Forest Enets

Lexical words in Forest Enets

This list of lexical words found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: bɛuza. 101 total hits in 77 transcripts.
How people used to bury (3)
bɛuza, bɛuza, bɛuza
bɛuza bɛuza bɛuza
soon soon soon
soon soon soon
that's all, that's all, that's all
всё, всё, всё
Ovod (1)
bɛuza, bɛuza
bɛuza bɛuza
soon soon
soon soon
That's all.
Всё, всё.
A clever dog (3)
bɛuza, bɛuza
bɛuza bɛuza
soon soon
soon soon
That's all.
Всё, всё.
Sleeping bag (2)
bɛuza, bɛuza
bɛuza bɛuza
soon soon
soon soon
That's all, that's all.
Всё, всё.
Duck's nest (2)
bɛuza, bɛuza
bɛuza bɛuza
soon soon
soon soon
that's all, that's all
ну всё, всё
Glutton (2) (1)
bɛuza, bɛuza
bɛuza bɛuza
soon soon
soon soon
that's all, that's all
конец, конец
Hare's way (1)
bɛuza, bɛuza, kamizabut bɛuza
bɛuza bɛuza kamiza-buʔ-d bɛuza
soon soon understand(pfv)-CVB.COND-OBL.SG.2SG soon
soon soon understand(pfv)-КОНВ.КОНД-ОБЛ.ЕД.2ЕД soon
that's all, that's all, if you have understood, that's all
всё, всё, если ты понял, всё
PomeresjilosjGenke (1)
vɔt, bɛuza, bɛuza
vɔt bɛuza bɛuza
here soon soon
здесь soon soon
so, that's all
вот, всё, всё
Swans (1)
bɛuza, bɛuza tʃildezʔ
bɛuza bɛuza tʃir-ru-da-e-zʔ
soon soon fly(ipfv)-INCH-FUT-M-3SG.M
soon soon летать(ipfv)-ИНХ-ФУТ-M-3ЕД.M
Скоро, скоро он начнет летать.
Germans' earth-house (1)
tʃi bɛuza, bɛuza
tʃi bɛuza bɛuza
here soon soon
здесь soon soon
That's all, that's all.
Вот всё, всё.