7 matching lines for search term take.
- IMMErek bisin moːntelse.er -k bi -RI -n(I) moːntelseprox -nom be -pst -poss.3sg early.autumnprox -nom быть -pst -poss.3sg рано.autumnThis happened in early autumn.
- IMMOmen bej, əə, grụːšaw, [ị], əə, čaqaddịn.omen bej əə gruša.R -W əə čak -E-D -RI -n(I)one man hesit pear.R -acc hesit gather -ep-prog -pst -poss.3sgодин мужчина hesit pear.R -acc hesit собиратть -ep-prog -pst -poss.3sgA man was collecting pears.
- IMMNọŋan ịlan karzịːnalkaːn bisin, taraw hergile mọː, ee, hịakịta herdelen neːdidʒi, l'eːsnicew neːridʒi, ọjčịrịdʒị, grụːšaŋgajị čaqadʒịlran.nọŋan ịlan korzina.R -lkEːn bi -RI -n(I) tar -W her -gI -(dU)LE mọː ee hịakịta her -dE -(dU)LE -n(I) neː -RIdʒI lestnica.R -W neː -RIdʒI ọjčị -RIdʒI gruša.R -ŋ -GE -J čak -E-D -E-L -R(E) -n(I)3sg three basket -prop be -pst -poss.3sg dist -acc down -nr -loc wood intj tree down -nr -loc -poss.3sg put -ant.cvb ladder.R -acc put -ant.cvb climb -ant.cvb pear.R -aln -desig -prfl.sg gather -ep-prog -ep-inch -nonfut -3sg3sg три basket -prop быть -pst -poss.3sg dist -acc down -nr -loc wood intj дерево down -nr -loc -poss.3sg положить -ant.cvb ladder.R -acc положить -ant.cvb climb -ant.cvb pear.R -aln -desig -prfl.sg собиратть -ep-prog -ep-inch -nonfut -3sgHe had three baskets, he put them under wood, no, under the tree, then he put up the ladder, climbed it and began to collect his pears.
- IMMGrụːšaw čaqaddịn, ńaːn, haːrtụqị miltereːmkeːnidʒi ewrin ńaːn karzịːnala neːdni.gruša.R -W čak -E-D -RI -n(I) ńaːn fartuk.R -J miltereːn -WkEːn -RIdʒI ew -RI -n(I) ńaːn korzina.R -(dU)LE neː -R(E) -n(I)pear.R -acc gather -ep-prog -pst -poss.3sg also apron.R -prfl.sg get.full -caus -ant.cvb go.down -pst -poss.3sg also basket -loc put -nonfut -3sgpear.R -acc собиратть -ep-prog -pst -poss.3sg тоже apron.R -prfl.sg получить.full -caus -ant.cvb идти.down -pst -poss.3sg тоже basket -loc положить -nonfut -3sgHe collected pears, and, after he had filled his apron, he went down and put them into a basket.
- IMMNọŋan tačịn adịrakaːn-da ńekrin.nọŋan tar -čIn adị -RE -KEːn =dE nek -RI -n(I)3sg dist -adv how.much -iter -dim =ptl do -pst -poss.3sg3sg dist -adv как.много -iter -dim =ptl делать -pst -poss.3sgHe did this a couple of times.
- IMMTačịn čakaddakan, čakaddakan ńaːn daːlịlịn omen bej ielteŋčirin.tar -čIn čak -E-D -REk -E-n(I) čak -E-D -REk -E-n(I) ńaːn daːlị -(dU)LI -n(I) omen bej ielten -Č -RI -n(I)dist -adv gather -ep-prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg gather -ep-prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg also near -prol -poss.3sg one man pass -res -pst -poss.3sgdist -adv собиратть -ep-prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg собиратть -ep-prog -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg тоже near -prol -poss.3sg один мужчина pass -res -pst -poss.3sgHe was thus collecting, collecting, and a man passed nearby.
