this-NOM.SG.2SG lie(ipfv)-3SG.S say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR NEG-1SG.S talk(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps pronadj-poss-case v-pers v-nfin v-pers v-pers v-nfin \ger этот-NOM.SG.2SG лгать-3SG.S сказать-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR NEG-1SG.S разговаривать-CONNEG \ft_r Он врет, говорит, не разговариваю. \ft_e He lies, he says, I don't speak. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tʃiker kɔjbi, man nʲiuʔ, nʲez dʲorirʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription он врет, говорит, не разговариваю \lit_trans \com_m непонятно \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_265 \ELANBegin 00:11:35.830 \ELANEnd 00:11:36.170 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ \mb ɛɛ \ge yes \ps ptcl \ger да \ft_r да \ft_e yes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛɛ \ft_r_during_transcription да \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_266 \ELANBegin 00:11:36.230 \ELANEnd 00:11:37.380 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kɔjbiØ, manʔ nʲizuʔ \mb kɔjbi-Ø man-ʔ i-zuʔ \ge lie(ipfv)-3SG.S say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR \ps v-pers v-nfin v-pers \ger лгать-3SG.S сказать-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR \ft_r Он врет, я говорю. \ft_e He lies, I say. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kɔjbi, manʔ nʲizoʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription врет говорю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_267 \ELANBegin 00:11:37.380 \ELANEnd 00:11:39.300 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox sɔjeeʔ teza pɔmɔnenʲʔ dʲɔriŋabitʃ \mb sɔjeeʔ teza pɔu-ɔn-nʲʔ dʲɔrir-bitʃ \ge just:now now middle-PROL.SG-OBL.SG.1DU talk(ipfv)-1DU.S/SG.OBJ.PST \ps adv adv n-case-num-poss-case v-pers \ger только:что сейчас среди-PROL.SG-OBL.SG.1DU разговаривать-1DU.S/SG.OBJ.PST \ft_r Только что мы между собой разговаривали. \ft_e We have just spoken among ourselves. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI sɔje tezaʔ pɔmninʲ dʲoriŋabitʃ \ft_r_during_transcription только что между собой разговаривали \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_268 \ELANBegin 00:11:39.300 \ELANEnd 00:11:40.400 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox sɔjzaan dʲɔriŋaØ \mb sɔjza-ɔn dʲɔrir-Ø \ge good-PROL.SG talk(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps adj-case-num v-pers \ger хороший-PROL.SG разговаривать-3SG.S \ft_r Он хорошо разговаривает. \ft_e He speaks well. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS sɔjzaan dʲoriŋa \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription хорошо разговаривает \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_269 \ELANBegin 00:11:40.470 \ELANEnd 00:11:42.670 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ, sɔjzaan dʲɔriŋaØ, sɔjzaan, ɔnse \mb ɛɛ sɔjza-ɔn dʲɔrir-Ø sɔjza-ɔn ɔnse \ge yes good-PROL.SG talk(ipfv)-3SG.S good-PROL.SG true \ps ptcl adj-case-num v-pers adj-case-num adj \ger да хороший-PROL.SG разговаривать-3SG.S хороший-PROL.SG правдивый \ft_r Да, он хорошо разговаривает, хорошо, правда. \ft_e Yes, he speaks well, well, that's true. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛɛ, sɔjzaan dʲoriŋa, ɔnse \ft_r_during_transcription хорошо разговаривает, правда \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_270 \ELANBegin 00:11:49.480 \ELANEnd 00:11:51.810 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔnse, ɔnse manaØ \mb ɔnse ɔnse man-Ø \ge true true say(pfv)-3SG.S \ps adj adj v-pers \ger правдивый правдивый сказать-3SG.S \ft_r Правду, правду он говорит. \ft_e He said true, true. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɔnse, ɔnse mana \ft_r_during_transcription правда, правда, говорит \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_271 \ELANBegin 00:11:53.950 \ELANEnd 00:11:59.090 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛke anʲ nɛ ɛdʲukur, ɛke anʲ nʲaminʲʔ dʲeɔn tosaØ \mb ɛke anʲ nɛ ɛdʲuku-r ɛke anʲ nʲami-nʲʔ dʲeɔn to-sa-Ø \ge this and woman child-NOM.SG.2SG this and tongue-OBL.SG.1DU for come(pfv)-INTER-3SG.S \ps pronadj ptcl n n-poss-case pronadj ptcl n-poss-case postp v-mood-pers \ger этот и женщина ребенок-NOM.SG.2SG этот и язык-OBL.SG.1DU ради прийти-INTER-3SG.S \ft_r А эта девочка тоже ради нашего языка приехала? \ft_e And this girl also came because of our tongue? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɛke nɛ ɛdʲdʲukur anʲ nʲaminʲ dʲeɔn tosa \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription эта девочка тоже ради моего языка пришла? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_272 \ELANBegin 00:12:00.290 \ELANEnd 00:12:01.370 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ilʲi nɛr \mb ilʲi nɛ-r \ge or woman-NOM.SG.2SG \ps ptcl n-poss-case \ger или женщина-NOM.SG.2SG \ft_r или это жена твоя? \ft_e or this is your wife? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ilʲi nɛr \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription или жена твоя? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_273 \ELANBegin 00:12:02.520 \ELANEnd 00:12:03.620 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nɛr nʲiØ ŋaʔ \mb nɛ-r i-Ø ŋa-ʔ \ge woman-NOM.SG.2SG NEG-3SG.S exist(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps n-poss-case v-pers v-nfin \ger женщина-NOM.SG.2SG NEG-3SG.S существовать-CONNEG \ft_r это не жена твоя? \ft_e this is not your wife? