2 matching lines for search term songbird.
- DMНа эвенском языке.In Even.На эвенском языке.
- KRPEwedič.ewen -DI -ČEven -adjr -insEven -adjr -insIn Even.
- GNMEe.eeintjintjYes.
- DMТак, можете, о, минуточку, еще нет, еще нет!Now you can talk, oh, a minute, not yet, not yet!
- DMТак.So.
- DMВ порядке.OK.
- KRPMm.mmintjintjMmh.
- DMМожете.You can start.
- GNMBiː kojeːttem pịlmaw.biː kojeː -Č -R(E) -m fil'm.R -W1sg look -res -nonfut -1sg film.R -acc1sg смотреть -res -nonfut -1sg film.R -accI have seen a film.
- GNMAa.aaahahMmh.
- GNMTala bọllaːna omen bej gụrụːšaw hịakịtadụk tawaddan, tar tawrịdʒị bọllaːna karzịːnaldu hịńdan, họːja ọːdnị.tarak -(dU)LE buollaγïna.Y omen bej gruša.R -W hịakịta -DUk(U) taw -E-D -R(E) -n(I) tar taw -RIdʒI buollaγïna.Y korzina.R -L -DU hịn -R(E) -n(I) họːja ọː -R(E) -n(I)dist -loc ptl.Y one man pear.R -acc tree -abl gather -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg dist gather -ant.cvb ptl.Y basket -pl -dat insert -nonfut -3sg many become -nonfut -3sgdist -loc ptl.Y один мужчина pear.R -acc дерево -abl собиратть -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg dist собиратть -ant.cvb ptl.Y basket -pl -dat insert -nonfut -3sg много become -nonfut -3sgThere a man was picking pears from a tree, and after he had picked them, he put them in baskets. He gathered quite a lot.
- GNMTaraŋan bọllaːna dʒugutemŋen bọllaːna, ịak-karịa, bịlasipịadalkaːn hurkeːn emedden ebit.tar -ŋ -E-n(I) buollaγïna.Y dʒugu -Č -E-mŋE -n(I) buollaγïna.Y ịa -k =kErIE velosiped.R -E-lkEːn hurkeːn em -E-D -R(E) -n(I) ebit.Ydist -aln -ep-poss.3sg ptl.Y transport -res -ep-ag.nr -poss.3sg ptl.Y what -nom =contr bycicle.R -ep-prop young.man come -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg evid.Ydist -aln -ep-poss.3sg ptl.Y transport -res -ep-ag.nr -poss.3sg ptl.Y что -nom =contr bycicle.R -ep-prop молодой.мужчина прийти -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg evid.YThis fellow's transport assistant, uhm, a boy with a bicycle was approaching, apparently.
- GNMOmetel karzịːnaw hurunikeːn horunnen anị tar [...] čakụŋka toːreŋnej urečin.omen -tEl korzina.R -W hor -U -nIkEːn hor -U -nnE -n(I) anï.Y tar čak -E-ŋkE toːr -E-ŋ -(dU)LE -J urečinone -distr basket -acc go.away -tr -sim.cvb go.away -tr -nec.ptc -poss.3sg now.Y dist gather -ep-nr land -ep-aln -loc -prfl.sg evidодин -distr basket -acc идти.прочь -tr -sim.cvb идти.прочь -tr -nec.ptc -poss.3sg сейчас.Y dist собиратть -ep-nr земля -ep-aln -loc -prfl.sg evidCarrying the baskets one by one, he was then supposed [...] to take them to the place where he collects them (=to his place for gathering), apparently.
- GNMDʒeː tarịč bọllaːna omen bej bọllaːna dʒeː kọzaːčaːmị elgenikeːn ieltenni tar bej hatlịn.dʒe.Y tar -E-Č buollaγïna.Y omen bej buollaγïna.Y dʒe.Y koza.R -KEːn -W -J elge -nIkEːn ielten -n(I) tar bej hat -(dU)LI -n(I)ptl.Y dist -ep-ins ptl.Y one man ptl.Y ptl.Y goat.R -dim -acc -prfl.sg lead.on.leash -sim.cvb pass -3sg dist man near -prol -poss.3sgptl.Y dist -ep-ins ptl.Y один мужчина ptl.Y ptl.Y goat.R -dim -acc -prfl.sg lead.на.leash -sim.cvb pass -3sg dist мужчина near -prol -poss.3sgAnd then, a man with his little goat passed by near that man.
