
Lexical words in Even

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Search: dʒoːr. 32 total hits in 14 transcripts.
A conversation about Even culture (2)
Dʒoːr tïsačadụ, dʒọːr tïsačandụk-ta.
dʒoːr tysjača.R -DU dʒoːr tysjača.R -DUk(U) =dE
two thousand.R -dat two thousand.R -abl =ptl
два ттысяча.R -dat два ттысяча.R -abl =ptl
More than two thousand, more than two thousand.
Больше двух тысяч.
Pear story (5) (2)
Dʒoːr, dʒoːr miltereː [kar] karcịːnaw ittidʒi ńaːn ewrin [vilosip] vilosipeːttukuj ńaːn ŋenridʒi dʒọmqaːttan:
dʒoːr dʒoːr miltereː korzina.R -W it -RIdʒI ńaːn ew -RI -n(I) velosiped.R -DUk(U) -J ńaːn ŋen -RIdʒI dʒọn -WkEːn -Č -R(E) -n(I)
two two full basket -acc see -ant.cvb also go.down -pst -poss.3sg bycicle.R -abl -prfl.sg also go -ant.cvb remember -caus -res -nonfut -3sg
два два full basket -acc видеть -ant.cvb тоже идти.down -pst -poss.3sg bycicle.R -abl -prfl.sg тоже идти -ant.cvb remember -caus -res -nonfut -3sg
He saw two full baskets, and got off his bicycle, and went there, thinking:
Spirits (5)
Hindule emie ačča binneŋeːten, dʒoːr gerbe.
hin-(dU)LE emie.Y aːčča bi-nnEŋEːt-E-N(I) dʒoːr gerbe
2SG.OBL-LOC again.Y NEG.EXC be-NEC-0-POSS.3SG two name
2ЕД.ОБЛ-ЛОК снова.Y НЕГ.EXC быть-НЕЦ-0-ПОСС.3ЕД два name
You shouldn't have it either, two identical names (in your family).
У тебя тоже не должно быть, два имени.
Tompo in Soviet times (7)
Tadụk bọllaːna dʒoːris anŋanịdụwụ ńọkal emditnen.
tar -DUk(U) buollaγïna.Y dʒoːr -IS.Y anŋan -DU -W ńọka -L em -RI -tEn
dist -abl ptl.Y two -ord.Y year -dat -poss.1sg Yakut -pl come -pst -poss.3pl
dist -abl ptl.Y два -ord.Y год -dat -poss.1sg Yakut -pl прийти -pst -poss.3pl
And then, in my second year (there), the Yakuts arrived.
На второй год приехали якуты.
The raven and the crow (1)
Eče, egreče họːja bis huten, dʒoːr ịlan bigreče, mangịrŋi.
e-čE e-Gr(E)-čE họːja bi-R(E) hute-N(I) dʒoːr ịlan bi-Gr(E)-čE mangịr-ŋI
NEG-PF.PTC NEG-HAB-PF.PTC many be-NEG.CVB child-POSS.3SG two three be-HAB-PF.PTC raven-pred.POSS
НЕГ-ПРФ.ПРИЧ НЕГ-ХАБ-ПРФ.ПРИЧ много быть-НЕГ.КОНВ ребенок-ПОСС.3ЕД два три быть-ХАБ-ПРФ.ПРИЧ raven-pred.ПОСС
It didn't have many children, two or three, the raven.
Не много детей, а два, три у него, у ворона.
The creation of animals (3)
"Tarak bụọllaːna dʒiŋ ńọːbatịdụk, ńọːbatị dʒoːr bụrkat gedemeklew bihni."
tar -k buollaγïna.Y dʒiŋ.Y ńọːbatị -DUk(U) ńọːbatị dʒoːr bụrkat gedemek -(dU)LE -W bi -R(E) -n(I)
dist -nom ptl.Y truth.Y white -abl white two flint occiput -loc -poss.1sg be -nonfut -3sg
dist -nom ptl.Y правда.Y белый -abl белый два flint occiput -loc -poss.1sg быть -nonfut -3sg
"There, from white, two white pieces of quartz are in the back of my head."
- А эти белые, белые два кварца у меня в затылке.
A short chat about family (1)
Abagaw minŋi mịan ńamadụkụj huleken bihin, ńama mịandʒoːr. Cто двенадцать лет прожил у меня дед.
abaga -W min -ŋI mịan ńama -DUk(U) -J hulek -E-n(I) bi -RI -n(I) ńama mịan dʒoːr
grandfather -poss.1sg 1sg.obl -pred.poss ten hundred -abl -prfl.sg surplus -ep-poss.3sg be -pst -poss.3sg hundred ten two
дед -poss.1sg 1sg.obl -pred.poss десять стоянка -abl -prfl.sg surplus -ep-poss.3sg быть -pst -poss.3sg стоянка десять два
My grandfather was 110 years old, he was 112. My grandfather lived 112 years.
Мой дед прожил сто двенадцать лет.Cто двенадцать лет прожил у меня дед.
Chat about an Evenki film (1)
Ee, bejilŋiw-teken-san, dʒoːrmiereklịwụ-san beju gannan.
ee bej -E-L -ŋI -W =t(E)kEn =sEn dʒoːr mịan -E-klI -W =sEn bej -W ga -nnE -n(I)
intj man -ep-pl -pred.poss -acc =restr =ptl two ten -ep-all.prol -acc =ptl man -acc take -nec.ptc -poss.3sg
intj мужчина -ep-pl -pred.poss -acc =restr =ptl два десять -ep-весь.prol -acc =ptl мужчина -acc взять -nec.ptc -poss.3sg
Yes, only male saliva, he is supposed to gather around twenty men.
Да, только мужское, хотя бы около двадцати должен набрать.
Cannibal story (3)
Tar emdeːj nekeddeken, tar ahị, mut dʒoːridʒur-ńun emdeːwur...
tar em -DEː -J nek -E-D -REk -E-n(I) tar asị mut dʒoːr -I -DʒUr =ńUn em -DEː -WUr
dist come -purp.cvb -prfl.sg do -ep-prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg dist woman 1pl.in two -coll.num -inst.prfl.pl =only come -purp.cvb -prfl.pl
dist прийти -purp.cvb -prfl.sg делать -ep-prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg dist женщина 1pl.в два -coll.num -inst.prfl.pl =only прийти -purp.cvb -prfl.pl
She wanted to come, that woman, it was only two of us that were about to come...
- Когда мы собирались ехать, мы хотели приехать только с ним вдвоем. Та женщина говорила, что поедет с нами.
Biblical stories (2)
Ọːk-ta eti kokeːr, dʒoːr ńama, ịlan ńama anŋanịč iːnče.
ọːk =dE e -RI kokeː -R(E) dʒoːr ńama ịlan ńama anŋan -E-Č iːn -čE
when =ptl neg -impf.ptc die -neg.cvb two hundred three hundred year -ep-ins be.alive -pf.ptc
когда =ptl neg -impf.ptc умереть -neg.cvb два стоянка три стоянка год -ep-ins быть.alive -pf.ptc
He never died, he could live two or three hundred years.
Он мог жить 200-300 лет.