- IMMOmen bej ielteŋčirin, čaːskị horrin.omen bej ielten -Č -RI -n(I) čaːg -skI hor -RI -n(I)one man pass -res -pst -poss.3sg further -all.adv go.away -pst -poss.3sgодин мужчина pass -res -pst -poss.3sg further -весь.adv идти.прочь -pst -poss.3sgA man passed by and went further.
- IMMTarak amardalịn, nọŋan [čaqa dars] daːl'sa čaqadʒịlran.tar -k amar -dE -(dU)LI -n(I) nọŋan dal'še.R čak -E-D -E-L -R(E) -n(I)dist -nom back.side -nr -prol -poss.3sg 3sg further.R gather -ep-prog -ep-inch -nonfut -3sgdist -nom назад.сторона -nr -prol -poss.3sg 3sg further.R собиратть -ep-prog -ep-inch -nonfut -3sgAfter that, he began to collect further.
- IMMČaqadʒịlrịn, họtarandụlị asatqaːn iːn, ee, hurkeːčeːkeːn, hurkeːkeːkeːn ŋenrin, veːl'ikči, vilosipeːdeč hiruŋčin.čak -E-D -E-L -RI -n(I) họtaran -(dU)LI asatkaːn iː -n(I) ee hurkeːn -kEːkEːn hurkeːn -kEːkEːn ŋen -RI -n(I) velik.R -DʒI velosiped.R -E-Č hiru -n -Č -n(I)gather -ep-prog -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sg road -prol girl come.in -3sg(nonfut) intj young.man -dim young.man -dim go -pst -poss.3sg bicycle.R -inst.prfl.sg bycicle.R -ep-ins ride -mult -res -3sg(nonfut)собиратть -ep-prog -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sg road -prol girl прийти.в -3sg(nonfut) intj молодой.мужчина -dim молодой.мужчина -dim идти -pst -poss.3sg bicycle.R -inst.prfl.sg bycicle.R -ep-ins ехать:верхом -mult -res -3sg(nonfut)He began to collect pears, and girl came, no, a boy, a little boy was going, on a bicycle, he was riding a bicycle.
- IMMHiruŋčidnikeːn ńaːn nọŋan [tewliddi], ee, čaqaddịlan, čaqaddịlan, daːlịlịn hiruŋčin.hiru -n -Č -D -nIkEːn ńaːn nọŋan tewte -lI -D -RI ee čak -E-D -RI -(dU)LE -n(I) čak -E-D -RI -(dU)LE -n(I) daːlị -(dU)LI -n(I) hiru -n -Č -n(I)ride -mult -res -prog -sim.cvb also 3sg berry -vr.mult -prog -impf.ptc intj gather -ep-prog -impf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg gather -ep-prog -impf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg near -prol -poss.3sg ride -anr -res -3sg(nonfut)ехать:верхом -mult -res -prog -sim.cvb тоже 3sg berry -vr.mult -prog -impf.ptc intj собиратть -ep-prog -impf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg собиратть -ep-prog -impf.ptc -loc -poss.3sg near -prol -poss.3sg ехать:верхом -anr -res -3sg(nonfut)He was riding, and while he (sc. the man) was [collecting berries], no, collecting, collecting, he rode next to him.
- IMMHiruŋčiridʒi ńaːn itten-de er [karz] ịlan karzịːna ịlattịwan.hiru -n -Č -RIdʒI ńaːn it -R(E) -n(I) =dE er ịlan korzina.R ịl -E-Č -RI -W -E-n(I)ride -mult -res -ant.cvb also see -nonfut -3sg(nonfut) =ptl prox three basket stand.up -ep-res -impf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sgехать:верхом -mult -res -ant.cvb тоже видеть -nonfut -3sg(nonfut) =ptl prox три basket стоять.вверх -ep-res -impf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sgWhile riding, he saw a basket, three baskets standing there.