- GNMErek bịlasịpịadalkaːn hurkeːjekeːn ŋenedden họtarandụlị ajkaːkaːń.er -k velosiped.R -E-lkEːn hurkeːn -jEkEːn ŋen -E-D -R(E) -n(I) họtaran -(dU)LI aj -kEːkEːn -Čprox -nom bycicle.R -ep-prop young.man -dim go -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg road -prol good -dim -insprox -nom bycicle.R -ep-prop молодой.мужчина -dim идти -ep-prog -nonfut -3sg road -prol хороший -dim -insThat boy with the bicycle was quickly riding along the road.
- GNMTar deːpki araj họː nọːd ahatkaːn bakaldan.tar deːpki araj.Y họː nọːd asatkaːn bak -E-ldE -n(I)dist opposite suddenly.Y very beautiful girl find -ep-soc -3sgdist opposite suddenly.Y очень beautiful girl найти -ep-soc -3sgThen, before him, he suddenly met a very beautiful girl.
- GNMDʒeː, taraw kojeːčidnikeːn bọlla bịlasịpịattụkụj tikren, karzịːnadụkụn gụrụːšaŋan bokotkeːnni oŋkelben.dʒe.Y tar -W kojeː -Č -E-D -nIkEːn buolla.Y velosiped.R -DUk(U) -J tik -R(E) -n(I) korzina.R -DUk(U) -n(I) gruša.R -ŋ -E-n(I) bekeč -KEːn -n(I) oŋke -LbE -n(I)ptl.Y dist -acc look -res -ep-prog -sim.cvb ptl.Y bycicle.R -abl -prfl.sg fall -nonfut -3sg basket -abl -poss.3sg pear.R -aln -ep-poss.3sg all -dim -poss.3sg pour -vr -3sgptl.Y dist -acc смотреть -res -ep-prog -sim.cvb ptl.Y bycicle.R -abl -prfl.sg fall -nonfut -3sg basket -abl -poss.3sg pear.R -aln -ep-poss.3sg весь -dim -poss.3sg pour -vr -3sgWhile he was looking at her, he fell from the bicycle, and all his pears spilt out from his basket.
- GNMErek hurkeːn bimi tadu dessidʒelden, helepečeːnni degelden, ile-de ile.er -k hurkeːn bi -mI tar -DU desči -D -E-L -R(E) -n(I) šljapa.R -KEːn -n(I) deg -E-L -R(E) -n(I) ir -(dU)LE =dE ir -(dU)LEprox -nom young.man be -cond.cvb dist -dat lie -prog -ep-inch -nonfut -3sg hat.R -dim -poss.3sg fly -ep-inch -nonfut -3sg which -loc =ptl which -locprox -nom молодой.мужчина быть -cond.cvb dist -dat лежать -prog -ep-inch -nonfut -3sg hat.R -dim -poss.3sg летать -ep-inch -nonfut -3sg который -loc =ptl который -locThat boy, he lay there, his hat flew away, oh, where is it?
- GNMTarịč anï bejel nọŋandụn, ịlan bej emdidʒi nọŋandụn beletteːwur tar gụrụːšaŋgan tawdaːwụr ńekre.tar -E-Č anï.Y bej -E-L nọŋan -DU -n(I) ịlan bej em -RIdʒI nọŋan -DU -n(I) bel -E-Č -DEː -WUr tar gruša.R -ŋ -GE -n(I) taw -DEː -WUr nek -R(E)dist -ep-ins now.Y self -ep-pl 3sg -dat -poss.3sg three man come -ant.cvb 3sg -dat -poss.3sg help -ep-res -purp.cvb -prfl.pl dist pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg gather -purp.cvb -prfl.pl do -nonfut(3pl)dist -ep-ins сейчас.Y сам -ep-pl 3sg -dat -poss.3sg три мужчина прийти -ant.cvb 3sg -dat -poss.3sg помогать -ep-res -purp.cvb -prfl.pl dist pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg собиратть -purp.cvb -prfl.pl делать -nonfut(3pl)Now some people, three men came and were ready to help him to gather his pears.