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nɛr nʲi ŋaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription не жена твоя \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_274 \ELANBegin 00:12:03.770 \ELANEnd 00:12:04.680 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox mɔzarada \mb mɔsara-da \ge work(ipfv)-PTC.SML \ps v-nfin \ger работать-PTC.SML \ft_r та, что работает \ft_e the one working \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI mɔzrada \ft_r_during_transcription рабочая \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_275 \ELANBegin 00:12:04.970 \ELANEnd 00:12:07.040 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nenid mɔsrada entʃeʔ \mb nɔnid mɔsara-da entʃeu \ge you(sg).LOC work(ipfv)-PTC.SML person \ps pron-pers v-nfin n \ger ты.LOC работать-PTC.SML человек \ft_r с тобой работающий человек? \ft_e a person working with you? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nenid mɔzrada entʃe \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription с тобой работающий человек? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_276 \ELANBegin 00:12:07.090 \ELANEnd 00:12:08.810 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ, ŋot mɔzaraʔ \mb ɛɛ ŋoʔ-d mɔsara-ʔ \ge yes one-DAT.SG work(ipfv)-3PL.S \ps ptcl num-case-num v-pers \ger да один-DAT.SG работать-3PL.S \ft_r Да, они вместе работают. \ft_e Yes, they work together. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛɛ, ŋod mozaraʔ \ft_r_during_transcription ага, вместе работают \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_277 \ELANBegin 00:12:08.810 \ELANEnd 00:12:11.740 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox a ɔbuuʃ anʲ, ɔbuuʃ anʲ ɔnɛj bazaan nʲiØ dʲɔrirʔ \mb a ɔbu-iʃ anʲ ɔbu-iʃ anʲ ɔnɛj baza-ɔn i-Ø dʲɔrir-ʔ \ge and what-TRANS and what-TRANS and Enets language-PROL.SG NEG-3SG.S talk(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps ptcl pronn-quasicase ptcl pronn-quasicase ptcl adj n-case-num v-pers v-nfin \ger а что-TRANS и что-TRANS и энецкий язык-PROL.SG NEG-3SG.S разговаривать-CONNEG \ft_r А почему на энецком не говорит? \ft_e And why she does not speak Enets? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔbuʃ anʲ ɔnɛj bazaan nʲi dʲorirʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription а почему на энецком не говорит? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_278 \ELANBegin 00:12:11.870 \ELANEnd 00:12:13.100 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nʲiØ kɔmaʔ \mb i-Ø kɔma-ʔ \ge NEG-3SG.S want(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps v-pers v-nfin \ger NEG-3SG.S хотеть-CONNEG \ft_r не хочет? \ft_e she does not want? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nʲi kɔmaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription не хочет? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_279 \ELANBegin 00:12:13.300 \ELANEnd 00:12:16.920 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, iblʲɛjɡ kutuj bazakuxoɔʔ kamikujzuʔ \mb no iblʲɛjɡu kutuj baza-ku-xoɔ-ʔ kamiku-e-zuʔ \ge well small some language-DIM1-FOC-PL understand(ipfv)-M-3PL.NON.SG.OBJ \ps ptcl adj pronadj n-nder-nder-case-num v-mpers-pers \ger ну маленький некоторый язык-DIM1-FOC-PL понимать-M-3PL.NON.SG.OBJ \ft_r Ну, немного некоторые слова-то они понимают. \ft_e Well, they understand a bit some words. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI iblʲɛjɡ kutuj bazakuxoɔ kamikuizuʔ \ft_r_during_transcription маленько некоторые слова-то понимают \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_280 \ELANBegin 00:12:20.770 \ELANEnd 00:12:23.960 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox sɔjeeʔ dʲɔridʲ pɛʔ nʲimʔ \mb sɔjeeʔ dʲɔrir-ʃ pɛ-ʔ i-mʔ \ge just:now talk(ipfv)-CVB start(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-3PL.S.CONTR \ps adv v-nfinv-nfin v-pers \ger только:что разговаривать-CVB начать-CONNEG NEG-3PL.S.CONTR \ft_r Они ведь только начали разговаривать. \ft_e They only have just begun speaking. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI sɔje dʲoridʲ pɛʔ nʲimʔ \ft_r_during_transcription только начали разговаривать \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_281 \ELANBegin 00:12:25.020 \ELANEnd 00:12:25.370 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox sɔɔko \mb sɔɔko \ge younger \ps n \ger младший \ft_r малыш \ft_e my dear \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS sɔɔkɔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription товарищ \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_282 \ELANBegin 00:12:25.410 \ELANEnd 00:12:26.380 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛkon mu dʲɔriŋaØ \mb ɛke-xon mo dʲɔrir-Ø \ge this-LOC.SG PLC talk(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps pronadj-case-num plc v-pers \ger этот-LOC.SG PLC разговаривать-3SG.S \ft_r Здесь этот самый разговаривает. \ft_e This one is speaking here. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛkon mu dʲoriŋa \ft_r_during_transcription здесь этот разговаривает \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_283 \ELANBegin 00:12:26.380 \ELANEnd 00:12:28.430 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kunʲ mudau modʲ, sirtadau \mb kunʲi mo-da-a modʲ siru-ta-da-a \ge how PLC-FUT-1SG.SG.OBJ 1SG salt-CAUS4-FUT-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps pronadv plc-mood-pers pron-pers n-asp-act-mood-pers \ger как PLC-FUT-1SG.SG.OBJ я соль-CAUS4-FUT-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r Как я сделаю, посолю? \ft_e How will I do, I will salt it? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kunʲ mudau modʲ, sirtadau \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription что я сделаю, посолю? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_284 \ELANBegin 00:12:28.430 \ELANEnd 00:12:30.010 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ilʲi piridaraʔ \mb ilʲi piri-da-raʔ \ge or cook(pfv)-FUT-2PL.S/SG.OBJ \ps ptcl v-mood-pers \ger или сварить-FUT-2PL.S/SG.OBJ \ft_r Или вы сварите? \ft_e Or you will boil it? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ilʲi piridaraʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription или сварите? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_285 \ELANBegin 00:12:30.670 \ELANEnd 00:12:32.280 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox piridaaʔ \mb piri-da-aʔ \ge cook(pfv)-FUT-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ps v-mood-pers \ger сварить-FUT-1PL.S/SG.OBJ \ft_r мы сварим \ft_e we will boil it \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI piridaaʔ \ft_r_during_transcription сварим \lit_trans \com_m неясно, что в точности говорит НИ, потому что одновременно реагирует Андрей \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_286 \ELANBegin 00:12:32.790 \ELANEnd 00:12:34.070 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox bujiʃ piridazuʔ \mb buj-iʃ piri-da-zuʔ \ge soup-TRANS cook(pfv)-FUT-3PL.SG.OBJ \ps n-quasicase v-mood-pers \ger суп-TRANS сварить-FUT-3PL.SG.OBJ \ft_r Они ее на суп сварят. \ft_e They will boil it as a soup. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI mu, bujiʃ piridazuʔ \ft_r_during_transcription на суп сварят \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_287 \ELANBegin 00:12:34.070 \ELANEnd 00:12:35.080 \ELANParticipant unknown \info \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, no, no, no \mb no no no no \ge well well well well \ps ptcl ptcl ptcl ptcl \ger ну ну ну ну \ft_r ну, ну \ft_e well \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_288 \ELANBegin 00:12:36.350 \ELANEnd 00:12:37.210 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kamikuɔu \mb kamiku-a \ge understand(ipfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps v-pers \ger понимать-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r я понимаю \ft_e I understand \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kamikoɔu \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription понял \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_289 \ELANBegin 00:12:38.560 \ELANEnd 00:12:40.620 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛkon teza ɡenka dʲɔriŋaØ \mb ɛke-xon teza ɡenka dʲɔrir-Ø \ge this-LOC.SG now Genka talk(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps pronadj-case-num adv n v-pers \ger этот-LOC.SG сейчас Генка разговаривать-3SG.S \ft_r Здесь сейчас Генка разговаривает. \ft_e Genka is speaking here now. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛkon teza ɡenka dʲoriŋa \ft_r_during_transcription сейчас Генка разговаривает \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_290 \ELANBegin 00:12:40.650 \ELANEnd 00:12:41.250 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox a \mb a \ge and \ps ptcl \ger а \ft_r А? \ft_e Sorry? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_291 \ELANBegin 00:12:41.270 \ELANEnd 00:12:42.610 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛke bu nɛxoneda \mb ɛke bu nɛ-xon-da \ge this s/he woman-LOC.SG-OBL.SG.3SG \ps pronadj pron-pers n-case-num-poss-case \ger этот он(а) женщина-LOC.SG-OBL.SG.3SG \ft_r Вот с его женой. \ft_e With his wife. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛke bu nɛxoneda \ft_r_during_transcription с его женщинлй \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_292 \ELANBegin 00:12:42.610 \ELANEnd 00:12:44.800 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox a, ivanɔv ɡenka ɛkon ŋaØ \mb a ivanɔv ɡenka ɛke-xon ŋa-Ø \ge and Ivanov Genka this-LOC.SG exist(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps ptcl n n pronadj-case-num v-pers \ger а Иванов Генка этот-LOC.SG существовать-3SG.S \ft_r А, Иванов Генка здесь? \ft_e Well, Genka Ivanov is here? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ivanɔv ɡenka ɛkon ŋa \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription Иванов Генка здесь? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_293 \ELANBegin 00:12:44.800 \ELANEnd 00:12:45.140 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox a \mb a \ge and \ps ptcl \ger а \ft_r А? \ft_e Sorry? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI aʔ \ft_r_during_transcription а? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_294 \ELANBegin 00:12:45.250 \ELANEnd 00:12:45.900 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛkon ŋaØ \mb ɛke-xon ŋa-Ø \ge this-LOC.SG exist(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps pronadj-case-num v-pers \ger этот-LOC.SG существовать-3SG.S \ft_r Он здесь? \ft_e He is here? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɛkon ŋa \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription здесь? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_295 \ELANBegin 00:12:46.000 \ELANEnd 00:12:46.840 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛkon ŋaØ, axa \mb ɛke-xon ŋa-Ø aa \ge this-LOC.SG exist(ipfv)-3SG.S yeah \ps pronadj-case-num v-pers ptcl \ger этот-LOC.SG существовать-3SG.S ага \ft_r Здесь он, ага. \ft_e He is here, yeah. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛkon ŋa, axa \ft_r_during_transcription здесь он, ага \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_296 \ELANBegin 00:12:46.840 \ELANEnd 00:12:47.510 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox dʲɔriŋaØ \mb dʲɔrir-Ø \ge talk(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps v-pers \ger разговаривать-3SG.S \ft_r разговаривает? \ft_e he is speaking? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS dʲoriŋa \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription разговаривает? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_297 \ELANBegin 00:12:47.510 \ELANEnd 00:12:48.130 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox dʲɔriŋaØ \mb dʲɔrir-Ø \ge talk(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps v-pers \ger разговаривать-3SG.S \ft_r разговаривает \ft_e he is speaking \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI dʲoriŋa \ft_r_during_transcription разговаривает \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_298 \ELANBegin 00:12:48.130 \ELANEnd 00:12:49.090 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔnɛj bazaan dʲɔriŋaØ \mb ɔnɛj baza-ɔn dʲɔrir-Ø \ge Enets language-PROL.SG talk(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps adj n-case-num v-pers \ger энецкий язык-PROL.SG разговаривать-3SG.S \ft_r по-энецки разговаривает? \ft_e he is speaking Enets? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔnɛj bazaan dʲoriŋa \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛɛ \ft_r_during_transcription на национальском разговаривает? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_299 \ELANBegin 00:12:49.090 \ELANEnd 00:12:49.540 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ \mb ɛɛ \ge yes \ps ptcl \ger да \ft_r да \ft_e yes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_300 \ELANBegin 00:12:49.570 \ELANEnd 00:12:50.460 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ, kamikuɔu \mb ɛɛ kamiku-a \ge yes understand(ipfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps ptcl v-pers \ger да понимать-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r да, понимаю \ft_e yes, I understand \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɛɛ, kamikoɔu \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription да, понимаю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_301 \ELANBegin 00:12:50.460 \ELANEnd 00:12:51.290 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox axa, axa \mb aa aa \ge yeah yeah \ps ptcl ptcl \ger ага ага \ft_r ага, ага \ft_e yes, yes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_302 \ELANBegin 00:12:54.220 \ELANEnd 00:12:56.880 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox bu nɛza, nɛxoneda dʲɔriŋaØ \mb bu nɛ-za nɛ-xon-da dʲɔrir-Ø \ge s/he woman-NOM.SG.3SG woman-LOC.SG-OBL.SG.3SG talk(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps pron-pers n-poss-case n-case-num-poss-case v-pers \ger он(а) женщина-NOM.SG.3SG женщина-LOC.SG-OBL.SG.3SG разговаривать-3SG.S \ft_r Его жена, он с его женой разговаривает. \ft_e His wife, he is speaking with his wife. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI bu nɛza..., nɛxoneda dʲoriŋa \ft_r_during_transcription его жена... с его женой разговаривает \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_303 \ELANBegin 00:12:56.880 \ELANEnd 00:12:57.640 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nɛxonda dʲɔriŋaØ \mb nɛ-xon-da dʲɔrir-Ø \ge woman-LOC.SG-OBL.SG.3SG talk(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps n-case-num-poss-case v-pers \ger женщина-LOC.SG-OBL.SG.3SG разговаривать-3SG.S \ft_r С его женой разговаривает? \ft_e He is speaking with his wife? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS nɛxonda dʲoriŋa \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɛe \ft_r_during_transcription с его женой разговаривает? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_304 \ELANBegin 00:12:57.640 \ELANEnd 00:12:58.510 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛɛ \mb ɛɛ \ge yes \ps ptcl \ger да \ft_r да \ft_e yes \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_305 \ELANBegin 00:13:01.190 \ELANEnd 00:13:02.340 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kamizau \mb kamiza-a \ge understand(pfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ \ps v-pers \ger понять-1SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r я понял \ft_e I've understood \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kamizau \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription понял \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_306 \ELANBegin 00:13:06.990 \ELANEnd 00:13:09.190 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox sɔɔko, tʃetaʔ tonʲid \mb sɔɔko tʃetaʔ to-nʲi-d \ge younger tomorrow come(pfv)-SBJV-2SG.S \ps n adv v-mood-pers \ger младший завтра прийти-SBJV-2SG.S \ft_r Малыш, завтра придешь. \ft_e My dear, let you come tomorrow. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS sɔɔkɔ, tʃeta tonʲid \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription товарищ, завтра придешь \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_307 \ELANBegin 00:13:10.090 \ELANEnd 00:13:15.410 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, iblʲɛjɡuɔn, manʔ nʲezuʔ, pɛuʃumanukunoju tonʲid \mb no iblʲɛjɡu-ɔn man-ʔ i-zuʔ pɛuʃuma-nuku-no-ju to-nʲi-d \ge well small-PROL.SG say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR evening-DIR-ADV-RESTR.ADJ come(pfv)-SBJV-2SG.S \ps ptcl adj-case-num v-nfin v-pers n-advs-advs-nder v-mood-pers \ger ну маленький-PROL.SG сказать-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR вечер-DIR-ADV-RESTR.ADJ прийти-SBJV-2SG.S \ft_r Но немного, говорю, вечерком придешь. \ft_e But a bit, I say, let you come in the evening. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS iblʲɛjɡɔɔn, manʔ nʲezoʔ, pɛuʃumnukunoju tonʲid \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription вечерком, говорю, придешь \lit_trans \com_m The structure of pɛuʃumnokunoju is not sure. \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_308 \ELANBegin 00:13:15.410 \ELANEnd 00:13:16.800 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox pɛuʃumnokuju \mb *pɛuʃumno-ku-ju \ge ***-DIM1-RESTR.ADJ \ps ***-nder-nder \ger ***-DIM1-RESTR.ADJ \ft_r вечерком \ft_e in the evening \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS pɛuʃumnukunoju \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription вечерком \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_309 \ELANBegin 00:13:17.420 \ELANEnd 00:13:19.170 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kiuze ɛbaxaz iz toʔ \mb kiuze ɛba-xoz i-z to-ʔ \ge morninɡ head-ABL.SG NEG-2SG.IMP come(pfv)-CONNEG \ps n n-case-num v-pers v-nfin \ger утро голова-ABL.SG NEG-2SG.IMP прийти-CONNEG \ft_r С утра не приходи! \ft_e Don't come in the morning! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS kiuze ɛbaxaz iz toʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription с утра не приходи \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_310 \ELANBegin 00:13:19.260 \ELANEnd 00:13:21.040 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲ poɡa ʃedadazʔ, modʲ \mb modʲ poɡa ʃeda-da-zʔ modʲ \ge 1SG fishing:net make(pfv)-FUT-1SG.S I \ps pron-pers n v-mood-pers pron-pers \ger я сеть сделать-FUT-1SG.S я \ft_r Я сеть буду делать, я \ft_e I will make the net, I \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS modʲ poɡa ʃeddazʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription я сеть буду делать \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_311 \ELANBegin 00:13:21.640 \ELANEnd 00:13:23.970 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲ mɔsaʔajʔ, man nʲezuʔ, neeØ \mb modʲ mɔsaʔa-jʔ man i-zuʔ ne-Ø \ge 1SG work-NOM.SG.1SG say(pfv) NEG-1SG.S.CONTR stand(ipfv)-3SG.S \ps pron-pers n-poss-case v v-pers v-pers \ger я работа-NOM.SG.1SG сказать NEG-1SG.S.CONTR стоять-3SG.S \ft_r Моя работа, говорю, стоит. \ft_e My work, I say, has stopped. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS modʲ mɔzaj, man nʲezoʔ, nee \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription моя работа, говорю, стоит \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_312 \ELANBegin 00:13:24.270 \ELANEnd 00:13:24.860 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbuuʃ ... \mb ɔbu-iʃ *... \ge what-TRANS *** \ps pronn-quasicase *** \ger что-TRANS *** \ft_r почему ... \ft_e why ... \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔbuʃ... \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription почему... \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_313 \ELANBegin 00:13:25.010 \ELANEnd 00:13:26.720 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɔna anʲ ɔbuxon poɡudazʔ \mb tɔna anʲ ɔbu-xon poɡa-r-da-zʔ \ge still and what-LOC.SG fishing:net-MULT-FUT-1SG.S \ps adv ptcl pronn-case-num n-asp-act-mood-pers \ger еще и что-LOC.SG сеть-MULT-FUT-1SG.S \ft_r А потом с чем буду рыбачить? \ft_e And with what will I fish then? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS tɔna anʲ ɔbuxon poɡudazʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription а потом чем буду рыбачить? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_314 \ELANBegin 00:13:28.020 \ELANEnd 00:13:29.570 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox poɡudʲ anʲ taraʔ nʲiuʔ \mb poɡa-r-ʃ anʲ tara-ʔ i-uʔ \ge fishing:net-MULT-CVB and necessary(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ps n-asp-act-nfin ptcl v-nfin v-pers \ger сеть-MULT-CVB и надо-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR \ft_r Рыбачить тоже ведь надо. \ft_e It is necessary to fish, after all. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS poɡudʲ anʲ tara nʲiuʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription рыбачить тоже надо \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_315 \ELANBegin 00:13:29.570 \ELANEnd 00:13:31.240 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox taraʔ nʲiuʔ, no \mb tara-ʔ i-uʔ no \ge necessary(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR well \ps v-nfin v-pers ptcl \ger надо-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR ну \ft_r Надо ведь, ну. \ft_e It is necessary, well. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI tara nʲiu, nɔ \ft_r_during_transcription надо ведь \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_316 \ELANBegin 00:13:32.350 \ELANEnd 00:13:34.560 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox manʔ nʲiuʔ, pɛuʃumanukun tonʲid tʃetaʔ \mb man-ʔ i-uʔ pɛuʃuma-nuku-xon to-nʲi-d tʃetaʔ \ge say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR evening-DIR-LOC.SG come(pfv)-SBJV-2SG.S tomorrow \ps v-nfin v-pers n-advs-case-num v-mood-pers adv \ger сказать-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR вечер-DIR-LOC.SG прийти-SBJV-2SG.S завтра \ft_r Он сказал, вечерком придешь завтра. \ft_e He said, let you come tomorrow in the evening. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI pɛuʃumnukon tonʲid tʃeta \ft_r_during_transcription вечерком придешь завтра \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_317 \ELANBegin 00:13:38.600 \ELANEnd 00:13:42.380 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, mɔtuʔ tʃasxon ilʲi sɛu tʃasxon tonʲid \mb no mɔtuʔ tʃas-xon ilʲi sɛu tʃas-xon to-nʲi-d \ge well six hour-LOC.SG or seven hour-LOC.SG come(pfv)-SBJV-2SG.S \ps ptcl num n-case-num ptcl num n-case-num v-mood-pers \ger ну шесть час-LOC.SG или семь час-LOC.SG прийти-SBJV-2SG.S \ft_r Ну, в шесть часов или в семь часов придешь. \ft_e Well, let you come at six o'clock or at seven o'clock. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS mɔtu tʃasxon ilʲi sɛu tʃasxon tonʲid \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI mɔtu tʃasxon , sɛu tʃasxon \ft_r_during_transcription в шесть часов или в семь часов придешь \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_318 \ELANBegin 00:13:42.380 \ELANEnd 00:13:43.450 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox mɔtuʔ tʃasxon, sɛu tʃasxon \mb mɔtuʔ tʃas-xon sɛu tʃas-xon \ge six hour-LOC.SG seven hour-LOC.SG \ps num n-case-num num n-case-num \ger шесть час-LOC.SG семь час-LOC.SG \ft_r в шесть часов, в семь часов \ft_e at six o'clock, at seven o'clock \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_319 \ELANBegin 00:13:47.690 \ELANEnd 00:13:49.270 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɛneza, tɛneza \mb tɛne-za tɛne-za \ge know(ipfv)-3SG.SG.OBJ know(ipfv)-3SG.SG.OBJ \ps v-pers v-pers \ger знать-3SG.SG.OBJ знать-3SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r Он знает, знает. \ft_e He knows, knows. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI tɛniza, tɛniza \ft_r_during_transcription знает, знает \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_320 \ELANBegin 00:14:04.100 \ELANEnd 00:14:06.660 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox vɔt tʃi, bujiʃ piridar \mb vɔt tʃi buj-iʃ piri-da-r \ge here here soup-TRANS cook(pfv)-FUT-2SG.SG.OBJ \ps ptcl ptcl n-quasicase v-mood-pers \ger вот вот суп-TRANS сварить-FUT-2SG.SG.OBJ \ft_r Ну вот, на суп сваришь. \ft_e Well, you will boil it as a soup. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI bujiʃ piridar \ft_r_during_transcription на суп сваришь \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_321 \ELANBegin 00:14:06.660 \ELANEnd 00:14:08.540 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox sɔɔko, kastrulʲkar dʲaɡoØ \mb sɔɔko kastrulʲka-r dʲaɡo-Ø \ge younger pannikin-NOM.SG.2SG there:is:no-3SG.S \ps n n-poss-case v-pers \ger младший кастрюлька-NOM.SG.2SG не:иметься-3SG.S \ft_r Малыш, у тебя кастрюльки нет? \ft_e My dear, don't you have a pannikin? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS sɔɔkɔ, kastrulʲkar dʲaɡu \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription товарищ, у тебя кастрюльки нет? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_322 \ELANBegin 00:14:08.900 \ELANEnd 00:14:11.100 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbuxoɔ bunkiʔ ɔmaduʔ \mb ɔbu-xoɔ buniki-ʔ ɔ-duʔ \ge what-FOC dog-PL eat(pfv)-3PL.SG.OBJ.IMP \ps pronn-nder n-case-num v-pers \ger что-FOC собака-PL съесть-3PL.SG.OBJ.IMP \ft_r Это пусть какие-нибудь собаки съедят. \ft_e Let some dogs eat this. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔbuxoɔ bunkiʔ ɔmaduʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription какие-нибудь собаки съедят \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_323 \ELANBegin 00:14:11.380 \ELANEnd 00:14:12.430 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, no \mb no no \ge well well \ps ptcl ptcl \ger ну ну \ft_r ну \ft_e well \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_324 \ELANBegin 00:14:23.070 \ELANEnd 00:14:24.760 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲxoɔ ɛkazazʔ, kɔlʲa \mb modʲ-xoɔ ɛkazu-zʔ kɔlʲa \ge I-FOC get:tired(pfv)-1SG.S Kolja \ps pron-pers-nder v-pers n \ger я-FOC устать-1SG.S Коля \ft_r Я-то устал, Коля. \ft_e As for me, I got tired, Kolja. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS modʲxoɔ ɛkazaz, kɔlʲa \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription я-то устал, Коля \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_325 \ELANBegin 00:14:24.790 \ELANEnd 00:14:26.380 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔnɛj bazaan ned manʔ nʲezuʔ \mb ɔnɛj baza-ɔn nɔd man-ʔ i-zuʔ \ge Enets language-PROL.SG you(sg).DAT say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR \ps adj n-case-num pron-pers v-nfin v-pers \ger энецкий язык-PROL.SG ты.DAT сказать-CONNEG NEG-1SG.S.CONTR \ft_r На энецком языке тебе говорю. \ft_e I say to you in Enets. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔnɛj bazan ned manʔ nʲizoʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription на энецком языке тебе говорю \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_326 \ELANBegin 00:14:26.420 \ELANEnd 00:14:27.260 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛkazazʔ \mb ɛkazu-zʔ \ge get:tired(pfv)-1SG.S \ps v-pers \ger устать-1SG.S \ft_r Я устал. \ft_e I got tired. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɛkazazʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription устал \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_327 \ELANBegin 00:14:28.950 \ELANEnd 00:14:31.180 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox peri dʲɔriŋazʔ ɔnɛj bazaan nenduʔ \mb peri dʲɔrir-zʔ ɔnɛj baza-ɔn nɔnduʔ \ge always talk(ipfv)-1SG.S Enets language-PROL.SG they.LOC \ps adv v-pers adj n-case-num pron-pers \ger всегда разговаривать-1SG.S энецкий язык-PROL.SG они.LOC \ft_r Я всегда разговариваю с ними по-энецки. \ft_e I always speak Enets to them. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS peri dʲoriŋazʔ ɔnɛj bazaan nenduʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription все время разговариваю на своем языке с ними \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_328 \ELANBegin 00:14:31.180 \ELANEnd 00:14:32.410 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, kɔnʲeʃnɔ \mb no kɔnʲeʃnɔ \ge well of:course \ps ptcl ptcl \ger ну конечно \ft_r Ну, конечно. \ft_e Yes, of course. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_329 \ELANBegin 00:14:33.030 \ELANEnd 00:14:34.630 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox nɔ tɔɡan kunʲ \mb nɔ tɔɡan kunʲi \ge but surely how \ps ptcl ptcl pronadv \ger но а:то как \ft_r Ну, как еще? \ft_e Well, why else? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI nɔ tɔkaz kunʲ \ft_r_during_transcription но больше как? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_330 \ELANBegin 00:14:40.500 \ELANEnd 00:14:42.030 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox teza ɔre baziinta \mb teza ɔron baza-in-ta \ge now before language-PROL.PL-OBL.PL.3SG \ps adv postp n-case-num-poss-case \ger сейчас перед язык-PROL.PL-OBL.PL.3SG \ft_r сейчас прежними его словами \ft_e now with his earlier words \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI teza ɔre bazaanda \ft_r_during_transcription сейчас давешними словами \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_331 \ELANBegin 00:14:42.130 \ELANEnd 00:14:45.250 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲnaʔ ɛtʃujnaʔ ɔbu ɔnɛj bazaan \mb modʲinaʔ ɛtʃe-naʔ ɔbu ɔnɛj baza-ɔn \ge we child-PL.1PL what Enets language-PROL.SG \ps pron-pers n-poss-case pronn adj n-case-num \ger мы ребенок-PL.1PL что энецкий язык-PROL.SG \ft_r Наши дети что на энецком языке \ft_e What do our children in Enets \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI modʲnaʔ ɛtʃujnaʔ ɔbu ɔnɛj bazaanda \ft_r_during_transcription наши дети кого на своем языке \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_332 \ELANBegin 00:14:45.250 \ELANEnd 00:14:47.420 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbu, ɛɛd dʲɔb, kamikuɔʔ \mb ɔbu ɛɛ-d dʲɔbo kamiku-ʔ \ge what mother-OBL.SG.2SG vagina understand(ipfv)-3PL.S \ps pronn n-poss-case n v-pers \ger что мать-OBL.SG.2SG вагина понимать-3PL.S \ft_r Что они, елки-палки, понимают? \ft_e What do they, fuck off, understand? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔbu, ɛd dʲɔb, kamʲikoɔʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription что они, ё..., понимают? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_333 \ELANBegin 00:14:47.420 \ELANEnd 00:14:48.530 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbuxuru nʲiʔ kamikuʔ \mb ɔbu-xuru i-ʔ kamiku-ʔ \ge what-EVEN NEG-3PL.S understand(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps pronn-nder v-pers v-nfin \ger что-EVEN NEG-3PL.S понимать-CONNEG \ft_r Они ничего не понимают. \ft_e They understand nothing. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔbuxuru nʲi kamikoʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription ничего не понимают \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_334 \ELANBegin 00:14:48.530 \ELANEnd 00:14:49.760 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbuxuru nʲiʔ kamikuʔ \mb ɔbu-xuru i-ʔ kamiku-ʔ \ge what-EVEN NEG-3PL.S understand(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps pronn-nder v-pers v-nfin \ger что-EVEN NEG-3PL.S понимать-CONNEG \ft_r Они ничего не понимают. \ft_e They understand nothing. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI ɔbuxuru nʲi kamikoʔ \ft_r_during_transcription ничего не понимают \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_335 \ELANBegin 00:14:49.940 \ELANEnd 00:14:51.690 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox peri rosa bazaan dʲɔriŋaʔ \mb peri rosa baza-ɔn dʲɔrir-ʔ \ge always Russian language-PROL.SG talk(ipfv)-3PL.S \ps adv n n-case-num v-pers \ger всегда русский язык-PROL.SG разговаривать-3PL.S \ft_r Они всегда на русском языке говорят. \ft_e They always speak Russian. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS peri rosa bazaan dʲoriŋaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription все время на русском языке говорят \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_336 \ELANBegin 00:14:51.690 \ELANEnd 00:14:53.720 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no, pubajru ŋolʲu kamikuɔʔ \mb no pubaj-ru ŋoʔ-ru kamiku-ʔ \ge well bottle-RESTR one-RESTR understand(ipfv)-3PL.S \ps ptcl n-nder num-nder v-pers \ger ну бутылка-RESTR один-RESTR понимать-3PL.S \ft_r Ну, они только слово "бутылка" понимают. \ft_e Well, they understand only the word 'bottle'. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI pubajru ŋolʲu kamikoɔʔ \ft_r_during_transcription "пубай" только понимают \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_337 \ELANBegin 00:14:53.780 \ELANEnd 00:14:55.550 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox pubajxoɔ tɛneʔ \mb pubaj-xoɔ tɛne-ʔ \ge bottle-FOC know(ipfv)-3PL.S \ps n-nder v-pers \ger бутылка-FOC знать-3PL.S \ft_r Слово "бутылка"-то они знают. \ft_e They know the word "bottle". \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS pubajxoɔ tɛniʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription бутылки знают \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_338 \ELANBegin 00:14:55.590 \ELANEnd 00:14:57.040 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɛneʔ, no \mb tɛne-ʔ no \ge know(ipfv)-3PL.S well \ps v-pers ptcl \ger знать-3PL.S ну \ft_r Ну, они знают. \ft_e They know, well. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI tɛniʔ \ft_r_during_transcription знают \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_339 \ELANBegin 00:14:57.040 \ELANEnd 00:14:58.560 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox saɡoduʔ ɛbaz \mb saɡo-duʔ ɛba-z \ge penis-OBL.SG.3PL head-NOM.PL.2SG \ps n-poss-case n-poss-case \ger пенис-OBL.SG.3PL голова-NOM.PL.2SG \ft_r черт их дери \ft_e fuck them off \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS saɡoduʔ ɛbaz \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription (во мн. ч.) \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_340 \ELANBegin 00:14:58.560 \ELANEnd 00:14:59.290 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox no \mb no \ge well \ps ptcl \ger ну \ft_r ну \ft_e well \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_341 \ELANBegin 00:14:59.750 \ELANEnd 00:15:04.360 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox modʲnaʔ muinaʔ ɛke prɔdavʃitsinaʔ i tɔ pubaj tɛnezuʔ \mb modʲinaʔ mo-naʔ ɛke prɔdavʃitsa-naʔ i tɔ pubaj tɛne-zuʔ \ge we PLC-PL.1PL this saleswoman-PL.1PL and that bottle know(ipfv)-3PL.SG.OBJ \ps pron-pers plc-poss-case pronadj n-poss-case ptcl ptcl n v-pers \ger мы PLC-PL.1PL этот продавщица-PL.1PL и тот бутылка знать-3PL.SG.OBJ \ft_r Наши эти самые, наши продавщицы и то знают слово "бутылка". \ft_e Even our, well, saleswomen, know the word "bottle". \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI modʲna prɔdavʃicinaʔ i tɔ pubaj tɛnizuʔ \ft_r_during_transcription наши продавщицы и то знают "пубай" \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_342 \ELANBegin 00:15:06.110 \ELANEnd 00:15:09.400 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox pubaj keunin ɔbuxuru ɔnɛj baza dʲɔxaraʔ \mb pubaj keunin ɔbu-xuru ɔnɛj baza dʲɔxara-ʔ \ge bottle except what-EVEN Enets language not:know(ipfv)-3PL.S \ps n postp pronn-nder adj n v-pers \ger бутылка кроме что-EVEN энецкий язык не:знать-3PL.S \ft_r Кроме слова "бутылка" они никакого энецкого слова не знают. \ft_e They know no Enets word except for "bottle". \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI pubaj kexurun ɔbuxuru ɔnɛj baza dʲɔxɔraʔ \ft_r_during_transcription кроме бутылки никакого энецкого слова не знают \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_343 \ELANBegin 00:15:09.420 \ELANEnd 00:15:11.310 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbuxuru dʲɔxaraʔ \mb ɔbu-xuru dʲɔxara-ʔ \ge what-EVEN not:know(ipfv)-3PL.S \ps pronn-nder v-pers \ger что-EVEN не:знать-3PL.S \ft_r Они ничего не знают. \ft_e They don't know anything. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔbuxuru dʲɔxɔraʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription ничего не знают \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS_NI100713_RYB1_344 \ELANBegin 00:15:28.660 \ELANEnd 00:15:30.470 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin, Nikolaj Ivanovich Silkin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbu tʃike, mu nʲiuʔ ŋaʔ \mb ɔbu tʃike mo i-uʔ ŋa-ʔ \ge what this PLC NEG-3SG.S.CONTR exist(ipfv)-CONNEG \ps pronn pronadj plc v-pers v-nfin \ger что этот PLC NEG-3SG.S.CONTR существовать-CONNEG \ft_r Это что, это же еда. \ft_e What's this, this is fodd, after all. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription_AS ɔbu tʃike, mu nʲiu ŋaʔ \tx_lat_during_transcription_NI \ft_r_during_transcription это что, это же это/еда \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ELANMediaURL file:///C:/ENETS/Audio_texts/Baj/Analyzed/Sound/Elan/as_ni100713_Razgovory_RazdelkaRyby_1.WAV \ELANMediaMIME audio/x-wav