- IMMDʒoːr, dʒoːr miltereː [kar] karcịːnaw ittidʒi ńaːn ewrin [vilosip] vilosipeːttukuj ńaːn ŋenridʒi dʒọmqaːttan:dʒoːr dʒoːr miltereː korzina.R -W it -RIdʒI ńaːn ew -RI -n(I) velosiped.R -DUk(U) -J ńaːn ŋen -RIdʒI dʒọn -WkEːn -Č -R(E) -n(I)two two full basket -acc see -ant.cvb also go.down -pst -poss.3sg bycicle.R -abl -prfl.sg also go -ant.cvb remember -caus -res -nonfut -3sgдва два full basket -acc видеть -ant.cvb тоже идти.down -pst -poss.3sg bycicle.R -abl -prfl.sg тоже идти -ant.cvb remember -caus -res -nonfut -3sgHe saw two full baskets, and got off his bicycle, and went there, thinking:
- IMM"Gadʒim-gu grụːšaw? Tar bej ojle l'eːsnicele ọjčịrịdʒị hịakịtadụq čaqaddan. Ulgimidʒim-gu?"ga -DʒI -m =GU gruša.R -W tar bej oj -(dU)LE lestnica.R -(dU)LE ọjčị -RIdʒI hịakịta -DUk(U) čak -E-D -R(E) -n(I) ulgimi -DʒI -m =GUtake -fut -1sg =q pear.R -acc dist man top -loc ladder.R -loc climb -ant.cvb tree -abl gather -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg ask -fut -1sg =qвзять -fut -1sg =q pear.R -acc dist мужчина top -loc ladder.R -loc climb -ant.cvb дерево -abl собиратть -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg спросить -fut -1sg =q"Should I take the pears? The man up there has climbed the ladder and is collecting them from the tree. Or should I ask him?"
- IMMŃaːn eč ulgimir, taraq tačịn-da čaqaddan.ńaːn e -čE ulgimi -R(E) tar -k tar -čIn =dE čak -E-D -R(E) -n(I)also neg -pf.ptc ask -neg.cvb dist -nom dist -adv =ptl gather -ep-prog -nonfut -3sgтоже neg -pf.ptc спросить -neg.cvb dist -nom dist -adv =ptl собиратть -ep-prog -nonfut -3sgAnd he didn't ask, and that (man) collected still them.
- IMMTaraqam naːn "Omem gadʒịm" dʒọmqaːttịdʒị "gadʒịm-gu?", goːnni, "Tarbat-ta", goːnin "kubečen gadaːqụ".tarakam ńaːn omen -W ga -DʒI -m dʒọn -WkEːn -Č -RIdʒI ga -DʒI -m =GU goːn -n(I) tarbač =dE goːn -RI -n(I) kubeč -E-n(I) ga -DEː -Wthen also one -acc take -fut -1sg remember -caus -res -ant.cvb take -fut -1sg =q say -3sg(nonfut) ptl =ptl say -pst -poss.3sg all -ep-poss.3sg take -purp.cvb -poss.1sgтогда тоже один -acc взять -fut -1sg remember -caus -res -ant.cvb взять -fut -1sg =q сказать -3sg(nonfut) ptl =ptl сказать -pst -poss.3sg весь -ep-poss.3sg взять -purp.cvb -poss.1sgAnd then, he thought "I'll take one. Should I take it?", "OK", he said, "let me take them all".
- IMMỊaqawụ-kana, karcịːnaŋŋan gadnị.ịa -k aw -g(Eg) =kEnE korzina.R -ŋ -W -E-n(I) ga -R(E) -n(I)what -nom which -adjr =contr basket -aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg take -nonfut -3sgчто -nom который -adjr =contr basket -aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg взять -nonfut -3sgHe took whatchammacallit, the basket.
