
Lexical words in Even

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Search: abaga. 35 total hits in 10 transcripts.
A conversation about Even culture (6)
'Abaga' goːwettep.
abaga goːn -WEːČ -R(E) -p
grandfather say -gnr -nonfut -1pl.in
дед сказать -gnr -nonfut -1pl.в
We say 'abaga' (grandfather).
Абага (дедушка) говорим.
Spirits (7)
Abagawụ emie goːŋderem:
abaga-W emie.Y goːn-Gr(E)-R(E)-m
grandfather-POSS.1SG also.Y say-HAB-NONFUT-1SG
дед-ПОСС.1ЕД тоже.Y сказать-ХАБ-NONFUT-1ЕД
I also said this to my grandfather:
Дедушке тоже говорила:
Bear story (8)
Emie abaga ọːča.
emie.Y abaga ọː -čE
again.Y grandfather become -pf.ptc
снова.Y дед become -pf.ptc
She became a bear.
И она стала медведицей.
The sacred reindeer (2)
Tačịn goːniken ukčeːndin biː oːhirep abagaw.
tačịn goːn-nIkEn ukčeːn-RI-N(I) biː oːsi-rEp abaga-W
so say-SIM.CVB tell-PST-POSS.3SG 1SG ancient-TEMP grandfather-POSS.1SG
так сказать-SIM.КОНВ говорить-ПРОШ-ПОСС.3ЕД 1ЕД стыринный-TEMP дед-ПОСС.1ЕД
That's what my old grandfather used to say.
Вот, так это рассказывал наш дедушка.
The sacred reindeer (2)
Tačịn goːnikeːn ukčeːndin biː oːhirep abagaw.
tar -čIn goːn -nIkEːn ukčeːn -RI -n(I) biː oːsi -rEp abaga -W
dist -adv say -sim.cvb tell -pst -poss.3sg 1sg ancient -temp grandfather -poss.1sg
dist -adv сказать -sim.cvb говорить -pst -poss.3sg 1sg стыринный -temp дед -poss.1sg
That's what my old grandfather used to say.
Вот, так это рассказывал наш дедушка.
Pear story (3) (2)
Abụgadị beletten, tar ịač-kana, vilasipeːt muttule atča, vilasipeːdač ebit dʒugučidden [ka] karzịːna, karzịːnadụk, abụgaj tepkuduŋgen.
abaga -DI bel -E-Č -R(E) -n(I) tar ịa -Č =kEnE velosiped.R mut -(dU)LE aːtča velosiped.R -E-Č ebit.Y dʒugu -Č -E-D -R(E) -n(I) korzina.R korzina.R -DUk(U) abaga -J tepkudu -ŋ -GE -n(I)
grandfather -dat.prfl.sg help -ep-res -nonfut -3sg dist what -ins =contr bycicle.R 1pl.in -loc neg.ex bycicle.R -ep-ins evid.Y transport -res -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg basket basket -abl grandfather -prfl.sg container -aln -desig -poss.3sg
дед -dat.prfl.sg помогать -ep-res -nonfut -3sg dist что -ins =contr bycicle.R 1pl.в -loc neg.ex bycicle.R -ep-ins evid.Y transport -res -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg basket basket -abl дед -prfl.sg container -aln -desig -poss.3sg
He is helping the old man, and, how should I say it, we have no bicycles - he is transporting with his bicycle his grandfather's container for him from the basket.
Biblical stories (2)
Ukčeːnmečidmi, tarak emie bimi hagdị abagalkaːn biče.
ukčeːn -mEČ -E-D -mI tar -k emie.Y bi -mI hagdị abaga -lkEːn bi -čE
tell -rec -ep-prog -cond.cvb dist -nom again.Y be -cond.cvb old grandfather -prop be -pf.ptc
говорить -rec -ep-prog -cond.cvb dist -nom снова.Y быть -cond.cvb старый дед -prop быть -pf.ptc
We were talking, and that guy had an ancient grandfather.
Разговарывали, у него был старый дедушка.
Even taboos and customs (3)
Tar, anị 'abaga', ịak, emie tar 'gudʒehiw'...
tar anï.Y abaga ịa -k emie.Y tar gudʒej
dist now.Y grandfather what -nom again.Y dist poor
dist сейчас.Y дед что -nom снова.Y dist poor
So, then, (sc. bear is called) 'grandfather', and also 'poor soul'...
И тоже, (медведя) "дедушка", тоже "бедный (жалкий)"...
A short chat about family (2)
Berkejendule bọlla amandụlịwụ, abagalịwụ, Ụsjanala dʒiŋ pradʒedụškalịwụ bihe.
Verkhojansk.R -(dU)LE buolla.Y aman -(dU)LI -W abaga -(dU)LI -W Ust'-Jana.R -(dU)LE dʒiŋ.Y pradeduška.R -(dU)LI -W bi -R(E)
Verkhojansk.R -loc ptl.Y father -prol -poss.1sg grandfather -prol -poss.1sg Ust'-Jana.R -loc truth.Y great-grandfather.R -prol -poss.1sg be -nonfut(3pl)
Verkhojansk.R -loc ptl.Y отец -prol -poss.1sg дед -prol -poss.1sg Ust'-Jana.R -loc правда.Y great-дед.R -prol -poss.1sg быть -nonfut(3pl)
In Verkhojansk in my father's and grandfather's (line), in Ust'-Jana there were (relatives) of my great-grandfather.
В Верхоянске по отцовской линии, в Усть-Яне по прадедушкиной линии.
Tompo in Soviet times (1)
Tadụk bọllaːna tar biː abaːw kụlaːk Eloksejik etikeːn bọlarapač maj bịagan [ọːka] ọːkan beriwenew ịrụːrin.
tar -DUk(U) buollaγïna.Y tar biː abaga -W kulak.R Aleksej.R -ik.R etikeːn bọlanị -rEp -E-Č maj.R bịag -E-n(I) ọː -kEn brevno.R -W ịrụː -RI -n(I)
dist -abl ptl.Y dist 1sg grandfather -poss.1sg kulak.R Aleksej.R -dim.R old.man late.autumn -temp.nr -ep-ins May.R month -ep-poss.3sg become -trm.cvb log -acc draw -pst -poss.3sg
dist -abl ptl.Y dist 1sg дед -poss.1sg kulak.R Aleksej.R -dim.R старый.мужчина late.autumn -temp.nr -ep-ins May.R month -ep-poss.3sg become -trm.cvb log -acc draw -pst -poss.3sg
Then, my grandpa, kulak, old man Aleksej, transported logs from late autumn till May.
Мой дедушка Алексей кулак старик с мая до осени возил бревна. /Тогда мой дед, кулак, старик Алексей до месяца мая возил бревна.