Tundra Yukaghir

Lexical words in Tundra Yukaghir

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Search: wadul. 13 total hits in 3 transcripts.
Conversation (TY0001) (9)
Tan wodul, wodul əl=uːt.
ta -n wadul wadul əl= uː -t(ə)
dist -adv Yukaghir Yukaghir neg= go -fut(neg.3)
dist -adv Yukaghir Yukaghir neg= идти -fut(neg.3)
But the Yukaghir, the Yukaghir won't go (sc. to ask for money).
А юкагир не пойдёт.
My early life (1)
Qad'ir piristrojkə ŋolaːl'əldəγa taŋ [apšč] wadulpul apščiːnələŋ weːŋumlə.
qad'ir perestrojka.R ŋol-Aː-l'əl-dəγa ta-ŋ wadul-pul obščina.R-lə-ŋ weː-ŋu-m(ə)lə
DP reorganization.R be-INCH-EV-3.DS.CVB DEM.DIST-ATTR Yukaghir-PL community.R-FOC-FC do-PL-OF.3SG
DP reorganization.R быть-ИНХ-EV-3.DS.КОНВ DEM.DIST-ATTR Yukaghir-МН community.R-ФОК-FC делать-МН-OF.3ЕД
When the Perstroyka began, the Yukaghirs organised a community organisation.
Когда началась перестройка, юкагиры создали общину.
Life story (TY0005) (3)
Taŋ tadaː wadulpə=də joqopə=də, joqopə=də [n], erpəjəpə waːj [l'e] l'eŋi, čaγad'əŋi.
ta -ŋ ta -Raː wadul -pə =də joqol -pə =də joqol -pə =də erpəjə -pə waːj l'e -ŋi čaγad'ə -ŋi
dist -attr dist -adv Yukaghir -pl =add Yakut -pl =add Yakut -pl =add Even -pl also be -pl work -pl
dist -attr dist -adv Yukaghir -pl =add Yakut -pl =add Yakut -pl =add Even -pl тоже быть -pl работать -pl
Yukaghirs and Yakuts, Yakuts, and the Evens, too, were there, they worked (there).
Там и юкагиры, и якуты, эвены тоже работали.