- IMMTačịn-de enikeːn ịaw-da goːn gadnị, ńaːn họːtụsnịn.tar -čIn =dE e -nIkEːn ịa -W =dE goːn ga -R(E) -n(I) ńaːn họːtụ -s(E)n -RI -n(I)dist -adv =ptl neg -sim.cvb what -acc =ptl say(neg.cvb) take -nonfut -3sg also drive -lim -pst -poss.3sgdist -adv =ptl neg -sim.cvb что -acc =ptl сказать(neg.cvb) взять -nonfut -3sg тоже drive -lim -pst -poss.3sgThus he didn't say anything, he took them and drove away.
- IMM[veːl'ik, veːli] Vilosipeːdle neːdidʒi horrin.velik.R velosiped.R -(dU)LE neː -RIdʒI hor -RI -n(I)bicycle.R bycicle.R -loc put -ant.cvb go.away -pst -poss.3sgbicycle.R bycicle.R -loc положить -ant.cvb идти.прочь -pst -poss.3sgHe put it on a bicycle and left.
- IMMHorrin, hirunni ńaːn, tar, bej čaqaddị tačịn-da ịaw-da medden, tačịn-da čaqaddan.hor -RI -n(I) hiru -n(I) ńaːn tar bej čak -E-D -RI tar -čIn =dE ịa -W =dE med -R(E) -n(I) tar -čIn =dE čak -E-D -R(E) -n(I)go.away -pst -poss.3sg ride -poss.3sg also dist man gather -ep-prog -impf.ptc dist -adv =ptl what -acc =ptl feel -nonfut -3sg dist -adv =ptl gather -ep-prog -nonfut -3sgидти.прочь -pst -poss.3sg ехать:верхом -poss.3sg тоже dist мужчина собиратть -ep-prog -impf.ptc dist -adv =ptl что -acc =ptl feel -nonfut -3sg dist -adv =ptl собиратть -ep-prog -nonfut -3sgHe left and he rode (sc. the bicycle), and the man who was collecting still didn't notice a thing, he was still collecting (sc. pears).
- IMMTaraq hurkeːn ńaːn họtarandụla horrin amaskịtar -k hurkeːn ńaːn họtaran -(dU)LE hor -RI -n(I) amar -skIdist -nom young.man also road -loc go.away -pst -poss.3sg back.side -all.advdist -nom молодой.мужчина тоже road -loc идти.прочь -pst -poss.3sg назад.сторона -весь.advThat boy then went back on the road.
- IMMAmasqị horednikeːn ńaːn asatqaːm baqaldan [veːli] vilosipeːdeč hiruŋčiddiw.amar -skI hor -E-D -nIkEːn ńaːn asatkaːn -W bak -E-ldE -n(I) velosiped.R -E-Č hiru -n -Č -D -RI -Wback.side -all.adv go.away -ep-prog -sim.cvb also girl -acc find -ep-soc -3sg(nonfut) bycicle.R -ep-ins ride -mult -res -prog -impf.ptc -accназад.сторона -весь.adv идти.прочь -ep-prog -sim.cvb тоже girl -acc найти -ep-soc -3sg(nonfut) bycicle.R -ep-ins ехать:верхом -mult -res -prog -impf.ptc -accWhile going back (sc. to the road), he met a girl riding a bicycle.
