\_sh v3.0 400 Text \ref AS100703_VNU_001 \ELANBegin 00:00:00.010 \ELANEnd 00:00:01.250 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \speaker Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin-Александр Спиридонович Болин \recorder Andrey Shluinsky-Андрей Шлуинский \translator Ivan Ivanovich Silkin-Иван Иванович Силкин \annotator_preliminary Natalya Stoynova-Наталья Стойнова \annotator_toolbox Andrey Shluinsky-Андрей Шлуинский \tx_lat_for_toolbox ... dʲɔxaraxiʔ \mb *... dʲɔxara-xiʔ \ge *** not:know(ipfv)-3DU.S \ps *** v-pers \ger *** не:знать-3DU.S \ft_r ... они не знают. \ft_e ... they don't know. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription dʲoɡoraxiʔ \ft_r_during_transcription не знают \lit_trans \com_m unclear in the beginning-неразборчиво в начале \add_ling \ref AS100703_VNU_002 \ELANBegin 00:00:01.330 \ELANEnd 00:00:02.520 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔnɛj baza dʲɔxaraxiʔ \mb ɔnɛj baza dʲɔxara-xiʔ \ge Enets language not:know(ipfv)-3DU.S \ps adj n v-pers \ger энецкий язык не:знать-3DU.S \ft_r Они не знают энецкий язык. \ft_e They don't know Enets. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription onej baza dʲoɡoraxiz \ft_r_during_transcription по-энецки не говорят \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS100703_VNU_003 \ELANBegin 00:00:03.010 \ELANEnd 00:00:04.710 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kasaxunʲʔ \mb kasa-xiʔ-nʲʔ \ge man-DU-PL.1SG \ps n-case-num-poss-case \ger мужчина-DU-PL.1SG \ft_r мои товарищи \ft_e my mates \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription kasaxunʲ \ft_r_during_transcription мои товарищи \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS100703_VNU_004 \ELANBegin 00:00:04.970 \ELANEnd 00:00:06.300 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɛke anʲ ʃee \mb ɛke anʲ ʃee \ge this and who \ps pronadj ptcl pronn \ger этот и кто \ft_r А это кто? \ft_e And who is this? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription eki anʲ ʃʲee \ft_r_during_transcription а это кто? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS100703_VNU_005 \ELANBegin 00:00:06.550 \ELANEnd 00:00:07.890 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɔju \mb tɔ-ju \ge that-RESTR.ADJ \ps ptcl-nder \ger тот-RESTR.ADJ \ft_r вон \ft_e there \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription toju \ft_r_during_transcription вон \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS100703_VNU_006 \ELANBegin 00:00:08.040 \ELANEnd 00:00:09.970 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox daʃka \mb daʃka \ge Dashka \ps n \ger Дашка \ft_r Дашка \ft_e Dashka \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription daʃka \ft_r_during_transcription дашка \lit_trans \com_m the speaker's granddaughter's sound at the background-звуки внучки говорящего фоном \add_ling \ref AS100703_VNU_007 \ELANBegin 00:00:10.110 \ELANEnd 00:00:11.520 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔbuuʃ tɔr ŋad \mb ɔbu-iʃ tɔr ŋa-d \ge what-TRANS so exist(ipfv)-2SG.S \ps pronn-quasicase ptcl v-pers \ger что-TRANS так существовать-2SG.S \ft_r Почему так себя ведешь? \ft_e Why do you behave so? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription obuʃ tor nad \ft_r_during_transcription почему так себя ведешь? \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS100703_VNU_008 \ELANBegin 00:00:11.580 \ELANEnd 00:00:13.600 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kebi, kebi iz manʔ \mb kebi kebi i-z man-ʔ \ge sin sin NEG-2SG.IMP say(pfv)-CONNEG \ps n n v-pers v-nfin \ger грех грех NEG-2SG.IMP сказать-CONNEG \ft_r Грех, грех, не говори (так). \ft_e It's a sin, it's a sin, don't say (so). \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription kebi, kebi iz man \ft_r_during_transcription грехб грех так не говори \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS100703_VNU_009 \ELANBegin 00:00:13.800 \ELANEnd 00:00:16.430 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox tɔr, tɔr iz muʔ sɔɔko \mb tɔr tɔr i-z mo-ʔ sɔɔko \ge so so NEG-2SG.IMP PLC-CONNEG younger \ps ptcl ptcl v-pers plc-nfin n \ger так так NEG-2SG.IMP PLC-CONNEG младший \ft_r Так, так не делай, маленькая. \ft_e So, don't do so, my little. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription tak tor iz muʔ sɔku \ft_r_during_transcription так не бери маленькая \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS100703_VNU_010 \ELANBegin 00:00:17.340 \ELANEnd 00:00:19.200 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox iz muʔ \mb i-z mo-ʔ \ge NEG-2SG.IMP PLC-CONNEG \ps v-pers plc-nfin \ger NEG-2SG.IMP PLC-CONNEG \ft_r не делай \ft_e don't do \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription iz muʔ \ft_r_during_transcription не бери \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS100703_VNU_011 \ELANBegin 00:00:20.420 \ELANEnd 00:00:22.430 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox entʃeʔ adʲiØ, ɔbuuʃ tɔrsed \mb entʃeu adʲi-Ø ɔbu-iʃ tɔrse-d \ge person sit(ipfv)-3SG.S what-TRANS such-OBL.SG.2SG \ps n v-pers pronn-quasicase pronadj-poss-case \ger человек сидеть-3SG.S что-TRANS такой-OBL.SG.2SG \ft_r Тут человек сидит, почему ты такая? \ft_e A person is sitting here, why are you so? \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription entʃe adʲi obuʃ torsed \ft_r_during_transcription человек сидит почему такая \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS100703_VNU_012 \ELANBegin 00:00:23.160 \ELANEnd 00:00:25.530 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox sɔɔko, daʃka \mb sɔɔko daʃka \ge younger Dashka \ps n n \ger младший Дашка \ft_r маленькая, Дашка \ft_e my little, Dashka \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription sɔku daʃka \ft_r_during_transcription маленькая, дашка \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS100703_VNU_013 \ELANBegin 00:00:26.120 \ELANEnd 00:00:28.710 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox iz muɡoʔ nad ʃe me \mb i-z mo-ɡo-ʔ nau-d ʃe me \ge NEG-2SG.IMP PLC-DUR-CONNEG mouth-OBL.SG.2SG hole inner:part \ps v-pers plc-asp-act-nfin n-poss-case n loc \ger NEG-2SG.IMP PLC-DUR-CONNEG рот-OBL.SG.2SG дыра внутренняя:часть \ft_r Не трогай рот! \ft_e Don't touch your mouth! \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription iz moɡuʔ natʃied ... \ft_r_during_transcription не трогая рот \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ref AS100703_VNU_014 \ELANBegin 00:00:29.010 \ELANEnd 00:00:30.570 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Aleksandr Spiridonovich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox kebi tɔrxoɔ \mb kebi tɔr-xoɔ \ge sin so-FOC \ps n ptcl-nder \ger грех так-FOC \ft_r Грех это. \ft_e It's a sin. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription kebi torxoʔ \ft_r_during_transcription грех это \lit_trans \com_m \add_ling \ELANMediaURL file:///C:/ENETS/Audio_texts/Baj/Analyzed/Sound/Elan/as100703_SVnuchkoj.WAV \ELANMediaMIME audio/x-wav