
Lexical words in Even

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Search: urečin. 21 total hits in 12 transcripts.
The sacred reindeer (1)
Taraw boːn urečin,-goːnče.
tar-W boː-N(I) urečin-goːn-čE
"So he seems to have given me this one",-he said.
"Оказывается, он дал,"-говорит (мужчина).
A conversation about Even culture (5)
Tarračịlnị itkerečel urečin.
tar -WEːčIn -L -n(I) it -Gr(E) -čE -L urečin
dist -qual -pl -poss.3sg see -hab -pf.ptc -pl evid
dist -qual -pl -poss.3sg видеть -hab -pf.ptc -pl evid
Such people see it, probably.
Они наверное все видят.
The sacred reindeer (1)
"Taraw boːn urečin", goːnče.
tar -W boː -n(I) urečin goːn -čE
dist -acc give -3sg evid say -pf.ptc
dist -acc дать -3sg evid сказать -pf.ptc
"So he seems to have given me this one", he said.
"Оказывается, он дал", - говорит (мужчина).
Pear story (1) (1)
Tarịč, ịan, komolohre urečin.
tar -E-Č ịa -n(I) kömölös.Y -R(E) urečin
dist -ep-ins what -3sg help.Y -nonfut(3pl) evid
dist -ep-ins что -3sg помогать.Y -nonfut(3pl) evid
Then, what, they helped him, it seems.
Pear story (4) (1)
Gụrgụlịqaːqaːn, taraq, ọran urečinni gụrgụlịqaːqaːn, esni-de ọran urečin bis.
gụrgụlị -kEːkEːn tar -k ọran urečin -n(I) gụrgụlị -kEːkEːn e -R(E) -n(I) =dE ọran urečin bi -R(E)
bearded -dim dist -nom reindeer similar -poss.3sg bearded -dim neg -neg.cvb -3sg =ptl reindeer similar be -neg.cvb
bearded -dim dist -nom олень similar -poss.3sg bearded -dim neg -neg.cvb -3sg =ptl олень similar быть -neg.cvb
With a beard, that, an animal with a beard, similar to reindeer, and also not similar to reindeer.
С бородкой, похож на оленя с бородой, и не похож на оленя.
Spirits (2)
Ịak goːndʒim, kemči bigreče ureːčin.
ịak goːn-DʒI-m kemči.Y bi-Gr(E)-čE urečin
what say-FUT-1SG scarcity.Y be-HAB-PF.PTC EVID
что сказать-ФУТ-1ЕД scarcity.Y быть-ХАБ-ПРФ.ПРИЧ EVID
How should I put it-probably there weren't enough of those.
Как сказать-дефицит был, кажется.
Even taboos and customs (1)
Každij [e] ewen, ewen hoːntekiteŋ urečin.
každyj.R ewen ewen hoːntekiteŋ urečin
every.R Even Even different evid
каждый.R Even Even different evid
I think all Evens are different in this.
Каждый эвен делает их по своему.
Cannibal story (5)
Moːntelhe biče urečin, hinkeːlden ečin, haːtaralča.
moːntelse bi -čE urečin hinkeː -L -R(E) -n(I) er -čIn haːtar -E-L -čE
early.autumn be -pf.ptc evid get.dark -pl -nonfut -3sg prox -adv darken -ep-inch -pf.ptc
рано.autumn быть -pf.ptc evid получить.темный -pl -nonfut -3sg prox -adv темнеть -ep-inch -pf.ptc
It must have been early autumn, it grew dark, it got dark.
Это было глубокой осенью, в сумерках стемнело.
An Even farce (1)
Eːw, miːrem, ulkere-de tabịč erek urečinni.
eːw mie-R(E)-m ulkere=dE tabịč er-k urečin-N(I)
oh wander-NONFUT-1SG tundra=DP DP PROX-NOM similar-POSS.3SG
oh wander-NONFUT-1ЕД тундра=DP DP PROX-NOM similar-ПОСС.3ЕД
Hm, I'm lost, this looks like tundra.
Что, заблудилась, на тундру это похоже.
Chat about an Evenki film (1)
Ńaːn ŋịn urečinni mergeč ọːdịn, taraŋan gịrqarịŋan.
ńaːn ŋịn urečin -n(I) merge -Č ọː -RI -n(I) tar -ŋ -E-n(I) gịrkarị -ŋ -E-n(I)
also dog similar -poss.3sg soul -ins become -pst -poss.3sg dist -aln -ep-poss.3sg wolf -aln -ep-poss.3sg
тоже собака similar -poss.3sg soul -ins become -pst -poss.3sg dist -aln -ep-poss.3sg волк -aln -ep-poss.3sg
And that wolf became as clever as a dog.
Этот волк стал таким смышлённым как собака.