- IMMBaqaldan, taraw kojeːčidʒimnin ńaːn nọŋantịqịn, asatqaːn nọːd biseken, kojeːčidʒimnin, ịaŋị, ịala, vilosipeːden [dʒọ] dʒọlla ọŋdarịdʒị tikren.bak -E-ldE -n(I) tarak -W kojeː -Č -D -E-mnIn ńaːn nọŋan -t(E)kI -n(I) asatkaːn nọːd bi -REk -E-n(I) kojeː -Č -D -E-mnIn ịa -ŋ -J ịa -(dU)LE velosiped.R -E-n(I) dʒọl -(dU)LE ọŋda -RIdʒI tik -R(E) -n(I)find -ep-soc -3sg(nonfut) dist -acc look -res -prog -ep-imm.cvb also 3sg -all -poss.3sg girl beautiful be -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg look -res -prog -ep-imm.cvb what -aln -prfl.sg what -loc bycicle.R -ep-poss.3sg stone -loc hit.with.front.part -ant.cvb fall -nonfut -3sgнайти -ep-soc -3sg(nonfut) dist -acc смотреть -res -prog -ep-imm.cvb тоже 3sg -весь -poss.3sg girl beautiful быть -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg смотреть -res -prog -ep-imm.cvb что -aln -prfl.sg что -loc bycicle.R -ep-poss.3sg камень -loc hit.с.перед.часть -ant.cvb fall -nonfut -3sgHe met her, and as soon as he looked, at her, the girl was beautiful, as soon as he saw her, erm, his bicycle hit a stone with its front part and fell.
- IMMTikrin, ńaːn karzịːnan oŋkelbesnin.tik -RI -n(I) ńaːn korzina.R -n(I) oŋke -LbE -s(E)n -RI -n(I)fall -pst -poss.3sg also basket -poss.3sg pour -vr -lim -pst -poss.3sgfall -pst -poss.3sg тоже basket -poss.3sg pour -vr -lim -pst -poss.3sgHe fell and his basket spilt.
- IMMTala [gr] grụːša miltereː bisin, taraŋan ńaːn oŋkelberin.tar -(dU)LE gruša.R miltereː bi -RI -n(I) tar -ŋ -E-n(I) ńaːn oŋke -LbE -RI -n(I)dist -loc pear.R full be -pst -poss.3sg dist -aln -ep-poss.3sg also pour -vr -pst -poss.3sgdist -loc pear.R full быть -pst -poss.3sg dist -aln -ep-poss.3sg тоже pour -vr -pst -poss.3sgThere were plenty of pears there, and they spilt.
- IMMOŋkelbereken ńaːn ịlrịn, čaqadʒịlrịn.oŋke -LbE -REk -E-n(I) ńaːn ịl -RI -n(I) čak -E-D -E-L -RI -n(I)pour -vr -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg also stand.up -pst -poss.3sg gather -ep-prog -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sgpour -vr -cond.cvb -ep-poss.3sg тоже стоять.вверх -pst -poss.3sg собиратть -ep-prog -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sgThey spilt, and he stood up and began to gather them.
- IMMTar daːlịlan ńaːn hurkeːr gịrqaddịtan.tar daːlị -(dU)LE -n(I) ńaːn hurkeːn -L gịrka -D -RI -tEndist near -loc -poss.3sg also young.man -pl walk -prog -pst -poss.3pldist near -loc -poss.3sg тоже молодой.мужчина -pl идти -prog -pst -poss.3plAnd there, nearby, some boys were walking.
- IMMỊlan hurkeːr gịrqaddịtan, nọŋartịqịtan, nọŋartan ńaːn beledʒilre nọŋandụn.ịlan hurkeːn -L gịrka -D -RI -tEn nọŋan -L -t(E)kI -tEn nọŋartan ńaːn bel -E-D -E-L -R(E) nọŋan -DU -n(I)three young.man -pl walk -prog -pst -poss.3pl 3sg -pl -all -poss.3pl 3pl also be.nice.to -ep-prog -ep-inch -nonfut(3pl) 3sg -dat -poss.3sgтри молодой.мужчина -pl идти -prog -pst -poss.3pl 3sg -pl -весь -poss.3pl 3pl тоже быть.nice.к -ep-prog -ep-inch -nonfut(3pl) 3sg -dat -poss.3sgThere were three boys were walking, towards them, they began helping him.
