
Lexical words in Udihe

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Search: eje. 25 total hits in 7 transcripts.
Zabdala, an extraordinary snake (3)
eje-ixi ŋen’e, eje-ixi ejeŋ-ki-ni, ŋene-ili.
downstream-LAT go.PEF downstream-LAT float-PST-3SG go.PST-3SG
downstream-LAT идти.PEF downstream-LAT float-ПРОШ-3ЕД идти.ПРОШ-3ЕД
He moved downstream, the boat could go downstream.
По течению поплыл, вниз лодка пошла.
The fairy and the ten bald spirits (1)
eje-xi [eje-xi] xu:-gi: guline:-si:, e-i ŋene.
They floated downstream, but the ship turned back, it wouldn't move.
По течению поплыли, а (корабль) обратно поворачивает, не идет.
The bear hunt (5)
eje-ŋi:, eje-ŋi: te: uti za:li unakta-la-ni i:-gi-e-mu.
downstream-DIR.PRES.PTC downstream-DIR.PRES.PTC over:there this PN river:stretch-LOC-3SG come-REP-PST-1PL.EXC
downstream-DIR.PRES.ПРИЧ downstream-DIR.PRES.ПРИЧ over:there этот С:ИМЯ river:stretch-ЛОК-3ЕД прийти-REP-ПРОШ-1МН.EXC
We were floating in a boat and reached the river stretch known as Dzali.
Плыли, плыли, вот подходим к плёсу Дзали.
Zali unaktani ‘the stretch of the river called Dzali’. Literally, zali is a store-house or shed built on poles. As сommented by Nadezhda Kukchenko, it was also the name of the village that exited in the past on the Bikin river, upstream from Krasny Yar.
eje-ŋi:, eje-ŋi: te: uti za:li unakta-la-ni i:-gi-e-mu.
downstream-DIR.PRES.PTC downstream-DIR.PRES.PTC over:there this PN river:stretch-LOC-3SG come-REP-PST-1PL.EXC
downstream-DIR.PRES.ПРИЧ downstream-DIR.PRES.ПРИЧ over:there этот С:ИМЯ river:stretch-ЛОК-3ЕД прийти-REP-ПРОШ-1МН.EXC
We were floating in a boat and reached the river stretch known as Dzali.
Плыли, плыли, вот подходим к плёсу Дзали.
Zali unaktani ‘the stretch of the river called Dzali’. Literally, zali is a store-house or shed built on poles. As сommented by Nadezhda Kukchenko, it was also the name of the village that exited in the past on the Bikin river, upstream from Krasny Yar.
A hunting trip (8)
e-zeŋe-ni=de ŋene {kone(chno)} neu-gi-e-mu bu, eje-ŋi-e-mu; eje-ŋi-mi, eje-ŋi-mi, ña nakta dau-o-ti ise:-mu {poros'ata}-zi ñuŋun-zi {poros'at eto}
NEG-FUT-1PL.EXC go {of:course} bring-REP PST-1PL.EXC we.EXC go:downstream-DIR-PST-1PL.EXC go:downstream-DIR-INF go:downstream-DIR-INF again boar cross-PST.PTC-3PL see.PST-1PL.EXC {piglets}-INST six-INST {piglets this}
НЕГ-ФУТ-1МН.EXC идти {конечно} принести-REP ПРОШ-1МН.EXC we.EXC go:downstream-DIR-ПРОШ-1МН.EXC go:downstream-DIR-INF go:downstream-DIR-INF снова boar cross-ПРОШ.ПРИЧ-3МН видеть.ПРОШ-1МН.EXC {piglets}-INST шесть-INST {piglets этот}
He wouldn't go, so together with my son we took the meat home. We were moving and moving downstream and then again we saw the wild boars with 6 piglets, which were crossing the river.
Он не пойдёт, конечно, мы с сыном повезли мясо домой, спускались по реке, спускались - опять увидели переплывающих реку кабанов с поросятами, с шестью поросятами.
The iron bird and the silver bird (2)
{vot, nu eto} xunazi-ne-ni eje-ne:-ti uta-la.
{well and} sister-PL-3SG take:care.PST-3PL that-LOC
{хорошо and} сестра-МН-3ЕД take:care.ПРОШ-3МН тот-ЛОК
The sisters were looking after it there.
Сестры за ней там ухаживают.
The tiger for the Udihe people (1)
xu: e:-tigi-ni ŋene-i, ña xu: de:-le-ni eme-gi:-ni, biki de:-le-ni ulе-gi: , ña auxi ei biki eje-ixi em’e.
Khor side-LAT-3SG go-PRES.PTC again Khor upper:stretch-LOC-3SG come-REP-3SG Bikin upper:stretch-LOC-3SG pass:river:fork-REP.PRES.PTC again here this Bikin downstream come.PF
Khor сторона-LAT-3ЕД идти-PRES.ПРИЧ снова Khor upper:stretch-ЛОК-3ЕД прийти-REP-3ЕД Bikin upper:stretch-ЛОК-3ЕД pass:river:fork-REP.PRES.ПРИЧ снова здесь этот Bikin downstream прийти.ПРФ
It would go to the Khor, then it would turn to the river mouth of the Khor, then it would pass the split of the river towards the river mouth of the Bikin, then it would come down here along the Bikin.
Пойдет в сторону Хора, потом опять повернет к истоку Хора, пройдет развилку реки к истоку Бикина, потом сюда по Бикину спустится.