
Suffixes in Udihe

This list of suffixes found in the Udihe transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: ili. 53 total hits in 14 transcripts.
The flower wife (4)
diane-ili, mafala-ili.
say-PST.3SG marry-PST.3SG
сказать-ПРОШ.3ЕД жениться-ПРОШ.3ЕД
She said that and married him.
Сказала и вышла за него замуж.
A tame roe cub named Wasya (3)
{armjan} slavka wa-ili uta, {konec}.
{Armenian} PN kill-3SG that {the end}
{Armenian} С:ИМЯ убить-3ЕД тот {the конец}
The Armenian Slavka killed it and that's the end.
Армянин Славка убил её, и конец.
The fox with ten tails (7)
uta ña ŋene:-ili.
then again go-PST.3SG
тогда снова идти-ПРОШ.3ЕД
He went to the old man again.
И опять к старику пошел.
The fairy and the ten bald spirits (7)
käfam zawa-ili.
firmly.IDEO take-3SG
firmly.IDEO взять-3ЕД
They caught her so that she couldn't even move.
Схватили (ее) так, что она и пошевелиться не могла.
Sisam Zauli and the hero (10)
ei ña xai ketige bude:-ili
EV again too nearly die-3SG
EV снова тоже nearly умереть-3ЕД
You almost died again.»
Опять чуть не умер.»
The oriole grandson (4)
{poslednij} omölo {uzhe} nodo-kte-ili.
{last} grandson {already} lose-DEC-PST.3SG
{последний} grandson {уже} потерять-DEC-ПРОШ.3ЕД
My last grandson got lost.»
Последний внук потерялся.»
Zabdala, an extraordinary snake (5)
uta aŋi mafa-ni legde zawa-ili.
that INDEF husband-3SG in:a.jerk grab-3SG
тот INDEF муж-3ЕД in:a.jerk схватить-3ЕД
But her husband grabbed her tightly.
Но тут ее муж крепко схватил.
The moose and the frog (1)
tukä-m, tukä-m, sokcomi bude-ili.
run-INF run-INF run-INF antlers.sticking.out die-3SG
бежать-INF бежать-INF бежать-INF antlers.sticking.из умереть-3ЕД
He was running, running having spread his antlers and so he died.
Бежал, бежал, рога развесив, да так и умер.
Yegdige in a silk gown (4)
e:i aŋi [seu] aŋi boxo-mo merge bude-ili, nagde-ili, uli xegi-xi tiŋme-gi-ek=de, kiŋtene-zi tiŋme:-ni xaisi.
EV INDEF hunchback-ADJ hero die-3SG hit-3SG river down-LAT fall-REP-PST-EXP=FOC loud:noise-INST fall.PST-3SG also
EV INDEF hunchback-ПРИЛ hero умереть-3ЕД hit-3ЕД river down-LAT fall-REP-ПРОШ-EXP=ФОК loud:noise-INST fall.ПРОШ-3ЕД тоже
The Humpback died then because Silky Hero hit him. He fell into the river with a rumbling.
Попал Шелковый егдигэ - и умер горбатый, в реку упал с грохотом.
In this tale the defeated humpbacked falls with a metallic noise (kiŋtenezi). This is a typical attribute of Seleme kuai ‘Iron bird’ (that is, a dragon), an evil spirit, whose metallic feathering produces such a clatter.
An old woman and her tiger cub (4)
uta ñä ŋene:-ni, go:=de ei-mi bie ŋene:-ili ñä.
that again go.PST-3SG long NEG-INF be go.PST-3SG again
тот снова идти.ПРОШ-3ЕД длинный НЕГ-INF быть идти.ПРОШ-3ЕД снова
Then it left again, soon it left again.
Потом он снова ушёл, вскоре ушёл опять.