- IMMGrụːšaŋgan-da kubečen čaqra, ńaːn, čaqrịdʒụr, belridʒur horre.gruša.R -ŋ -GE -n(I) =dE kubeč -E-n(I) čak -R(E) ńaːn čak -RIdʒI -L bel -RIdʒI -L hor -R(E)pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg =ptl all -ep-poss.3sg gather -nonfut(3pl) also gather -ant.cvb -pl help -ant.cvb -pl go.away -nonfut(3pl)pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg =ptl весь -ep-poss.3sg собиратть -nonfut(3pl) тоже собиратть -ant.cvb -pl помогать -ant.cvb -pl идти.прочь -nonfut(3pl)They collected all the pears for him and, when they collected them and helped him, they left.
- IMMAa, erek hurkeːn-demer [vi] vilosipeːdle neːdni karzịːnaw, horedʒilrin čaːskị, hiruni.aa er -k hurkeːn =dmEr velosiped.R -(dU)LE neː -R(E) -n(I) korzina.R -W hor -E-D -E-L -RI -n(I) čaːg -skI hiru -n(I)intj prox -nom young.man =emph bycicle.R -loc put -nonfut -3sg basket -acc go.away -ep-prog -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sg next -all.adv ride -3sg(nonfut)intj prox -nom молодой.мужчина =emph bycicle.R -loc положить -nonfut -3sg basket -acc идти.прочь -ep-prog -ep-inch -pst -poss.3sg next -весь.adv ехать:верхом -3sg(nonfut)And that boy put the basket on the bike, left further and rode (on a bike).
- IMMŃaːn ịlan hurkeːr gịrqatčal baqrịtan, gịrqasnịdʒụr baqrịtan šl'aːpawan, aːwman.ńaːn ịlan hurkeːn -L gịrka -Č -čE -L bak -RI -tEn gịrka -s(E)n -RIdʒI -L bak -RI -tEn šljapa.R -W -E-n(I) aːwan -W -E-n(I)also three young.man -pl walk -res -pf.ptc -pl find -pst -poss.3pl walk -lim -ant.cvb -pl find -pst -poss.3pl hat.R -acc -ep-poss.3sg hat -acc -ep-poss.3sgтоже три молодой.мужчина -pl идти -res -pf.ptc -pl найти -pst -poss.3pl идти -lim -ant.cvb -pl найти -pst -poss.3pl hat.R -acc -ep-poss.3sg hat -acc -ep-poss.3sgAnd the three boys that were walking found, when they went on, they found a hat, a cap.
- IMMBaqrịtan, [ọmọskị] amaskị ńaːn mụčụrịdʒị kiekesnidʒi eːririn.bak -RI -tEn amar -skI ńaːn mụčụ -RIdʒI kieken -s(E)n -RIdʒI eːri -RI -n(I)find -pst -poss.3pl back.side -all.adv also return -ant.cvb whistle -lim -ant.cvb call -impf.ptc -poss.3sgнайти -pst -poss.3pl назад.сторона -весь.adv тоже вернуться -ant.cvb whistle -lim -ant.cvb звать -impf.ptc -poss.3sgThey found it, and he (sc. one of the boys) went back, whistled and called him.
- IMMTarak [veːli] vilosipeːdelkeːn ńaːn hurkeːn kojeːttin, nọŋan aːwman nọŋandụn emurin.tar -k velosiped.R -E-lkEːn ńaːn hurkeːn kojeː -Č -RI -n(I) nọŋan aːwan -W -E-n(I) nọŋan -DU -n(I) em -U -RI -n(I)dist -nom bycicle.R -ep-prop also young.man look -res -pst -poss.3sg 3sg hat -acc -ep-poss.3sg 3sg -dat -poss.3sg come -tr -pst -poss.3sgdist -nom bycicle.R -ep-prop тоже молодой.мужчина смотреть -res -pst -poss.3sg 3sg hat -acc -ep-poss.3sg 3sg -dat -poss.3sg прийти -tr -pst -poss.3sgThat boy with a bicycle then looked, he had brought him his hat.
