Forest Enets

Lexical words in Forest Enets

This list of lexical words found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical word appears in the texts available in the collection for Forest Enets.

Clicking on the number following an item will take you to a result set for that item.

Search: kunʲtʃe. 5 total hits in 5 transcripts.
How to make glue (1)
kunʲtʃe muza
kunʲtʃe mo-za
especially PLC-NOM.SG.3SG
especially PLC-NOM.ЕД.3ЕД
more likely, well
скорее это самое
kunʲtʃa muza
Berry jam recipe (1)
.... kunʲtʃe sɔjza ɛza
*.... kunʲtʃe sɔjza ɛ-da
*** especially good be(ipfv)-PTC.SML
*** especially хороший быть(ipfv)-ПРИЧ.СИМ
... will be especially good
... совсем хорошо будет
unclear in the beginning-неразборчиво в начале
UrodlivyjMys_rad (1)
tezaxoɔ kunʲtʃe tɔz tʃikoz
teza-xoɔ kunʲtʃe tɔz tʃike-xoz
now-FOC especially so this-ABL.SG
сейчас-ФОК especially так этот-АБЛ.ЕД
then also
затем еще
MoreoOlasneKomary_ips (1)
tʃike entʃeuz kunʲtʃe tu dʲez
tʃike entʃeu-z kunʲtʃe tu dʲez
this person-NOM.PL.2SG especially fire in:the:direction
этот человек-NOM.МН.2ЕД especially огонь in:the:direction
these people on people into the fire
эти люди специально на огонь
Unidentified bird (1)
a menseza anʲ kunʲtʃe sɛjza kanʲeØ, ɔu
a mense-za anʲ kunʲtʃe sɛju-za kanʲe-Ø ɔu
and old:woman-NOM.SG.3SG and especially heart-NOM.SG.3SG leave(pfv)-3SG.S EXC1
and старуха-NOM.ЕД.3ЕД and especially сердце-NOM.ЕД.3ЕД оставить(pfv)-3ЕД.S EXC1
And his wife even more got afraid.
А его жена еще больше испугалась.
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