
Lexical words in Even

This list of lexical words found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: ńịmkan. 2 total hits in 2 transcripts.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Ńịmkam ukčendeku oːhirep oːhirep biː abaganịlbụ ukčeːnemkiwutne.
ńịmkan-W ukčen-DE-W oːsi-rEp oːsi-rEp biː abaga-SEl-W ukčen-E-mkI-W-tEn
tale-ACC tell-PURP.CVB-POSS.1SG ancient-TEMP ancient-TEMP 1SG grandfather-PL-POSS.1SG tell-0-N-ACC-POSS.3PL
tale-АКК говорить-ПУРП.КОНВ-ПОСС.1ЕД стыринный-TEMP стыринный-TEMP 1ЕД дед-МН-ПОСС.1ЕД говорить-0-N-АКК-ПОСС.3МН
Let me tell you a story which my ancestors used to tell a long long time ago.
Расскажу сказку, которую давным-давно рассказывали мои дедушки.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Ńịmkam ukčeːndeːku oːhirep oːhirep biː abaganịlbụ ukčeːnemkiwutne.
ńịmkan -W ukčeːn -DEː -W oːsi -rEp oːsi -rEp biː abaga -SEl -W ukčeːn -E-mkI -W -tEn
tale -acc tell -purp.cvb -poss.1sg ancient -temp ancient -temp 1sg grandfather -pl -poss.1sg tell -ep-iter.ptc? -acc -poss.3pl
tale -acc говорить -purp.cvb -poss.1sg стыринный -temp стыринный -temp 1sg дед -pl -poss.1sg говорить -ep-iter.ptc? -acc -poss.3pl
Let me tell you a story which my ancestors used to tell a long long time ago.
Расскажу сказку, которую давным-давно рассказывали мои дедушки.