- IMMHọːqanịdʒị nọŋandụn emučewuten, nọŋardụtan ịlnịdụtan grụːšaŋgatan boːn.họːka -n -RIdʒI nọŋan -DU -n(I) em -U -čE -W -tEn nọŋan -L -DU -tEn ịlan -I -DU -tEn gruša.R -ŋ -GE -tEn boː -n(I)be.glad -mult -ant.cvb 3sg -dat -poss.3sg come -tr -pf.ptc -acc -poss.3pl 3sg -pl -dat -poss.3pl three -coll.num -dat -poss.3pl pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3pl give -3sg(nonfut)быть.glad -mult -ant.cvb 3sg -dat -poss.3sg прийти -tr -pf.ptc -acc -poss.3pl 3sg -pl -dat -poss.3pl три -coll.num -dat -poss.3pl pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3pl дать -3sg(nonfut)Happy that they brought it to him, he gave each of the three of them a pear.
- IMMGrụːšaw boːridʒi horrin ńaːn.gruša.R -W boː -RIdʒI hor -RI -n(I) ńaːnpear.R -acc give -ant.cvb go.away -pst -poss.3sg alsopear.R -acc дать -ant.cvb идти.прочь -pst -poss.3sg тожеAnd he gave them pears and left.
- IMMTaraw grụːšaw gadịdʒụr kụŋaːl họːqanịtan, bọrịtmattịtan, gịrqasnitan čaːskị.tar -W gruša.R -W ga -RIdʒI -L kụŋaː -L họːka -n -RI -tEn bọrị -Č -mEČ -RI -tEn gịrka -s(E)n -RI -tEn čaːg -skIdist -acc pear.R -acc take -ant.cvb -pl child -pl be.glad -mult -pst -poss.3pl distribute -res -rec -pst -poss.3pl walk -lim -pst -poss.3pl next -all.advdist -acc pear.R -acc взять -ant.cvb -pl ребенок -pl быть.glad -mult -pst -poss.3pl distribute -res -rec -pst -poss.3pl идти -lim -pst -poss.3pl next -весь.advWhen they got these pears, the children were happy, they shared them and went on.
- IMM[gịrqa] Gịrqaddịtan, i, ile ịssịtan?, bej grụːšaw čaqaddịla ịssịtan, grụːšaw čaqaddịla bejle ịssịtan, i iːlteŋčiriten čaːskị.gịrka gịrka -D -RI -tEn i.R ir -(dU)LE ịs -RI -tEn bej gruša.R -W čak -E-D -RI -(dU)LE ịs -RI -tEn gruša.R -W čak -E-D -RI -(dU)LE bej -(dU)LE ịs -RI -tEn i.R ielten -Č -RI -tEn čaːg -skIwalk walk -prog -pst -poss.3pl and.R which -loc arrive -pst -poss.3pl man pear.R -acc gather -ep-prog -impf.ptc -loc arrive -pst -poss.3pl pear.R -acc gather -ep-prog -impf.ptc -loc man -loc arrive -pst -poss.3pl and.R pass -res -pst -poss.3pl next -all.advидти идти -prog -pst -poss.3pl and.R который -loc прибыть -pst -poss.3pl мужчина pear.R -acc собиратть -ep-prog -impf.ptc -loc прибыть -pst -poss.3pl pear.R -acc собиратть -ep-prog -impf.ptc -loc мужчина -loc прибыть -pst -poss.3pl and.R pass -res -pst -poss.3pl next -весь.advThey were walking and, where did they arrive?, they arrived to the man that was collecting pears, to the man collecting pears they arrived, and they passed by him.
