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Search: whitefish. 30 total hits in 12 transcripts.
Preparing fish (1)
uzuba ŋaj, kɔtʃ bejsi ŋaj, ŋɔbtʃik
uzuba ŋa-j kɔtʃ bejsi ŋa-j ŋɔbtʃik
white:fish exist(ipfv)-3SG.S.IMP at:least whitefish exist(ipfv)-3SG.S.IMP all:the:same
white:fish существовать(ipfv)-3ЕД.S.ИМП at:least whitefish существовать(ipfv)-3ЕД.S.ИМП all:the:same
let it be white-fish, let it be whitefish, all the same
хоть сиг, хоть чир, все равно
Someone took away the boat (1)
tɔʔ, ŋoʔ pɔtʃirka poɡabizʔ, nexuʔ, nexuʔ uzuba
tɔʔ ŋoʔ pɔtʃirka poɡa-bi-zʔ nexuʔ nexuʔ uzuba
here(dir) one whitefish fall:into:fishing:net(pfv)-PRF-3SG.M three three white:fish
здесь(dir) один whitefish fall:into:fishing:net(pfv)-PRF-3ЕД.M три три white:fish
Well, one whitefish fell, three white-fishes.
Ну, один почирок попался, три сига.