Forest Enets

Lexical words in Forest Enets

This list of lexical words found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: mɔʃta. 7 total hits in 5 transcripts.
TonulaVBolote (3)
mɔʃtejʔ, ...
mɔʃta-e-jʔ *...
lie:down(pfv)-M-1SG.M ***
lie:down(pfv)-M-1ЕД.M ***
I lay down ...
я легла ...
a false start in the end-фальстарт в конце
Sleeping bag (1)
tɔ mɔʃtadedʲ
that lie:down(pfv)-FUT-M-2SG.M
тот lie:down(pfv)-ФУТ-M-2ЕД.M
you will lie down there
туда ляжешь
The small bear cub (1)
niɡaku tɛxɛ mɔʃtezʔ
niɡa-ku tɛxɛ mɔʃta-e-zʔ
bushes-DIM1 there(loc) lie:down(pfv)-M-3SG.M
bushes-DIM1 там(loc) lie:down(pfv)-M-3ЕД.M
It lay down to that bushes.
Он лег в тот тальник.
the syntax is surprising
SluchaiMedvediVolki (1)
buduʔ niɡa, niɡa pɔd koxoɔ mɔʃtadezʔ
buduʔ niɡa niɡa pɔu-d ko-xoɔ mɔʃta-da-e-zʔ
they bushes bushes middle-DAT.SG where-FOC lie:down(pfv)-FUT-M-3PL.M
they bushes bushes середина-ДАТ.ЕД где-ФОК lie:down(pfv)-ФУТ-M-3МН.M
Whey would lie down somewhere in the middle of the bushes.
Они среди кустов где-нибудь лягут.
How trousers were burnt down (1)
ɛɛ, kodadnoju mɔʃtenʲʔ, nʲejʔ kɔdʲiʔ tɛxɛ, dʲɔriŋajʔ
ɛɛ kodaduj-no-ju mɔʃta-e-nʲiʔ i-jʔ kɔdʲi-ʔ tɛxɛ dʲɔrir-jʔ
yes evening-ADV-RESTR.ADJ lie:down(pfv)-M-1DU.M NEG-1DU.S/SG.OBJ sleep(ipfv)-CONNEG there(loc) talk(ipfv)-1DU.S/SG.OBJ
yes вечер-ADV-RESTR.ПРИЛ lie:down(pfv)-M-1ДВ.M НЕГ-1ДВ.S/ЕД.ОБ спать(ipfv)-КОННЕГ там(loc) talk(ipfv)-1ДВ.S/ЕД.ОБ
yes, we lay down in the evening, we don't sleep, we talk
да, вечером мы легли, не спим, разговариваем