Tundra Yukaghir

Lexical glosses for Tundra Yukaghir (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Tundra Yukaghir transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: nom. 96 total hits in 18 transcripts.
Conversation (TY0001) (54)
Tudel [jau]...
tude -l
3sg -nom
3sg -nom
"Kukul, əl=tet tite weː metul?" Kукул эл тэт титэ виэрэлэк кэвэйл.
kukul əl= tet tite weː met -u -l
devil neg= 2sg such do(af) 1sg -0 -nom
черт neg= 2sg such делать(af) 1sg -0 -nom
"You devil, wasn’t it you that did this to me?!"
"Черт, не ты ли мне это сделал? "
Pear Story (TY1001) (1)
Tudel waːj karziːnəńi.
tude -l waːj korzina.R -ń(ə) -j
3sg -nom also basket.R -vblz.propr -intr.3
3sg -nom тоже basket.R -vblz.propr -intr.3
He also had a basket.
Picture elicitation (TY1202) (2)
Taγi kerewələ tanaːnum, [pa] saːlək.
Ta -Gi korova.R -lə tono -nu -m saːl -lək
dist -nom cow.R -acc chase -ipfv -tr.3 tree -ins
dist -nom корова.R -acc chase -ipfv -tr.3 дерево -ins
This one is driving a cow forward, with a stick.
Pear story (TY1000) (5)
Qad'ir čuŋdeːnuni [qa] qadaː tittəl, joːdəγənə gruːšələ tittəl pögitəŋu l'eː.
qad'ir čuŋdə -nun -j qa qa -Raː tittə -l joːdəγənə gruša.R -lə tittə -l pögi -tə -ŋu l'eː
ptl think -hab -intr.3 qu qu -adv 3pl -nom apparently pear.R -ind.acc 3pl -nom steal -caus -3pl(af) ptl
ptl think -hab -intr.3 qu qu -adv 3pl -nom apparently pear.R -ind.acc 3pl -nom украсть -caus -3pl(af) ptl
And he thought where they..., that it was probably them that had stolen them.
All-terrain vehicle (TY0006) (2)
Tudel uːdəγə ət=amuč.
tude -l uː -dəγə ət= ama -oːl -j
3sg -nom go -3ds.cvb irr= good -stat -intr.3
3sg -nom идти -3ds.cvb irr= хороший -stat -intr.3
It would be good if she came along.
Хорошо было бы, если бы она поехала.
Pear story (TY1002) (1)
Kileŋ [mor] mər=uːčiːŋi.
ki -le -ŋ mə -r= -uː -čiː -ŋi
two -coll.nom -fc aff -0= -stat -intr.punct -intr.3pl
два -coll.nom -fc aff -0= -stat -intr.punct -intr.3pl
They both passed (by each other).
Conversation between siblings (TY0002) (7)
Kinek qadaː saγanəjoːlgi, jaunoː.
kin -ə -k qa -Raː saγanə -j -oːl -l -gi jaunə -oː
who -0 -mod.pred qu -adv sit -0 -res -nom -3 all -o.pred
кто -0 -mod.pred qu -adv сидеть -0 -res -nom -3 весь -o.pred
Who lived where, everything (sc. we noted in the scheme).
Кто там живёт, всё (показал).
Life story (TY0005) (9)
Taːt l'er tittəl laːmələ moinunŋaː.
taːt l'e -r tittə -l laːmə -lə moi -nun -ŋa(m)
so be -ss.circ.cvb 3pl -nom dog -acc hold -hab -tr.3pl
так быть -ss.circ.cvb 3pl -nom собака -acc держать -hab -tr.3pl
So they used to hold dogs.
Поэтому они собак держат.
[nekud kudeči] Kudečiːllək tudel pileːrələk [kud] pańim.
* kude -jiː -R(ə)lək tude -l pileː -R(ə)lək poń -iː -m
* lie -tr -ss.ant.cvb 3sg -nom wipe -ss.ant.cvb leave -tr -tr.3
* лежать -tr -ss.ant.cvb 3sg -nom wipe -ss.ant.cvb оставить -tr -tr.3
He put them there, and then he wiped them clean and left (them there).