
Lexical words in Udihe

This list of lexical words found in the Udihe transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical word appears in the texts available in the collection for Udihe.

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Search: net. 6 total hits in 4 transcripts.
The flower wife (1)
{net}, jeu=de anči.
{no} what=FOC no
{no} что=ФОК no
No, there was nothing.
Нет, ничего нет.
Zabdala, an extraordinary snake (3)
ute iŋgu koŋŋ aŋi {net ix uzhe}.
that once bang.IDEO INDEF {they are already gone}
тот однажды bang.IDEO INDEF {they are уже gone}
He quickly hit with a stick making a ringing, and they disappeared.
Он сразу звонко палкой ударил – и нет их уже.
The oriole grandson (1)
{ix zdes’ net, eto ulunge tam byvali, i to redko.}
{they do not live here, they used to live on the Ulunga river, though rarely}
{they делать не жить здесь, they used к жить на the Ulunga river, though rarely}
We don't have them here, they used to live on the Ulunga but seldom.
Их здесь нет, это на Улунге, там бывали, и то редко.
Ulunga is the Udihe name of the river Svetlovodnaja and of a village at the mouth of the Bikin river.
Sisam Zauli and the hero (1)
{a, net} uti merge xuli:, xuli:, uti amba ile=ke b’a-gi-e-ni, wa:li-li-e-ti.
{no} [PN] this hero walk.PRES.PTC walk.PRES.PTC this evil:spirit where=INDEF find-REP-PST-3SG fight-INCH-PST-3PL
{no} [С:ИМЯ] этот hero идти.PRES.ПРИЧ идти.PRES.ПРИЧ этот evil:spirit где=INDEF найти-REP-ПРОШ-3ЕД fight-ИНХ-ПРОШ-3МН
Oh, no, not Sisam Dzauli. That hero walked and walked, somewhere he met an evil spirit and they fought.
А, нет, [Сисам Дзаули], этот мергэ ходил, ходил, где-то встретил этого злого духа, и они стали драться.