
Lexical words in Even

This list of lexical words found in the Even transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: hepken. 3 total hits in 3 transcripts.
Glove and love (1)
Meːndulej hepkemnen.
meːn-(dU)LE-J hepken-W-R(E)-N(I)
She herself got stuck there.
Сама поймалась.
An Even farce (1)
Tabịč-ịšị ịaw epkeniwu?
tabịč=E-sI ịak-W hepken-RI-W
DP=0-EMPH what-ACC catch-PST-POSS.1SG
DP=0-ЭМФ что-АКК catch-ПРОШ-ПОСС.1ЕД
And here, what have I caught?
И вот, что я поймала?
Chat about an Evenki film (1)
Amadmar ńaːn ọrarbị hepkenidʒi gelneːrin, [espidicijal] espidicijelduk taraw gelneːrin.
aman -E-dmEr ńaːn ọran -L -J hepken -RIdʒI gel -nE -RI -n(I) ekspedicija.R -L ekspedicija.R -L -DUk(U) tar -W gel -nE -RI -n(I)
father -ep-emph also reindeer -pl -prfl.sg catch -ant.cvb search -intent -pst -poss.3sg expedition.R -pl expedition.R -pl -abl dist -acc search -intent -pst -poss.3sg
отец -ep-emph тоже олень -pl -prfl.sg catch -ant.cvb искать -intent -pst -poss.3sg expedition.R -pl expedition.R -pl -abl dist -acc искать -intent -pst -poss.3sg
His father then caught his reindeer and went to search, to search him with the expedition.
Отец поймал своих ездовых оленей и поехал забирать у экспедиции.