
Lexical words in Even

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Search: tačịn. 21 total hits in 8 transcripts.
A lighthearted exchange (2)
Tačịn goːnni!
tačịn goːn-N(I)
so say-3SG
так сказать-3ЕД
That's what they said!
Так сказали!
Birds in love (3)
Tačịn ọːča orelderidʒi.
tačịn ọː-čE orelde-RIdʒI
so become-PF.PTC rejoice-ANT.CVB
так become-ПРФ.ПРИЧ rejoice-ANT.КОНВ
He became like that out of joy.
Так стало, от радости.
Tačịn ọːča orelderidʒi.
tačịn ọː-čE orelde-RIdʒI
so become-PF.PTC rejoice-ANT.CVB
так become-ПРФ.ПРИЧ rejoice-ANT.КОНВ
He became like that out of joy.
Так стало, от радости.
Spirits (5)
Tačịn goːniken ukčeːngeren.
tačịn goːn-nIkEn ukčeːn-Gr(E)-N(I)
so say-SIM.CVB tell-HAB-3SG
так сказать-SIM.КОНВ говорить-ХАБ-3ЕД
That's what (my father) said.
Так сказал (мой отец).
The sacred reindeer (3)
Tačịn goːniken mịalča hukledniken.
tačịn goːn-nIkEn mịal-čE hukle-D-nIkEn
so say-SIM.CVB awake-PF.PTC sleep-PROG-SIM.CVB
так сказать-SIM.КОНВ awake-ПРФ.ПРИЧ спать-PROG-SIM.КОНВ
Thinking about this, he woke up from his sleep.
Так думая и проснулся.
Glove and love (1)
Tačịn-takan meːne bičče, bičče.
tačịn=t(E)kEn meːne.Y bi-Č-čE bi-Č-čE
so=restr DP.Y be-RES-PF.PTC be-RES-PF.PTC
так=restr DP.Y быть-RES-ПРФ.ПРИЧ быть-RES-ПРФ.ПРИЧ
And she stayed like that.
Так и была.
An Even farce (1)
Ńaːn biː tačịn guːnem, ịaw-kana guːnem...
ńaːn biː tačịn goːn-R(E)-m ịak-W=kEnE goːn-R(E)-m
also 1SG so say-NEG.CVB-1SG what-ACC=CONTR say-NONFUT-1SG
тоже 1ЕД так сказать-НЕГ.КОНВ-1ЕД что-АКК=CONTR сказать-NONFUT-1ЕД
And, well, I said this... what did I say...
И вот я так сказала, что же я говорю...
Cannibal story (3)
Tačịn nabgannị bụọlla dʒụganịw kọŋdah, tačịn bihin.
tačịn nabgan -n(I) buolla.Y dʒụganị -W kọŋdas tar -čIn bi -RI -n(I)
so stick.to -3sg ptl.Y summer -acc crosswise dist -adv be -pst -poss.3sg
так больной.к -3sg ptl.Y лето -acc crosswise dist -adv быть -pst -poss.3sg
It would stick like that during the summer, that's how it was.