- GNMTar gụrụːšaŋgan tawra, bịlasịpịattụn neːde.tar gruša.R -ŋ -GE -n(I) taw -R(E) velosiped.R -DU -n(I) neː -R(E)dist pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg gather -nonfut(3pl) bycicle.R -dat -poss.3sg put -nonfut(3pl)dist pear.R -aln -desig -poss.3sg собиратть -nonfut(3pl) bycicle.R -dat -poss.3sg положить -nonfut(3pl)The collected the pears for him and put them on his bicycle.
- GNMTar bịlasịpịadalkaːn hurkeːnčeːnti horehenen.tar velosiped.R -E-lkEːn hurkeːn -KEːn -t(I) hor -E-s(E)n -R(E) -n(I)dist bycicle.R -ep-prop young.man -dim -poss.1pl.in go.away -ep-lim -nonfut -3sgdist bycicle.R -ep-prop молодой.мужчина -dim -poss.1pl.в идти.прочь -ep-lim -nonfut -3sgOur young hero with a bicycle thus went further.
- GNMəə...əəhesithesitUhm...
- GNMHelepečeːmen ịlan bej henŋeneddil bakra, ńaːn nọŋan ọmŋačawan, taraŋŋan dʒeː boːr.šljapa.R -KEːn -W -E-n(I) ịlan bej henŋen -E-D -RI -L bak -R(E) ńaːn nọŋan ọmŋa -čE -W -E-n(I) tar -E-ŋ -W -E-n(I) dʒe.Y boː -R(E)hat.R -dim -acc -ep-poss.3sg three man kneel -ep-prog -impf.ptc -pl find -nonfut(3pl) also 3sg forget -pf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg dist -ep-aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg ptl.Y give -nonfut(3pl)hat.R -dim -acc -ep-poss.3sg три мужчина kneel -ep-prog -impf.ptc -pl найти -nonfut(3pl) тоже 3sg забыть -pf.ptc -acc -ep-poss.3sg dist -ep-aln -acc -ep-poss.3sg ptl.Y дать -nonfut(3pl)The three boys that kneeled down found the hat, and since he had forgotten it, they gave it to him.
- GNMDʒeː tarpač tar horehenen.dʒe.Y tarbač tar hor -E-s(E)n -R(E) -n(I)ptl.Y ptl dist ptl go.away -ep-lim -nonfut -3sgptl.Y ptl dist ptl идти.прочь -ep-lim -nonfut -3sgSo he finally set off.
- GNMTalawụr bọllaːna họː nọːd bụgalkaːhal bičel ebit.tar -(dU)LE -WUr buollaγïna.Y họː nọːd bụg -E-lkEːn -SEl bi -čE -L ebit.Ydist -loc -prfl.pl ptl.Y very beautiful homeland -ep-prop -pl be -pf.ptc -pl evid.Ydist -loc -prfl.pl ptl.Y очень beautiful homeland -ep-prop -pl быть -pf.ptc -pl evid.YThey apparently had a very beautiful country there.
- GNMUrekčen-de bihni, ọkaːt-ta iːgen iːhni, čịwkačan-da miltereː toːren, daže, ịak-kana, dʒewetel-de ịal-da araj dʒirgerimdehel.urekčen =dE bi -R(E) -n(I) ọkaːt =dE iːg -E-n(I) iː -R(E) -n(I) čịwkačan =dE miltereː toːre -n(I) daže.R ịa -k =kEnE dʒewet -E-L =dE ịa -L =dE araj.Y dʒirge -RI -mdEs -E-Lmountain =ptl be -nonfut -3sg river =ptl sound -ep-poss.3sg be.heard -nonfut -3sg songbird =ptl plenty speak -3sg even.R what -nom =contr wasp -ep-pl =ptl what -pl =ptl ptl.Y buzz -impf.ptc -sml -ep-plгора =ptl быть -nonfut -3sg river =ptl звук -ep-poss.3sg быть.heard -nonfut -3sg songbird =ptl plenty говорить -3sg even.R что -nom =contr wasp -ep-pl =ptl что -pl =ptl ptl.Y buzz -impf.ptc -sml -ep-plThere were mountains there, a sound of the river was heard, lots of birds were singing, and it appears that even, uhm bees or something were buzzing once .
- GNMDʒeː tar.dʒe.Y tarptl.Y distptl.Y distSo, that's it.
- DMAha.ahaaff.intjaff.intjYes.