- IMMTarak bej ịlrịn, ewridʒi, leːsnicele ewridʒi kojeːttin: ịaqawụ, ịaq-ụt-ta aːtčamdes.tar -k bej ịl -RI -n(I) ew -RIdʒI lestnica.R -(dU)LE ew -RIdʒI kojeː -Č -RI -n(I) - ịakaw ịa -k aw -g(Eg) ịa -k =WUt =dE aːtča -mdEsdist -nom man stand.up -pst -poss.3sg go.down -ant.cvb ladder.R -loc go.down -ant.cvb look -res -pst -poss.3sg - what.like what -nom which -adjr what -nom =indef =ptl neg.ex -smldist -nom мужчина стоять.вверх -pst -poss.3sg идти.down -ant.cvb ladder.R -loc идти.down -ant.cvb смотреть -res -pst -poss.3sg - что.любить что -nom который -adjr что -nom =indef =ptl neg.ex -smlThat man straightened up, he got down, he got down on a ladder, and took a look: something seemed to be missing.
- IMMKojeːttin, taŋrịn, ịlan bičedukun, ịlan bičedukun karzịːna, dʒoːr-teken karzịːna.kojeː -Č -RI -n(I) taŋ -RI -n(I) ịlan ịlan bi -čE -DUk(U) -n(I) ịlan bi -čE -DUk(U) -n(I) korzina.R dʒoːr =t(E)kEn korzina.Rlook -res -pst -poss.3sg read -pst -poss.3sg - three three be -pf.ptc -abl -poss.3sg three be -pf.ptc -abl -poss.3sg basket two =restr basketсмотреть -res -pst -poss.3sg read -pst -poss.3sg - три три быть -pf.ptc -abl -poss.3sg три быть -pf.ptc -abl -poss.3sg basket два =restr basketHe looked, counted - out of three, out of three baskets, only two baskets (left)
- IMMMịaŋčịlrịdʒị, mịaŋčịn: ịala horrin?mịan -Č -L -RIdʒI mịan -Č -n(I) -n(I) ịa -(dU)LE hor -RI -n(I)be.surprised -res -inch -ant.cvb be.surprised -res -3sg wonderwhat -loc go.away -pst -poss.3sgбыть.surprised -res -inch -ant.cvb быть.surprised -res -3sg wonderwhat -loc идти.прочь -pst -poss.3sgHe started wondering, he wondered: Where has it gone?
- IMMTaraqam ńaːn ele hurkeːr gịrqaddịtan; kojeːttin, hurkeːr gịrqanịkaːn, grụːšaw dʒebnikeːn gịrqadda.tarakam ńaːn er -(dU)LE hurkeːn -L gịrka -D -RI -tEn kojeː -Č -RI -n(I) hurkeːn -L gịrka -nIkEn gruša.R -W dʒeb -nIkEːn gịrka -D -R(E)then also prox -loc young.man -pl walk -prog -pst -poss.3pl look -res -pst -poss.3sg young.man -pl walk -sim.cvb pear.R -acc eat -sim.cvb walk -prog -nonfut(3pl)тогда тоже prox -loc молодой.мужчина -pl идти -prog -pst -poss.3pl смотреть -res -pst -poss.3sg молодой.мужчина -pl идти -sim.cvb pear.R -acc есть -sim.cvb идти -prog -nonfut(3pl)At that moment, the boys were walking there; he looked, the boys are walking eating pears, walking.
- IMMỊaw-da enikeːn goːn horre.ịa -W =dE e -nIkEːn goːn hor -R(E)what -acc =ptl neg -sim.cvb say(neg.cvb) go.away -nonfut(3pl)что -acc =ptl neg -sim.cvb сказать(neg.cvb) идти.прочь -nonfut(3pl)They said nothing and left.
- IMMTačịn-da mịaŋčịdʒịlran.tar -čIn =dE mịan -Č -D -E-L -R(E) -n(I)dist -adv =ptl ten -res -prog -ep-inch -nonfut -3sgdist -adv =ptl десять -res -prog -ep-inch -nonfut -3sgThus he stayed wondering.
- IMMŃaːn tar-sị. Ọddam.ńaːn tar =sI ọd -R(E) -malso dist =emph finish -nonfut -1sgтоже dist =emph закончить -nonfut -1sgThis is all. I've finished.